Identity Dixie: Why I Support Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Padraig Martin argues that the war in Ukraine is a tragic, but necessary response by Putin to clean out a rats’ nest of globalism on his border before the cancer spreads into Russia.

Identity Dixie:

“I have nothing against the Ukrainian people.  I have been to Ukraine and Russia.  Antonovs and Ilyushins were critical to my work from 2002 – 2019.  I worked extensively with both nationalities.  Many of the Ukrainians I met considered themselves ethnically Russian.  Many did not.  I liked them very much.  Regardless, this is not about the Ukrainian people.  This is about the Ukrainian government.  I fully support the invasion of Ukraine by Vladamir Putin.  Here is my reasoning.

Ukraine has been used by Western globalists as a base of operations for decadence, depravity, and cultural assault for the better part of two decades, but especially since 2014.  In essence, Kiev has been the launch point for anti-White and anti-Christian propaganda leveled not only at Russians, but also Eastern European neighbors, such as Belarus, Hungary, and Poland.  The latter two have had to fight off these calculated attacks on their culture and faith emanating from Kiev through democratic processes and sheer willpower.  The former has done so through a tightened grip on internal affairs by President Alexander Lukashenko. 

Whereas Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Poland’s Andrzej Duda have no love for the Russians – and therefore, will certainly not support an invasion of Ukraine – they also likely know that Kiev is the center-point of anti-Hungarian and anti-Polish leftist activity facilitated by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) which seek to undermine their governments.  Specifically, two organizations have aggressively sought the destruction of traditional Western civilization: the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the Open Society Foundations (OSF).  In fact, Orban and Duda have openly railed against the activity that has largely come out of Ukraine.  Duda called it an “ideological hurricane” in 2020, while in 2021, Orban called George Soros, founder of the OSF, the “most corrupt man in the world.”  But neither could do anything about Ukraine, thanks to their European Union affiliations.  Yet, despite the aggressive leftist assaults on Eastern European traditional values, Russia has been the main target of leftwing globalist attacks.  The Russians rightfully have had enough. …

In effect, Kiev has become a rats’ nest of regime change on behalf of leftwing globalists.  Zelenskyy is hardly a leader.  He plays one on television, but the actual leadership appears to be a combination of George Soros and Langley.  The continued interference in Russian affairs on behalf of globalization and immorality has led to an understandable Russian response.  At present, it appears they seek to solidify their position among ethnic Russians and protect them from the same kind of harm that occurred after 2014’s undemocratic overthrow of an elected Ukrainian president who happened to be pro-Russian. Furthermore, it appears that Zelenskyy and Ukraine knew that Russia would eventually seek to clean out the rats’ nest, and as such, desperately pleaded for NATO admission.  Such an ascension to a clearly anti-Russian military alliance at the door of Russia was a provocation of immeasurable proportions.  The United States could have provided assurances that Ukraine would remain a neutral state.  Instead, it played coy little games with Moscow while seeking to defend their intelligence backwater.  Putin, for his part, was in no mood to play games with the safety of his country or Russian national integrity.  Whereas I feel horrible for the Ukrainian people, I feel no sympathy for the leftwing patsies in Kiev. 

Russia was right to invade Ukraine.”

This is a real dilemma.

If a foreign country declared war on ZOG with the intention of liberating us from the various mafias that control our government, would you defend the regime, defend your country out of patriotism or cooperate?

Note: FOX News is raging against Russian oligarhs. They have nothing to say about the Jewish oligarchs who control our own country.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I always think of this if a populist uprising arose with a mission to dissolve the “intelligence community” and MIC, I believe foreign security help would be needed because I’m sure the fed mafias would murder anyone that tried to bring them down.

  2. As I said on another forum:

    “Let’s put this NATO/WEF/BIDEN Ukrainian war with Russia into perspective, with some help from Mr. A (link below).

    Ukrainians are nice, simple peasants.
    Like American Bubbas in the South.

    Russia is their more intelligent brother.
    Like the REAL Yankees in the North.

    Zelensky is the gay Jewish crossdressing actor who leads Ukraine.
    Like Lindsey Graham is the Senator of S.C.

    The Entire Apparatus of the West; Soros, Biden, Schwab, EU/ WEF, NATO etc.?
    It’s basically the economic equivalent to an American Southernor of the Church of Rome.

    Putin is looked on as an enemy, but he is like Christ on a White Horse. He stands for catholic/orthodox Christendom. But the Baptists don’t trust him/it… as they usually do.

    And the Jews? Still the antichrist race they always were…”

  3. The Leauge is almost united on the side of Russia and always have been as far back as 2014 and so am i
    To me is about Christianity and traditional Christian values and i know Russia will be vindicated in the end by our Lord

    And those who profess to be us and falsely stand for our cause, the violators of women and children the Azov and Adair will get their just punishment at the hands of those they wronged all these years

    • Putin is after the biolabs the Khazarian mobsters peppered Ukraine with. How bad can he be since he built a big beautiful cathedral for his people? It is absolutely breathtaking, old world style.

  4. “The United States could have provided assurances that Ukraine would remain a neutral state. Instead, it played coy little games with Moscow while seeking to defend their intelligence backwater. Putin, for his part, was in no mood to play games with the safety of his country or Russian national integrity. Whereas I feel horrible for the Ukrainian people, I feel no sympathy for the leftwing patsies in Kiev.”

    And there it is! a perfect summary and include into this the constant ongoing warcrimes against the civilian population of the Donbass and Lugansk area in the East

    Whatever you may think of them the Russians are fully in their right here and he who is right and true is with God

  5. Some regimes are too strong to taken down from inside. Outside push might be necessary. Like in Kampuchea. Vietnamese Army and next government weren’t the best but getting rid from Pol Poth was worth temporary discomfort.

    In Eastern Europe is also conspiracy theory that collapse of Soviet Union was CIA spetsop. There is even book Perestroika Deception. Well, whatever, Soviet Union is gone and everybody has better off whatever happened.

    With the regimes, first move and breaking ice is always most important and getting this first help justifies discomfort or even war.

    • Maybe the moneymakers know something about financial system and reserve currency what we don’t and do not want to go down with sinking ship. The end of USD is also the end of Empire.

      Few months before collapse, Soviet Union was also relatively normal country and nobody could believe that something may happen soon. Soros success and takeover of former Eastern Bloc was largely caused by fact that even most hardcore nationalists were completely unprepared for a such rapid collapse, so power was left on the streets and George grabbed it first.

    • So do I. Strange response considering their overall position in Globo-Pedo. Maybe the non-elite Jews there have unpleasant taste in mouth from their treatment at the hands of their own elite using the COVID excuse? Don’t really know, and don’t really much care. It’s their country let them deal with it as they will.

  6. Russia does not have oligarchs, they have billionaires. Putin got rid of the oligarchs, they are all in England now.

  7. “If a foreign country declared war on ZOG with the intention of liberating us from the various mafias that control our government, would you defend the regime, defend your country out of patriotism or cooperate?”

    That’s a great question… depending on who was doing the “liberating”, what form the liberation would take afterwards, and under what auspices, the answer is most likely I would not defend TPTB.

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