NEW: @CBS / @YouGov
— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) March 1, 2022
President Biden Job Approval
Approve 44%
Disapprove 56%
41% Russia/Ukraine
39% Crime
38% Economy
37% Immigration
30% Inflation
Should the US send troops to Ukraine?
Yes: 29%
No: 71%
Feb 24-28 / 2,238 Adultshttps://t.co/4zOs6Xa4yO pic.twitter.com/QCSMknZsy1
CNN POLL: Most Americans in new poll oppose direct US military action to stop Russia
— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) March 1, 2022
42% favor direct U.S. military action against Russia
58% are opposed to such a move
83% of respondents favored economic sanctions against Russiahttps://t.co/eJucbhjNSm
I'd be interested to see the Venn diagram of Twitter heroes who said "we can't wade into a mess in Syria" and then watched over a half million people die for years but are now telling me that we should just start World War III before next weekend.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) March 1, 2022
If you think intervention is worth World War III in Ukraine – and yes, I understand the arguments for that – then just say it. Because this cocked-up warplan in UKR is not the plan that will come off the shelf if NATO intervenes.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) March 1, 2022
Is the political establishment capable of doing the BARE MINIMUM of governance and resisting the temptation to steer our country into an apocalyptic collision with Russia, which possesses the largest nuclear arsenal on earth outside our country, over Ukraine where we have no vital interest at stake or will likes, retweets, self-righteousness and virtue signaling on Twitter carry the day?
Note: It has gotten to the point where @RadioFreeTom is getting afraid of his mentions.

This poll is from the 5 days ending on 28 Feb. I’m very curious to see how many people have bought into the hamfisted jingoist ranting of the past week from the blue checkmark people.
These blue checkmark people better home I’m never their leader. They will stand trial for crimes against humanity.
Moshiach is everything to these “people”. Moshiach is all that matters.
The only consistent belief of Hannity, Tucker, Tulsi, Charlie Kirk, anyone on Fox, is that they hate Muslims. The whole anti refugee attitude has vaporized in a blink. They all took a glib “what’s Aleppo” blind eye attitude when Putin was bombing Syria. They all praised Putin for getting Obama out of his red line ultimatum. There must be a God as they can’t say; “what’s Kiev”? [ps though Chalie Kirk’s other core value is his hatred of the French as he disses them every day]. These people have no real values.
“Elections matter. And when folks vote, they order what they want — and in this case they got what they asked for.
Kamala Harris, February 28, 2022.
Americans were opposed to entering WWII, too, so what did the FDR admin do? Insult and provoke the shit out of the Japanese, knowing Japan and Germany had a pact to back each other up in the event war was declared on one or the other.
The hypocrisy of all this self-righteous blather about “Russian aggression” stinks to high heaven. Where was it when the U.S. regime launched an unprovoked war and conquest of Iraq–based on patent lies about “weapons of mass destruction.” War and aggression are just fine for our Deep State and its foreign lackies if the right people are beneficiaries.
“42% favor direct U.S. military action against Russia”
The fact an opinion poll (whether completely believable or not, or even a good enough sample) can return that sort of result should signify it’s too late. The “sane” 58% cannot survive when 42% are so stupid, so irresponsible, so lobotomized & so dangerous, they’d happily start WW3 & cause a nuclear war.
Throughout history, stupid zealots have caused countless wars so I suppose it’s only a matter of time until the most stupid population in the history of mankind (modern westerners) cause the last war with their madness.
Hopefully people are starting to turn of the lying media and get their information from reliable sources online.
I wonder what a poseidon or three would do to that brightly-lit corridor of chattering warmongering wickedness on Twatter. At 200 MT each, generating a 1500-meter tsunami of highly radioactive sea-water, they might end up getting a bit more war than they were planning for if they keep pushing for it. This rises beyond their usual level of stupidity and evil which is really saying something. They never seem to learn, nor are they interested in learning anything truthful at all. Betcha not one of them ever read the item below in their highly advanced degrees in Feminist Studies and the Critical Race / Whiteness Theories of Micro-agression Prevention. It was after-all penned by some dead white guy so Professor Doktor Schekelstein said they could safely ignore it.
“As it will be in the future, it was so at the birth of man; there are only four things certain, since social progress began: that the dog returns to his vomit, and the sow returns to her mire, and the burnt fool’s bandaged finger goes wobbling back to the fire, and after this is accomplished, and the Brave New World begins, when all men are paid for existing, and no man must pay for his sins, as surely as water will wet us, as surely as fire will burn, the Gods of the Copybook Headings, with terror, and slaughter, return.”
– Rudyard Kipling
The big concern here is that 42% of Americans want to start WW3. After a few weeks of propaganda, the government will easily be able to push that number up to a firm majority. Americans, especially boomers, cannot deal with the fact that the USA is no longer the center of the universe.