Joe Rogan is racist. If you like Joe Rogan, I am going to assume you are racist, and I am going to conduct the remainder of whatever relationship I am to have with you under the assumption that you are a racist.
— Emilite Gorcenski (@EmilyGorcenski) February 6, 2022
Is this cancel culture? No, it is not.
— Emilite Gorcenski (@EmilyGorcenski) February 6, 2022
If you don’t want to stop liking racist things, then you can instead stop telling me about how you like them.
— Emilite Gorcenski (@EmilyGorcenski) February 6, 2022
Ronald Brownstein was just arguing this morning that this crap is somehow inevitable. And yet, we hear in the Playbook that Democrats are retreating from it because it is too toxic for San Francisco.

Funny? It is going to be the Democrats who are going to put all their queers back in the closet. We have reached peak queer. The filth is too much to take for all but the blind.
“Newsom is lifting mask mandates”
“I’ve seen the truck rebellion in Ottawa and I’m scared it could happen here.”
Finger in the wind, sentiment is blowing against libtardism.
The only way Californian can be saved if it falls into the pacific.
What use to be a wonderful and beautiful state,
where ppl came to get a fresh start, without class distinctions and good jobs.
It was known as “the WHITE state”, in the 1920’s.