Why did Zemmour fade and Le Pen surge in the French presidential election?@compactmag_ has the one piece of analysis you need to read.
— Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) April 11, 2022
Bottom line: Zemmour went against his own insight from 2019: The French right can’t rely on the bourgeoisie. https://t.co/jx6iYcL2w8
Results for France's established conservative and center-left parties in the presidential election are extremely grim. Pecresse is projected for just around *5%* of the vote, Hidalgo at 2%. Together they don't even amount to double digits
— Populism Updates (@PopulismUpdates) April 10, 2022
“The results cement the idea that France has moved beyond the traditional left-right divide that has dominated post-war politics, and towards a battle pitching anti-immigration nationalists, represented by Le Pen, against pro-European progressives who are open to globalization.”
— Paul Demko (@pauldemko) April 11, 2022
Let’s see.
Yeah, it doesn’t look that way to me.
Jupiter is only up 3.2% with 98% reporting.

It looks like the sandnigger is worried that Whites around the world are starting to wake up.
With retards like this leading America First, it won’t matter if they wake up.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
“There is only one race.
The human race.
Skin color, hair color and texture, height, weight, different features are all just identifying features that make us each unique.”
America First = Respectable Conservatism 2.0, but dumber.
How convenient. Zemmour siphoned away just enough votes to give Macron a likely win
Good insight. I hadn’t noticed that.
The French have no good candidate to vote for.
Meanwhile, Pakistan is getting a Juan Guaido. The Empire won against Pakistan today. It’s also a strike against China, Russia, Afghanistan and Iran.
I saw that
Re: the U.S.’s latest regime change is a big one, more consequential than which Zionist wins the (s)election in France.
The people obviously do not want it – largest street protests in the history of Pakistan: https://twitter.com/hashtag/RevolutionBlackedOut?src=hashtag_click But can the will of any people prevail against the bribery power of the Almighty Dollar?
Imran Khan was always an irritant to the Empire, and finally refused to support the war against Russia in Khazarkraine:
There are large protests against the coup now. It’s maybe possible the coup could fail if the bribed traitors feel like their necks are on the line.
Be very afraid, jew-lackey dune coon.
This Fareed character looks like a dried up piece of old shoe leather. He needs to go back to Pakistan and start humping goats again. I don’t care what he has to say about anything.
I sometimes wish this website would inject more humour into it’s content via cartoons, or some funny, very on point, contributers. Humour cuts through, and sends a message in a way people find educational and entertaining.
The truth is best served up with a dollop of laughter.
It’s a good way to reel in a bigger audience, too.