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This is the data on White Christian Nationalism. The most interesting finding is that White and Christian are such interchangeable terms to such a large swath of the White population that attacks on Christians are conflated with attacks on Whites and vice versa.
In my experience, this is lost on lots of people in the White Nationalist movement. Many of these people don’t associate White and Christian, but millions of normies do. Christian is a code word for White to these people. Attacking Christianity is perceived as an attack on their community.
The New Religion is far worse than the old
Maybe we ought to be defining what “Christianity” is here. As one can read right here at OD, there are more than a few so-called ‘Christians’ who are both white and thoroughly evil. That only represents the shitlib side of the issue, without even mentioning the retarded ‘Christian Zionists’, an utterly oxymoronic term since Zionism (Jewish supremacism) calls for the eradication of Christianity from the face of the planet in service to their ‘god’ Satan.
Whitee Christian nationalism is a futile attempt to reunite members of the White Race back into a group especially since Chrisitan Nationalism is based on an Abrahamic religion which are religions that disguises itself as a cohesive group but in actuality is composed of numerous selfish individuals who are only pious & community-oriented because of the allure of personal award & pleasure in the kingdom of God or Heaven otherwise they get punished for their individualism on Earth or alliegianc to another group.
This is why people are devoutly religious are more prone to selfishness, which is why Christian priests molest children, why Christian parents beat their kids into submission, & why religious people immediately turn against the group the moment the aura of fear and submission, which is pushed by the Church, is broken.
Racial Nationalism however isn’t based on individualism at all because racial cohesion requires group cohesion or uniting all individuals into a whole who devout their lives to protect & grow the race through their own individual talents and abilities as well as support individual members as an eternally valuable part of the racial group. This very idea in fact is what created the White geniuses of history like Da Vinci, Newton, & Watt.
Racial Nationalism is especially an important constitution foundation of the White Race because of the true or anatomical difference that exists between White & Nonwhite people. This very difference is explained here.
Hence why Racial Nationalism is the way forward and White Christian Nationalism is not.
Racial nationalism will never go anywhere because the most bitter and intense divide in the country is the cultural divide between Whites.
If every non-White in the country vanished tomorrow and America was miraculously transformed into a White ethnostate, you would be left with millions of seething, hostile shitlibs who would instantly start to sabotage the project.
Being White is one thing. Appreciating it is another. There would be no affinity between Whites in the White ethnostate and it would collapse due to the radical difference in values. White identity is a source of guilt and shame to those people who devote their lives to Doing The Work to replace the Bad Whites and tearing down the country to its foundations.
Who besides White Nationalists wants to unite with those people? I certainly don’t. I know from experience due to their disruption of all our previous events over the years what a bad idea it is. I want to separate from them because I don’t share any of their beliefs or values.
Yes. I want a total divorce from these lunatics, many of whom are as white as me – even founding stock of the country. Jews self-identify as non-white, except when pulling off the old (((hello fellow white person))) lying bullshit, so we’re not talking about them. Obviously they have to go. Even if we somehow managed to get every single Jewish devil out of the country, siezed enough of their stolen lucre to pay all negroes to move to Africa, closed the borders and made the penalty for hiring invaders the loss of your business (causing most to self-deport), we’d still have a serious problem. This is where some white-nationalists are stupidly insane. If I were dictator, Richard Spencer would be on a short list along with many other lunatic shitlibs: They would be leaving one way or another – by plane, by boat, or in body bags (their choice).
I’ve avoided writing about this because I would rather just move on, but there are a lot of lessons to be learned from the collapse of the Alt-Right into a total shitshow and its most prominent figurehead affirming Apolloism and Drag Queen Story Hour.
Good luck finding a country who take Spencer.
” left with millions of seething, hostile shitlibs who would instantly start to sabotage the project”
80 yrs ago, a guy in Europe had this problem.
He put saboteurs in labor camps where they could use their arms and backs instead of flapping their mouths.
Great idea.
Indeed. Nothing like some good manual labor for spoiled brats with too much time on their hands. As the old ones liked to say way back: It builds character (at least for many). Of course there’s always this guy if they insist on keeping up with their bullshit.
Not enough. Führer left out those who said that they are not communists anymore.
Führer was happy to welcome them back and paid the price. Liberals turned National Socialism into Nazism , made all war crimes so Germany and white race still suffering consequences and spied on German army so it leaked all critical information.
So the lesson is, there is no such thing like former communist. Or liberal or whatever name those liars currently use. We shall never ever let those defects into our communities.
I disagree. The (non Ernst Rohm homosexual) socialist, national socialists like the Strasser Brothers or really the White Soviets of the 1970s were fine in my book, just look who the international Js hated/hate now.
The Max Boot hate on Putin, White racially aware Russians is the same as their hatred of us.
The Trotsky J Communists/Lib Leftists in New York City became the cursed Neo Conservatives because they knew White Slavic people in Russia, Ukraine in the Soviet Union and the Soviet dominated Warsaw Pact had taken pretty much all power back from ethnic Js – they pushed the line that
“It was all the fault of Stalin and later the Conservative Soviets”.
Just look at the Soviet sports teams from the 1970s – all White, including the USSR basketball team that beat the (racially integrated) USA Olympic basketball team in 1972.
Senile old and out of it Reagan especially in his second term 1984-88 screwed up everything. We wasted the 1980s fighting our kinsmen the White European Russians in places like Afghanistan – how did that work out?
Antagonization of Russia should have ended when the Wall fell. Now the West has pushed them into the arms of China. Could lead to bad consequences for everyone, but the West has obviously chosen suicide either way.
Racial nationalism will never go anywhere because the most bitter and intense divide in the country is the cultural divide between Whites.
What was the original foil used to sow division among Whites? — it was anti-racism, what is now usually called civil rights — the concept of civil rights was then expanded and used to foist all kinds of egregious nonsense on intimidated and compliant Whites, including Christians:
link — What lawlessness. You really throw out all the rules when it comes to trans.
For example, I bet you didn’t know that single sex bathrooms in schools were a means for the ‘perpetuation of stereotypes’, which is ‘one of the many forms of invidious discrimination’.
Without the original foil of anti-racism, I doubt we would be where we are today, i.e. a ‘house dividing’.
Obviously, along with your original misguided response to COVID, this is where we definitely differ ideologically — and here I think you are also wrong.
A White ethno-state is a terrible idea for precisely the reasons you mentioned which is why I don’t advocate one. You are right on the verge of coming over to my side Brad if you would just put the pieces of the puzzle together, and realize the shit doesn’t add up, and make sense. I remember the movie American History X and when Derek Vineyard finally realized the movement and his ideology was all bullshit it was like weights lifting off of him. I pray you do the same oneday Brad.
LOL…yes, a jew Hollywood movie is always the best thing to reference for great ideas!
No one is born with racial self hatred or what you call “modernist” values. The ideology of treason is the product of indoctrination and reinforced by the incentive structure of the System. Our future will not be secure until the inner enemy is removed from power and their white children are indoctrinated in the correct values reinforced by new incentives.
But the divisions among our peoples go back much further than the modern ZOG system. The history of our race since the fall of the Roman Empire has been fratricidal conflicts that Christianity not only failed to stop but was often the cause. When the Turks were checked at Vienna it wasn’t Christian unity but a brief moment of racial unity, as we went right back to killing each other in the name of providence or whatever.
When the WHITE AMERICAN sees his neighborhood turned into a barrio because of mestizo scab labor his reaction is racial, while the Christian American sees brothers in Christ who will help own the libs on abortion and gay marriage.
The culture divide between coastal libtard and flag/bible red staters is just another intra-Christian conflict like those that have crippled our race and made us weak before the rising tide of color.
I agree with you, Brad. I consider myself a racial nationalist, yet I definitely don’t believe that we can unite with White anti-Whites. I believe most Whites are gone, and we will never get them on our side. They are too emotionally connected to their universalistic beliefs and will never be swayed. They have a strange idea that it is immoral to love their own race and moral to love all the other races.
However, I also believe that we have millions of Whites who are on our side and can be the “material” we use to build one or more homelands on this continent after the United States collapses due to the ruling class’s policies and the crazy politically correct far left ideas.
You know it’s ironic. HAC, no matter what you think of him, promoted a White homeland in case Whites had to save themselves if things went pear shaped. Most people gave him endless grief over it. Yet here we are circling back around to the idea of a White redoubt.
HAC was right about the general idea of the redoubt but massive wrong on many of the details. For example, his ‘Cascadia’ is in the heartland of massive shitlibbery in the Pacific NW. The whites there are some of the very worst in the entire country in terms of being ant-white. The other thing he failed to understand is that moving to a particular place is pointless unless the regime in Sodom-on-Potomac loses much power. That’s one reason the recent SC decision was encouraging – it tossed an important issue back to the states. You’ll note that all of the rabid shitlibs in congress along with R-cuck allies are working to write laws to federalize the issue again. Ever see a Repuke congress work to un-do a SC decision so fast?? (Hell no).
What’s notable about this blowhard is that the whole notion of this sort of lecture (and discourse within the university in general) has been so bastardized, so dumbed-down, made so obsolete and pointless by modern methods of communication, that the monopoly these people over academia matters less and less and the impression given of some sort of intellectual authority is effectively lost. “Conspiracy theory” and “anti-intellectualism” carry no weight as they did in the days of the Jew historian “Richard Hofstadter.” The mad plots and obsessions of the so-called “elites” and the way they constantly broadcast them to the world makes it impossible to credit these people, as impossible as it is for the average person to listen seriously to a sermon by a typical preacher.
“White Christian nationalism” – this is something a large section of the population over 75 in the Western world remembers living in. At least the way these people defined it. And yes, most of those people recognize it as “the good old days.” There’s no doubt about that.
These degenerate “academics” carrying water for the Jews are engaged in a futile effort, everybody knows these shitlibs have ruined society.
Everyone who remembers Western society being white and Christian knows well what they have done. They are trying to destroy our fundamental institutions in order to destroy us. And they’ve been trying to do that for a long time.
The question is, how long before these people start contemplating sending drones to attack church services as was recently done in Syria? They probably burned down Notre Dame de Paris, they promoted the Kamloops hoax, defending the resulting church arsons and the historic mission in Los Angeles was burned during the Floyd riots. These people are already engaged, and have been engaged for centuries, in supporting merciless violence against Christians and clergy, as was seen in the Spanish Civil War. They always made apology for the suppression of religion by the Communists, as if it were something they would do themselves if they could. They made apology for the Soviet Union and now they make apology for the atrocities of the Ukrainian regime, whose forces burn historic monasteries in retreat and target churches with artillery. The most systematic discrimination in the United States is done by means of what has been called “positive discrimination” overseas. That is to say, affirmative action, by its very nature is discrimination. These shitlib rats may as well pretend scenes of looting and arson are “mostly peaceful” as pretend that there is not systematic discrimination against white Christian men in job selection and admissions.
Don’t think some half-wit shitlib Ted Talk style lecture about “Christian Nationalism” (ie, the “good old days” most people remember) carries any weight with normal people. You people crossed your Rubicon.
Mr. Wallace, I honestly hope you are right and I am wrong…..but I think this open embrace of Christian nationalism that you are cheerleading will not lead to election victories for the republicans. Do you want to see republicans lose as a form of accelerationism? Is it not better to simply focus on populist issues such as the problem of open borders and inflation?
Just one example, and it could be of many, Doug Mastriano is getting his ass kicked in the polls right now by Jewish Josh Shapiro. In today’s poll Jewish Josh is ahead by 13 percentage points. This is not the only poll showing Jewish Josh in the lead. Don’t get me wrong. I hope Mastriano wins….and if I was a Pennsylvania resident, I’d vote for him (and hold my nose to vote for OZ)….but I’m not sure this will our in the way you think it will. Perhaps I’ve misunderstood your reasoning. Correct me if I’m wrong.
I’m just observing the trend, trolling a bit and sharing my thoughts on it. I think it is a good thing for Christians to snap out of their passivity and to quit rationalizing their dispossession. I also think it is an improvement over MAGA, which was gay and Jewish, and that Christian nationalism is the equivalent of waving a red flag in front of a bull and will inevitably lead to conflict with the Jews.
>… MAGA, which was gay and Jewish
That and civic nationalist.
Here’s one for you:
link — Becoming more optimistic about America as the people who represent everything that has gone wrong with it become more depressed.
Note the tweet (or neet) from Max Boot he is commenting upon.
@Brad Mastriano is an old name in Pennsylvania politics. He will slap the Jewperson all over the place, and draw votes from both parties.
Even more interesting is that Mastriano is an Italian Protestant, and he will roll all over Shapiro.
Forget the Jew push polling, or even outright lying, Mastriano will win big. Take this as professional advice.
I don’t know much about him. I would rather Mastriano win though than Dr. Oz.
Fetterman will win, but, probably die shortly before taking office, or while in office, and Mastriano will get to appoint the next US Senator to fill out the unexpired term.
That’s the way to bet.
Dr. Mehmet Oz Would Support Codifying Same-Sex Marriage
Losing out in short-term goals like elections is worth the price of accomplishing the long-term goal of shifting the overton window. Hanania made a good article on how Republicans tend to lose in the long term due to their fixation on immediate goals like grifting & winning elections. They’ve been an spiritually & intellectually bankrupt movement with no serious political vision or long term planning. This is why we often see the cringy DR3 talking points. Republicans will say literally anything to win or keep their grift going. Another example is Trump’s term in office. Not much that really matters was accomplished during his 4 years. Trump’s lack of political vision rendered him inconsequential & the 4 years felt like a waste. So getting Republicans in office is kinda overrated at this point.
Right now, normiecons are starting to embrace a political philosophy that would result in Jews being dethroned from power (or at least lose their control over white Christians in the West). How can anyone say this isn’t an incredible development – one that’s worth losing an election or two?
El-What have Republicans done for us exactly? They don’t oppose the great replacement, they simply advocate going slower. The end result is the same. Therefore, why should we support them?
We aren’t going to vote our way out of this, period. It’s too late for that.
Just watched some Youtube vids of millenials and Z’ers trying to answer the most basic, easy questions. Apart from all of them being various shades of brown, they are morons of the highest order, lacking basic knowledge and no ability to use logic or reason. This country is going to fall very hard at some point….I suppose it will happen relatively quick when it does.
Mr. Wallace, I want to quickly add a comment to my last post. I just think that unfortunately and sadly this country has become too secularized for Christian nationalism to be a winning issue, including in battleground states.
The same people are warming up to secession and see the need to get rid of those states
“In my experience, this is lost on lots of people in the White Nationalist movement. Many of these people don’t associate White and Christian, but millions of normies do.”
This statement of yours, Mr. W., reminds me of a brief passage I read within the last decade, a passage from a journal or something that had been kept by an American soldier in World War II. In recounting a scene in which he’d looked inside a German tank that had been destroyed by American fire, said soldier expressed what had gone through his mind as he’d seen a dead German whose upper body had been torn off by the attack. He had wondered, he said, how things had come to this, why he and this other soldier, a “Christian man,” with, like him, a family, were in this contest in which they were trying to destroy each other. That, I think, was the first time I saw Christian used that way, as a synonym for white.
Where I am at to be a Christian is to be of the woke variety. Glad this filthy moron Perry is rattled.
The most interesting finding is that White and Christian are such interchangeable terms to such a large swath of the White population that attacks on Christians are conflated with attacks on Whites and vice versa.
This is basically what I suggested before when commenting about the ADL’s condemnation of Christian Nationalism — link
For white Christians, whether this is a bug or a feature of Christian Nationalism perhaps depends on whether a white Christian Nationalist 1) is also an anti-racist, in which case it would be a bug, since presumably you believe anyone in America, regardless of race/ethnicity, can be a Christian Nationalist, or 2) is also a White Nationalist, i.e. you are a race realist who wants America to remain majority white; in this case it can be seen as a feature.
People for whom this ‘conflation’ is a bug are naive and foolish — they will probably be happy to continue voting for the chamber-of-commerce, as-long-as-they-come-legally GOP.
Note: It is estimated there are well over 2b Christians in the world — link
“2 billion Christians in the world” yeah, the majority of them non-White.
If you want colorblind social conservatism why not Islam? At least they don’t kills Zionist ass.
Yes they kill for Schlomo too – even fellow Muslims. Take a look at the Israel-funded ISIS and its mass-murder of not only Syrian Christians, but Shiite, Alawite and even Sunni Muslims who oppose the ‘Greater Israel’ program.
>A House Dividing
The ‘house’ was always going to ‘divide’, the ‘house’ being a multiracial America, and putting aside relatively incidental, emotion-laden issues like abortion, the most important ‘divisions’, e.g. SES, are average differences across demographic groups caused by irremediable racial differences, which are primarily genetic in nature.
The ‘house’ was held together before by a white supermajority whose domination and political control could not really be challenged by the relatively small fraction of non-whites — not that long ago, being American was practically synonymous with being white.
You’ve reminded me of a statement from a Chinese woman who’d been interviewed for a then-recent magazine article I read in, oh, maybe the 1990s, early 2000s at the latest. Though she’d never been to America, she knew one or two things about Americans. “Americans have yellow hair,” she said.
Whites are being attacked as a race not as a religion. If you need to use coded language to defend yourself from a racial attack you have already lost before you have even started. Christianity will not save the White race, only racial nationalism has the potential to do that. Until Whites start defending themselves as a race they will always lose.
And if you don’t believe me just look at the evidence: Germany adopts racial nationalism and Jews are out of power in 10 years. The United States has over 200 years of staunch Christianity and Jews are more powerful than ever. Jews have thrived in the Christian nation of America. Every degenerate outrage that has occurred over the last 80 years has succeeded under Christianity’s watch. Christianity failed to protect White Americans as a people and as a culture. To think that Zionist-promoted ‘Christian Nationalists’ can turn things around is absurd. Anything with Jews involved is designed to hurt White Nationalism.
It can never be repeated enough; anything that has Jews involved in it is intended to divert White people from finding their true potential and true identity. Elite Zionist Jews are at the core of this attempt to corral right-leaning White people into this phony online Christian movement and that means it is 100% poison. ANYTHING touched by Jews is bad for Whites. ONLY unapologetic racial nationalism threatens Jewish power. The Jews know this very well.
1. Whites attack other Whites on the basis of their race and religion. It goes on 24/7 on Twitter. Millions of Whites feel guilty and ashamed of being White and want to live in a multiracial society. They also hate Christianity and support “trans” and abortion and gay marriage and every other form of degeneracy imaginable. American politics revolves around this cultural divide.
2. Millions of normies think of themselves as both White people and Christians. That’s their identity which they use interchangeably.
3. Racial nationalism is going nowhere because the deepest and most bitter divide in the country is the cultural divide between Whites. There are two camps which have opposite views on race.
4. Why should I want to defend people who have made it their mission in life to debase our culture and “destroy whiteness” because they are White? Why should I want to live in an ethnostate with people who are completely hostile to everything I believe in?
5. What happened in Germany in the 1930s explains why the world is such a screwed up place today. The Nazis lost that war and empowered Jews and liberals for generations. Racialism and nationalism were discredited by that war. We’re only beginning to recover now that everyone who lived through that is dead or near death.
6. Jews were the victors of World War II. They are powerful today because they prevailed over the Nazis. The war so polarizing that it changed our culture and set us down the road to where we are at today.
7. As Christianity has declined, the United States and the West have become more degenerate. The prevalence of atheism is the best measuring stick of how culturally degenerate any given area is in the country. The most antiracist and queer and feminist and leftwing areas are the places that have the most atheists.
8. Christian nationalism is the idea that Christians should be ruled by Christians and that Christians should control our institutions. This is why the ADL is so strongly opposed to it. They aren’t retarded.
9. I don’t share the same identity as White people who hate Christianity. I have no interest in joining whatever they want to create either. We’ve already been down that road with Richard Spencer and have seen how it worked out for us.
10. Do you know that the overwhelming majority of White people who are rightwing nationalists in this country are Christians, right? Why would those people be attracted to an anti-Christian movement?
11. Jews and White atheists more or less believe the same things. Jews as a whole might be slightly to their Right. Why should one group be included in a White ethnostate and the other excluded? Wouldn’t the result of this be that the White atheists would just continue to act exactly like the Jews and support the same causes like they already do in the USA?
This is copium dude — or hopium — whatever.
No one who seriously and honestly observes the races and race relations in the US can take your points seriously as an argument against White Nationalism (or Christian White Nationalism) — none of them will stop the rhetoric about ‘white privilege’ and ‘institutional racism’ — none of them will prevent the physical elimination phase of diversity from continuing — they don’t change the fact that given the total lack of good will shown toward Whites by non-whites, there is risk, even physical danger, for Whites as they become a minority (and why should we take that risk?) — and they won’t eliminate the significant difference in SES across racial lines (particularly between Whites and Blacks) that is seen as a kind of social pathology, specifically as evidence of white racism demanding a government remedy.
Beside, it’s not really a fair rhetorical contest, is it? — with Whites demonized for pursuing their own self-interest, or for even acknowledging their white racial identity (‘It’s OK to be white’), while this is encouraged and praised among non-whites.
All of us who observe the reality of race and race relations also see that politically, White Nationalism is problematic right now (to say the least) — but that doesn’t mean it should not be the goal.
Whites need to make up their minds about this — especially white men.
>Beside, it’s not really a fair rhetorical contest, is it? …
Senior Adviser To Orban Quits Over Hungarian PM’s ‘Openly Racist’ Speech
A senior adviser to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has resigned, saying comments the nationalist leader made at a recent rally were “openly racist.” … The controversial prime minister touched off a wave of criticism after a July 23 speech, delivered in neighboring Romania, in which he defended his vision of an “unmixed Hungarian race” as he criticized mixing with “non-Europeans.”
I’ve seen it mentioned that the adviser (a woman) is Jewish, but I didn’t find any info on that, and I don’t necessarily trust the source.
1. You act as if Jews and nonwhites are the only ones demonizing the White Race with the rhetoric of “white privilege” and “institutional racism.” Even if we accept that Jews are at the forefront of that, its an objective fact that White Liberals are right along side them. White Liberals are therefore race traitors and the sworn enemies of their own race, hence why they must be excluded from any future White Ethnostate, and hence why “racial unity” with them is neither possible nor desirable.
2. There is zero will among White Liberals, and minimal will among White Conservatives, for racial separation. I’m holding out hope that White conservatives will change their minds and become racial separatists as things get worse, but I’ll settle for the Brown population integrating themselves into White culture, adapting Right Wing values, and acting and behaving in a way that makes them indistinguishable from us.
3. In the short run, while Whites are still around, we could make diversity tolerable and livable for ourselves. In the long run, hell on earth with favalas everywhere is coming no matter what, because Whites rejected racial separation. In that specific regard, the Jews won. Racial Nationalism is dead. We ignored the physical danger. Worse yet, we insisted it doesnt exist. We’ve already taken the risk, and the pied piper has come. Its over.
4. Jared Taylor has spent the last 35 years explaining exactly why those socioeconomic outcome differences exist – IQ and genetics, biological determinism. By the time Skittle Boy Trayvon was gunned down in March 2012 by George the Taco, it became impossible to hide or ignore these socioeconomic outcomes. Thus it was that the media and the Obama Administration went mainstream with the outcome differences…and blamed them on “white privilege” and “systemic white supremacy. White Liberals – not to mention an alarming number of White conservatives – ate it up wholesale. White Nationalism lost. Our people followed Robin DeAngilo and Tim Wise, not Jared Taylor or Richard Spencer
5. I’m going to revert to my 2020 WN feminist phase here for a second – if Lexi is reading this, she might be surprised to know I was ever in that phase: White men have devolved and degenerated into the biggest group of pussies, cowards, and faggots that the world has ever seen. Peace has cost us our strength. Victory has defeated us. A race of men that lets its women get raped by resentful savages and its children groomed by trannies and homos is a race of men that deserves all the hate it gets from its women. What I wish is that instead of white women devolving into hypergamous whores and goading us into doing something we are no longer willing to do, they would instead just take an axe to all our heads, create a New Themiscyra, and be done with it. Richard Spencer wants us to cope with our impending demise to minority status by getting in position to “rule and dominate the world.” The only race of men more unworthy of ruling the world then Jews…is White men!
You act as if Jews and nonwhites are the only ones demonizing the White Race with the rhetoric of “white privilege” and “institutional racism.”
LOL — how did I ‘act’ like that?! — I know Whites do it too — can you not read?
The point is that without racial diversity there would be far less of it — anti-racism was the original foil used to divide Whites back when there was a white supermajority — those divisions are now more of problem because the US now has a much larger, growing, underachieving NAM population, and there is no longer a white supermajority — without that large NAM population as a source of division, the problems between Whites would be a lot more manageable, perhaps even inconsequential (e.g. despite the media attention, whether abortion is legal everywhere or not is not a consequential problem among Whites).
There’s an interesting, little-discussed aspect of your quite valid fifth point. The folks who wear uniforms and carry guns – most of whom are white – will always obey the orders coming down from their Jewish overlords (who control their ‘precious’ – pensions). They will rapidly destroy any white leader who shows courage that would inspire others to follow. Break the control or realize that the job of enforcer will have to be made at least as deadly as that of being a white farmer in South Africa. When average white officer or grunt gets up and realizes there is a 50-50 chance he’ll not be coming home to ever see his family again, he might decide that Shlomo’s fake-promise of a fake-pension isn’t worth it. It’s not just the white shitlibs, but all the whites who will carry out any order or directive against their own people for the sake of their job-security. Remove the job-security and part of this problem goes away.
Lolwut? Indistinguishable from us? IDGAF about their politics….brown Republicans will extinguish White genes in such a scenario.
The problem of White people not agreeing on stuff isn’t at all new.
The damn country began by us not agreeing with White monarchists in England that ruled us then. We had no trouble killing red coats to change that.
White people are not a monolith, have never been, will never be.
I have no problem hating some Whites. I’m Scots Irish hill stock. We hate pretty much everybody that isn’t as a natural reflex. Its easier that way.
The distinction of “Christian” isn’t one I have any problem with. Am I devout? No. But I was raised Christian, Baptist mostly. The kind of people I grew up around abhorred the idea of hassling people and imposing themselves on eachother, so I never had any issue with them, and wouldn’t in general, have any issue with them running things at a local level. I reject the national government in any form and it shouldn’t be a goal of any White people to occupy its institutional edifices regardless of their orientation.
Governance needs shifted to the states, who can associate regionally with other states that have mutual interests. Its simpler than any national apparatus that tries to govern everything with a broad brush.
This will give White Christians space and tools to divorce themselves from the empire of Queers and get back to the business of family.
“I have no problem hating some Whites. I’m Scots Irish hill stock. We hate pretty much everybody that isn’t as a natural reflex. Its easier that way.”
It’s no easier than anything else. It’s just a habit.
John Bonaccorsi ” I’m scots irish hill stock”, I knew it, I knew it……….I knew their was something I liked about you beside’s your highly developed intellect, , let your inner hillbilly free and fly that rebel flag, you know you want too, so do it, you will feel better, when you do……..
Sorry you’ve misunderstood, Terry: I was quoting commenter “IronicSockAccount,” who had described himself that way, as “Scots Irish Hill Stock.” Anyway—I’m happy to know there’s been something you like about me. I like you gentlemen here, too.
5. What happened in Germany in the 1930s explains why the world is such a screwed up place today. The Nazis lost that war and empowered Jews and liberals for generations. Racialism and nationalism were discredited by that war. We’re only beginning to recover now that everyone who lived through that is dead or near death.
Sorry HW.
You are WAY OFF by blaming NS Germany for the cucking the alli-lies committed to the heirs of the pharisees, in particularly the role the Anglosphere played in conceding financial, media, and cultural primacy to the jews.
NS Germany didn’t want to spread their form of government like the marxist-leninist Soviets did, nor like the liberal democracies, but simply just to be seen as a Third Position and be left to their own devices. It was a spectacular success, and that is why the enemies of the White race fear and loathe National Socialism.
On the other hand, Christian Nationalism is fake and gay. It is a gayop distraction away from the hard path forward that if we are to survive as a race.
It is ridiculous that folks still believe that the United States was ever a real White Christian ethnostate. As the most recent podcast by FTN clearly points out, both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were philosemites and Freemasons (judaism for gentiles). BTW, both Washington and Jefferson weren’t “canceled “or had their statues defaces, torn down, or removed during the anarchy and riots in 2020 for antisemitism, but because they own negro slaves and were White supremacists.
Was not the CSA (sans Judah P. Benjamin) an example of “Christian Nationalism? “If so, was it not Christian, racist, and nationalist?
In closing, the only thing that NS Germany (a nation the size of Texas) did not succeed at was winning WWII. As a Southern Nationalist and CSA historian, you better than others should know that the victors write the “history” where they are the heroes, and their foes were the embodiment of unredeemable evil.
The reason that the post-World War II era is such an easy historical marker to use to demarcate when the West plunged into decline and our times began is because of the massive shift in values that occurred at that time. “Racism,” for example, became taboo during the war because it became negatively associated with Hitler’s Germany. The war brought about such a massive shift in values in the West – wholly in a negative way – that it effectively began a new era.
Once again, everyone who lived through that had to lose power and die before racialism and nationalism could begin together. Jews owe their privileged position in one society today to their victory in that war.
Racism was already out of style with the Anglo and American elite over a decade before the war. You documented this yourself with your series on modernism. Jews were already in privileged positions before the war, too. Weimar Republic became a testing ground for the Anglo/American modernism that they intended to force on the entire western world. It makes no sense to blame the war for these trends that were already in motion long before then, and which even acted as a cause of the war itself (Anglo/Jewish imperialism being the ultimate cause of world war 2).
Good point.
You’re right that the war exacerbated a negative trend that was already underway. Winning the war catapulted modern liberals into power and made them dominant in this country and established their world hegemony.
This is one reason why I don’t celebrate the Third Reich. Hitler’s extreme actions may have worked for a time in Germany, but at the cost of strengthening liberals elsewhere. It was massively polarizing and ended in a conflict that he lost and which we still haven’t recovered from
“This is one reason why I don’t celebrate the Third Reich. Hitler’s extreme actions may have worked for a time in Germany, but at the cost of strengthening liberals elsewhere. It was massively polarizing and ended in a conflict that he lost and which we still haven’t recovered from.”
It is churlish to denigrate the only leader & movement that stood up like White men and successfully defeated the jew, even temporarily.
The jews had already taken effective control of Britain & America because for years most of “our” “leaders” had been either corrupt race traitors, or contemptible fools at best. That’s why the war was fought, and that’s why the victorious kikes have been able to drive us to the brink of extinction as a race.
The long-proven ability of parasitic jews to act in concert to usurp the nations created by their hosts, and the corruption, atomization and sheer weakness & stupidity of the Anglo world is to blame.
We don’t live in Germany.
The flip side of the rise of Hitler and National Socialism in Germany was that it strengthened liberalism here in America. Then the war came. Then Hitler lost the war. Then liberals were empowered not only in this country, but across the entire West. Then the Cold War ensured that our politics remained frozen in place like that until the 1990s.
Was it worth it? I don’t think so. It was a hollow victory which made things much worse here and which only lasted a few years there before it burned itself out and ended in catastrophe.
“Was it worth it? I don’t think so. It was a hollow victory which made things much worse here and which only lasted a few years there before it burned itself out and ended in catastrophe.”
It didn’t “burn itself out”; it was burned out only by the incendiary bombs & high-explosive shells of all the world’s jew whores.
You seem to think it’s far better never to stand up & fight the oppressor scum because there’s the possibility of losing. If so, I obviously disagree.
Hitler & Titus came closer to crushing them than any group of Christians ever will.
“We don’t live in Germany”
That has nothing to do with not denigrating the Nazis. It’s not necessary for more individualistic Americans with our own history & political traditions to play dress-up & start goose-stepping to gain the essential knowledge of the jews & adopt the consequent spirit of resistance the Germans did.
Just never punch “right” (White); that’s for the kikes & their race traitor vermin.
You are essentially blaming the cure for cancer as the cause of the cancer, HW.
You’re beak down is very one sided and leaves out HUGE swathes of white Christians that are VERY pro-diversity.
There’s the explicitly woke churches, but I’d agree those are very small. However the larger mega church hustlers and the Mormon’s (deep state’ers & wall street’ers) are VERY pro-diversity
Unfortunately Christianity doesn’t map over those positions that neatly. With subset’s of Christian’s it absolutely does, and that’s a significant chunk of Christian’s. So I’m not saying you’re totally wrong.
However there’s also a lot of non-blue haired lesbian pastor Christian’s who are very pro-diversity globalists.
Especially when it comes to Christian’s you have to look closely at why they’re “conservative” voters as well. There are many Christian’s that are very pro-life (so they always vote red) but who are also very pro-diversity.
I know you’re a numbers guy and don’t pull stuff completely out of your ass. I’m not sure if there are polls with a more in-depth breakdown on Christians positions but definitely the church leadership/money is with globohomo and so are even a large amount of “republican” Christian’s eg Ted Cruz and Ted Cruz types who’s social conservatism comes and goes to varying degrees. Sometimes he sounds “based” and other times he throws social conservatism under bus but his support for globohomo never dies
Of course.
We can’t save everyone including Christians. See my post on ELCA. There are millions of Christians who are more committed to liberalism than Christianity and when things break down those people are going to be on the other side
The bottom line is that the ELCA is not Christian. Any bona-fide Christian church would excommunicate the entire denomination – literally them over to Satan. This is who they actually serve so let’s make it official. You notice how this hasn’t really happened? Wisconisin and Missouri synods should publish a formal anathema pointing this out and explicitly hand them over to the devil. Has this happened? I doubt it. LCMS is already being infiltrated – anyone who bowed the knee to BLM should be excommunicated as well. This is how the minions of Satan have wormed their way in and subverted every branch of Christianity.
Your third point is a huge one:
3. Racial nationalism is going nowhere because the deepest and most bitter divide in the country is the cultural divide between Whites. There are two camps which have opposite views on race.
The corollary to this point is for Christian Nationalism to work, folks like the ELCA and their sympathizers and apologists need to be purged ruthlessly from the church – which at present is a total wreck. No Jews, no Sodomites, no feminists, no racial cucks (BLM et al). The fact that what passes for Christianity is for the most part our enemy is one fo the reasons some here are wary of so-called Christian Nationalism. It could work if it’s not hijacked by Jews and their toadies.
My view of ELCA has been shaped by my LCMS wife. They are a running joke on our household. I bought a book on the history of Lutheranism to learn how they became what they are today.
You prolific guys in the White movement always fall to whatever your wives want. Some in the White movement have Jewish wives, too. It makes one wonder. You need to think for yourself and not be emotional or feel obligated by ties.
1. White liberals attack other Whites who engage in ‘wrong think’ because that earns them social credit and ‘up votes’ in a reward system created by Jews. They are not the least bit ashamed of who they are, in fact liberals are the biggest narcissists, they are also more likely to live in all White areas and less likely to race-mix than the ‘racists’. They ferociously endorse anything that is fashionable, no matter how degenerate or harmful. Why? Because it is not the actual issue they are defending it is their status as a holder of fashionable views. Under National Socialism these types of people would be obedient little Nazis. Status-seeking white liberals do not inherently hate whites or love degeneracy; they are just following orders from who is in power.
2. One of those things is a real biological entity that is under attack, the other is an idea that has its origins in the Middle East.
3. Racial nationalism is going nowhere because it has the full power of the state firmly supressing it. Christianity is allowed to exist precisely because it is toothless and no threat to the current system. The cultural war Whites are having is between anti-racist liberals and anti-racist conservatives. It’s a phony war set up by Jews to keep Whites bickering amongst themselves about who loves black people more.
4. As I mentioned previously, anti-White and anti-Christian liberals are simply responding to incentives set up by anti-White Jews. As loathsome as they are, White liberals are should be viewed as irrelevant because they would come over to our side as soon as we had any power. The power of liberalism and degeneracy would evaporate overnight if Whites took power from Jews. Whites can only take power from Jews if they view themselves as a race first and foremost. Whites seizing the reins of power in an explicitly racial way would naturally result in the cultural renaissance you desire.
5. You’re putting the cart before the horse. 1930s Germany was a reaction to the Jewish social and political movements that were already entrenched in the west and the Soviet Russia. Had Nazism never existed we would be in exactly the same situation now, perhaps worse as Jews themselves say that Hitler and WWII delayed their plans for us by 50 years. Nazi Germany having existed is an objectively good thing because it shows us the current system can be overthrown and the ideology that can successfully do it. There’s a reason the elite are still shrieking about Nazi Germany 80 years later. It is the key to the riddle, the one ideology that can defeat them.
6. You’re absolutely correct. Jews won, where you are completely wrong however is your assumption that the insane liberalism we see today is some kind of well-intentioned overreaction to Nazism. We were already on this pathway. Modern liberalism is a weapon that is cynically used by Jews to weaken the host society and it would’ve occurred with or without Hitler and WWII.
7. It’s not Christianity saving these people from liberalism; these areas are the most uneducated, the most overweight, and the most impoverished. Their more traditional values stem from the fact that they are not passing through universities. They are not seeking status by espousing fashionable views. In any event our race shouldn’t need a book of Jewish stories to rid itself of degeneracy, if it does there is no hope for us.
8. Christian Nationalism is being pushed by Zionist grifters like Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene, and that means 100% there is a group of Chabad-Lubavitch Jews behind it. It’s the same con as the MAGA movement; get all the conservative goys following a colour-blind quasi-nationalist ideology that is ultimately a dead end. As for the ADL, their job is pretending to be concerned about stuff they know to be a joke. You don’t think these Jews are sincere do you? I seem to recall them having a phony fight with system shill Tucker Carlson too.
9. Again, Christianity is an idea, race is real. Which is more important, blood or some book written by Jews 2000 years ago? Christianity seems appealing because there are large numbers of people involved. But as you said it is declining, and when you look at it, mainstream Christianity stands for nothing and is just another vector of liberalism. Does organized Christianity do anything to attack degeneracy? Keep in mind too that we have arrived at this current situation from a starting point where Christianity was totally dominant. Christianity failed us, why would we double down on a losing strategy?
10. We don’t have to be anti-Christian; we just have to make it clear that Christian Nationalism is a Jewish attempt to thwart racial nationalism.
11. White atheists are the creation of liberal Jews. White conservatives are the creation of Zionist Jews. In a White ethnostate neither of these groups would exist. Whites freed from Jewish manipulation stop being retarded culture warriors and unite for the common good of the race.
Everything you hate about modernity can be fixed by removing Jews from power. Only racial nationalism has the ability to do that. I respect your choice to be a Christian but you should be aware that this Christian Nationalism thing is just the next MAGA scam. It has the same Jewish fingerprints all over it.
1. White liberals attack other Whites because they have same beliefs and values as Jews. There is no discernable difference in the two. They are atheists who hate Christians. As we know from centuries of experience in the South, these people were already like that long before the Jews arrived here and became powerful and influential. They disturbed the country over their love for blacks to the point where it collapsed with no assistance from Jews.
2. Who is attacking the real biological entity? It is mostly people who are White who feel guilty and ashamed of being White and who see whiteness as “problematic” and who are “Doing The Work” to make the country less White and Christian. If you paid attention to your opposition, you would have noticed this. It is always White people who show up at our events to create chaos and engage in violence. They act as a unit with Jews both online and offline. These people are constantly attacking and trying to subvert and suppress Christianity. Again, it makes sense when you realize they are atheists who believe the same things as Jews. American politics is dominated by this cultural divide because the profound difference in values and worldview is real.
3. It is going nowhere because White liberals are getting worse by the day. They aren’t “waking up” except in the sense of becoming more degenerate and violently opposed to what you are doing
4. This is nonsense.
White liberals with no assistance from Jews had already imposed the Reconstruction amendments on the Constitution, made blacks into U.S. citizens, elevated them above Whites in the South at gunpoint and given them equal rights in New England states. You people blame everything you dislike on Jews in order to avoid owning your own history. It wouldn’t make much difference if they all left and moved to Israel tomorrow because White liberals believe the same things anyway and would continue doing so.
5. Nazi Germany discredited racialism and nationalism for generations and made talking about Jewish power and influence deeply taboo. The main effect that Nazi Germany had here in this country was empowering liberals like never before. Nazi imagery is so toxic that the effect lingers today over 75 years later even when everyone who fought in that war is dead or near death.
6. Nazi Germany was rocket fuel for liberalism pretty much everywhere outside of Germany. Then when the Nazis lost the war and Germany was occupied the country became the self hating liberal dystopia that it remains today. Again, the key event was Nazis losing the war and becoming an enormous albatross for everyone who was born afterwards.
7. Feel free to poll any degenerate social liberal trend. What you will invariably find is that atheists are the most supportive demographic in the country of everything from trans to gay marriage to abortion to interracial marriage to polyamory and conservative Christians are the most resistant. More supportive than Jews of these things. There is no reason to believe that a White atheist ethnostate wouldn’t be as culturally degenerate as America is today as it is Christians who skew the numbers rightward on all social issues.
8. Jews are complaining about Christian nationalism and making a big deal about it in their media because the definition of Christian nationalism is removing them from all positions of power and influence in society. We should want Christians to control their own institutions. This is better for than being content to be passively dominated by Jews and White atheists.
9. I agree that race is real. I just recognize the fact that how race is valued is a different subject. Some Whites identify with their race and feel pride in their race. There are other Whites who are ashamed of their race and hate their own race. There is such enormous hostility between these two groups of Whites that it is inconceivable that they would ever unite on the basis of race. Indeed, that isn’t happening at all.
10. As a Christian, I have no interest in secular or pagan White Nationalism. We don’t share the same values. You people have repeatedly made that plain as day. We got the memo. I don’t want to live in a secular White ethnostate with Muh White Brothers who are a bunch of liberal degenerates.
11. Jews and every other group in the country – blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Christians – are divided as liberals, moderates and conservatives. It is a fantasy that liberal Whites only exist because of Jews and that liberal Whites would disappear in a White ethnostate. Whites are divided like everyone else in their values and beliefs.
The only mistake Germany made was losing. Everyone hates a loser. People seem to be upset that Germany didn’t save all of Western Civilization from it’s own foolishness. Germany already threw herself on the hand grenade called Bolshevism and continues to pay a high price for that to this day.
The mistake the Allies made was siding with (((Bolshevism.))) We’re all reaping the whirlwind for that act of stupidity. The next act of idiocy by the West was letting themselves being buffaloed into believing Nationalism and racialism was taboo. Sounds like self-inflicted wounds to me.
In any case Germany was not out to destroy nationalism or racialism, but to protect its people from the conditions that WWI inflicted on her. The West destroyed Nationalism and Racialism all by themselves. They had already poisoned themselves, the war just made the poison act faster. Some could argue that the West destroyed the very antidote it needed to counteract the poison. The fact that NS imagery is still so taboo after all this time may give credence to that thought. I don’t know, but what about it scares the liberals and Jews oh so much?
That should give people some pause.
Your theoretical framework is flawed and self-discrediting in two ways:
1. If you are correct in everything you said about White Liberals, then the logical conclusion is that White Liberals are all a bunch of NPC’s that can be programed with the correct values if the proper leaders are in charge. Such a take is common in the WN Movement, particularly among William Pierce types who basically think power will solve all our problems.
I issue you this challenge: Without resorting to Christianity/“slave morality” and making wine aunt shrieks about how its “immoral” or “unfair,” explain why NPC’s shouldn’t all be exterminated and/or allowed to die. Explain what business Noble Ones have ruling over a race of robots.
I’ll bet the best you can come up with is, “because we need them to make Nice Things,” because there is zero other merit based argument for why NPC’s should be allowed to exist. They need to be executed or euthanized as soon as they are identified if what you are saying is true.
2. Jews have all the agency in your framework, and 99% of the White population has none. Jews are the Masters in your framework, and Whites are the slaves. I’ve longed to believe to Whites are, or capable of becoming, a race of Masters and Philosopher Kings and Free Thinkers, immune to all enemy propaganda and Jewish tricks. To my dismay, many in the WN Movement itself insist that there’s nothing wrong or bad about Whites being sheep, so long as we lead them properly. I say no such people has any moral or merit based justification for their existence.
If God doesn’t exist, and therefore didn’t create us in his image, if we have no free will, if we are all mindless automatons, and if the material/observable universe is all that is, was, or ever will be….then everything we’re doing has no teleological purpose, and nihilism is the answer to the question of the meaning of life.
Atheism fails and has no place in the White Nationalist movement for this very reason. You guys have zero answers to the big questions because your own narcissism and arrogance prevents you from getting beyond the issue of “there is no scientific evidence for the existence of the supernatural.” You guys cant even answer definitely what happens after we die, and you have the gall to call religion a “superstition” as if Being Smart is the most important trait ever.
You can’t answer definitely what happens after we die, either. Nobody can.
@Ricky Butt Goy Great post. I’m glad to see some on here are on the right track. The whole Christian thing is so emotional. I doubt any of them will try to wrestle Christianity out of the grip of the enemy. They will end up with what they have right now.
Gonna have to side with Hunter here. I unironically think civic nationalism is the way to go at this point – but a civic nationalism with a pro-white cause as one of its chief concerns. Pro-white concerns including but not limited to:
• no racial double standard against whites at any level of society
• education systems portray Europeans in a positive light
• no tearing down of monuments of confederates or other historical European figures
• a proliferation of pro-white organizations to ensure the rights & wellbeing of whites
• immigration policy that is conducive to the interests of whites
• repealing the Civil Rights Act which has been used to enforce affirmative action
• freedom of association for whites to create their own communites
• no policing, censoring, or altering of our language & culture to accomodate the sensibilites of non-whites
This alone would naturally disempower & drive out all the whites & non-whites who are a pernicious force in our society while leaving behind certian amounts of non-whites who are content with living in a society that prioritizes white interests. It’s counter-productive to alienate the latter while hugely benificial to exclude the former.
I used to be as ostensibly white nationalist as everyone else, but I have shifted over the years. White Nationalism, however justified it is, just seems too dogmatic & devisive to really take off in a country as demographically devastated & culturally-rotted as America. It has increasingly struck me as a political non-starter in recent years. Luckily, I don’t think its necessary either.
Our chief enemy at the moment seems to be liberal Jews/LGBT whites and the war is primarily being fought over values. So making our politics chiefly about whites vs non-whites instead of conservative/pro-white values vs progressive/anti-white values probably isn’t the best strategy.
As for the Zionist right, I have no idea what their plans are. It seems they have been as invested as the Jewish left in turning the West into a multi-cultural pisshole. But how far are they willing to go towards these ends? Surely, they know their control over the religious right is waning and their days of parasitizing them are numbered. But is globohomo really the hill they’ll die on? Are they not willing to abandon the multi-culti operation in the West, cut their losses, and focus on securing Israel’s interests? I have no faith in the Jewish left dropping their assualt, but maybe the Jewish right will back off. After all, we are seeing mainstream influncers in the Zionist right repeatedly addressing the Great Repolacement to the public.
The continuation of America in any form is not in our interests. It’s secession or nothing. Civic nationalism is the worst possible outcome.
You mean *your* interests. Cuz I’d rather share a country with a Based Black Dude™ over an anti-white libtard any day of the week. So would most other white conservatives. A hypothetical white ethnostate would exclude the few good non-whites out there in favor of a scourge of anti-white freaks who would be constantly working towards undermining & destroying the country. It just seems illogical both in concept and also in terms of the improbability of persuading the white conservatives to prioritize race over political values. Whites should be encouraged to think about themselves as a race who needs to defend themselves from attack, but getting them to place racial identity above all else seems both improbable & illogical. As such, pushing for white nationalism, at this point, seems like adding unnecessary herdles.
If you think you’ll have success in turning normies into white nationalists, go far it. None of us are stopping you. But I doubt you’ll have much success in the short & immediate term. A pro-white, pro-Christianity, civic nationalism that militantly works towards the interests of white conservatives seems like a better approach for now. A pro-white civic nationalism will likely end up manifesting as something similar to an ethno-state anyways, especially if a secession were to happen.
*short & intermediate term [i.e. within this decade]
@Anonymous Christians won’t agree to those terms you stated. No way.
Christianity IS the Zionist Right! Wake up.
You have no idea who is causing the trouble, do you.
@Ricky Butt-Goy Vaughn,
I don’t feel so rediculous now about reading analyses of Jews when libs are giving hour-long seminars analyzing white Christians.
” . . . Millions of Whites feel guilty and ashamed of being White and want to live in a multiracial society. . . . American politics revolves around this cultural divide.”
That is the situation today and for the last few decades. Widespread college mis-education is the root of these attitudes, they aren’t natural to people except for a few cranks of no importance. The Usual Suspects captured the academic high ground around 1900 – 1920 and marched through the institutions, indoctrinating the gullible, resulting in the crack-up of the 1960’s and producing two generations of moral misfits.
These anti-White attitudes from the shitlibs are a mile wide but about a millionth of an inch deep, they have never been tested in any kind of adversity. The country has had non-stop prosperity since WWII that has supported every bad Left Wing project from so-called “Civil Rights” to a gigantic welfare state including massive, universal college education. This is all coming to an end.
These anti-White attitudes from Whites will not survive contact with adversity which is coming our way rapidly. The diversity agenda is one thing in the abstract but quite something else when Mohammed and his brood of twenty chilluns and four ugly wives from Somalia move next door to Mr. and Mrs. Liberal at taxpayer expense. It’s even worse when the economy goes bad, inflation rages and MS-13 moves down the street as a service provided by the U.S. Government courtesy of its diversity agenda.
The Third World in the U.S. counts on Government gibs for its daily bread. When the gibs break down along with everything else the colored folk will make their displeasure known by making the 2020 riots look like a picnic. Any stupid Whites naïve enough to try to join in will at a minimum get the beating of their lives which they will richly deserve.
This is what will put an end to the “liberal” fever dream of equality über alles with its diversity, wogs and endless trouble. The country has to suffer a generation of widespread poverty and disruption to make Whites Wake the Fuck Up from their suicidal delusions. Poverty and its discontents is the natural end point of the “Liberal” project and it’s coming up fast.
With some irony –
The ‘Christian nationalism’ movement may be what really launches ‘castizo futurism’, the idea that the USA and its culture will be salvaged by an alliance between socially conservative whites and similar-minded Hispanic Latinos, who for many purposes are ‘white enough’
– Latinos are sometimes cosmetically often ‘whiter’ than many southern Europeans
– Latinos are frequently socially conservative Christian but economic-issue progressive, just like many ‘right-wing’ whites
– White-Latino marriages are skyrocketing and successful, often with a Christian-conservative foundation, the children often quite ‘white’
– Latinos have significant fatigue with the strange cults enshrining black people, Latino areas often ‘buffers’ between blacks and whites; and Latinos tend to dislike the Jewish-leftist ‘liberal’ cultural forces
My favorite writer in the Alternative Right – Takimag’s David Cole is spreading this meme.
I also try to encourage older White Anglo American men to take a younger, Whiter Latina as a 2nd or 3rd wife after your/our 1st college miseducated White anglo wife divorces us or just makes our life miserable.
John Wayne married all pretty Latinas and his grand daughters are beautiful, very, very White.
The Nordic gene is strong.
We Anglos, Midwesterners, White Southerners are increasingly fuc****..
Learn some Spanish and start making threats regarding “My People.
Why would you ever encourage race mixing? Sounds like you’re just mad at an ex wife.
IF you really thought the White race was do wonderful, you wouldn’t try to undermine it.
The Nordic gene is recessive and is blotted out with the mixing you suggest. Seems like very few here actually care about preserving Whites.
@Tikkum Olam Boy, do I agree. These people go on about all of the problems, but they compromise and walk backwards for personal reasons.
Why would any decent White man want a Mexican wife/? I’ve seen Boomer men with them, and it’s not a good look, either. Then they had some kid, and of course, there’s a government check every month to help out. Is THIS what people really want?
I don’t get why so many are advocating this “Christian Nationalism”. Christians are the biggest diversity hawks, and they will be against anything “pro-white”.
The basic idea that when Americans say ‘American’ they mean the American people, who are both ‘white’ i.e. ‘European’ and traditionally Christian is lost on the ‘White Nationalist movement’ because that movement is anti-American, anti-Christian, and anti-white, not to mention fake and gay.
That is why you should never have anything to do with that subculture.
Normal Americans can be openly pro-white, first by calling out anti-whiteness and ending immigration. No need to join some moronic group of cranks to do that.
As for ‘insert my pet issue here’ well get in line bud. As for your ‘vision of society’ well fuck you I sure as hell don’t want whatever weirdo crank political bs you’re selling.
MTG has certainly gotten all of the usual suspects to come crawling out from under their rocks. Was that her intent all along?
I guess it’s pretty easy for her to get Christians on board. Whenever they start praising that one country, you KNOW it’s an op. I’m not talking about Luxembourg, either.
The problem with Christian Nationalism is today’s Christian Churches. This ding dong holy rolly preacher man in the podcast in this article represents a majority of the Christian fundamentalist denominational headquarters in today’s South, and also the rest of the country.(remember Russell Moore?) These people conflate liberalism with Christian righteousness, when, truth be told, liberalism is actually the modern face of evil. Why do people keep attending churches that hate them? The only sound a liberal fears is the click of a closing purse! Stop tithing to Churches that hate you.Find a good church- it will invariably be a small church- and help to keep it on the straight and narrow path.
well said
“…it’s lost on many white nationalists…”
This data doesn’t contradict the larger trend towards secularization in whites.
This is one reason why I could never be a white nationalists(also pragmatic and moral objections). So much seems focused around defining your subset of whites as the best whites and the least subverted by Jews/modernity/capitalism/communism.
The petty narcissism of small differences is always on display. (Hunter is actually more charitable to other subset of whites despite being a hardcore regionalists, but this criticism still applies to him to a smaller degree).
White people can see an attack on Christianity as an attack on whites, without being particularly found of Christianity. Especially if it’s done during Christmas season where most of the iconographic associated with Christmas is European pagan/folklore so it’s more obviously an attack on whites then a theologians debate over whether Jesus was the messiah or not.
The odd thing about Christianity is that it’s a religion of the poor and the strivers eg wretched souls.
Christianity is extremely popular with impoverished whites and professional class (PMC) whites, but very unpopular with the middle class and wealthy whites.
Yes. There’s definitely members of the PMC class that are radically hostile to Christianity- there’s also another segment the PMC that totally embrace the gayest of gay new churches. Woke churches are struggling with attendance but those who are attending a trans wedding by a lesbian pastor are absolutely blue haired PMC’s.
But there’s also another large segment of the professional class who tend to cluster more towards the center politically- with a varying degree of social conservatism. Who also are very Christian and that would be the Mormon types (however they come in all dominations). They’re the energetic Christian yuppie’s, they went to graduate school. Probably a doctor or a lawyer. They’re generally very physically active people as well. Working out, with the ultimate cliche running a marathon with pledges for a cancer charity.
Whites in poverty and upper middle class whites are the most Christian. While middle class and wealthy whites are very secular.
The far right likes to think of modern power dynamics in terms of high-low alliances- however Christianity is uniquely different.
Racialism and nationalism were discredited by that war..-Hunter Wallace
Just three years after The War for Jewish Hegemony ended, jewish racism, terrorism, and nationalism declared a jewish homeland in Palestine. In the decades since, Israel has used racism and nationalism to create a jewish supremacist apartheid state that controls speech codes, foreign policies, and immigration of refugees and migrants resulting from their wars on their behalf by USA and NATO.
Amen Hunter, your quite right. Eventually everyone one the dissident right will eventually see this. The US is rather unique because of its history, and things that happened in Europe in certain ways for instance don’t work quite the same way here. People need to work with how things actually are in a culture, rather than trying to remake somebody else’s wheel.
Alexis de Tocqueville, a French sociologist, had some observations…
#1. “Upon my arrival in the United States the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the more I perceived the great political consequences resulting from this new state of things, to which I was unaccustomed.
In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country …”
#2. “Religion in America … must be regarded as the foremost of the political institutions of that country; for if it does not impart a taste for freedom, it facilitates the use of it …”
#3. “In the United States the sovereign authority is religious … There is no country in the whole world where the Christian religion retains a greater influence than in America. America is still the place where the Christian religion has kept the greatest real power over men’s souls; and nothing better demonstrates how useful and natural it is to man, since the country where it now has the widest sway is both the most enlightened and the freest.”
9,999 out of 10,000 Christian pastors would condemn you if they read your blog.
Most Christians’ faith is so flimsy that it is little more than a belief in a benevolent sky father who looks after them.
Christians are unwilling/incapable of imposing any discipline on those who voluntarily attend Church, yet you believe those same fickle believers can impose order on an entire country.
Where I grew up in an integrated university community in Chicago, surrounded on 3 sides by the largest All Black ‘Hood in North American “Christian” meant that you just weren’t Jewish and that you had some/any morals as opposed to be an atheist, a pervert or Communist, but it mostly meant that you/I wasn’t Jewish.
So when you see personal adverts for SWCM or SWJM that meant “Single White Christian Male” or Single White Jewish Male”.
That’s still a good working definition.
Of course this sensible, clear divide gets all screwed up now that over 50% plus of Jewish American men and women intermarrying with White Gentile/Christian spouses. It seems most Billy Joels prefer to mate with beautiful White Nordic Gentile/Shiksas like Christie Brinkley instead of ugly, nagging women like Bella Abzug, Barbara Streisann, Ruth Bader Ginzberg, Tamar Jacoby, Rachel Madcow Maddow.
I suggest just trying to keep religion very simple – promote time tested good “Christian things” and oppose traditional bad evil things like atheist Communism, hard core porn, Hollywood, the Liberal Media (these are of course all dog whistles to the JQ)
And if your “Christian Church” starts spreading nonsense that the Jews are God’s Chosen People or that Martin Luthern King Jr (Pervert, Communist) was some type of saint, or Nelson Mandela or Emmett Till were some kinds of saints, please shout them down, kick their as*,
Shout “Hey are Harvey Weinstein, Roman Polanski Jefrey Epstein, George Soros all God’s Chosen People?
Chosen to do what?
J Ryan
TPC Radio Show
As so often look to …
How did our father AH handle this?
AH didn’t openly attack Christianity others in the NS (Martin Boreman) did. Alfred Rosenberg the official philosopher of National Socialism promoted a new form of Christianity – Positive Christianity, removing the genocidal, J ethnocentric parts of the J Old Testament Bible and removing the intrigues of St. Paul, Rabbi Pharisee Saul of Tarsus.
In the golden age of White European/British Christianity – the regular people, Christian peasants didn’t/couldn’t read so there wasn’t that much White fighting, squabbling over Judeo Christianity theology.
Martin Luther really messed things up.
The header on his first slide says
“Why do we ALL it White Christian Nationalism”?
I’m pretty sure that was a typo meant to be CALL.
I’m sorry. Typos happen, but this is a university lecture and he’s representing himself as some sort of expert. It’s a simple power point, it isn’t a Trotsky novel. It’s the very first slide. Fail.
Establishment media points to “Christian nationalism” (whatever that means) as “everyone’s problem” to worry about, while Pelosi prepares to provoke war by landing in Taiwan, accompanied by F-35 fighter jets and a fleet of U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and ships. Chinese sovereignty over the U.S.-allied Chinese territory is already being violated by the presence of a small U.S. military force (dozens of Marines) and preparations underway to increase it, and to deploy missiles on the island. The US State Department recently removed the “One China” policy statements on its official website that “the United States does not support Taiwan independence” and “acknowledging the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.” The U.S. Congress is ready to approve the fifth arms sale to the Taiwan proxy regime since Biden took office. Meanwhile there is no such thing as Christian nationalism, a myth and a distraction. Ethno-nationalism is natural and real, and Christianity (genuiine) exists but Christians do not rule by force. Government is “the carnal sword,” distinct from Christianity.
“Chinese sovereignty over the U.S.-allied Chinese territory is already being violated by the presence of a small U.S. military force (dozens of Marines) and preparations underway to increase it, and to deploy missiles on the island.”
When the Chinese attain the ability to export their second-rate manufactures worldwide via routes other than the sea lanes established by the U.S. Navy, they’ll be entitled to complain about U.S. military forces in their part of the world. I’d guess that will be, oh, like, never.
Taiwan shouldn’t be a problem. The Chinese have played everything so far very well, and there’s no reason to believe that they won’t continue to make Americans (and their European puppets) look like the retarded children they are.
The US faces two critical-but-taboo social problems:
1. Racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity worsens society by destroying social trust – see eg the work of Robert Putnam.
2. Blacks specifically appear unable to function in a society which nonblacks would recognize as civilized – due to much lower average IQ, much higher time preference, and greater propensity for violence.
A white ethnostate would by no means solve every social problem, but it would certainly solve these two.
“Racial nationalism will never go anywhere because the most bitter and intense divide in the country is the cultural divide between Whites.”
Wrong. It’s between pro-Whites and anti-Whites. Anti-Whites possesses a near total hegemony over American discourse. Libtards are anti-White, with mainstream conservatives (from normie to president) seeing Whiteness as incidental or as a manifestation of the sin of racism.
“If every non-White in the country vanished tomorrow and America was miraculously transformed into a White
ethnostate, you would be left with millions of seething,
hostile shitlibs who would instantly start to sabotage the
It wouldn’t just be the shitlibs. The red states would really miss their colored brothers in Christ. Agribusinesses would miss their fruit pickers & ranch hands. A lot of pews would be empty.
“Being White is one thing. Appreciating it is another. There would be no affinity between Whites in the White
ethnostate and it would collapse due to the radical
difference in values. White identity is a source of guilt and shame to those people who devote their lives to Doing The Work to replace the Bad Whites and tearing down the country to its foundations.”
The existence of anti-White Whites proves what again? Every race, people, nation, state, religion, culture, etc. contains some traitors. Treason invalidates nothing. How many Christians would actively resist “Christian nationalism” on doctrinal grounds? Legions would. And they’d receive international support. South Africa tried White Christian Nationalism and see how that ended.
“Who besides White Nationalists wants to unite with those people? I certainly don’t. I know from experience due to their disruption of all our previous events over the years what a bad idea it is. I want to separate from them
because I don’t share any of their beliefs or values.”
Utter dishonesty. No White Nationalist wants libtards in the North American Social Republic. They are traitors. WN political thought is sophisticated enough to account for treason. Why isn’t yours?
In reality, all of American politics now revolves around the cultural divide between Whites, which is by far the most bitter and intense divide in the country. It has gotten to the point where millions of people on both sides are ready to use violence to resolve it.
Non-Whites are nothing but supporting actors in our politics with blacks being far more engaged than other groups. If every single one of them vanished tomorrow, which will never happen, we would still be in the same place. A White ethnostate that included those people can’t work because there is no shared affinity based on race. White identity is a source of pride to one side. It is a source of guilt and shame to the other.
I don’t want to create a White ethnostate with those people. It would be a disaster. This country is a disaster because they are included in it. Fortunately, if this country ever does break apart, it will be because the two sides loathe each other and can’t continue. That’s the fault along which it will break apart
“White identity is a source of pride to one side. It is a source of guilt and shame to the other.”
Mentalities come and go.
“In reality, all of American politics now revolves around the culture divide between Whites, which is by far the most bitter and intense divide in the country. It has gotten to the point where millions of people on both sides are ready to use violence to resolve it.”
@Brad I fully agree with your statement that you made above 100%. You are right on the edge and should just come on over. It’s time to stop identifying as “White” when referring to people like us. Face the reality that we “became White” in Colonial America. Before that nobody in the world identified as “White”. The elites want you to call yourself White so you will be the next victim class. By your own admission the majority of our enemies are other “Whites.” To continue using it as a way to identify us is retarded, and is just playing the elites game.
@Sam the divide isn’t just between anti-whites and “pro-whites.” Within the anti-white side there’s a lot of complex reasons for why people side with the anti-whites or the “pro-whites.”
Some anti-whites that were raised in deep blue cities in deep blue states might be anti-white as means to stopping anti-white hate. By mistakingly thinking that whatever the anti-white issue of the day is really just about that one fix and not part of a larger anti-white agenda.
I’m sure many whites who support reparations are doing so thinking like “can we just give them reparations so we don’t have to hear about ‘racism’ anymore…”
While others who are anti-white are truly anti-white. As in they support reparations because it’ll hurt white people.
Some pro-whites are only pro-white because it’s taboo right now. Or have some irrational hatred of others due to chemical imbalances. Some say autism but in none meme talk that is true for some and others it’s psychotic disorders like bi-polar or shiczo. Both make people more paranoid, and paranoid people can be more tribalistic but it’s out of fear and love for oneself or family.
So there’s a lot sorting that will happen.
I disagree with Brad about a break up- mostly because giving up territory at home would single such weakness on the world stage that I don’t see it as a possibility the elites are entertaining.
Also because there are “shitlibs” and “chuds” every where. Even a deep red “state” still have 40-35% democrats. Then you gotta figure in a portion of the gop that’s only voting for very niche reasons but might be shitlibby on almost everything else.
I’d argue the reason why the culture war is so bad right now is because everyone has to deal with the race question, and whether you think right-liberal law & order or left-liberal empathy, “root causes” & “deescalation.”
Before lots of super anti-law & order whites lived in the north with almost 100% white populations that do better with rehabilitative criminal justice than blacks.
Before there were so few blacks in places like Minnesota that whites in Minnesota would mock/disapprove of southerners “unnecessarily cruel” punitive criminal justice system. But now there’s so many blacks who have fairly recently moved there whites in places like Minnesota blame southern whites for treating blacks so badly and “making them” this way.
From the deep white northerners perspective. They never had “tough on crime” or really “tough” on anything as most people were agreeable to the program or could be rehabilitated with relatively high success. They see the south “tough” on this “tough” on that and then all these blacks move north and people think it’s not the people it’s the local governances and culture.
Northern whites feel like they’re now having to clean up the mess the south made when it came to how to handle blacks.
This even applies for shitlibs in the south who think- if whites weren’t so mean to blacks they wouldn’t have so many problems.
Perhaps it’s because I live in a deep blue city/state all the divide I see is a long racial lines… because unless a fat right group comes into protest all you see are varying degrees of shitlibs, left-liberals and leftists…. and so lots of the breakdowns are what type of shitlib, left-liberal or leftist are you. Some times with hardcore leftists there niche ideology is the center rallying point but it’s mostly race and class.
Here almost everyone has the same politics but it’s not as if everyone is chilling and feeling like they’re part of the same (even though in many ways they are). And social groups mostly breakdown along racial lines. With A LOT of anti-white hate, which only reaffirms left-liberals thoughts that blacks/non-whites were horribly mistreated by racist/right wing whites.
The question of how to deal with diversity is what’s ratcheting up the culture war. As whites become a minority everyone is feeling the pressure to get the racial politics “right” by their own standards.
The angle you’re missing is that ‘nonwhites’ are not a monolithic block. New immigrants are heavily Democrat, which is why closing down immigration is vitally important, but in the longer run the real divide is between blacks and everyone else. An 80% Mexican city like El Paso looks and feels a lot more like conservative white areas in the Southeast than African hellholes like Baltimore or Detroit. The leftist agenda on race is basically a matter of indulging and lionizing blacks, and nonblack minorities are starting to get wise to this fact.
I think this basically the way of the future. New immigrants and the 1st gen tend to vote hard Democrat but down they line they become conservatives, just like what happened to white ethnics.
LatAm countries are already a racial fusion between whites and Mestizos and Mestizos are certainly able to function at a normal civilized level. Nonetheless it’s very important to shut down the flow, and especially to close the borders before the African population explosion in Africa really gets going.
“Racial nationalism will never go anywhere because the
most bitter and intense divide in the country is the
cultural divide between Whites.
Wrong. It’s between pro-Whites and anti-Whites. Anti-
Whites possesses a near total hegemony over American
discourse. Libtards are anti-White, with mainstream
conservatives (from normie to president) seeing
Whiteness as incidental or as a manifestation of the sin
of racism.
“If every non-White in the country vanished tomorrow
and America was miraculously transformed into a White
ethnostate, you would be left with millions of seething,
hostile shitlibs who would instantly start to sabotage the
It wouldn’t just be the shitlibs. The red states would
really miss their colored brothers in Christ.
Agribusinesses would miss their fruit pickers & ranch
hands. A lot of pews would be empty.
“Being White is one thing. Appreciating it is another.
There would be no affinity between Whites in the White
ethnostate and it would collapse due to the radical
difference in values. White identity is a source of guilt
and shame to those people who devote their lives to
Doing The Work to replace the Bad Whites and tearing
down the country to its foundations.
The existence of anti-White Whites proves what again?
Every race, people, nation, state, religion, culture, etc.
contains some traitors. Treason invalidates nothing. How
many Christians would actively resist “Christian
nationalism” on doctrinal grounds? Legions would. And
they’d receive international support. South Africa tried
White Christian Nationalism and see how that ended
“Who besides White Nationalists wants to unite with
those people? I certainly don’t. I know from experience
due to their disruption of all our previous events over the
years what a bad idea it is. I want to separate from them
because I don’t share any of their beliefs or values.
Utter dishonesty. No White Nationalist wants libtards in
the North American Social Republic. They are traitors.
W political thought is sophisticated enough to account
for treason. Why isn’t yours?
No other race attacks itself like Whites but that’s because the jews have declared war on Whites through the media and the dept of education. Divide and conquer so the majority White race will destroy itself.
White libtards who fled from California and NYC are taking over Mexico City:
Naturally, the Mexicans hate them. Everyone on earth hates these people. It’s our duty as Whites to police our own, so we must remove the genetic cancer that is the White liberal from existence. Libtard genocide would win us good will from the non-White races, who would thank us for delivering them from endless moral lectures at the hands of these perverted White saviorist groomer scumbags. We would then be able to peacefully engage in mutually beneficial trade with our brown neighbors while living in our own separate spheres.
I can’t blame the Mexicans
Your confirmation bias leads you to believe some nonsense.
>Naturally, the Mexicans hate them.
I grew up in California when it was still 80+% white; most of the non-whites were Mexicans — back then, the word Hispanic was rarely heard (link) — we called them Mexicans, because most of them were from Mexico; this is not necessarily a derogatory term, but could be (spic was the derogatory term for a Mexican) — that was the era when the Mexican population (now called Hispanic because they are of mixed national origin) started to rise, and you began to hear about La Raza and ‘reconquista’, culminating some years later (1994) with Proposition 187, which I remember was said by some to be ‘the last gasp of white America’.
The word gringo is derogatory — it’s what many Mexicans called Whites back then, and it’s what they still call Whites today — not just ‘white libtrards’, but all Whites — it is a racial term, not a political term.
As I pointed out before about all the non-whites overrunning America today: they would never allow their own countries to be demographically conquered in the same way — in particular, Mexicans would never allow Mexico to be taken over by gringos — it wouldn’t matter whether they are ‘libtards’ or not.
The only gringos interested in taking over Mexico would be White genetic libtards. Normal, non-diseased White people have no desire to impose ourselves or our way of life on outside races in the way that White libtards do.
I wouldn’t wish those people on the Mexicans, but their exodus is a trend that I can live with. They shouldn’t be able to vote though
They aren’t sending their best and it looks like we aren’t sending our best either.
I remember voting for 187 back then. It was too little too late, at least where I lived. This is why when people pull this crap that Latinos are “White enough” or they’re OK because they’re Conservative should be bitched slapped till their brains start functioning again. Coming from many places in SoCal is like coming from a country that was conquered and no longer exists. Most Americans don’t understand that feeling yet, but I think some of you are starting to understand.
> (spic was the derogatory term for a Mexican)
Another was (maybe still is) beaner.
So to make it clear: Mexicans resent gringos coming to Mexico because of their race, not because they are ‘libtards’ — living in CA years ago, I not infrequently saw stories about Whites not being welcome in Mexico, especially in Baja.
In the CA city where I lived years ago, one side of town was a barrio, i.e. primarily Mexican (would be called Hispanic today) — even there some hostility to Whites existed: Mexican gangs and even young Mexican men regarded that area as theirs — I remember I went over there once to buy something at a Mexican food market; some people stared at me, and I felt strange being among almost entirely Mexicans who were speaking Spanish.
There was something on a news feed I saw. Americans working close to the border with Mexico are moving into Mexico (due to the reduced living costs) but still working in the US. It’s driving up living costs for the Mexicans and putting a strain on their infrastructure, etc. Glad to hear it.
How many of you realize how much these Latinos cost us all? Billions, if not trillions of dollars by this point, have been siphoned out of the US economy and sent home to Mexico/SA. This is indirect wage theft from working class Americans. We aren’t even talking yet about crime, welfare costs, etc. when they come up to Gringoland. Frankly we should send all the Libertards down to them. Look at it as reparations for all the misery their presence has caused us.
“It wouldn’t just be the shitlibs-the Red States would really miss their colored brothers in Christ!”- haven’t you noticed the paucity of black people in white churches?- it’s because the Civil Rights movement was based on the lie that black people wanted to integrate with whites.- they always have and always will prefer their own kind- birds of a feather flock together. Holy Rolly white preachermen can beg blacks to join them til the cows come home,but blacks will never come. i don’t know who hates these cucks more- Mentally stable whites or blacks-
They want to do all of this within the framework of a White society, though. Access to gibs, white women, and all the other stuff.