Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! @ryangrim @cenkuygur @AnaKasparian https://t.co/iXWq0roV2c
— Jimmy Dore (@jimmy_dore) January 5, 2023
And there it is. #ForceTheVote was always just Politics 101. The #FraudSquad had the very same leverage as the right wingers do now, but the squad chose NOT to demand anything for their vote. They succeeded in electing an enemy of the left while getting nothing. #UniParty https://t.co/ZtpheKqckZ
— Jimmy Dore (@jimmy_dore) January 5, 2023
It should’ve happened in 2021, but you turned out to be 100% phony boot kickers to power. If you had any self respect you’d be apologizing out of humiliation at being proven so wrong & cowardly. But you aren’t cuz you are a #FraudSquad #ForceTheVote https://t.co/Lzed36OvX3
— Jimmy Dore (@jimmy_dore) January 5, 2023
News: McCarthy proposes key concessions.
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) January 5, 2023
– allow just one member to call for a vote to oust a speaker, per two sources
– more members of Freedom Caucus to serve on powerful House Rules Committee
– Promises to vote on some bills like term limits and border security
Jimmy Dore STILL trending because anti-M4A, anti-FTV neoliberals are big mad at being so thoroughly embarrassed by the GOP’s #ForceTheVote success.
— Blue Check Beth! (@torstrick) January 5, 2023
They’re getting MULTIPLE concessions, just like the squad could have done but chose not to.
"While Democrats are bending over backward to pretend that the force the vote strategy is emblematic of a Republican pty in disarray, what this moment really shows is how fully controlled by the corporate Democratic party progressive Democrats really are"https://t.co/Rlo6Z9cgEE pic.twitter.com/twdyfKpru8
— Briahna Joy Gray (@briebriejoy) January 4, 2023
Jimmy Dore was right.
The funniest part of this episode has been watching the Left boast about how smart they were to cave to Nancy Pelosi and get nothing in return in exchange for voting for her as Speaker of the House. Meanwhile, Kevin McCarthy is caving and giving his critics everything they want.
Note: Do you remember Medicare for All or student loan debt forgiveness ever getting a House vote? Me neither.

Extract every single drop of blood you can squeeze from these potatoes. I doubt anything can come of it, but it only hurts to never try.
Good on them for drawing a sharp division between themselves and Trump. He’s an albatross they can now fully rid themselves of.
MTG can suck an egg.
You are witnessing the death of Rhinoism and it is a slow torturous death indeed. And make no mistake, A Rhino, a socially moderate Republican is an Irish dDemocrat that snuck his way into the republican tent to serve his own interests. Kind of like a never Trumper neocon Jew….subversives both.