1. There’s no journalism anymore, it’s all propaganda and lies. Uncle Joe would be proud of what the US turned into.

  2. Liberal democracy haven´t died

    This is “Liberal Democracy” in it´s full glory when contested it´s works as it always was supposed to do

    “Liberal Democracy” is tyranny by the unfit and unworthy!.Best way to describe it would be a global IRL rerun of the movie “Revenge of the nerds”

  3. Is Canada the “test run” for US? The credibility of our Anti-White overlords is weaking fast. As their propaganda collapses, they have nothing else to resort to than brute force.

  4. Wouldn’t it be nice if Canadian Truck Drivers was having a big rally in support of White Nationalism and taking the country back from the Super Rich? Oh but that’s not gonna happen because the establishment “Conservatives” in Canada will never talk about Faith and Race. Deo Vindice !

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