1. All U.S. (Talmudic) proxy wars are “lend lease.” The Anglo-Talmudic Empire of the Almighty Dollar intends to get its investment in “spreading freedom and democracy” paid back in full, with interest. The proxies must pay and the victims must pay.

    But God, the truly Almighty, could surprise the global Elites, and make THEM pay trillions in reparations for all the damage and deaths that They have caused. Khazarkraine/Nudelmanland with all its hate, death and destruction is all THEIR handiwork. Let the world know the truth, the truth that makes men free.

    “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” The mills of God grind slowly, but grind exceeding fine.

  2. You can’t say “Ukraine is none of our business,” because “Ukraine” (Khazarkraine/Nudelmanland) is YOU!

    It is nothing BUT your business. You can’t wash your hands of it.

    It’s been YOU for a lot more than 31 years, but here is a Global Times graphic of the last 31 years of the U.S.’s preparation of Khazarkraine as a proxy force to be used against Russia:


  3. The U.S. sank the largest ship in the Russian Black Sea fleet, and also carried out a successful coup in Pakistan, against the obvious will of the people, who staged the largest street demonstrations in the history of Pakistan.

    The newly U.S. -(s)elected puppet-president Shehbaz Sharif, and the Pakistani military leadership that the U.S. controls completely, went straight to work attacking Afghanistan on behalf of the U.S.. As I said many times before, the Empire is not done with Afghanistan!

  4. When those asshole politicians and media commentators say “we have to do more to help Ukraine” what they really mean is “we have to do more to prolong and expand the war in Ukraine”.

  5. If the U.S. puts troops on the ground in Ukraine, I expect Russia to launch a massive offensive to take all of Ukraine plus quite possibly some of the East European states: Poland and Estonia most notably. Russia has been prepared for every move America has made. They will be prepared for a hot war if America escalates.

    If any OD reader is within 50 miles of one of America’s major urban cities on either coast line – NYC, LA, and DC especially – then prepare yourself for a nuclear strike. Its not the radiation that will kill you immediately in the event of a strike, its heat wave from the initial blast, which lasts for a few seconds and will give third degree burns if you’re too close to ground zero.

    • the Cold War was damn hot during the time that I was in elementary school and high school . During that time, there were ‘Fallout Shelters” in many public building in the event of a nuclear war. They no longer exist, just some “ghost signs” that on a few buildings are left.

      To be honest, surviving a nuclear strike nearby “Ground Zero” of a nuclear airburst is probably the worse than being vaporized.

  6. Bunch of traitors throw open our border with Mexico but send billions to defend Ukraine. They are the enemy – not Russia.

    • It is because our “leaders” now allow the de facto conquest of the United States through our open southern border that I really don’t give a shit if Russia swallows up all of Ukraine. The millions of third worlders streaming into the US who will effectively destroy the future of my children and grand children is my concern, not that faggots can’t have public sex in Lviv, Odessa or Kiev.

  7. You have made clear your opposition to the Ukraine policy of the current administration. But what is your alternative? Do you think the Western allies of Ukraine should just stand by while the country is occupied by Russia, even if this leads to massacres and the forced Russification of Ukraine? Because this could very well be the result of choosing not to support Ukraine.

    And what if Putin decides to attack other countries he considers part of his sphere of influence and where he deems Russians are under threat, like the Baltic states? Presumably you think this should not go unopposed. Is it the case that you prefer the costs of this to rest solely on the shoulders of the Europeans? Should American resources only be used when the enemy armies are landing on the beaches of Florida? I am interested to hear your views.

    • If NATO had been dissolved and replaced by an EU military, I doubt the situation would have ever blown up like this because it was British and American senators who were egging it on and arming Ukraine and pushing Zelensky in this direction while the French and Germans wanted to avoid the conflict

    • ” just stand by while the country is occupied by Russia”

      The two are close kin.
      Historically they have been connected,
      let it return.

      • Exactly. Stop enabling the bloodshed and destruction. Blood is more valuable than politics, which are ever-changing.

    • “Do you think the Western allies of Ukraine should just stand by while the country is occupied by Russia, even if this leads to massacres and the forced Russification of Ukraine?”

      Yes. Obviously, this would be a good thing.

      “And what if Putin decides to attack other countries he considers part of his sphere of influence and where he deems Russians are under threat, like the Baltic states?”

      That would be great. Hopefully he would glass the fake country of Poland while he’s at it.

    • This is what’s wrong with White people who believe everything they are told on the jewsmedia and believe in an antiwhite US government which openly criticizes and demeans their own White citizens. Evidently this guy doesn’t know or doesn’t care that in 2014 the antiwhite US gov spent $5 Billion to overthrow the legitimately elected Ukraine gov that the US gov didn’t like, and installed a puppet regime controlled by jews. That that regime has funded neo-Nazi gangs to slaughter ethnic Russians — Ukraine citizens, some 14,000 of them who lived in Ukraine’s Eastern Provinces of Dombass and Donetsk. On top of those outrageous acts sanctioned by the antiwhite US gov, they flooded Kiev with faggotry, rampant sexual degeracy, feminism, and nonwhite immigration just as the jews have done here in our American homeland. And for these past 8 years, NATO, an American led warmongering organization, has been flooding the country with weapons and inviting Ukraine to join NATO and the European Union and ignoring Russia’s attempts at compromise, ignoring the consequences of possible nuclear war, and then, blaming Russia for finally acting in it’s own defense. There is nothing that indicates to me that Putin is doing anything but protecting his homeland from US gov led Western aggression.

    • @ Van Speyk,

      Yes. Make Ukraine Russia again. Why would that be such an awful thing?

      I want Germany to regain all their lost territory from Poland and Russia, including areas that long was occupied by ethnic Germans. If that is not currently possible, I would settle for an unthought of alliance between Russia and Germany. Between German industrial innovations, and Russia’s abundance of natural resources they would be a juggernaut that NATO could not compete with, and the EU and US would fear economically.


      • The Prussian state must be reconstituted and the Hohenzollerns returned to the German/Prussian throne, even if only in a ceremonial capacity.

      • That is one of the main reasons the Rainbow Empire instigated the war. To keep Germany from buying Russian gas and possibly drifting away from the homo/trans/kangz West. So tired of all my “friends” and everyone else whining that Germany is not adequately anti-Russian. Apparently if the Germans aren’t kept licking jew boots, they are criminals.

    • Do you think the Western allies of Ukraine should just stand by while the country is occupied by Russia, even if this leads to massacres and the forced Russification of Ukraine? Because this could very well be the result of choosing not to support Ukraine.

      Nobody is the formal “ally” of the fake-country Ukraine apart from the Globopedo empire and its Euro-satraps. The only ones doing systematic massacres are the Judeo-Nazis supported by Globopedo. The American people have no interest in the region. I am in favor of whatever weakens and destroys the lawless Globopedo occupation regime in Washington and its numerous servants around the globe.

      And what if Putin decides to attack other countries he considers part of his sphere of influence and where he deems Russians are under threat, like the Baltic states?

      Not our problem. Russia has been more than patient with the monsters who started this war in 2014.

  8. Van Speyk basically makes the same argument that got us into Vietnam in the 1960s.
    Net result = 58,000 dead.
    God, I’m so sick of Empire America!

    • I am going to start calling it the Rainbow Empire or Rainbow Imperium from now on.

  9. Ukraine will be a part of Russia again. Želenský, and the other hirelings in the “Ukrainian government,” will be liquidated, jailed, or exiled.

    Russia is gonna win. US/UKZOG is not.


    The reduction of the Krematorsk pocket has already begun. Mariuopal has fallen. Azovstal steel mill will fall today, or tomorrow.

  10. “God, I’m so sick of Empire America!”
    Total agreement.

    (It is also very dangerous, America is too powerful. It can almost force it’s perverted agenda onto the entire globe. There needs to be counterbalance, lots of it.)

  11. “even if this leads to massacres and the forced Russification of Ukraine?”

    What about the mass slaughter and starvation in Yemen by the Saudi’s ?

    Why is your attention on only the subject the media points to ?

  12. It will be interesting to see how many Americans are captured in the Mariupol cleanup? Will they be on Russian TV? Stay tuned.

  13. The Democrats and Republicans take turns on who’s the biggest Warmonger. Always has been the case really and it’s a big reason why White Nationalists need our own people in government. We don’t fight Wars against other White Nations…we work together with them. Deo Vindice !

  14. Their immigration policy is Babel, their cultural policy is Sodom, and their foreign policy is Armageddon.

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