Good article.
This is why I don’t identify as a White Nationalist. The process that is described here is underway in Auburn.
If I am being completely honest with myself, I don’t like these people. I don’t want to live in a White ethnostate with them. I don’t want them to be my neighbors. It also doesn’t sound enticing to go through all the trouble of seceding from the United States to create a White ethnostate only to end up living next door to these people who are ideologically committed to sabotaging the project.
“He is trying to make white identity appealing to urban, white liberals — urban, white liberals who mostly despise white identity and hate anything remotely Right-leaning, even the neocons. He means urban white liberals who sided with the Black Lives Matter rioters rather than the white people the latter was robbing, looting, and killing; urban white liberals who were chomping at the bit to send Kyle Rittenhouse to jail forever in a case of obvious self-defense; urban white liberals who would wash blacks’ feet, praise them for bravely speaking the truth, and then beat a white man with a bike lock for being too uppity – and these are only a few amongst the numerous other atrocities they’ve committed over a span of decades. Yes, those people. Köhne did not make a great point, but he did make a point greatly, and that was what mattered.
We all know that an attempt to reach our fellow brothers and sisters from Libtopia is going to fail — and fail miserably. But why? Köhne is far from the only one on the Right who believes that the blue horde of white liberals are not beyond redemption if only they would give up their sinning ways. The 80-ton pink elephant in the room wearing a bow tie that no one wishes to acknowledge, however, is why do liberals insist on anti-white policies, despite being white themselves? Nietzsche offers some insight. …
The first phase occurs immediately after they move into a new neighborhood. Here, explorer-liberals begin with a three-pronged attack on the mostly Republican-leaning local populace. The first phase is thus a mass display of yard signs. A normally conservative community with American flags and crucifixes will slowly and surely become decorated with sporadic BLM and “Hate has No Home Here” signs as the elderly residents pass away and other families are forced to sell their homes because of the economic situation. As houses are put on the market, explorer-liberals report back to their cohort and the mass-moving is set into motion. …”
I began to move away from the label over a decade ago.
First, I had to confront why I didn’t really feel motivated to act on White Nationalist ideology. I could have moved to somewhere like northern Idaho or Iowa or Vermont a long time ago. Instead of living in the Black Belt, I could have chosen to live my life surrounded by other White people. Ultimately, I didn’t want to uproot my family to live among strangers. My family has lived in this part of Alabama for nearly 200 years and the pull of home and living among my own tribe in my own culture on my own land mattered a lot more to me than any commitment to any abstract ideological project.
Second, I developed a greater degree of self-awareness. I’m a White Southerner from a middle class family and a Protestant background in the rural and small town Alabama Black Belt. My far right politics and traditionalist values are due to my cultural background. I’m the person who I am today because of my local culture. If I had been born and raised somewhere else, I wouldn’t feel the same way.
Third, White Nationalism was attractive to me in some ways, but not in others. It felt like a close fit, but not the right fit. The things that attracted me to White Nationalism were race realism, a positive sense of White identity and opposition to the Great Replacement. In particular, I took great offense at how Whites were being degraded in our culture and opposing that resonated with me on a deep level. It still does. In retrospect, I reacted the way that I did to this because of Deep South honor culture. My instinct has always consistently been to defend my own kin group from insults and assaults. My own lineage stretches back through the Wallace Democrats to the Jim Crow segregationists to the Redeemers to the Confederates to the Jacksonian and Jeffersonian Democrats. In contrast, the lineage of White Nationalism traces back to George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party and that tradition which is such a large and recurring part of the cultural DNA of the movement has never really resonated with me.
Fourth, White Nationalism doesn’t line up with my own muted personal reactions to multiracialism. I’ve lived in one of the blackest parts of the country for my entire life. I am beyond accustomed to dealing with and interacting with rural and small town Southern blacks. Similarly, the thought has just never occurred to me that the owners of the local Mexican or Chinese restaurants are the biggest problems in my area. There is some degree of black vs. White racial hostility in my area, but it doesn’t feel like it is about to boil over into a race war or that it is getting worse or that it is greater than it was in the past. The polls show the country is a powder keg and millions of Whites are ready to explode in violence over cultural, ideological and partisan differences which have steadily grown worse over the last decade.
I’ve been struck by the contrast between reality and White Nationalist ideology. I have never once in my entire life been bothered by anyone who is black over my political views in Alabama. No one cares. If anything is true, the Whites who live here – those who don’t work at the SPLC – who know about my political views feel comfortable talking to me because they know I won’t judge them harshly for their opinions about what has happened to Montgomery. In contrast, I have heard all sorts of horror stories from White Nationalists who live in other parts of the country, particularly in the Northeast, who have been disowned by their own families for their political views. Mike Enoch’s family, for example, disowned him because they are GoodWhites who would rather live in communion with the New York Times.
All of the hostility that I have encountered over the years due to my racial, cultural and political views has emanated from either Jews or GoodWhites who tend to live in distant parts of the country. Every single time I have been to a political rally or demonstration where there was a potential for violence like in Charlottesville it was because of these people. Every single time that I have known someone who has gotten doxed or physically assaulted or lost a job or harmed in some way or more commonly reported and censored on the internet it is because of these people who tend to be White leftists.
Finally, if I could press a magic button and make one group disappear from this country forever and the choice was 1.) blacks returning to Africa or 2.) White leftists vanishing, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to choose the latter option. I would press that button every single time because history and experience has decisively shown that we can deal with the former, but not the latter. Even if you had a country which was entirely White like the UK in the 1950s or Germany or Sweden or Ireland, White leftists are a fifth column who would undermine it from within and open the borders and beat down other Whites. The only countries where our racial and cultural decline has been halted is where conservative and nationalist Whites have achieved political dominance and mastery over White libtards.
In sum, the real war is between Whites for cultural and ideological dominance because maintaining racial homogeneity is a highly conservative and traditionalist end that White libtards will never support. They don’t have the same sense of White identity. They don’t share our values and beliefs much less our politics. Their opposing values and beliefs leads them to the opposite political conclusions. The problem with racial nationalism is that underlying assumption that our race is pulling in the same direction. Just the opposite is true. The truth is that Whites are rapidly moving in opposite directions. The BadWhites are moving closer to our politics. The GoodWhites have only gotten worse since the rise of Wokeism.
Politics is about removing from power the sort of treacherous, sanctimonious East Coast PMCs who unironically enjoy watching Morning Joe.
Note: White Southern Nationalist or White Christian Nationalist or “BadWhite Supremacist” is a better description of my politics. Culture is king. Culture has always been the basis of nationalism.
This locust problem is world wide. Even in Hungary, there is a huge western communist community. They left their diverse expensive countries and now enyou 99% white safe cheap Budapest town and trashing Orban and Hungary in general.
So sooner or later we are the ones who must declare that hate has no home here and also there is no place for communist who hate and want destroy us.
I somehow feel that soon this problem will be world top issue. Muslims and Asians have also yuuge problem with their “western minded” population. Back in 2016, director of one of the largest museum in Egypt told me in front of all others that Islamic State is the Arab version of European Union.
Hungary is an instructive example of how to deal with the real problem
“left their diverse expensive countries and now enyou 99% white safe cheap Budapest town”
You mean they didn’t move to Liberia or Ghana, the weather is better and much cheaper. What’s wrong ?
Oh yes, this has been my opinion and now I want to share it with you again: I would obviously like to live in a country with ethnic and cultural homogeneity, as it was in Europe more or less until the middle of the last century. To do this, however, you have to assume that all white people agree, and herein lies the problem. Do all whites agree to live according to their centuries-old culture and traditions in an ethnically homogeneous state ???? Of course not. Mass immigration to Europe and America did not come about because of immigrants but because of those who let them in, opening the doors of our borders and countries to them. And who let them in? The left (the Marxists, the liberal radical chic)…..
White leftists opened the doors to the invaders and allowed them and helped them to slowly erase our culture or otherwise demonize and condemn it. It is a bit like the Trojan horse affair: someone (the white leftists) opened the doors in the past to the Achaean invaders (the immigrants)….. I personally also consider a white person who talks to me about gender fluid or transgender or lgbtq to be worse than a conservative black person who has in mind what a family is and how nature works, who also is against drugs and illegal immigration. Some blacks have these views: just think of the Proud Boys ( I am not a fan of them but I prefer them to white antifa or BLM). So many whites were around statues to kick them together with blacks, and other blacks (proud boys) defended statues together with whites and opposed the erasure of Western culture. So, my conclusion: it would be nice to live in a white ethnostate, but if and only if it was composed of people who were willing to preserve white culture and protect it from those who want to destroy it, then it would be necessary that there be no leftists in that ethnostate.
I agree totally with your way of looking at this. White Libtards are far more dangerous to the white community than minorities are. Race matters, but culture and religion matters much more. I have never felt really comfortable with race is everthing crowd. That crowd is often just as anti religion as the Left is. All I really want is all racial and ethnic groups to just give each other the space to be themselves. Most want this. Only the Progressives seem not to want this {other than for themselves, you know}….
“I don’t want them to be my neighbors. It also doesn’t sound enticing to go through all the trouble of seceding from the United States to create a White ethnostate only to end up living next door to these people who are ideologically committed to sabotaging the project.”
That is why the growing division and diversity between Red & Blue States is best for all.
In the end, everyone, White & Otherwise, will have a place to be, or move to, that best suits their aspirations for themselves and their families.
In the end, it is best to be with people of the same spirit, if those of your blood and ethnic identification are not of yours.
That THC has warped the minds of a lot of whites, as someone once said dope truly is the straw that stirs the leftist drink…
Yes, I have seen it for myself – Leftists and their love for dope.
As a musician, I have seen a lot of dope-smoking, and I associate it with retarded emotional development, bad focus, and sketchy memories.
“Finally, if I could press a magic button and make one group disappear from this country forever and the choice was 1.) blacks returning to Africa or 2.) White leftists vanishing, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to choose the latter option. ”
Yes, lunatic White/anti-Whites are the problem today, because without them, the efforts of the Jew England Yankee Order to undo us would come to naught.
“. I don’t want to live in a White ethnostate with them. ”
I don’t think you realize how conformist these people are. In the 1920s these same ppl would have a “NO NGGRS HERE” sign in their yard. The herd instinct to conform is very strong in most ppl.
That is a brilliant thought about the conformism and then transposing it to another time in history to illustrate it.
Though I never thought about it exactly like that,this time in history has made me wonder about the people from my time and how much of what they seemed to be was just social theatre.
“social theatre”
Apt term.
Thanks, Arrian!
> Finally, if I could press a magic button and make one group disappear from this country forever and the choice was 1.) blacks returning to Africa or 2.) White leftists vanishing, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to choose the latter option.
Given those two choices, mine would be the same. What’s kind of interesting is that the JQ is not addressed in the two questions. What if a third option were added – 3) Jews vanishing – all moving to Israel or Pluto? Would your choice still be option two? Not sure mine would be, though I do see valid reasons for it. Goodhwites are far more numerous than jews and far more able to destroy a given entity fast. The question which has not altogether been answered is how much do Goodhwites depend upon the fake-money generated by the Jew-operated usury-debt racket referred to by idiots as the “free” market? The “free-market” is a myth much as “democracy” is. It’s a quasi-utopian concept which exists only temporarily in reality.
Goodhwites are basically operating a kind of caste system for whites, with Jews as gods, themselves as Brahmins and folks like you as Dalits (untouchables). Many untouchables seem quite unaware of this system. This caste system goes back to at least the era leading up to the civil war. John Brown was the Antifa of his day, and the Brahmins of New England all thought he was wonderful even if they publicly deplored his violence. The (((City of London))) and his financial racketeering goes back long before the founding of the republic, so the notion that it has taken control of the white elite, who are therefore really a comprador elite, is entirely plausible.
If you got rid of the subversive fifth column — the jews, most Whites on the left could be easily dealt with, and those who refuse to accept non-destructive ways, would be eliminated. But I don’t think it would come to that. These Whites are just sheep parroting what their jew masters tell them to do. Take away the jew, and they’d probably comply with White order and common sense policies. We’d probably have to feed the aligators with a lot of fat ugly White man hating women, though.
“Pail can Joe”
The Democratic party is NOTHING but Wokism for Urban Coastal Liberals and their pets.
> Culture is king. Culture has always been the basis of nationalism.
I think you have it backwards. Culture is the organic outgrowth of nationalism, which itself is rooted in ethnic identity. Small numbers of minorities can be assimilated into a given culture, but once their number becomes too great, the culture will be forever changed. Religion plays a crucial role as well, which is how the different European cultures melded into what was once known as the ‘Christendom’ of Western Europe. Russia and parts of Eastern Europe never entirely became part of it, and formed a distinct Orthodox culture.
The same kind of thing can be seen in the Islamic world. Islamic culture from Saudi Arabia north to Iraq and westward to Algeria is distinct from that of Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, or Malaysia.
>>>>> EVENTUALLY<<<<<<
Culture comes from race, barring alien influence.
There may have to be a final solution to the race traitor question.
Only the hard and cold hearted are ready for the full South Africa that is coming.
Get over sentimentality and clinging to worlds that no longer exist.
I guess you’re not getting any Hispanic immigration down there in the Black Belt?
It must be nice to have lived your whole life in an area where the racial demographics have gone largely unchanged. Plus with your family roots so deeply Southern, I can see why you were reluctant to move away. Not the case with me, I’m a bizarre mix of Greek and Pennsylvania Quaker roots, that by chance met up in New York.
I was born, raised, and lived in the NYC suburbs for decades until 2010, when I moved to semi-rural Indiana. A big reason was that on top of having to deal with urban Blacks, the Hispanic invasion was massive and unrelenting. I think the White percentage of my city went from 80% to 40% in just 30 years. I felt like a foreigner by 2010. That kind of change was just so in your face VISIBLE, I never gave much thought to the Jews and Leftist Whites who were in favor of that transformation.
But now I have given it a lot of thought, and you have convinced me that White Nationalism is a dead end, as long as Whites remain so divided. So I thank you!
So now, on top of the JQ, we can add the WLQ to the mix.
PS: When I made my move, I knew the South wouldn’t work. It had to be the Midwest.
“White leftists are a fifth column who would undermine it from within and open the borders and beat down other Whites. ”
Only by Zog and media collusion.
This is a sectarian war that non-whites are exploiting.
I am not a white nationalist because white people, racial Caucasians, are not a nation. A nation is not a race, and a race is not a nation. A race is a subspecies of the species of homo sapiens. A nation is a smaller unit of the race or subspecies. A nation is an inter-breeding population that is self-sustaining. A nation is composed of people who share the same blood and the same culture.
Within the population of Caucasians and Europeans, and European descended people, there are many differences that prevent harmony. I am a Southerner. I have an instinctive revulsion towards White Yankees. I do not like to be around them. I would not wish to share a nation with them. They are a diseased people who have repeated oppressed my people. Yankees and Jews have destroyed my homeland for their benefit. I would like to similarly destroy their homelands, both in Israel and in the Northeast. My ancestors in England and later in the South have fought them. My ancestors fought against Cromwell’s puritan army which was financed by Jews in the English civil war, and they later fought against Lincoln’s abolitionist union army in the War between the States. The Yankees have twice reconstructed my homeland. The post-war reconstruction and the Civil Rights revolution were forced on the South by them at gunpoint. I have no love for my fellow White Yankees. They like Sherman can burn in hell for all I care. Sherman killed women and children, burned homes during winter, stole food, destroyed property, and raped our women. Sherman used black troops to accomplish this. I cannot call his descendants spiritual or otherwise my white brother.
I as a Southerner am sure that I have the same hatred for Yankees as Poles have for Russians or Frenchmen have towards Germans. These historical and cultural grievances cannot be wished away by the White Racial Nationalist. I do not want my people to associate with Yankees just as I would not want them to be associated with Jews. Blacks are only problematic when they are not ruled by a stern fist. The Black problem is due to abolition and anti-racism. The South would have continued to treat them as livestock and punished them swiftly if they did not obey. Chattel slavery, or colonization, is the solution to the Black question. We can no longer implement this solution because of Jews and Yankees, affectionately called WASPs.
“The South would have continued to treat them as livestock and punished them swiftly if they did not obey.”
We know.
That kind of evil & oppression of anyone regardless of race is gross, I’m sorry.
I am sure most “libtard” states would have no problem with a national divorce with the South, and we are southerners so that is not a dig.
They’d take their tax dollars with them, and that would be a huge problem for Southern states. Let’s be honest. How would they self-fund? Revive slavery?
This is just getting to be too much. There will be no civil war either. Who’s going to start it & with what?
Vickey” who’s going to start it & with what”, Revelation chapter 18, God’s word declares the fate, of ‘The late great united states/ Mystery Babylon”, God in heaven,will start it, with his chastisement, with his judgement, It is our intent, when the Empire gall’s, Too raise our Southern Battle flag, The Southern Republic live’s and breathe’s, God willing, out of the chaos and destruction of the Empire, we shall reconquer this land, beginning with our portion, The “South”, we will impose order and constitutional law, we will feed our masters sheep and do the best we can, till our King returns, live righteous and smart and stay ready for whatever is coming……
So, Dear John, in order to draw you out of obscurity, one only need venture anachronistic vituperation?
As was said by the man whose hem I’m not entitled to touch, Ivan:
“I am in earnest – I will not equivocate – I will not excuse – I will not retreat a single inch – and I will be heard.”
Interesting link, Dear John.
I thought this quote by Garrison has it’s home today.
‘The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal and to hasten the resurrection of the dead.’
>Good article.
You only think so because it matches your confirmation bias.
It contains gems like this:
We all know that an attempt to reach our fellow brothers and sisters from Libtopia is going to fail — and fail miserably.
Yeah, ‘we all know’ it — the only appropriate response here is ‘OK, if you say so.’
Most of the article is similar: just speculation and unsupported claims.
… urban white liberals who were chomping at the bit to send Kyle Rittenhouse to jail forever in a case of obvious self-defense; …
There were probably a few like that — but nothing like a majority of Whites, or even a problematic minority — the same goes for ‘washing blacks’ feet’ — it’s ridiculous to cherry pick such extreme examples and then present them as typical of white liberals, arguing this means we have to write off white liberals as lost causes.
>why do liberals insist on anti-white policies
It even contains the above, one of your favorite canards that I already debunked (yawn): Whites vote for Democrats, not ‘anti-white policies’ — you and Hood should do a podcast to hash out why a significant number of educated Whites vote for Democrats, because it isn’t due to them being ‘anti-white’ or ‘wanting to make things worse’.
>I don’t want to live in a White ethnostate with them.
Yeah, I know.
But you’re fine with a multiracial America with Whites as a subjugated minority? — with turning over the patrimony of centuries of white achievement and sacrifice to the control of third world non-whites? — with the further erasure of white cultural heritage (the physical elimination phase of diversity)? — with rampant discrimination against Whites, including kids applying to college, in the name of ‘equity’? — sharing a polity with dozens of millions of Blacks who are like sink holes for social capital, and turn cities into crime-ridden shitholes while Whites are blamed for the dysfunction?
Have I got that right?
Could you explain to me (not again, because you’ve not done it yet) exactly how you are ‘pro-White’?
As I’ve said before, you’re innumerate — you watch too much TV and apparently get your impressions of liberal Whites from MSNBC (‘It was played on Rachel Maddow’s show the other night’), which are not representative, and so you vastly (and childishly) overestimate the magnitude of the problem (which does exist).
I also covered how the behavior of some Whites is a recent phenomenon induced by the media, is contrary to their own as well as the evolutionary group self-interest of Whites, and should therefore be seen as remediable — whereas the racial animosity directed at Whites by non-whites is the product of evolutionary processes, including the competition to acquire and secure living space, and should therefore be seen irremediable — hence it is a HUGE mistake and absolutely unprecedented in evolutionary history for Whites, as a tribe, to turn over control of their living spaces to hostile racial aliens — 2020 showed how thin the veneer of peaceful co-existence is.
> But you’re fine with a multiracial America with Whites as a subjugated minority? — with turning over the patrimony of centuries of white achievement and sacrifice to the control of third world non-whites? — with the further erasure of white cultural heritage (the physical elimination phase of diversity)? — with rampant discrimination against Whites, including kids applying to college, in the name of ‘equity’? — sharing a polity with dozens of millions of Blacks who are like sink holes for social capital, and turn cities into crime-ridden shitholes while Whites are blamed for the dysfunction?
Where has HW ever stated he is fine with this?? The ones who are fine with whites becoming a subjugated minority in their own lands are the very shitlibs you keep insisting exist only in tiny numbers, despite massive evidence to the contrary. The number of D-jersey pols who are not fully on board every single aspect of the great replacement is less than two percent. The whites who vote democrat are literally voting for their erasure. If they are truly so stupid they don’t see this they have fully earned their Darwin awards with Kosher klusters. It’s bad enough that Repukes are endlessly cucking on the issue, but the D-jerseys openly celebrate white extermination – when they’re not denying the replacement program altogether. How many surveys and polls does HW have to cite? You’re the one who is vastly underestimating both the nature and extent of the problem.
> I also covered how the behavior of some Whites is a recent phenomenon induced by the media, is contrary to their own as well as the evolutionary group self-interest of Whites, and should therefore be seen as remediable…
You’re merely displaying your own historical illiteracy here. It’s not a recent problem. John Brown, the white proto-Antifa figure who butchered fellow whites in Kansas who dared to disagree with his view that blacks were fully equal in every respect to whites was much admired by the New England yankees who ordered the brutal treatment of white southerners in the twelve long years of military occupation referred to as “reconstruction” (150 years back). There is a similar example of white-on-white hatred displayed by the French toward the Germans at the end of WW I, when Congolese and Senegalese French troops were ordered to occupy the Rhineland and adjacent areas (100 years ago). They carried out an horrific campaign of rape and murder against the German civilian populace there and received no punishment whatsoever. Were the abolitionists and French politicians acting on orders from Schlomo? Perhaps. More evidence exists for the French case than for the Yankees of the 1860s.
In each case, the aggressors were the equality-preaching shitlib whites, even if they used blacks to do much of the actual dirty work. How very Jewish of them. Schlomo would be smirking even if he didn’t order up the slaughter directly.
Press both buttons at the same time.
^^@The Virginian — I like it! Because it IS both that are the problem.
Profound discussion. Regarding Hunter’s statement –
“The only countries where our racial and cultural decline has been halted is where conservative and nationalist Whites have achieved political dominance and mastery over White libtards.”
It’s worth noting how that ‘conservative-nationalist dominance’ is unravelling very fast in countries like Poland and Czechia, which I think echoes the USA journey in the 1960s-80s as boomers recount it.
What drove changes is a combination of the (very Jewish) media campaigns and then the WOMEN. Early doses of ‘feminism’, women have ‘more power’ … and then half the men become libtard in order to cater to female preferences … men who do what they think is needed to ‘get intimate’.
When 60s chicks became ‘hippies’, many men followed along mentally to bed them, and the rest is history. Nowadays libtard men often don’t even get the sex but libtards simp by nature.
Polish & Czech women are going lefty in droves, as Baltic women have, and Poland – its economy suffering under Ukrainian arrivals & the war – is likely to go ‘left’ in next year’s vote. Czechia already went greatly ‘left’ last year.
Hungary is doing better because it is more ‘Balkan’, traditions are deeper set in Hungary and nations of former Yugoslavia. Dealing with non-assimilating gypsies in big numbers, and Turkish invaders for 1000 years, may have altered mental DNA. Balkans seem similar to the American Deep South where Hunter is – more people resistant to media fads & ‘current thing’.
“Polish & Czech women are going lefty in droves, as Baltic women have, and Poland – its economy suffering under Ukrainian arrivals & the war – is likely to go ‘left’ in next year’s vote. Czechia already went greatly ‘left’ last year.
Hungary is doing better because it is more ‘Balkan’, traditions are deeper set in Hungary and nations of former Yugoslavia.”
Excellent comment, and glad you mention Hungary, because Hungarian women, outside of Budapest, are very unmoved by Leftism – not the economic New Deal aspects of it, mind you, but, the whole anti-tribal, anti-family, anti-tradition Leftist thing.
As to Polish Women, I think they are doing better than Czech women, but, Czech women, as a whole,have always been liberal, particularly sexually.
Personally, I would not write off Poland or Polish women, for they are a very proud, smart and intellectually capable group.
I have always said that if Jan Paderweski had sent the Polish women out to fight the Wehrmacht in September 1939, the History Channel would have had no films of WWII to show, for it would have ended right there and then!
The anti-White narrative has been around for decades. No other race has been force fed propaganda to hate and destroy themselves like Whites. The jews use the boiling frog technique as a way for Whites to learn these destructive behaviors without even knowing what’s being done to them. It’s in the schools, universities, media, TV, Hollywood, etc. Unfortunately, most White women are the easiest pray that fall for this crap being pushed by the anti-Whites.
White Liberals are a case study in hypocrisy:-
*They often lean towards Green politics, yet never live anywhere that’s actually green, just inner city areas bristling with infrastructure.
*They support the use of solar panels, wind turbines and EV’s made by slave labour in China.
*They support endless immigration, yet fail to explain how that helps the environment.
*They have a tendency to fly everywhere in jets, whilst giving lectures to people in flyover areas about the need to reduce their carbon footprint.
*They support women’s rights, except when they’re threatened by trans men, non white men, etc.
I could go on, but you get the idea.
The ideology of the blue haired fruitcake brigade is all over the place.
They will never be won over. And if they were, they’d just be a liability.
“Culture has always been the basis of nationalism.”
This is not at all true. Culture changes with the wind. Nations persist regardless of cultural change. 12th century French culture, 16th century French culture, and 19th century French culture could not be more different, but the French nation continued through all of it.
The basis of nationalism has always been common descent.
The question of White libtards is not one of different nations. It’s a question of racial hygiene and eugenics. Libtards are a genetic disease that was allowed to spread through bourgeois breeding practices that took root in the capitalist age (selecting for undesirable traits such as extreme status anxiety). The cure is reducing these negative traits through standard eugenic practices (sterilization, trannification of libtards, exoteric pol potism, etc.).
HW states above: “If I am being completely honest with myself, I don’t like these people. I don’t want to live in a White ethnostate with them. I don’t want them to be my neighbors. It also doesn’t sound enticing to go through all the trouble of seceding from the United States to create a White ethnostate only to end up living next door to these people who are ideologically committed to sabotaging the project.”
^^This is a sentiment you express often on this blog. What I don’t understand about your point, is WHY would anti-White Whites (libtards, etc.) even want to live in a White ethnostate? Furthermore, why would a White ethnostate allow them to??
The starting point for White Nationalism, is that you be White. That is only the bare minimum requirement. The way I see it, White anti-Whites have repudiated their White identity, and I no longer consider them “White”.
They don’t want to live in a White ethnostate
That’s certainly true but it goes much further. Not only do such whites not want to live in any white ethnostate, they are quite willing to use deadly force to crush any such state that arises. Look at what the shitlib whites in South Africa did, with the full endorsement aid and support of shitlib whites everywhere else. Yes there was certainly a Jewish hand in that destruction but keep in mind that SA by 1985 had nukes. Lacking the will to crush the ANC, the Jews and white shitlibs who supported it, their leaders sold them out. Now they’re well down the road to total extermination. The ‘coloreds’ there (Indians chiefly) could care less.
There are still white shitlibs in SA despite the brutality of black crime. White farmers, with literally the deadliest job on earth, still prefer to hire blacks (who will invariably betray and kill them) rather than fellow whites living in shantytowns. Whites who refuse to acknowledge reality will ultimately go the way of the Dodo. They are literally too stupid to survive. Trouble is that they might well take most of the white population with them unless some way is found to remove them from all positions of power and influence.
“I have never once in my entire life been bothered by anyone who is black over my political views . . .”
Those same blacks will step into a voting booth and vote 90% to put someone like Stacey Abrams into power. They vote to put those who are openly hostile to you into power. Not just hostile, but genocidal. THIS IS WHAT REALLY COUNTS, not IKAGO (I Know A Good One). (Plus you’re fooling yourself about the bitter hatred they have for you behind your back. Ever see a black protest march when a white gets butchered by a black racist criminal?) The sentiment is reminiscent of that from brain-dead conservatives who gush over how wonderful immigration is. Oh, those Asians, aren’t they clever, and aren’t those Mexicans hard workers? They just want the ‘Murican Dream. While they pursue that Dream they’re stripping you of your traditions, history, ancestors, freedom and laws. And your money. Woke has been put into power by demographic change. The Republicans got 58% of the white vote in the last election, a landslide.
“The Republicans got 58% of the white vote in the last election, a landslide.”
It the question had been, say, “Does the town square need a new flagpole?” well, then, 58% either way would be notable, even if not what I personally would call a landslide. When the question is, in effect, “Should we avoid organizing things so that we go extinct?” well, then, 58% yes is probably not notable—not in a good way.
Even in 1960, when whites were virtually 90% of the population, 58% of their vote would barely have been a majority. If a 58-42 split, or something like it, has been operating non-stop since, I don’t know, the latter ’60s, we shouldn’t be surprised that whites, as a portion of the population and the electorate, have declined. The 42 who’ve been voting anti-white have been enough to bring about the decline.
That, I think, might be worth a repeat: A decline in the numerical significance of the white vote itself is part of the anti-white state of affairs that the 42% have brought about, via, I don’t know, immigration law or whatever. I don’t follow politics and know the stats of these things the way they’re known by Mr. W., our host; but, to put it folksily, if 42% of the persons in your lifeboat are punching holes in its floor, you shouldn’t be content that you have a landslide on your side.
I wonder, not incidentally, what was the white percentage outside the South. I wonder whether it was even 50%.
@John Bonaccorsi…
‘ A decline in the numerical significance of the white vote itself is part of the anti-white state of affairs that the 42% have brought about, via, I don’t know, immigration law or whatever.’
Most of the anti-White behavior I experience and witness in Virginia and North Carolina comes from Whites.
I tend to blame the school system and the media for this.