Donald Trump is right.
The Evangelicals are amazing!
- 93% of White evangelical Protestants say the country is headed in the wrong direction
- 71% of White evangelical Protestants believe the country has gotten worse since the 1950s
- 50% of White evangelical Protestants believe “God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that could be an example to the rest of the world.” 50% of Republican voters also believe this
- 65% of White evangelical Protestants believe immigrants from other countries threaten traditional American customs and values
- 61% of White evangelical Protestants believe America has become too soft and feminine
- 37% of White evangelical Protestants oppose the Dobbs decision
- 50% of White evangelical Protestants are very motivated to vote after the Dobbs decision
- 19% of White evangelical Protestants believe “the legacy of slavery and discrimination have limited Black Americans’ upward mobility”
- 61% of White evangelical Protestants agree that discrimination against white Americans has become as big a problem as discrimination against racial minorities
- 33% of White evangelical Protestants believe “white supremacy” is still a major problem in America. The lowest level of support of any group in the country
- 51% of White evangelical Protestants believe children are being indoctrinated by public school teachers and librarians
- 87% of White evangelical Protestants believe there are two genders
- 75% of White evangelical Protestants believe transsexuals should be required to use the restroom of their biological sex
- 59% of White evangelical Protestants “support laws that would prevent parents from allowing their child to receive medical care for a gender transition”
- 51% of White evangelical Protestants believe “immigrants are invading our country and replacing our cultural and ethnic background”
- 65% of White evangelical Protestants believe the American way of life needs to be protected from foreign influence
- 42% of White evangelical Protestants support a path to citizenship for illegal aliens. The lowest level of support of any group in America
- White evangelical Protestants are the least likely to support establishing a pathway to citizenship (21%) and the most likely to say undocumented children of immigrants should be identified and deported (40%)
- 15% of White evangelical Protestants have a favorable view of Joe Biden
Just listen to Alt-MSNBC and assume the opposite is true.
It is White evangelical Protestants who are the base of the Republican Party who are becoming radicalized and supporting secession and opposing anti-Whiteism and the Great Replacement.

All your gods are belong to pointy hats.
The trombone is sad, always so sad.
Not so! These YT trombones from Switzerland were quite happy when Lassus Trombone (The Cullud Valet to Miss Trombone) was on the menu. The Church of Woke now sez it’s a sin to listen to this raycisssss music – so play dat honky musik, white boy.
Trumpstein is right, the shekels are growing.
“God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that could be an example to the rest of the world.”
It’s hard to know what to make of such an unfalsifiable statement. Did God come to you in a vision and tell you this? Is it hidden somewhere in the Bible?
Jews: Israel is our promised land given to us by God. We know because God told us so in the Talmud.
Christians: America is our promised land given to us by God. He didn’t say so, but we just know it.
I didn’t listen to/watch the entire yesterday’s TruNews but I believe they were making the case for the Jews converting the USA to Communism/Satanism in order to use the USA to attack Russia (the Jews’ enemy) who threw the Jews out and replaced them with Christianity. TruNews also condemned the American Evangelicals for not (fully, maybe?) supporting Russia.
Satan’s Yankee Empire which now practices Satanism needs to be nuked off the face of the earth ASAP. Go Russia!
Secede now!
May God Save the South!
Putin’s been calling Ukrainians satanists, I guess calling them Nazis didn’t stick. Maybe this time next year he’ll be saying they’re closet Muslims and members of Al-Queda.
Smart move.
The people who want to defund the war in Ukraine are Christian nationalists
Putin is correct of course
Among the azov and tornado psychos taken at Mariopul there were just as many satanic tatoos as swastikas found, one of the formost leaders of ukrainian “Nazis” is a devout satanist
add to this that the AFU “National” batallions have erected shrines and comited blood sacrifize and that evidence for all this was found when the ground was retaken by DPR and LNR forces!, it was even shown in the Russian msm
Most AFU soldiers are Christians but a lot of these volunteers are not, the Kiev government and ukraine as a state promote homosexuality and worse and this makes it as Putin says a satanic government
Right now the jews flee Russia since they are of their father…the devil
“Among the azov and tornado psychos taken at Mariopul there were just as many satanic tatoos as swastikas found, one of the formost leaders of ukrainian “Nazis” is a devout satanist
add to this that the AFU “National” batallions have erected shrines and comited blood sacrifize and that evidence for all this was found when the ground was retaken by DPR and LNR forces!, it was even shown in the Russian msm”
Right, they “found” this, sure. They seem as trustworthy as our MSM.
“Right now the jews flee Russia since they are of their father…the devil”
Jews flee Russia because the sanctions have cratered the Russian economy, same as all the other Russians.
“65% of White evangelical Protestants believe the American way of life needs to be protected from foreign influence”
I wonder how many of that 65% support AIPAC. Talk about not being able to see the forests for the trees.
WNs must be for a White race that stands proud and tall, not one that cowers to foreign interests and celebrates the banning of abortion BECAUSE it will be dysgenic and BECAUSE it will make America blacker.
You don’t need to listen to Richard Spencer to develop an antipathy to these people. Just listen to what THEY THEMSELVES SAY about eugenics, “Judeo-Christian heritage,” blah blah blah blah.
Imagine taking Richard Spencer seriously in 2022. You must be trolling
I never took Spencer serious period. He has always been a grifter and a fraud.
Sadly Greg Johnson isn’t doing too well either recently. In his debate with Mark Collett over Ukraine he said things like “NATO is effectively a pro-white alliance.” DUDE!
And if that wasn’t enough, he also suggested Russia, “a prison of nations”, should be broken up. Not only would this lead to the Chechen Wars times a dozen, with millions of people dead. Europe itself would be flooded with black-market weapons up to dirty bombs, millions of refugees including Chechen jihadists, China taking all of Siberia. Johnson also suggested that an Intermarrium under POLISH leadership should control all of this central-European area. Including the Baltic states! That’s the most anti-German thing you could possible suggest, other than promoting the military pact ofc which has its motto to “keep America (the great GAE) in, the Russians out and the Germans down”.
I really want an end of Wilsonian order in Europe. Not only because it escalates border conflicts like the one between Germany and Poland in 1939 or the current Ukrain War to World Wars, not only because it strengthens the worst elements and people in Murica like Nuland and her PENAC scum, but also because a lot of Americans just don’t understand Europe. If the whole conflict would have been left between Germany and Russia, it would have never come to the war in the first place. Even in the current situation of at best “limited sovereignty”.
“millions of refugees including Chechen jihadists”
LOL. PUTIN is the one sending Chechen jihadists into the Ukraine because apparently killing other Slavs is a job ethnic Russians just won’t do.
An Irish friend of mine joked about “Irish Alzheimers” where they forget everything but their grudges. I suspect Joseph Robinette Biden suffers this malady.
The Slavs forget nothing. My Mom, God rest her soul, was First Generation American and I could never win a fight with her, because she’d detail everything I ever did to upset/disappoint her, including being born female. She bought a bunch of blue baby clothes because I was a big baby and virtually everyone thought she was carrying a boy.
My brother, is a smart aleck who told my mother that the German ace who was brought down by a Polish pilot wielding a pistol crashed, because he was laughing too hard to control the plane. He famously noted, “an insult offered eight hundred years ago sits more strongly with Poles (and other Slavs) than the one offered eight minutes ago, because then they’ve had time to brood about it!”
In any case, I understand why Putin felt he had to invade. The people in the Russian speaking part of the Ukraine were being murdered by the Azov Battalion. And we wouldn’t be the happiest of campers if there were Russian bases and missiles pointing straight at us on our borders with Canada or Mexico.
That said, the EU’s open door immigration policies to violent populations from the Middle East, Afghanistan, North and Subsaharan Africa, not to mention their imposition of the Rainbow LGBT abomination on them was making former Eastern bloc countries balk. Poland and Hungary and even the Czech Republic were ready to exit from the EU and possibly even NATO itself.
I imagine that’s why the Usual Suspects raised the provocation level to Putin. Too bad. I could see a time where all these breakaway Eastern bloc countries would petition to rejoin the Soviet Union. In my favorite fantasy, Putin says we’ll think about if you behave yourselves from now on and… oh yes, finally take responsibility for what happened eight hundred years ago! Maybe he should drop the final condition. He probably wouldn’t want to press his luck on that one.
In any case, I think our feckless leadership is going to do Putin’s job for him. A lot of the countries and the EU want to drop this nonsense with funding that nasty little vulgarian comic, Zelenskyy and fighting the Russians down to the last Ukrainian. This is probably going to end NATO. Russia may end up walking off with all of Europe, thanks to Biden and his cast of Neo-clowns.
Lol, this thread seems to have provoked a few faggoty trolls I’ve never seen here before.
CN is imperfect, but it’s clearly a viable path towards (in a nutshell) the 14 words, so anyone who opposes it, at least at this point, must be considered to oppose the 14 words.
WNs who come out and publicly tie their religion to their nationalism usually wind up condemned by their “spiritual leaders,” who often cite that “there is neither Jew nor Greek” line.
Yeah, it’s imperfect. But it’s a start. Look at the survey data Hunter posted. Look at it. You gotta hunt where the ducks are.
That may be so, but there is a negro, chink and hindoo. : )
CN is a viable path to more adoptees from Africa and Asia. Anything to increase the Holy ranks of the Lord.
I know. That is so unlike every other group in society. Damned Christians, if it wasn’t for the them, the borders would have been closed yesterday.
@Alt-MSNBC Man
Spencer is for white or european??! A man who now support wokeism and lgbtq stuff. Please don’t be ridiculous.
Spencer has always been a preening faggeuse…
“Polling exists to make astrology look good.”
Emerald Robinson
Remember that poll in November 2020, how did that work out?
Conservative Evangelicals and Lutherans are in the right place on immigration.
“Conservative jew”, “other jew”, and “Orthodox jew” are unsurprisingly not.
I mean Evangelicalism is okay but fundamentalist Mormonism is where it’s at.
“50% of White evangelical Protestants believe “God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that could be an example to the rest of the world.” 50% of Republican voters also believe this”
This is the only part that really matters. Evangelicals believe in the myth of American exceptionalism, so they can only ever serve as useful tools of the American regime. Everything else they claim to believe takes a back seat to American chauvinism.