Stacey Abrams says unrestricted abortion-on-demand can help solve inflation: “Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas. It’s why you’re concerned about how much food costs.” pic.twitter.com/5CDEAKMDwN
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 19, 2022
The Brian Kemp vs. Stacey Abrams race is one of the easiest calls in America.
If you are angry about record inflation, high gas prices, unaffordable rent or the decline in the stock market, just don’t have children. Better yet, abort your own kid. Do it for Ukraine!
The issue of abortion is such a low hanging fruit for the right, there is no winning the issue for Dems anymore.
When they advocate killing a viable child instead of just birthing it and giving it to someone that wants it, it can’t be any more clear how perverted their worldview is by ideology and corporate interests.
Pretty much nobody wants black kids, besides virtue signalers like JD Vance and David French, but, that really isn’t my problem to solve.
Let them make the argument nobody wants black kids, lol. Also not a winning argument.
“The issue of abortion is such a low hanging fruit for the right, there is no winning the issue for Dems anymore.”
Then why are the Democrats constantly running ads about it and the Republicans running from it like it’s the plague? See Richard Hanania:
“On the other hand, when polls show most people supporting the Democratic position on abortion since the Dobbs ruling, we can probably take that seriously. We saw a pro-life initiative go down by a huge margin in Kansas, and Republicans have done worse in elections since the Supreme Court handed down its decision. Assuming politicians know what they’re doing and have a good sense of where the public is, we can also see that Democrats are eager to talk about the issue while Republicans are running from it. Since Dobbs, Democrats have spent one-third of their TV ad money emphasizing their pro-choice position, and in the first few weeks of September, they “aired more than 68,000 ads on TV referencing abortion — more than 15 times as many as their Republican counterparts.”
I haven’t seen a single poll showing abortion anywhere close to being a priority for independents over basic economic issues. Hence, its a loser, as culture war issues go it animates the right as much as the left.
The Dems are running nonstop ads about it because they have literally nothing better.
“If you are angry about record inflation, high gas prices, unaffordable rent or the decline in the stock market, just don’t have children. ”
Uh, stop immigration and refugee resettlement.
Black spaghetti logic is the reason black societies fail, ie Haiti.
She’s not exactly wrong. A vote to ban abortion is a vote for more welfare spending and more crime. But I guess if it fills your neighborhood with delinquents, maybe housing prices will go down, reducing inflationary pressure. There’s a silver lining in everything.
I see Ms. Abrams has no children herself. I would count that as a good thing for America.
Definitely a good thing that a white woman raped by a black man can abort the demon spawn. Not so in your “dixie.” There are a lot of phrases you could use to describe that, but “pro-white” isn’t one of them.
This obsession with abortion is disturbing to say the least but I’m sure Moloch is very pleased. Up next folks, pedophilia, and then I hope we get nuked.
Our Founding Fathers never intended for a low IQ negress to hold any power in America. This Marxist millionaire is the epitome of why we should repeal the 19th Amendment.
I don’t care if they abort their offspring. Why try to stop that?
>I don’t care if they abort their offspring. Why try to stop that?
Virtue signaling, mostly. And a lot of these men are just trying to keep the peace with their Christian wives. It’s especially funny considering the feminists’ “muh patriarchy” rhetoric.
No need to worry about paying for food if you go extinct, or go to hell! Stacey sounds like a solid pick for Dilettante Dickie and his “dialectical” eugenics cope. Transgenderism, ubiquitous pornography, antiwhite legislation, atheism, feminism, Zionism, leftist lawfare, mass censorship, stagflation, war in Europe, Satanism, – all of this is actually the recipe for the Ubermensch.
Pure psychopath.
Lizzo/Stacy Abrams 2024.
The New Mount Flushmore, Lizzo, Stacy Abrams, Barry Soetoro and Irkel.
Hey, YWC, at least Urkel was entertaining!
A big fat lizard……
HW: This is one to put a bookmark on. Things are going to get rough when ZOG gets its back against a wall and little things like this which can go unnoticed now, will later be pieces needed to build a rough picture of whats actually happening.
>Stacey Abrams: Abortion Will Help Reduce Gas Prices and Inflation
I won’t bother watching/listening — but I imagine what she meant (which is foul enough), even if this is not exactly what she said, is that if you don’t have a child to support, you can more easily afford to pay for gas, and in this respect one aspect of inflation (high fuel prices) can be ameliorated — it makes no sense to say or suggest that abortion ‘will help reduce gas prices and inflation’, although she may be that dumb (I don’t know; but she is black after all).
link — One positive aspect of the deteriorating regime toady is they don’t understand not to actually voice the horrific subtext of state ideology
Aborting niggers will reduce crime by 90%.
One could call it a conundrum for those who are staunchly pro-life but also race realists, albeit I have no idea how large the intersection is.
“…One could call it a conundrum for those who are staunchly pro-life but also race realists…”
I have exactly this problem. As much as I hate abortion, I don’t want more Blacks, and there will be way more, and I don’t think forcing Women to have kids is exactly right. It’s a dilemma.
I fully understand the moral problem but sometimes morality gets in the way of practicality. Another example would be stopping immigration but you could make a case for the Christian way to do things would be to help everyone immigrate to help them but I wouldn’t do that.
Not every issue has a good answer.
>(… but she is black after all).
link — “If you don’t have a family you’ll be less likely to resist the managed decline of society” has always been the implications but she’s too dumb to know that bit is supposed to stay behind the curtain
I have not listened to this yet, but if she really implied that being a barren, childless cog-in-the-machine pod-living, bug eating consumer is the key to stopping inflation, my reply to that is that laying off the fried chicken on her part would be an effective solution too.
I’m surprised the low IQ simian didn’t add abortion will also save lives.
All types of birth control for the B underclass , the 3rd World, Haiti, Muslim world that s a good thing . Anti abortion White purests are idiots.