And there you go. Only men. Between age 35-65. Wealthy enough to own property (fyi also more likely white). Notice the reasoning. Not because it’s fair or democratic. But that’s what would give conservatives/GOP power forever & dismantle the government. Literally spelling it out. pic.twitter.com/ijkdKdFZXz
— Samuel Perry (@profsamperry) August 24, 2022
Not the first time he's said stuff like this, though this is probably his most blatant about which demographics he wants to favor. pic.twitter.com/Q5wzvspmAD
— Josiah Hawthorne (@JosiahHawthorne) August 24, 2022
About 70% of Americans say voting is a right, not a privilege. But guess who's most likely to say it's a privilege (i.e., something we can take away). Folks who think whites, Christians, or men get "the most discrimination" are more likely to put voting in the privilege category. pic.twitter.com/8NS60l8Umg
— Samuel Perry (@profsamperry) August 24, 2022
I have no interest in being a decent person. That ship sailed ago. I’m only interested in victory over my enemies.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) August 23, 2022
You of course feel the same way. But you cloak it by claiming to aim for “decency”.
We’re enemies. That’s just how it is. One of us will win. https://t.co/Fanmut8eTO
I don’t like democracy. Neither did the Founders. If you were educated in something other than America’s schools, you’d know this. https://t.co/ESiXOH1EdY
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) August 23, 2022
FYI: This is why I believe a monster is coming on the Right.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) August 23, 2022
If people have to choose between this and Franco, they WILL choose Franco. I certainly will. https://t.co/tdWTjFUtJq
We don’t have a democracy and we never did.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) August 23, 2022
But yes, I’m actively trying to destroy your demonic communist religion. That’s fair. https://t.co/VAYF34DurF
If you told the Founding Fathers that everyone who lives to the age of 18 would be allowed to vote, they would have surrendered to the British on the spot.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) August 23, 2022
It’s insane to allow everyone to decide who governs the nation. Impossible to keep a free society that way. https://t.co/KGDDkOuDrD
What do you think? https://t.co/dLLhBBwT3U pic.twitter.com/5GjcV4NR9k
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) August 23, 2022
I’m enjoying his Twitter feed.
A few days ago, he correctly noted what actually happened at Ruby Ridge, which is that the FBI has always been a Stasi-like organization.
It is just now being used as a weapon against Trump and his supporters while in the past it has been used against “far right” groups like the Aryan Nations. Nothing has really changed except that millions of people who are perceived as “far right” are being repressed by the Deep State now instead of tiny fringe groups.
It sounds like Jesse Kelly wants to destroy liberal democracy and replace it with a more conservative republic. He seems to be leading conservatives in the right direction. Professor Thomas Main is going to get very upset.
“We got work to do with the under 40 crowd … We have to update the Republican brand”
Michael Berry saw an opportunity to do so with Jesse Kelly
How did Jesse get back on twitter?
Is Trump back on twitter?
Someone please show that last tweet with the electoral maps to Calvin Candy so the myth that diversity actually makes us more conservative can be put to rest for good.
An American Franco? Yikes.
I can think of a better role model, if we are going that route…
You and we all know what he likely mean but he can`t say it…just yet
No, I don’t think we all know what he “likely means”. He comes across as a very straightforward conservative/economic liberal.
He means what he said. He’s a kosher anti-communist.
He’s pro-Israel
Never heard of this guy, but then, I don’t care for “radio shows”.
@stoecker—-of course he is Irish. Have you ever seen an anti-Semitic Mick? They do not exist. And do you know why? They are of a kind. They are the same.
An inconvenient truth has been spoken.
This guy is on the right track
And yes “i don´t want to be a decent person” we have been “decent” for too damn long, time to get mean,vindictive,brutal and cruel because the times were in call for it
Time for axes
Demographics is Destiny
Race Power is Destiny
The Democratic Party is importing its highly racialized nonwhite Voting Bloc from India…Muslim Pakistan and China….to nullify the Native White Working Class Vote every POTUS ELECTION…….This how the Democratic Party stole the POTUS Election on Nov 3 2020…..not by ballot stuffing…..
They don’t need votes anymore, to get what they want. They just break the rules and do it.
They’re importing more and more nonwhites, to push whites out. They want the North American Union to look like dirty Mexico.
I would be very skeptical about Founding Father worship and I don’t trust conservatives period. They will say anything when their back is against the wall and they’ve shown through decades, if not centuries, of behavior that they view working class White people as their #1 enemy.
Please don’t use SPLC talking points. The Aryan Nations are not a “far right” group – they are a prison gang, and a drug cartel. They are not political, they are organized crime.
It would be like calling the Sinola cartel “far right.”
The Jewish Defense League is “far right.”
Universal democracy is a pathetic joke. Voting should be an earned privilege.
He’s does okay but is still a diehard supporter of Jews and Israel.
Jews have literally launched a full fledged war against White America.
That’s not hyperbole.
Those who refuse to acknowledge the Jewish Problem at this point are suspect.
Who does he think these communists are which he rants constantly about?
He doesn’t want to be put in the Torba pain box.
The irony of that is the more that strong men enter the Torba pain box the more that pain box becomes a fortress.
This is why Jews put all their focus and energy on maximizing the pain of the pain box.
Jesse Kelly put his life on the line for the GAE in the Middle East but he’s scared to name the Jew.
That’s the fundamental problem and it won’t change until the pain box becomes full of warriors which transform it into a refuge and mountaintop castle.
Rep. Thomas Massie might have less testosterone than Kelly but is superior in declaring his opposition to continued funding of Israel.
MAGA’s ‘Columbia Bugle’ agreed with Massie publicly which I thought was a huge breakthrough.
There are trends to be optimistic about but the reality is the more the awakening occurs the more Jews will increase the punishment penalty on every front.
I’m going to be very cautious but the Jews reverse osmotic pressure might not be enough this time.
We’ll see……