If you are opposed to the Great Replacement and see the issue in racial terms as a conspiracy by liberal elites to replace White people, your views are no longer “extreme.” Republican support for decreasing immigration has jumped from 49% to 69% since June 2020.
“WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. remains highly fractured over immigration policy, with 27% of Americans saying immigration should be increased, 31% preferring that it be kept at the current level and 38% wanting it decreased. …
The mounting desire for decreased immigration in recent years has been driven mainly by Republicans, whose preference for reducing immigration is up 21 points since June 2020, when 48% expressed this. This contrasts with a five-point increase among independents, to 33%, and a four-point increase among Democrats, to 17%.
Longer term, views on immigration policy have become increasingly polarized. In 2008, at the end of the George W. Bush administration, 46% of Republicans and 39% of Democrats wanted immigration decreased — a seven-percentage-point difference. By 2009, that gap had widened to 17 points, and it has since stretched to the current 52 points. …”
We see this 70% number in a lot of places.
I coined the term White Populism to describe this shift in polls that I began to notice around the beginning of the Biden presidency. 70% of Republican voters are becoming more ethnocentric. Meanwhile, what used to be the GOP establishment has become the new fringe of the party.
Liz Cheney is a fringe candidate. We are the mainstream now.

NPR is out with a new immigration poll this morning.
The poll finds declining support for immigration, increased support for building the border wall, declining support for a DREAM Act amnesty, a widespread belief that the United States is being invaded by illegal aliens and that the Great Replacement is real conspiracy by liberals and Democrats to replace native born Americans. These shifts are all fueled by hardening attitudes among Republicans.
“More than half of Americans say there’s an “invasion” at the southern border, according to a new NPR/Ipsos poll, part of a broader decline in support for immigrants overall. …
The poll found that a majority of Americans — including three-quarters of Republicans — say it’s either somewhat or completely true that the United States is “experiencing an invasion” at the southern border. …
Republicans were also more likely to endorse rhetoric that echoes the so-called “replacement theory” — the false conspiracy theory that Jews or elites are deliberately replacing white Americans with immigrants and people of color.
More than a third of all poll respondents agree that “native-born Americans are being systematically replaced by immigrants” — including more than half of Republicans. Almost half of all Americans say that “Democrats are working to open our borders to more immigrants,” with more than 70% of Republicans in agreement. …
When asked four years ago, nearly two-thirds of respondents favored a pathway to legal status for the so-called Dreamers, undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country as children. Now that support has fallen to a bare majority, driven largely by a steep drop among Republicans and independents. …”
This is the latest poll which shows that over half of Republican voters believe in the Great Replacement now. I was asked about this yesterday. There have been multiple polls on this which show that somewhere between 50% to 70% of Republican voters believe the Great Replacement is happening.

Rand Paul just said he wants MORE immigration? People are done with crank “ideologies” like libertopianism.
No More Immigrants, America is full. Try again next century.
Rents are skyrocketing and the average Jane can’t connect 10’s of millions of immigrants and a housing shortage.
Ship of fools !
“Invasion at the southern border”
Well duh, my tards.
It’s been going on for 50+ years.
The massive influx of muds is analogous to smoking, it takes decades for the consequences to manifest themself, but then they are both deadly and irreversible.
The “Nation of Immigrants” and “Melting Pot” things didn’t mean come in and live off the taxpayers. It didn’t mean millions and millions. Not at all. We now spend over 250 billion per year on them. That’s not including the “legal ones”. Far more than we spend on really anything else, including the space program. The US is housing, feeding, and financing the raising of “hispanic” children. Politicians always are for this, when it brings the US absolutely nothing in return.
The “Nation of Immigrants” and “Melting Pot”
Both terms were coined by jwz.
Yep, but their homeland gets to remain pure. They basically run most of the world.
The Zionist state does have a large number of nonjews living in it. But they are mostly used as human shields or for stoop labor and organ harvesting.
By the way, the wall is too late. There’s probably over 100 million of them here, reproducing like crazy. It’s too little too late if they don’t deport them,
Top 10 Highest Illegal Immigration Costs By State in BILLIONS
-California–$21.76 Bn -New York–$9.48 Bn -Texas–$8.88 Bn -Florida–$5.46 Bn -Illinois–$4.59 Bn -New Jersey–$3.48 Bn -Arizona–$2.57 Bn -Georgia–$2.40 Bn -North Carolina–$2.06 Bn -Virginia–$1.91 Bn
These people are coming here and stealing from your children and their children’s future.
“These people are coming here and stealing from your children and their children’s future.”
Most ppl don’t care about the fate of their children, but the irony will be that economic collapse is near at hand and they will suffer for their lax attitude.
It’s sad they don’t care. Very long ago, they did.
If you are opposed to the Great Replacement and see the issue in racial terms as a conspiracy by liberal elites to replace White people, your views are no longer “extreme.”
That should probably make us all happy. But on the other hand, and just for the record, I’m not happy with this reductionism of TGR as the mere matter of “elect a new people” on the part of the parties and factions that would benefit.
A lot of the people doing a lot of the heavy lifting for TGR all over the Western world are people that would not only not soon benefit from the new voters, and not only would they never benefit from them, they would be existentially be hurt by them. For instance, here in Ye Olde Bundesrepublik, the people that have been imported since 2015 won’t be voting for Angela Merkel’s party. So it tells me that TGR is happening for “deeper” reasons, and I think that’s replacement for its own sake.
However, in America, as far as I can tell, casting it in “blue team electing a new people” is the safe, dare I say, kosher, way, of being able to talk about TGR at all in some sort of mass public medium, albeit barely.
The only answer is to do a full deport, legal and illegal which will never happen but It’s not PC.
“Republicans were also more likely to endorse rhetoric that echoes the so-called “replacement theory” — the FALSE CONSPIRACY THEORY that Jews or elites are deliberately replacing white Americans with immigrants and people of color.”
Eat shit & die, (((NPR))) scum.
At this point the only way that White America can survive is by becoming a hermit kingdom, which is fine with me. I wouldn’t be surprised if at least half the world’s nonwhite population was being artificially sustained by White agricultural production, medical technology, etc. We wanted to share our success and prosperity with everyone else and got kicked in the ass for it.