If you can’t trust a pure professional agent of the Deep State like Peter Strzok, who can you trust?
BTW, these people really are out to get Trump. It really is a witch hunt. It has been going on for six years now. He isn’t imagining any of that.
The excuse has changed over the years … the infamous Steele dossier, the Russia hoax, then it was the phone call with Zelensky, then it was 1/6 and now it is classified documents stored in a safe in Mar-a-Lago. He isn’t imagining the existence of a conspiracy against him. They are totally out to get him and his inner circle and supporters.
Note: I say this as someone who doesn’t care for Trump.

This smirking hack knows he’s lying
The FBI and all other alphabet agencies are the modern day Checka and Stasi. It can’t be more obvious. Shut down and do after political opponents.
Commie apparatchiks gonna commie.
The Long March is complete and they no longer hide it.
I liked Limbaugh’s name for this worthless bastard. “Strzok, Stroke, Smirk”.
As a side note Strzok doesn’t like Southerners.
Sertorius, The feeling is mutual….
Yeah, but Strzok has power. It’s not the same.
“Both sides” are covering up the Israeli Likud spies in Trumpworld, the most obvious being Kushner.
Merrick Garland is an Israeli agent placed by Israel’s asset in the Clinton White House, former 9/11 Cover Up Commissioner Jamie Gorelick.
The Washington Post leak said “nuclear intelligence on Iran” was leaked to Israel. But neither “side” will breathe a word about it, because “both sides” are working for Israel.
Once again, the morons are unable to see behind the Kabuki theatre…ZOG has to keep the white-wing morons affixed to their Zionist Party (Republican) & phony Zionist conman Trump as they lead them towards their new nonwhite Judeo-Communist subhuman society…
It’s religion. Their religion is based on everything from Zion. As long as they stay Christian, they will let these people run the show. They really don’t care about America, they think they will be in heaven and get their rewards. It’s insane how they do not see reality.
“It’s religion. Their religion is based on everything from Zion. As long as they stay Christian, they will let these people run the show.”
I can’t blame you for thinking this if your only experiences with Christianity is Protestantism or listening to subversives like Calvin Candy. The Christianity I was raised with and my ancestors followed is much different though. I remember being in Sunday School as a kid and being told by my teacher that the Jews murdered Jesus Christ and are all going to Hell, so the idea of Jews being “God’s Chosen People” and that we have to let them rule over us is foreign to me.
It’s not Christianity’s fault that we are where we are, if anything it’s because of the Protestant idea of Sola Scriptura that allows the likes of Cyrus Scofield to interpret the Bible any which way they want to without guidance by the Church Fathers.
Very good point. To be fair to Protestantism, Cyrus Scofield would have never been allowed anywhere near an influential position even as late as the 18th century. He was a total reprobate who abandoned his wife and kids, divorced and remarried. Naturally he found a home with the televangelists of his day and their circus act of cheap grace, which included plenty of Darbyists who installed this little back-door to “salvation” for the Synagogue of Satan, neatly bypassing the one who is to judge the living and the dead. Scofield became a big act on the circuit and got in with the big shots in the Lotus Club of NYC high-society which naturally included Schlomo, who paid Oxford University Press to publish his monstrously heretical annotated bible in 1909. It’s been a ride to hell ever since.
@CH I remember Catholicism, when the Jews were blamed for Jesus’ death, which was stupid, since it was God’s Will that he died. People used to blame Judas, too. But in Catholicism, we were also told, “the J’s are our spiritual cousins.” Whatever that means… But you really are assuming you know of my experiences in religion. Because I don’t accept something, does not mean I did not try and test it.
Tried several other denominations, but it doesn’t matter. You can’t turn against the J’s because they are God’s chosen folks. No matter how you try to design it, if you follow the bible, you are embracing them. This God is so illogical and plays hide and seek. He never helps when you need him, or when anyone needs him, but that woman in church said God gave them a new swimming pool! God works in mysterious ways. Nothing fails…like prayer.
Blaming the devil for everything, but also crediting God for everything good. You see, you cannot win in this. Either you get to go to heaven with Negroes and sing gospel music for eternity, or you go to hell for eternity and burn.
When I look at the photos of the cosmos, I cannot believe a being could create all of this, then be just like the bible portrays him. It’s a serious disconnect.
“But in Catholicism, we were also told, “the J’s are our spiritual cousins.”
I was told the exact opposite. We used to refer to the Jews as “perfidious” in our prayers.
“You can’t turn against the J’s because they are God’s chosen folks. No matter how you try to design it, if you follow the bible, you are embracing them.”
Jesus turned against the Jews and condemned them as being “of their father the devil.” If God Himself says that the Jews are Satan’s offspring then I doubt He considers them His chosen people, quite the opposite.
“Either you get to go to heaven with Negroes and sing gospel music for eternity, or you go to hell for eternity and burn.”
Just based off the fact that we’ve historically been the most Christian people, I have a hard time believing that Heaven is more diverse than Hell, after all it’s called Heaven.
That being said, Catholicism was the religion of most interwar Fascist movements that opposed the Jews. So it’s clear that any issues you have with Christianity are the result of something happening to the religion after World War II and not the religion itself.
I find that all Christians I talk to worship the jews, instead of Jesus and insist that Christ himself was jew. As far as John 8:44, they never heard that one. They don’t seem to know that their Christ, as according to the bible, spent his whole time on earth fighting against the jews. Yet, they vociferously defend the jews as god’s chosen people.
I’m particularly amused by this jew’s description of their complete control of the Christian churches. The response of any Christian jew lover I presented it to, was no response.
“Religion, too, must be taught, and through this necessity we have labored. With our control of the text book industry and the news media, we have been able to hold ourselves up as the authorities on religion. Many of our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed Christian theological seminaries. We are amazed by the Christians’ stupidity in receiving our teachings and propagating them as their own.
Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of every ‘Christian Church’ in America. Through our propaganda the Church has become our most avid supporter. This has even given us a special place in society, their believing the lie that we are the ‘chosen people’ and they, gentiles.
These deluded children of the Church defend us to the point of destroying their own culture. This truth is evident even to the dullard when one views history and sees that all wars have been white fighting white in order that we maintain our control. We controlled England during the Revolutionary War, the North during the Civil War, and England and America during World War I and II. Through our influence of religion we were able to involve the ignorant white Christians in war against themselves which always impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest. Anytime truth comes forth which exposes us, we simply rally our forces — the ignorant Christians. They attack the crusaders even if they are members of their own families.
Through religion we have gained complete control of society, government and economics. No law is ever passed except its merits have previously been taught from the pulpits. An example of this is race equality which led to integration and ultimately to mongrelization. The gullible clergy in one breath instruct their parishioners that we are a special, chosen people while in another breath proclaim all races are the same. Their inconsistency is never discovered. So we Jews enjoy a special place in society while all other races are reduced to racial equality. It is for this reason that we authored the equality hoax, thereby reducing all to a lower level.
We have been taught that our current economic practices are benevolent therefore Christian. These pulpit parrots extol our goodness for loaning them the money to build their temples, never realizing that their own holy book condemns all usury. They are eager to pay our exorbitant interest rates. They have led society into our control through the same practice. Politically, they hail the blessings of democracy and never understand that through democracy we have gained control of their nation. Their book again teaches a benevolent despotic form of government in accordance with the laws of that book, while a democracy is mob rule which we control through their Churches, our news media and economic institutions. Their religion is only another channel through which we can direct the power of our propaganda. These religious puppets’ stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they are ruled easily.” — Harold W Rosenthal, Admin. Asst. to Senator Jacob Javitts 1976
@C.H., Aryans worshipping a jew volcano demon + “his” son rabbi yeshu surely has nothing to do with jew domination
So say supposed “pro white christians”
So, nothing will change, unless apologist beta’s peddling delusional denial (like you) are silenced.
Who’s going to silence us? You and your handful of fellow alienated anti-social LARPing vantardists? Our movement is becoming more and more Christian and neither subversives like Calvin Candy nor old cranks like you can change that.
@ He.Reincarnated
They choose to ignore the enemy. God’s chosen would never do anything wrong.
They will send more and more money to them, and allow them more control over our government, because, heck, it’s the chosen folks of God, must be God’s will, right?
We are doomed.
@C.H. Yours or my subjective experiences mean nothing. It doesn’t matter what we were “told”. What matters is the trajectory of the white race.
Despite what you believe, or what anyone “believes”, Christianity DOES support the enemy, both financially and policy-wise.
Christianity DOES worship the Jewish god, you cannot deny that. The constant adoration and absolving of any wrong doings committed by this group, by Christians, is leading to our demise. Christians worship Jews.
Make no mistake, they have you where they want you. This whole “new” Christian revival is done for a reason.
If you think the US is going downhill for no reason, and there’s no one behind it, you will NEVER make a change.
“Despite what you believe, or what anyone “believes”, Christianity DOES support the enemy, both financially and policy-wise.”
And driving Christians away from seeing our point of view by attacking the faith helps us… how exactly? Christianity “supporting” the enemy is a failing of the religion’s adherents, not the religion itself. Christianity is opposed to the enemy and everything they do, it’s also opposed to every person that supports the enemy, whether they call themselves Christian or not.
“Christianity DOES worship the Jewish god, you cannot deny that. The constant adoration and absolving of any wrong doings committed by this group, by Christians, is leading to our demise. Christians worship Jews.”
Christians don’t worship the Jewish god, unless you’re saying that we worship Satan (which we don’t, obviously). Just the other day Jarrin Jackson, who’s running for Oklahoma State Senate, stated he’s “not beholden to Jews” and that “all Jews will go to hell.” Andrew Torba recently stated that “2% of the population shouldn’t control society” and called out the Jews by name. Most people that support us are Christians, attacking them will just keep our ideas marginal and fringe.
“Make no mistake, they have you where they want you. This whole “new” Christian revival is done for a reason.”
I think that there is a controlled opposition version of Christian Nationalism which all the politicians and large pundits are embracing, but I do think there’s also a Christian Nationalism more in line with the likes of Gerald L.K. Smith. We should promote the latter as a “True CN” vs the “Fake CN” of MTG and her ilk. Instead of attacking Christianity and Christians and driving millions of White people away as a result, we should be promoting “True CN” to the people we want to reach.
@C.H. You don’t believe in the Jewish God, Yahweh, Jehovah, Elohim, El Shaddai, God the Father, or whatever you want to call him? You do.
No one is talking about “Satan”. You have a poor strawman argument.
I haven’t seen one Christian Nationalist do anything but talk. So what if someone calls them out? So what? The WNs have done this for years.
Christian Nationalism IS controlled opposition, and if you look around, you’ll find out who is behind it.
“You don’t believe in the Jewish God, Yahweh, Jehovah, Elohim, El Shaddai, God the Father, or whatever you want to call him? You do. No one is talking about “Satan”. You have a poor strawman argument.”
Satan is the god of the Jews. They are of their father the devil, and the desires of their father they will do. Only Christians believe in the Biblical God, the Jews do not worship Him nor is He their god. And if they say they do, they’re lying as usual.
@C.H. You’re just making stuff up, now. The Jews follow the OT
You’re arguments are from your subjective opinion.
You won’t even get Christians to agree with you.
You just refuse to see that this isn’t even about religion. It’s all about race.
Wake up.
Blasphemy is a serious offence. God may forgive you, you are probably very young, or just gullible. I could quote 100 verses from the Bible that condemn both the physical and spiritual children of Satan. The Evangelicals dont even read the Bible. Thats why they like war. As far as Jews I will not speak too dangerous but what I have to say to you, Pilot, is that you will not get anywhere with a heathen crusade. While I believe in freedom of religion, except Satanism, any change in the current political climate will not be brought about by pagans. Also, repent now and save your soul before it is too late. You dont want to face the Heavenly Father’s wrath on judgment day.
Youre not going to “wake” anyone up with this nonsense, but you might send yourself to hell. I dont want that to happen. Accept Jesus today. Youll find yourself much better off.
“…you might send yourself to hell”. LOL Really? Why would I want to send myself to hell? Is Hell a default system, where if you don’t choose God, you automatically get Hell? How is that a choice? It’s more like extortion.
You DO realize your “Heavenly Father” is the Jewish God?
It is THIS lack of brain cells that is destroying our nation.
Guess what? I’ve read the entire bible. Not in one sitting, but I’ve read it so I know what it says.
You don’t even KNOW what “Blasphemy” means.
“As far as Jews I will not speak too dangerous but what I have to say to you, Pilot, is that you will not get anywhere with a heathen crusade.”
THIS is why we are doomed.
Christians will NEVER stand up to their oppressor, because they are so afraid of God, they just won’t. They never question why their God lets his Chosen People destroy us. There is no logic just fear.
The Romans needed more lions.
So you think that the darkest forces could corrupt the entire world which is indeed what has happened, but out of magnanimity they would leave the churches alone?
Obviously prayer is not a means to enact worldly change. Jesus (who was a Nazarene, not a Jew, and spoke many times against the Jews) said “my kingdom is not of this world” meaning that in this life the forces of evil have a natural advantage. As far as Jews, I do not believe them to be chosen people but I will not speak any more of them, not for fear of damnation but because I live in a country where we have hate speech laws and also because people have vanished for less. All I will say is that faith and action are not mutually exclusive, they go hand in hand.
“That sounds like extortion” well it depends. Have you ever sinned? Are you perfect? If not, then hell would be your destination EXCEPT God cares about you enough that he sent his Son to take the punishment in your place.
As far as the race thing and Evangelical churches go, “loving your neighbor” does not mean letting a trillion foreigners to pillage your country. It says in the Bible not to mix your seed with other nations, obviously. The laws of God are the laws of nature. Science is very compatible with religion, the Science vs Religion thing is like Redumblicans vs Democrats false conflict to divert your attention. Its like saying “Science isnt real” because they say there are no races and thats accepted science now even though its not true, just cause religion got corrupted like everything else doesnt mean God isnt real any more than electrons arent real. Analyze your reasoning here.
If you’ve read or studied the bible, you’d know they follow Jesus’ ancestry back. So he is a Jew. King of the Jews, they called him.
He came to save the House of Israel, according to Timothy.
But you see, all of this doesn’t matter, because I think you’re probably a very good person, with good motives, and it’s the good people being crushed by the enemy.
When you talk about God being as real as electrons, we can actually see electrons now. And if you don’t have an electron microscope, you can see the effects of electrons with electricity, or even static electricity. It’s quantifiable and measurable.
You’re right about things being corrupted. A lot of science is corrupted. But a lot of people truly into science, and not for some Marxist cause, understand what is going on.
Very well, I guess we agree to disagree on the point of religion. Much as there is still scientists who hold realistic views regarding race etc, there are still Christians who are in a similar position but too afraid to speak out.
It should be obvious to all but the most die hard dyed in the wool true believer Trump haters that the greater American social, political and cultural establishment has treated the person of Donald John Trump as an invading virus that deserves nothing but resistance, ever since the moment he rode down the escalator, all through the campaign, his Presidency, and now his post-Presidency. And it will continue until he dies, and it probably won’t even stop then.
Awhile back, I gave some deep thought on it, and came up with three reasons why I think the real powers that be have that attitude. To keep this short, I’ll summarize.
(1) Cliques. Trump was the first President who was neither elected to anything prior nor a military general. And relative to the modern era, he didn’t do it the “usual” way, the “town to town up and down the dial” way, that “conventional” serious Presidential candidates were “supposed” to. He never let his mind fry in the oil of establishment-endorsed or -peddled ideological frameworks, mainly because he was always busy with other things.
(2) China. Official America is too China-dependent to have tolerated Trump’s potential trade war with Beijing. Though, because of Beijing’s zero Covid insanity, which is causing a big chunk of the global supply chain issues, that’s starting to change.
(3) Gotta go there. Official sorts of organized activist Jewish interests (“the Jews,” in our sector’s shorthand), were existentially scared of him, for some reason. And, as we all know, when the Jews sneeze, the world catches cold.
All the other explanations that one could think of are easily refutable, weak sauce, dogs that don’t hunt for me or anyone.
Imagine being a 40-something year old man and sending those faggy sounding simp texts to a female coworker. The guy should’ve offed himself out of humiliation years ago.
They should have hauled out Lon Horiuchi to really rubbed everyone’s face in it: See, I can get away with coldblooded first-degree murder! Sovereign immunity is a license to kill (limited in only in the case of negroes, and not always with them). Don’t be surprised if they do. The Diabolical Narcissists running this clown show love doing that kind of thing. Stamping that boot on YT’s face forever gives Schlomo his biggest orgasm of sheer delight, the rodentine hands rubbing in delight so furiously it will sound like crickets in a Mississippi swamp on a steamy August night.