On his way to meet Trump at Mar-a-Lago yesterday, Kanye West was filmed walking through Miami’s airport with misogynistic antisemitic white nationalist Christian fascist incel Nick Fuentes. https://t.co/903Sa56Jb5 pic.twitter.com/Jn3bKtt9JE
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) November 23, 2022
This explains a lot.
Anyway, hats off to Nick for redpilling Kanye on the Jews. Also, hats off to Kanye for throwing away hundreds of millions of dollars and becoming a social pariah to tell the truth about Jewish power and influence. Kanye is really putting a lot of White men to shame.
“Also, hats off to Kanye for throwing away hundreds of millions of dollars and becoming a social pariah to tell the truth about Jewish power and influence. Kanye is really putting a lot of White men to shame.”
Oh yeah,… he’s a real paragon. You know how many White men he could have employed with that money? Instead he pissed away a fortune on an autistic spergfest that he will be ridiculed for in perpetuity.
You’ll only ridicule it because you value money and wealth more than truth and integrity.
That’s what makes you a slave.
““Also, hats off to Kanye for throwing away hundreds of millions of dollars and becoming a social pariah to tell the truth about Jewish power and influence.”
In retrospect, I think he could’ve accomplished more by pumping millions into jew-savvy sites and delaying his comments.
That jew media ownership spreadsheet he showed on his phone came from Ryan Dawson, I think. Supporting sites of that kind would be more effective than shooting off his own foot.
No, i ridicule it because I understand he wasted more than he gained for his actions, and that makes him a damn fool.
I’m no jew. Gold holds no virtue in my heart.
Gold does buy food, build homes, raise White children and buy them education and polo shirts. By doing what he did, he abandoned his kids to his whore wife. His children should have been worth more than any fortune to him, but being a nigger, he threw that away too. It didn’t take integrity for Kanye to do this, only a lack of self restraint and understanding of consequences in a moment of fit.
The good book cautions against speaking truth to fools, casting pearls before swine. Kanye did this by naming the Jew on tucker carlson for an audience of cowardly boomers and swpl urbanite swing voters, all of whom immediately clutched their pearls and did absolutely nothing while he was ritually humiliated.
Calling me a slave… I’ve been in this milieu for a decade now in many forms. I care very little for what the popular concensus is on any day. I say what Is true, and I could care less what anybody thinks of me for it. What are you gonna do now, call me a jew?
Think and address the argument. Or keep your powder dry and wait to see how it turns out for Kanye. We will see very soon how little he has bought with his sacrifice.
White men were naming and exposing jewish power and influence long before West starting name them. Twitter and many other social media sites are filled with suspended accounts of Whites for naming the jew. You don’t know their name because they’re not famous like West.
Yeah, but how many White billionaires do you see calling out and standing up to Jews out there? It is not something you see every day. I don’t think we have ever seen anything like it.
None. They’re not that dumb.
I’ve done more good for Whitey in the last three years for the dozens of White men that work for my company, their families and kids, just by being a good and diligent accountant that keeps their books so they can be efficient and have the best chance to be profitable, than I did as a JQ declaring White Nationalist activist the decade before that.
Imagine what Kanye could have done for black men if he wasn’t such a total dumbass. I would have praised him for that. It would have been better if he’d let White people use the money to build White companies. Forget the blax entirely.
Willfully destroying a fortune to name the Jew, or encouraging/pressuring others to self destruct in this way a shameful waste.
The JQ is a shibboleth of the neurotic and an albatross of autism and anachronistic to boot. Like promoting Nazism in current year. It no longer is a salient foundation of a worldview, for reasons I’ve written extensively about here many times before, to no avail it still seems.
I don’t give a flying fuck about this billionaire coon chimping out and ruining himself. I hope they crucify his dumb black ass as a warning to White men with more sense that this isn’t the way forward.
“I’ve done more good for Whitey in the last three years for the dozens of White men that work for my company, their families and kids, just by being a good and diligent accountant that keeps their books so they can be efficient and have the best chance to be profitable, than I did as a JQ declaring White Nationalist activist the decade before that” – Oh, yeah, well there you go. Proof positive that anyone engaged in exposing Jewish power and subversion is wasting their time. Thank you for your timeless advice on what priorities we as Whites should have, and for properly scolding us if we dare to bring up the JQ.
“It would have been better if he’d let White people use the money to build White companies. Forget the blax entirely” – Such insight! Yes, of course, Kanye should have dropped everything and never said a word about the Jews just so he could “use the money to build White companies”! A very likely scenario, no doubt. I’m sure that was the top priority in the man’s plans.
“Willfully destroying a fortune to name the Jew, or encouraging/pressuring others to self destruct in this way a shameful waste” – That’s right. Kanye should have continued his obedience to Jewish power and not said a word. We all would have been better for it, right? But now that he has spoken out about the ‘Tribe,’ the world is no longer the happy place it once was when we all kept our goyish mouths shut.
And yes, Kanye should have kept quiet and retained a billion dollars because, after all, he was just about to give his billions away to support White advocacy groups, right? What’s even more “shameful,” of course, is that he didn’t give any of it to you. But you don’t need any of his money because you’ve got enough to support “dozens of White men.” Bravo!
“The JQ is a shibboleth of the neurotic and an albatross of autism and anachronistic to boot” – Your insight and wisdom truly staggers the mind! Those old lies and exaggerations about Jewish cultural subversion and dominance have no place among today’s White identity folks. We should, instead, embrace Jews as our brothers and natural allies against all the evil in the world. Making peace with Jews has certainly made the world and our nation a better place, hasn’t it? I’m so glad you agree.
“…Kanye should have kept quiet and retained a billion dollars…”
You people are supposing he had a billion in the first place. If he did how did it disappear? I suspect he never had it in the first place the Jews just told him he did and that it was tied up in investments. All of these of course were owned by the Jews.
It’s likely that he now knows how much he really had all along.
Also, lol remember Paul Nehlen? Yeah… he was only a millionaire if I recall and that dumb fuck didn’t just take the red pill, he cracked and snorted the whole damn bottle.
A waste…
Yeah, he went nuts.
It doesn’t mean it isn’t a real problem. Jewish control of social media and the entertainment media is a real problem. Some people, however, cannot handle that and go overboard with it and become obsessed with it. It becomes a skeleton key that is the singular cause of every problem we face. They become convinced that every single Jew on earth is part of a vast conspiracy. They can talk themselves into becoming useless or all sorts of self destructive behavior like shooting random elderly people in synagogues
They become convinced that every single Jew on earth is part of a vast conspiracy.
I’ll just be waiting for you to give us a good dissertation on the “good jews”. Jews most certainly are monolithic in their agression toward non-jews, all of them! They conspire against Whites, all the time, and they enthusiastically follow their rabbis and leaders, but this isn’t a big monolithic conspiracy based on a particular plan. They just support every destructive policy they can think of. They do it because it’s what jews do. They do it because they hate White people. There is a religious dimension to it, also, since their religion is a defense of jewish supremacy. But the driving force is really racial animus. Jews are not White. You only need to listen to them to notice their hostility against us.
Just because, — B’nai B’rith, the Association of Reform Zionists, the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Labor Committee, the Hebrew Immigration Aid, the Conference of American Rabbis, AIPAC, the ACLU, the Jewish National Fund, AMIT, the Jewish Federations Of North America, the Zionist Organization Of America, the World Zionist Organization, the Jewish Women International, the Union For Reform Judaism, the Jewish Council For Public Affairs, B’nai Zion, the National Council Of Jewish Women, Maccabi USA, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Jewish Defense League, Jewish Funds For Justice, the Conference Of Presidents Of Major American Jewish Organizations, the Jewish Socialist Verband, J Street, the Progressive Jewish Alliance, all Jewish Senators, Congresscritters and media moguls
Not ALL THE JEWS? The vast majority of jews – the overwhelming majority, save a noteworthy handful over generations – support the overall jewish agenda in the Western world (i.e., culture distortion, massive non-White immigration, “diversity” and “multiculturalism” [read: WHITE GENOCIDE], homosexual rights, sexual degeneracy and perversion, race mixing, wars for Israel in the Middle East, bailouts for crooked Wall Street bankers, etc.) while hypocritically supporting the racist, jewish ethno-state in the Middle East known as Israel.
Anti-Semitism is like alcohol, it must be enjoyed in moderation. Those who become hysterical conspiraloons (and implicitly refuse to look in the mirror and face the severe errors that Aryan peoples themselves have made) have indulged too much of it.
I’ve no sympathy for jews. The number who actually oppose their own elite is so small as to be statistically meaningless. They are despised for very good reason. That being said, they could not have accomplished all of this destruction, mayhem and misery all by themselves. There are far too many whites – the goodhwites which apparently AR is starting to talk about somewhat – who are more than happy to betray their own flesh and blood for jewish approval and mamon, often for far less than the proverbial 30 pieces of silver too. Other gentiles have the same problem though it manifests in different ways.
While it’s an error to think that Kanye West – a ‘made-man’ in the jew-owned ‘music’ industry – is somehow our friend, he has shown more courage than any white billionaire I can think of … so far. The one possible good thing about West’s naming Schlomo is that he might be able to turn at least some of his own people away from serving as murderous golem for jews against whites. We’ll see.
Even Mel Gibson, who stood up to them pretty well when making The Passion of the Christ, has now been reduced to groveling before them like a much-beaten dog. Guess they managed to loot most of his “fuck-you” money along with breaking up his marriage. As for Musk, keep in mind that he didn’t buy Twatter with only his own money. He put in 14 billion, but 30 billion was provided by other investors, many of whose names likely “echo through eternity” – a typically arrogant jewish phrase that ended up being used identify (((them))).
“Jewish control of social media and the entertainment media is a real problem.”
Their institutional control goes far beyond those two segments. I’d say banking and organized crime are deeper problems, but not so obvious as the two you mention.
In the end the conversation about Jews and Jewry is of limited and temporal value.
Because what is of real value is insisting on traditional Gentile Government that protects the border, designs and economy for the citizens (not the other way around) and which forwards traditional marriage and the development of morally, intellectually, and physically sound children.
If we insist on these things, then it does not matter what Jewry thinks or does, (or anyone else, for that matter) because, in the end, as Ghandhi said about the situation in India after WWII : ‘100,000 Englishmen simply cannot control 350 million Indians, if those Indians refuse to cooperate.’
This is precisely what God wants to see from us (organized and persistent advocacy coupled with non-violent non cooperation)- and from it every blessing will come.
We don’t have to hurt people, we just have to refuse to cooperate with evil, or, failing that, not cooperate with that which is a threat to our well-being..
Actually their control of our wealth,what we see or hear,what our children learn and our politicians to pass laws that greatly harm us is just about every problem we face.They print our money and then loan it to us,they us their control of our money to inflate and then crash our economy harming millions and buying up assets from the middle class for a pittance.THEY are the foremost issue to our survival.Paul Nehlen was no nut,he was just another White man fighting an all powerful enemy.Also Ironicsock you sound like the very dumb f..ks you moan and cry about.The keyboard warrior leading our people to victory in his mind.
Nehlen hasn’t said much lately.
Henry Ford, and his inventor pals had a lot to say for themselves back years ago. We forget about Edison, Maytag, and others not all of whom made the newspapers back then.
My bet is that Nehlen will be back.
“The number who actually oppose their own elite is so small as to be statistically meaningless. ”
Exactly !
“. As for Musk, keep in mind that he didn’t buy Twatter with only his own money.”
Also, the bulk of his wealth is in TSLA shares, those can be crippled very quickly by a few major ((funds)) pulling out, Blackrock, CALPERS, etc.
“Anti-Semitism is like alcohol, it must be enjoyed in moderation. Those who become hysterical conspiraloons (and implicitly refuse to look in the mirror and face the severe errors that Aryan peoples themselves have made) have indulged too much of it.”
Absolutely correct.
Actually, criticism of Jewry is one thing, but, anti-semitism is a diabolic distraction that will only put this nation back.
One only has to look back to the 1940s to see how God has, by and large,NOT blesst those methods.of fighting against Jewry.
All White peoples have been living in the legacy of how God felt about that.
It was not an accident that the snows starting falling on Oct. 11, 1941, (at least one month before normal in Russia) and they kept falling until the Wehrmacht, the most modern army in history up until that time, was totally immobile and struggling to keep their units together, so problematic was the frostbite and exhaustion situation.
And the snows kept falling and falling.
The senior archbishop for the Society of Saint Pius X, Richard Williamson, has covered this in great detail, but, in a nutshell he said the following :things that are pertinent here…
‘God gave the Jews special gifts, but, when they became very corrupted he gave them over to the role of Satan.’
‘You cannot get rid of Jews, because God will not allow that.’
Adam made a serious mistake, by not only not taking his wife in hand, but, in indulging himself in ‘severe errors’ (sin)
We don’t have to keep apeing Adam.
We need to set our course and go there in a lawful and moral manner that will set the tone for the kind of country we all hope to soon be living in – no matter how the borders of that appears.
If Ye runs as a third party candidate, that could theoretically split off enough black votes to cost the Dems the election. Also, it doesn’t hurt to have a major presidential candidate talking about the JQ. I’m starting to like this timeline again.
It would be amazing to see a Trump/Ye ticket or Ye as third party. What better way to totally destroy any remaining faith people have in the federal government.
Those two absolute goofballs on a debate stage with Kamala Harris would be a clownshow of the ages.
“Kanye is really putting a lot of White men to shame.”
Very true, for how many national level White Men, at the height of their income power and fame, have put it all on the line like this?
Between Clarence Thomas and Kanye West, we may actually get back on track to reclaiming our republick.
how many national level White Men, at the height of their income power and fame, have put it all on the line
Why would they? You think these people are jew wise, or if they are, care? Or are pro-White? They’re pro-GREEN! They don’t care about White people. They care about their bottom line. They worship jews!
“They don’t care about White people. They care about their bottom line. ”
They’re secure and safe and can run to any place on earth when trouble comes.
If you’re not, too bad, you deserve it.
If they love Jews, Dear DiCarlo, then it is because they love their power, or more specifically, their money, and, as Christ said : ‘it is harder for a rich man to get into heaven than a camel through the eye of a needle.’
It’s a human problem, as who wants to be put into a situation where you might have to risk losing it all?
Happy Thanksgiving!
The only parallel that comes to mind would be Mel Gibson, but he was drunk.
He may have been drunk, but unlike most Whites, he knows about jews. He wasn’t drunk when he thoroughly pissed off the jews making the Passion of the Christ.
Both Ford and Linbergh spoke out, but that’s four generations back.
I think the murder of the Bund leadership scared off many people.
Read somewhere about a Milo (?) advising Kanye Kardashian for the preezy of the steezy run in 2024.
There won’t be anything left by then.
Kanye is really putting a lot of White men to shame.
There’s no figure in the pro-White / WN movement with hundreds of millions of dollars to put at risk. And all of his black associates have abandoned him, and the limited amount of information he revealed, that jews are shysters, (who knew?) fell on deaf ears for the most part. Chances are the rapper = money for nuthin’, “Ye”, may soon never be heard of again. Doubtful anyone feels any shame at all.
“I’ll just be waiting for you to give us a good dissertation on the “good jews”. Jews most certainly are monolithic in their agression toward non-jews, all of them! They conspire against Whites,”
This isn’t my point at all. The JQ Isn’t anachronistic and irrelevant because today there are good Jews. Jews are Jews and they aren’t White so good or bad they all gotta go regardless. I don’t think we disagree on the perfidy of Jews.
The JQ is irrelevant and anachronistic because its not ONLY Jews now that are totally and completely dedicated to destroying Whitey, as there are now more Good Whites that are indistinguishable from Jews (in every way that matters) than there are actual Jews, and they too are totally incompatible with the survival of the race and its various ethnic groups.
The autistic myopia of the dissident right that hyperfocuses on the JQ is a neurosis that blinds White people to this much harder reality, and keeps them from understanding the extent of our peril.
Its a subtle oversight, but I think its been weaponized against organized White activists by people like Richard Spencer and Andrew Anglin to destroy and derail White Advocacy into a cul de sac of cringey faggotry that intentionally alienates normal people.
Anglin the gook lover praises niggers and gooks every chance he gets and that includes China while bashing White women.
Now that WN is dead he is back to attacking everything White while praising West, Dump and even Milo the homo that he claims he’s against. I always hated that wigger and saw through him from day 1 while many were conned by his grift.
“Bashing White women” Who do you think made up the majority of votes that kept Democrats from being annihilated this election? “Attacking everything White” Have you missed the point of the articles on this website recently? Half of Whites are a huge part of the problem. “Gook lover” Here’s something that everyone that wishes for a sescession should remember, a seperation will never, that is NEVER, happen without outside support of major powers. And who is the biggest power outside of the U.S.? China. Just like the Confederacy was crushed without the support of Britain and France, any seperatist movement today will be crushed without outside support. Besides that, faggotry is severely looked down upon in China. Can you say the same for Seattle, or Portland, the Whitest big cities in America? Sorry, but obese blue-haired White women screeching for abortions, White men dressing up like women, and faggot White antifa members cannot be turned back, they are lost. Whites are not a monolithic bloc, unlike the Jews.
@Activated ……… Exactly! And cudos to you! It seems Whites aren’t happy unless they’re shooting themselves in the foot by criticizing their own advocates. Practically every White advocate in the spotlight, for example, David Duke, or Andrew Anglin, are the targets of derision, over and over again. They put themselves out there, are constantly attacked by the jews, but have to suffer personal smear and criticism because maybe they have an alternate view here and there from people they’ve given up everything to help.
Activated, “Without the outside help of major powers,”The SOUTHERN REPUBLIC” has the outside help of the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY GHOST, power doesn’t get any more major, than that…..read it and weep MR.DICARLO and have yourself a happy Thanksgiving…you too MR.ACTIVATED……..
You too, Terry. But, more like, read it, and laugh. 😀 think about it Terry …. holy ghost? Ghost? Is that like Casper the ghost, or unholy goblin? Haunted by a …… ghost? Seriously …………. LOL!
Haven’t you looked around at our world lately? Do you think immense human suffering that was WW2 was God’s will? Give me a break, will ya?
> The JQ is irrelevant and anachronistic because its not ONLY Jews now that are totally and completely dedicated to destroying Whitey, as there are now more Good Whites that are indistinguishable from Jews (in every way that matters) than there are actual Jews, and they too are totally incompatible with the survival of the race and its various ethnic groups.
Excellent point, though I would not characterize it as irrelevant – just not as all-important as some think it to be. You have described what is likely the most serious problem we face. This is a massive failure point of both WNs and Christianity. Goodhwites have become a kind of poisonous religion unto themselves. There were more goodhwite enforcers at Twatter than actual Jews (though the jews were all at the top of the food chain). Many goodhwites behave out of fear of losing position on status ladder. This is not only a serious problem though. Such goodhwites are likely one of the weakest links in the chain of Jewish power. If it starts costing them in some way to betray their own, the goodhwites might not be so willing to obey Schlomo’s orders as they have been. Find a way to destroy the status ladder or replace it, and goodhwites might start to flee.
I don’t think there’s anyone on this site who has been more scornful or contemptuous of the masses of stupid and cowardly WHITE normies. I’ve said a number of times, self-hating White leftists are an existential threat to people like us. They cannot be re-habilitated, and we cannot co-exist with them. So, of course, yes, I’m very well aware of the incredibly stupid and treacherous shabbos goy White traitors. thankyou very much! When it comes time to make Whitey into lampshades, unfortunately, there will be no shortage of jew loving White volunteers to man the guard towers at the concentration camps. It will be these sniveling race traitors who oversee the whole operation in service to our arch enemy, the jews.
So, to imply Whites shouldn’t zero in on the jews, or worse, to imply it isn’t ALL THE JEWS, is bullshit. As far as, the people who “cannot handle that and go overboard with it and become obsessed with it” (the JQ) — is to infer that anyone with the tanacity and courage to expose every aspect of jew subversion possible to as many people as possible is some kine of nut, is just wrong. I’ll tell you what is really NUTS. People who “go overboard and become obsessed with” the Bible — I don’t need to go into detail. Now that is not only extremely laughable and most certainly, unproductive BULLSHIT, and nuts!
“…self-hating White leftists are an existential threat to people like us. They cannot be re-habilitated…”
Without the Jews they can just “be ignored”. Look at my comments on changing the power structure through changing voting rules and you will see that they could be disenfranchised, and ignored. They are a minority. They are hyped far, far above their actual numbers. The politicians we have today are bracketed to be in certain places with certain “illogical structures” baked in. A lot of it by the Jews. This amplifies the power of the anti-Whites. They cluster with a lot of issues that have nothing to do with what most Democrats vote for.
If the mobocracy voting changed, the politicians would change with them and there would be very little support for anti-Whites. I’m saying the big tent they would cluster into would change. Their place in tent would be gone. The Democrats in order to be elected would have to get a new tent and the anti-Whites would be not a big part of that.
Here’s how to take over the whole entire country in a few steps in this comment and the ones linked from it in a few years time,
“Change the rules”. Yeah — eliminate them all and then you can change the rules. The problem is you can’t change anything because jews and their shabbos goy are standing in the way of anything that might improve our plight. “Without jews they can just be ignored”. We can’t get to the point of “without jews”, so it’s a pipe dream. And besides, there’s so many goy that are extremely judaized, I’m not sure just ridding ourselves of jews would weaken their useful idiots to a point we could go forward.
@ISP — my comment, “I’ll just be waiting for you to give us a good dissertation on the “good jews” was not directed at you. And secondly, to put Richard Spencer, traitor to Whites, and Anglin, pro-White activist, is absurd.
@John — You and I could only dream to do a billionth of the good and racial awareness that Andre Anglin has done for people in this movement. No, he’s not always right, and there are many things I disagree with that he writes, but he has given his all, his ability to live a normal life, for the advancement of our cause. Casting smears at other pro-Whites, are beneath you, I believe. Now, if he really goes off the reservation and hurts Whites, then I would join you in criticizing him, but otherwise, it’s just smear.
Smears White women? Oh, the humanity! These White women of today, the careerists, the WHITE man haters, the feminists, the gold diggers, the dykes, the purple hairs, aren’t at all the women I came up around. Yeah they need to be praised. No, their motives, their evil ethos, their deviousness and treachery, needs to be exposed. They need to go back in the box!
“praises niggers” — Maybe there is some possibility the billionaire nigger’s exposing jews might help us. Should he instead just call him a stupid nigger in his columns that millions of people read? There’s an incredible amount of black derision to be found on DS.
Loves gooks? Because 15 years ago before he embraced White Nationalism, he traveled to Asia and mingled with Asian people? I know, I know — Weev is a jew. LOL!
Look at the good side. == he’s a CHRISTIAN like you. And I’m sure I don’t have to remind you — all peoples of all colors are God’s little children.
It’s obvious you’re a fan of Chang Lin but that’s really not the point. He doesn’t just call out the sick and depraved, pink haired White women and yes there are many and I agree with the ones he’s calling out, but he calls out all White women and paints them all with a broad brush.
The White women I know are nothing like the ones he’s referring to. They are stay at homes moms and don’t subscribe to what’s going on today and some are even jew wise. That’s just the ones I know, so think of how many more are out there.
As far as dating gooks 15 years ago ,that’s true, but he still dates them till this day,at least according to him. Recently, about a month ago or two he wrote and article about the sick and depraved White sluts and went off on them and rightfully so but in the end of the article he said something to the extant about White men should find themselves a nice Asian girlfriend or wife. If promoting miscegenation is pro White, than your and my definition is not the same. How is dating and marrying a gook preserving your race?
Don’t get me started on his shilling for Dump.
No disrespect to you by my last reply. I happen to agree with 99% of what you post. I hope you and your family had a nice Thanksgiving.
No offense taken, John, and have a great and peaceful Thanksgiving weekend.
Even my wife laughs at the things he says about White women, sees the truth in it, and therefore, is not offended, and agrees with quite a bit of his criticisms of women. We don’t have to agree with everything anyone says, and I think in his case, a lot of what Anglin says is to maintain a character, he has created of himself, for example: women hating, to spite his detractors. I don’t know about or read everything he might write.
Was it go find yourself an Asian girlfriend, or be an incel and be alone for all your life because these fat and demented White women of today are so fucked up? An easy choice to make from my point of view. Throw yourself on the sword to save the White normies of today or for this now irreparable world? Forget about it! The basic thing is, that if he were to show himself as the enemy of White Nationalists, or pro-Whites, then, and only then, IMO, would it be OK to impugn his character.
“…JQ is irrelevant and anachronistic because its not ONLY Jews now that are totally and completely dedicated to destroying Whitey, as there are now more Good Whites that are indistinguishable from Jews…”
No you’re wrong. The reason you are wrong is you’ve missed a large force in the equation. The Jews are a dysfunction amplifier. They support dysfunction. Over time, the dysfunction gets worse and worse. The key is without their cash and media cover the dysfunction would be outed and it would not rise to such high levels. So without them the level of dysfunction will fall. It’s not like there’s no dysfunctional people, it’s that they have little to no support without Jews. Trannies educating children is a prime example. This just would not happen without the Jew dysfunction amplifier. Impossible.
That is absolutely correct. “Dysfunction amplifier” – Everywhere we look in the West there is dysfunction on top of dysfunction, and the people with the ability to do something about it do nothing, and then more dysfunction occurs.
The JEW is the problem, Without the jew, we would be able to end the dysfunction. No fall of Rome, no fall of Egypt, no Spanish American War, no Civil War, no WW1, no WW2, no Vietnam war, no Desert Storm, No Afghanistan, no race mixing, no pornography, no Hollywood, no JewTube, no FED, no traitor presidents for the last 150 years, no antiwhite US Congress, no Abortion, no porn, or you name the evil, the jew is always lurking under the rock causing the dysfuntion that is killing us. Time is fast running out and the jew has us on the block for extinction.
Ironic,that makes little sense.What the Hell are you talking about “creating White jobs”?You mean keeping Whites under Jewish domination.I really can’t decipher your word salad.I say let’s all be pleased anytime Jewish power is brought into the sunlight.But I guess they are all just below you who fights the fight by commenting online and getting nothing done but using foul language to describe people who at least do something.Idiot.
Look at you. Agreeing with me, not just once, but twice (your previous comment).
You’re surely going to HELL.
@IronicSockAccount “The JQ Isn’t anachronistic and irrelevant because today there are good jews.”
Jews are a distinct group separate from all others. They are an extremely organized, monolithic, multigenerational, multinational tribal criminal syndicate, all of them, networking, conspiring, both openly, and secretly, in their many, many organizations and synogogues, to exploit, rule and ultimately ruin the world. Jews are racial supremacists actively seeking and working toward the absolute subjugation of all races, but most importantly, the total destruction and elimination of the White Race. The Jewish Conspiracy does not make war against the White race as a mass of independently operating individuals, but as a united race. In practical terms this means they always consider matters from a race-wide, i.e., racist perspective in which the first directive must be complied with: Is it good for jews?
Jews are in control of the government, the media, the lawyers / judges and of course, the money. Jews are a fifth column in America working toward the deliberate elimination of the White Race. For example, jews are the driving force behind unfettered immigration of non-White, third world peoples, into America. This is why nothing is ever done about it. They are the driving force behind BLM, antifa, and their antics, who also favor the elimination of the White Race. Again government inaction in the face of rioting, violence, and looting. Besides driving censorship of anything they don’t agree with on all mainstream platforms, they also are, and have been, the driving force behind gun control. They don’t want Whites to be able to protect themselves, even in the face of this open hatred of Whites.
Their capability to circumvent national laws and cultures on a global scale is unprecedented. Jewish power is toxic to any society that allows it to exist. Their success is the result of a multifaceted takeover of all the various realms of White society, from media to finance, entertainment to medicine, social media to education, from the law to religion. This single entity runs the government and the banks which enables them to commit any crime they like because they appoint all the judges. Their inter-tribal collusion is more thoroughly and specifically exposed by the following list, jews working together, openly or secretly, all of them knowing and doing what’s good for jews no matter the destruction they cause to everyone else but especially to Whites, their declared arch-enemy.
Jews have always changed their names to deceive us and they have denied their racial identity because it serves the clandestine agenda of their race as a whole. Their war is waged from the shadows, so openly admitting jewish identity would thwart their cause. For the same reason, they have always misreported their population figures. The ugly truth of exactly how many jews exist, and how many jews hold power, and how many jews have infiltrated everywhere would alarm people.
Jews work closely together as a biased and extremely ethnocentric group. Jews have a very strong sense of shared identity and paranoia towards outsiders, the goyim. Working together as a united fifth column, jews are always active in information control, financial control, political control, entertainment control, vice promotion, the destruction of traditional morals and the like — porn industry, promoting homosexuals, same sex marriage, and transgenderism. By dominating banking, media, publishing, and tech, jews have more power than any human tribe in history, and they use it for supremacy over all others — jewish supremacy!
For those who don’t realize why our elected puppets can’t get anything done for us — not one of them will speak out against the jew menace, or for those who can’t fathom the extreme power jews hold in the US, please consider the overwhelming power and influence of these insular, deceitful, people, working together, networking, where they can pass along any and all information and secrets among themselves and continue their subversion of America without outside detection by engaging in secret networking with their fellow tribesman within each and every one of the following terms, and institutions:
Remember: All jews lie all the time! Government jews, Republican jews, Democrat jews, DOJ jews, CIA jews, FBI jews, DHS jews, ATF jews, NSA jews, EPA jews, CDC jews, SCOTUS jews, advisor jews, congressional staff jews, policy jews, Marxist jews, censorship jews, Federal Reserve jews, banking jews, Wall St. jews, IRS jews, Israel first jews, Globalist jews, AIPAC jews, ADL jews, SPLC jews, BLM jews, B’nai Brith jews, warmongering jews, holoHOAX jews, Antifa jews, NAACP jews, Climate jews, Covid jews, zionist jews, war incitement jews, collecting funds and stealing them for your favorite charity jews, immigration jews, human rights jews, civil rights jews, gun grabber jews, feminism jews, judge jews, lawyer jews, news jews, jounalist jews, publisher jews, author jews, newspaper jews, computer jews, education jews, university jews, historian jews, professor jews, wikipedia jews, facebook jews, google jews, corporate jews, labor union jews, the energy jews, the green jews, the agri-business jews, chemical jews, US patent office jews, entertainment jews, Hollywood jews, TV jews, music industry jews, porno jews, diamond jews, homo jews, paedo jews, pro-sports team owner jews, Internet jews, YouTube jews, Google jews, Facebook jews, radio jews, doctor jews, pharmaceutical jews, abortion jews, insurance jews, white slavery jews, mobster jews, religion jews, dual-citizen jews, and finally, the all inclusive LYING JEWS, and all anti-White — You know, those jews, doing what’s good for jews to the detriment of and for the extermination of the White Race, the driving forces behind open immigration of the turd world, special rights and privileges for nonwhite invaders and minorities; special rights that Whites can’t access, hate crime prosecution for Whites only, multiracialism, race mixing, abortion of majority (White) babies, Feminism, pornography, perversion, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, the destructive counterculture in general, everything fucking up America.
I’ll have to agree with you on there being not much of any good Jews. Here’s the way I look at it. Let’s say you had a barrel of apples and a couple were good excellent apples but all the rest tasted like feces and the only way you could tell was to eat them and see. Would you eat them? No you would throw that barrel out.
Multiply the bad apples by many millions and only have a few hundred good and you see my point.
You misread him. He was saying “there are good jews, therefore anti-semitism is anachronistic etc.” He was saying the possibility that there might be “good jews” is not the reason why he considers anti-semitism anachronistic, ie the possible existence of “good jews” is irrelevant to his argument.
The issue is getting people to realize jewish influence at all. When you make the absurdly inflated case that you do, people aren’t interested. They just think you’re crazy. They think “anti-semitism” itself is crazy, and they think Jews are correct to be concerned about it. (And how are they wrong to be concerned? If they have so much power, and you threaten them, don’t you think they’ll use that power to defend themselves? Who exactly started hating who here? What came first, the jew or the nazi, the chicken or the egg? ) You only end up shooting yourself in the foot when you carry on the way you do. But of course, you’re so impassioned you will no doubt carry on, imo to the clear detriment of the very cause you’re so passionate about it, but that’s life, so whatever.
Oops, I meant he WASN’T saying that.
You’re just virtue signalling. I don’t care what the morons think. Actually, they don’t think. There is no way to get through to them. If they think the jews are above criticism, let them go to the same place jews they worship, are going. Those who think antisemitism is crazy — ARE simply cowards, crazy, and can’t think for themselves.
You — you can keep trying to figure out a way to get through to the morons. You’re just pissin’ in the wind. What I am explaining about jews is not too complicated. It’s not calculus. It’s pretty easy to understand and if they don’t understand, if they don’t listen, they don’t want to understand and who wins the niggerball game is so much more important to them. And, truth be told, your round about methods, trying to trick them into understanding doesn’t work either.
The weak and stupid get fucked over. That’s the way it’s been in all of history. Normie Whites are a bunch of oblivious peasants, You think any of these assholes I’m speaking of are reading this site, or any site they could learn what’s going on? If events occur that somehow brings these dolts to at least look into why their lives are being destroyed, and who’s doing it, I’ll be right here to explain it to them.
Normies are normies until they’re not. Obviously some do change their minds based on reason and evidence, else blogs like this wouldn’t have an audience.
And it just happens to clash with everything they believe. So they’re going to require some evidence beyond your assertions that “it’s obvious!!!” Frankly, I think you’ll have an impossibly difficult time convincing anyone (including me) of your maximal case. The easiest thing to demonstrate is that Jewish attitudes about race are marked by hypocrisy and double standards. I don’t think there’s much need to go beyond this. Once the seeds of doubt are sewn, people make their own way towards what they think the “right” amount of “anti-semitism” is. I don’t see that it helps anything to insist they agree with you on absolutely every last detail. But that’s okay, you do your own thing.
And it just happens to clash with everything they believe.
I don’t care what the idiots think or certainly that idiots don’t agree with me. You just can’t accept that they don’t think. I have no expectation of them waking up. They’re too stupid. You’re just a moderate and don’t want to accept the hard facts. These morons are never waking up, so you can tip-toe around them all you want. You’re wasting your time. Tell them what you think, and they’ll hate you. Period. Instead you believe you can soft pedal them into understanding. No, they’re not truthseekers. They lie and lie, to themselves, and don’t care about the truth. If they haven’t woke up by now, they never will. They’re not capable.
@Dicarlo: “Haven’t you looked around at our world lately? Do you think immense human suffering that was WW2 was God’s will? Give me a break, will ya?”
Certain pro-Whites will remain mired in the “Deo Vindice!” delusion, no matter how many real-world facts there are against it. The abolitionist Yank war-criminal scum were just as sure that they were the true darlings of God as the Confederates were; the difference, of course, was they had the industrial base & the numbers of cannon-fodder to “prove” it.
Funny how that’s always how it works out, huh?
White people need to grow up and face the cold, hard reality of living in an indifferent universe where only might makes right. But admittedly, that is not easy to do, especially for those who have good hearts, but not such good brains.
Yes, NBF. I think it was in a recent “Christian Nationalist” thread here, I said evangelical Christians are silly minded — as you asserted: good hearts but no brains.