BREAKING: Mastercard and Visa suspend all operations in Russia
— BNO News (@BNONews) March 5, 2022
AMEX: “In light of Russia’s ongoing, unjustified attack on the people of Ukraine, American Express is suspending all operations in Russia. .. Additionally, cards issued locally in Russia by Russian banks will no longer work outside of the country ..” $AXP https://t.co/oMbPfdGJbJ
— Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla) March 6, 2022
Netflix is suspending service in Russia in protest of the invasion of Ukraine. https://t.co/vbyJzDebwr pic.twitter.com/vJ9vTNcAI0
— IGN (@IGN) March 6, 2022
Guys, this will never happen here.
Here in the Free World, we would never create a neoliberal corporate blacklist and a social credit system and just start adding millions of people to some kind of database on a whim based on their problematic political and cultural views. We believe in free speech here. We would never allow Twitter outrage mobs to make policy decisions that imperil our national security.
Rest assured, we can join FOX News in cheering on this economic and financial warfare against Russia in absolute confidence that one day it won’t be, say, the entire state of Arkansas that gets canceled for some reason. FOX News won’t deplatformed one day by cable companies and satellites like RT.
How many times do I have to repeat it, there is now difference between Republican and Democrat. Both are equally corrupt, bought and sold. The Republicans pretend they’re on your side while they stab you in the back. The Democrats are at least honest with their hatred and contempt for you, especially if you’re White.
To give the impression of choice and ‘democracy’, there has to be two parties with token differences. The problem is, they have a unity ticket with the big issues. Fake democracy is only a feature of the West. Most other cultures don’t bother with it, with some exceptions.
During election time, you’ll see them in a televised debate arguing over minor things nobody has an opinion about, fooling the public into believing there’s real difference, when in fact, there just isn’t.
Mass immigration, wars, foreign aid, offshoring, LGBTQBLAH rights…………supported by both sides.
Fake democracy with the Republicrats in the Israeli capital of Washington DC.
The picture says it all.
I looked at getting a Unionpay gold card and it does not seem possible for Americans right now. This is a huge company now. Shlomo is playing with Zyklon-B. I suspect Shlomo had inside information about Russia, China and India going off the Petro$hekel and are willing to start a nuclear war to stop it.
There is a reasonable chance that you are right about this. China and Russia have been working on alternatives for both SWIFT and Petro$hekel. If they’re ready to roll, India will likely join along with quite a few others. Most of the planet is sick and tired of Uncle Schmuel and the Swindler’s List gang who pull his strings.
It looks as if the future belongs to Red China, India and possibly Russia and Brazil, not the Great Satan and the Little Satan. But how will that new global dynamic affect Uncle Shmuli and his counterfeit state of Israel?
Venezuela and Iran will benefit hugely from having Shlomo’s boot off their necks. Never thought I would be cheering for Iran but they are better than Sunnis who teamed up with Shlomo.
Maybe if Russia is not allowed access to these woke corporations, the country will flourish more than it already has.
Whatever you may think of Putin he’s no dumbbell. I don’t doubt he’s seen this as a potential move against him and he’s planned countermeasures. We’ll see.
If the jews own the credit card companies and charge exorbitant usury interest on credit cars and Netflix pumps out Woke jewish garbage doesn’t this go in the Win column for Russia?
Moshiach loves you bubbala. And he needs you, and he wants you, and he has just got to have you, in your very special place. You are not a girth phobe are you kyke?
Since you asked a reasonable question… Yes, it’s definitely to the benefit of the Russian people to have fewer usurers and less access to the toxic garbage pumped out by Pedowood. Russia should have banned all of them long ago. China has largely banned them already. As we’ve noted several times, Russia has its own (((oligarch))) problem. He obviously has nothing approaching the power Xi has in China. The oligarchs should have their assets taken be force, stripped of citizenship and deported to Israel where they can be added to the phonebook there – known as Swindler’s List. No country on earth needs the Synagogue of Satan.
I remember when North Carolina said no tranny bathrooms. Quite a few big corporations said they were not going to do business with the State government until the law changed. Fortunately, it didn’t get to the point of cutting off financial services, but it is the logical next step. North Carolina has hardly been alone in being targeted. Several Southern states have been targeted for boycotts by large corporations and even other state governments. California is particularly fond of boycotting Southern states over culture war issues.
I’ve never worked in the upper echelons of these big corporations, but by their communist blackmail I suspect they are staffed full of jews, and east coast gentiles who grew up in heavily jewish suburbs. My sister was “too good” for the midwest and moved to the hyper wealthy DC suburbs and from her stories it seems there are tons of jews out there rubbing shoulders with her and her kids. Her brother in law married one, her daughter works for one, she worked for them. Naturally she has all their ideas, I remember her gushing 5 years ago how wonderful it was that trans people are now getting their piece of the pie. Big change from when we were kids chuckling away when Crocodile Dundee was having comic run ins with transvestites with the whole theater in an hilarious uproar. When you have lots of them around, they set the social tone. I really suggest letting that “Accella Coridor” from Boston to DC and it’s suburbs to split off and become an independent country like Singapore. Those people are the source of our ills, they created the troubles in California as well. None of those bums in Portland are actually from there, its a mecca for weirdos, like that movie Warren Beatty made about all those American rabble rousers who moved to Russia in 2017. Getting this cancerous tumor out of the US would be a good start.
May I add that gays don’t like Crocodile Dundee, perhaps good reason to own stuff on DVDs and Blu Ray disks instead of “streaming.” You never know these days when they may decide to “cancel” Crocodile Dundee, or excise certain scenes. People are already complaining about the soundtracks being changed on streaming purchased shows vs. the original property due to non political greed based lawfare from music companies.
California went from being the best state to live in to being one of the worst because of all the Third World migration, especially from south of the border. This was beyond the control of the state government and people.
The decision to throw open the southern border was made in Washington at the behest of ‘bidnessmen’, many of them farmers, ranchers and building contractors who wanted an endless supply of cheap labor. The Democrats also favored immigration to replace White people with colored people who would reflexively vote Democrat guaranteeing them permanent political control.
The middle class suburban types hired illegals to do drudge work around their homes too because it was cheaper to have a crew of illegals picked up from the parking lot of Home depot than paying a proper wage. Ultimately this “cheap” labor cost White people in California their children’s future as the state turned brown.
The Republicans of course did the bidding of their donors and never tried to close the border and end immigration even when the public overwhelmingly favored ending immigration. Gov. Reagan railed against the crazies at Berkley and UCLA but wouldn’t cut off state funding to universities, the rat holes where the Left flourishes. When he became President Regan he sponsored an amnesty for illegal aliens while lying to his constituents that this would solve the problem of the open border.
The Democrats turned red California into permanently blue California primarily through immigration. They couldn’t have done it however without the help of their “conservative” Republican allies. The insanity of trannies, queers and all the rest followed the colored population change in California. The trannies/queers cannot abide anyone disagreeing with them because they are insane and evil and don’t like normal people in states like N. Carolina pointing out their insanity.
To paraphrase the late Bob Whitaker: Anything they use against anyone today they will use against us tomorrow.