1776 Will Commence Again!
Bruce Gore is always a pleasure to listen to. I just discovered that he has done this whole new thought provoking series. I’m sharing it here because I am watching it and learning from it.
Note: For the “journalists” and “extremism researchers” browsing this website, this is the highbrow version of Christian nationalism and the background of 1/6. There was always an ethnocultural core that underpinned the American form of government
HW, you know you can search your commenters IP address and get an idea what they are?
I had a Nazi posting on my blog about how Christians are just a bunch of cucks for the Jews, and even mentioned how Jared Taylor is a cuck for the Jews and how all the dumb Christians are getting suckered by Loomer.
So I looked him up, he is posting from “Rochamim Aviel internet service, TEL AVIV, Israel.”
Literally, the whatcha doin rabbi meme.
That is what the “neo-nazi movement” is. All these commenters trolling people over religion, not hating Jews enough, or too much, or race is religion, or hating the Irish …
… obviously, snap out of it. These are all Jewish trolls, and Feds, and spam from SPLC interns. The entire “Movement” is and has always been fake, FBI recruiting freaks with facial piercings and narcissistic gasbags who want to get on TV playing the heel character.
And literal Jews sitting in a call center in Tel Aviv posting as IHeartHitler1488 calling everyone ‘Christcucks.’
Nazi=Jew=Fed. You know, like Weev.
Some of them are trolls.
Some of them ardently believe this nonsense.
In my experience, this sort of monomania is common in the movement. It is my biggest complaint about it
Hunter: I think that conservatism tends to attract people from either end of the IQ bell curve. The very stupid and the very smart. The simple ones are the most vocal though, and many of them are just trolls or feds fishing to catch suckers into saying something stupid. The very smart are often too busy or too wise to get sucked into extreme causes. I wouldnt be caught dead on TV at one of these things like Cville or J6. My advice to anyone else thinking about putting their face out there like that is to STAY AWAY.
why should people cower in the shadows? That’s just what this sick regime wants.
So Robert Browning could axshually be Robert Brownstein? Howbowdah!
Thank you Banned Hipster,I’ve been telling Hunter this all week.Right on the money Sir.Each and every one of them is a Jew here to ruin this site for normal commenters.They all use a similar script,They hate Jesus,they pose as caricatures of racially aware White men and they push people into unproductive pursuits.Ban them all Hunter.And as you have said the main thing White Christians need to do is let this Satanic Jew system collapse upon itself.As Hitler said,God made nature and nature will force correction upon the deviant Jews.
Banned Hipster you are correct. We only keep the memory of Adolf Hitler alive to prevent the goyim from discovering Very Normal Post-Confederate Presbyterian American Nationalism 2.0, the one true path as described in the Scriptures.
Oh, yes. Him. Basically sound, but a multiculturalist, even so.
In other words, a compromiser, and an adulterator.
Speaking as a Catholic, this is what amuses me about Protestantism… it can be anything you like.
Which of the 32,000 brands, denominations and cults would you like today, Sir?
The Methodists, started out as the Methodist-Calvinists, and then split into Presbyterians and Methodists in the US before the Revolution. George Whit(e)field who is considered the founder of American Presbyterianism started out as a Methodist-Calvinist and member of the Holy Club at Oxford with the Wesley brothers.
> The Methodists, started out as the Methodist-Calvinists, and then split into Presbyterians and Methodists in the US before the Revolution. George Whit(e)field who is considered the founder of American Presbyterianism started out as a Methodist-Calvinist and member of the Holy Club at Oxford with the Wesley brothers.
This is hilariously wrong – he is trolling.
That’s historical fact, not fiction.
Whit(e)field was a friend of Ben Franklin, and he had come to the colonies as a Methodist preacher. Whit(e)field was known for being so loud he could be heard at a great distance, which in the days before public address systems was a great advantge.
Whit(e)field along with other Methodist and Presbyterian preachers was pro-slavery and saw benefits to slavery for the Blacks.
You’re summarizing Wikipedia like a freshman but getting details wrong.
You are not a Christian and are not at all familiar with American Calvinist culture. You have the jargon all wrong.
So what is your point exactly? How will your rope the Irish into your troll?
You are pretending there is some “Christian infighting” but there isn’t. You just want to show off some essay you read maybe?
Why do you care?
You are a Catholic, and mentally ill. LOL.
The Quakers are not Calvinistic, nor any of the Anabaptists that settled in eastern Pennsylvania. But the western half of the Quaker state was solidly Scots-Irish.
Wesleyan Methodism predominant among the English and Welsh settlers here was Arminian not Calvinist.
I read that American country and western music is almost exclusively Scots-Irish in its origins, eg, Johnny Cash and the Carter Family.
Wesley started the Methodist-Calvinist movement at Oxford in England.
Wesley’s Arminism consisted of his belief that an individual could renounce Jesus and lose Salvation. Where a strict Calvinist believes that once saved always saved.
So, Wesley’s Arminism was based on his personal observation. Not on some deep philosophical dogma. It was a great debate in the 17th and 18th Centurys’.
“That is what the “neo-nazi movement” is. ”
Everyone on the net is not a SPLC stooge
For example I have a younger relative that was on 4Chan a lot and was basically a member of the Alt-Right a few years ago.
I myself have only been radicalized recently by wave after wave of honor propaganda and the raid on Trump’s estate.
Let’s put them gays back in the closet!
I myself have only been radicalized recently
So, that’s why you think it’s alright to patronize niggers and jews by watching niggerball.
Who fucking cares?
We need a combination of 1861 and 1933, not 1776.
Astronaut Meme
America was judeo-Protestant before, during, and after the Revolution?
Always has been.
It’s times like this when I wish the great Billy Ray Jenkins was still posting here to set us straight on the matter of religious affiliations in early America!
I attended an 18th century Congegationalist church as a youth in New England.
Notable how in the 20th century the mainline Presbyterian / Reformed traditions mostly collapsed into barely-Christian liberalism, whereas Baptist traditions kept their traditional religiosity much stronger
The once strict Dutch Reformed of America, wound up being the host for the quasi-unitarian Norman Vincent Peale and his ‘Power of Positive Thinking’, ultra-loose post-Christianity of the ‘think and grow rich’ school, a very ‘American’ creation at least
The 3 Calvinist governments of Europe – in Switzerland, Scotland and the Netherlands – all wound up post WW2 as homes for loose LGBT-friendly etc ‘national churches’
The emotionalism of Baptist-style preaching and church services, proved to ground a more enduring style of Christianity – almost as enduring as the very different incense-and-magic ceremonialism of the Christian Orthodox, or old Latin Mass Catholicism before the 1960s Vatican put the wrecking ball to it.
What’s wrong with “positive thinking”? Or do you like dark annd depressed. LOL.
I observe that much of Banned Hipster’s arguments involve ad hominem. I consider this logical fallacy to be part of the problem here. If he disagrees with you he says you’re insincere, you’re mad at your parents, you read wikipedia, you’re a jew, you’re a nazi, you have a face piercing, blah blah blah. It’s very unpersuasive. He doesn’t tell you what he believes. He wants to tell you what you believe or don’t. Thanks, but I’ll make my own arguments.
Anyway, it’s obvious there are sincere WNs who don’t accept the Christian faith. Many of them were/are acknowledged leaders, like GLR, WLP, Tom Metzger, even David Duke. David Duke accepts a form of Christianity I would term “Gnostic” because he rejects the Old Testament. David Duke’s theological views would certainly be enough to get him kicked out of a Missouri Synod Lutheran church, were he a member. But I don’t think David Duke would allow the fear of such a thing to change his message.
Frankly, many of the forms of Christianity have anathematized each other, so there is no one definition of Christianity. You’d have to water Christianity down to some general belief in Jesus and in some version of Christian morality. Hell, if that’s all it takes, call me a Christian too. I sort of take the “thomas jefferson” view of the New Testament. Which I’m honest enough to admit is not orthodox whatsoever. I think you will find that most forms of Christianity as practiced by WNists is heretical by historical standards. This is especially true of Christian Identity, Mormonism, and theonomists like Rushdoony.
The difference between cultural Christians and cultural Jews is that Christians stop calling themselves Christian when they lose faith. When they reach the innocent and likely conclusion that it is impossible for the Bible to be the infallible source of all revealed truth.
There’s a big difference between people who privately and conscientiously dissent from the idea that the Bible as an “all or nothing” deal, and those who really want to eradicate the moral and cultural accoutrements of Christianity from our culture. One is organic and likely, the other is forced and subversive.
So pretending like everyone just falls into one camp situated at two extremes is, again, unpersuasive.
@georgeredleaf said: observe that much of Banned Hipster’s arguments involve ad hominem. I consider this logical fallacy to be part of the problem here. If he disagrees with you he says you’re insincere, you’re mad at your parents, you read wikipedia, you’re a jew, you’re a nazi, you have a face piercing, blah blah blah. It’s very unpersuasive. He doesn’t tell you what he believes. He wants to tell you what you believe or don’t. Thanks, but I’ll make my own arguments.
Well said. You noticed, too.
Of course there’s no one definition of Christianity. There’s 35,000 individual protestant sects that don’t agree with each other. Who knew? Modern day Christians and their countless churches failed to stop legal murder of infants for 50 years. They failed to stop the Civil War, desegregation, school integration, women’s suffrage, WWI, WWII, jew bankers, hippies, feminism, jews banning prayer in schools, black violence, the jews (in general), pornography, nonwhite immigration, homosexuals, homosexual marriage, sex education in schools, homosexual sex education in schools, trannies and everything else that they ever said they were trying to stop. American Christianity has been a caricature of political impotence, to the point where they now they represent the biggest allies of the jews. They support the jews in their many decades long slaughter of innocent Palestinians even though their bible says the jews are evil and cursed by God, but are “God’s chosen people”. Talk about confused!
The blog owner likes college football.
Newly radicalized Normies are not going to don Brown-shirts over night!
May the games continue!
Overnight? Though allegedly you claim you just woke up, it’s extremely late in the game. Certainly niggerball fans won’t be any example in the need to wake up normies. The jews have niggerized your game and forced you to watch a bunch of monkeys running around the field, so what do you do? Throw your pride away and continue to watch. College niggerball? That’s when the affirmative action niggers get to go to college for free while Whites are made to pay absorbitant tuitions to attend. Excuses, excuses, sorry ass excuses. Stop indulging your selfish desires and nigger worship. Football as well as countless other pleasures has been stolen away from we who created it, and it’s not coming back until we come together and take it back by force.
Patience with newbies is a virtue. Someone who just swallowed his first red pills isn’t going to understand some raving lunatic nagging like a bad wife because he wants to relax and enjoy a game of sportsball. Incrementalism has some value here. Dropping subscriptions to woke cable companies when they see the NFL players taking a knee in honor of St. George of Fentanyl goes much farther than scolding a newbie. Never stop your enemies when they’re making serious errors. The woke will destroy college football soon enough on their own. They literally can’t stop themselves.
Having what amounts to pro-sports farm-clubs as part of a university is detrimental to the original core-purpose of universities as it introduces a population of 85-IQ criminally-inclined dindu predators into a whole population of easy targets just so the college can get major TV ad revenue. The baseball system works far better. There are lots of college teams yes, but they are not a direct ticket to the major leagues. There might be major-league scouts watching college baseball, but their picks will go to the farm-clubs instead of living the ‘playah’ lifestyle while recruited by a college in high school.
The disappointing part is I responded to this lukewarm WN above who is so attached to niggerball, early this morning, and my comment still isn’t up. Must be the reason comments don’t go up as soon as you write them.