A year into the war in Ukraine, it is still basically MAGA Republicans vs. everyone else who support Joe Biden in prolonging the conflict. Democrats are now the War Party.
“WASHINGTON, D.C. — Nearly one year into the war between Russia and Ukraine, Americans’ support for Ukraine holds steady. A stable 65% of U.S. adults prefer that the United States support Ukraine in reclaiming its territory, even if that results in a prolonged conflict. Meanwhile, 31% continue to say they would rather see the U.S. work to end the war quickly, even if this allows Russia to keep its territory. …
More Americans (39%) say the support being offered to Ukraine in the war is the right amount than think the U.S. is not doing enough (30%) or is doing too much (28%).
Nearly half of Republicans, 47%, say the U.S. is doing too much, while 48% of Democrats say American involvement is about right. Most of the rest of Democrats, 41%, say the U.S. is not doing enough. Independents are evenly divided between the two camps, with 35% each saying the U.S. is doing too much and the right amount. Democrats are more likely than independents and Republicans to think the U.S. is not doing enough. …”
I think people like Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene are goofy, but I would rather have that faction in charge in the House or at least empowered than the insane Russiagaters who started this.
“Democrats are now the War Party.”
NOW, NOW ???
Those bastards have always been stirring the s***pot of war.
Once the Russians wrap this up, the fence-sitters will forget this ever happened.
Why have postbellum Southerners always been the biggest supporters of Union (“yankee”) wars? Prison bitch syndrome?
Over 80% of Democrats support funding the war in Ukraine. Support for it is concentrated in big cities and suburbs in Blue States. Opposition is concentrated in small towns and rural America.
That’s all well and good for the stage we are at now. If Imperial DC decides to send troops and stages a false flag of some sort, it will be the Southern (and Northern, for that matter) rural and small towns who will cough up their sons to be first in line to volunteer. Or so it was in the past.
You know it’s true. They aren’t paying attention. They still believe this is their country.
Two thirds of the retards believe the complete bullshit they’re being spoon-fed by Talmudvision. That’s a fine example of the utter brainwashing they get in public schuls. The D-jerseys never seriously opposed the wars in either Iraq or the Graveyard of Empires. Both parties are the ‘war-party’. How about ‘staying the hell out of other peoples’ fights’?
“How about ‘staying the hell out of other peoples’ fights’?”
Then they can’t be self-righteous, arrogant, do-good snobs.
Just like telling us to get along with all races while they live in exclusively WHITE areas and gated communities.
Breaking-The republicans almost did something. (honk!)
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
Vladimir Lenin
Sooner rather than later the U.S. Government will have to turn to conscription to fill the military ranks with competent White recruits, the colored people just aren’t smart enough to run a high tech military. On that evil day White support for whatever the U.S. Government’s current war is will go to zero. No one wants to fight for Taiwan. Even the Taiwanese want a peaceful accommodation with the government in Peking, only the U.S. Government is looking for war.
The military is already short staffed and the Navy has a backlog of ship maintenance reducing readiness. The Air Force is short of pilots while stuffing colored pilots through training. The Ukraine war has depleted some weapons stocks and shown that the U.S. industrial base, decimated mostly by the Republicans since Reagan’s presidency cannot produce what is needed to fight. Meanwhile China has the largest economy in the world and certainly the largest manufacturing base.
The U.S. does lead in diversity, twerking, rap “music” and lunatics so there is that. A war with China will lead to defeat which will destroy the legitimacy of the current Democrat/Republican Oligarch regime, defeat always does that. See 1918 for the list of regimes that fell at the end of that miserable war.
Look up USS Little Rock. It’s a Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) that the USN is scuttling after -6- years of service. Too many design problems with the propulsion system. Lol. Lmao even.
Around 400 million taxpayer dollars well spent!
“The Air Force is short of pilots while stuffing colored pilots through training.”
First time the air force tried a black pilot in The Thunderbirds the entire group dove into the dirt, zero survivors. Quickly covered up and tossed down the memory hole.
Serving in the military with blacks is not enjoyable.
” the surest way to make a racist is to put them in the military”.
“Both parties are the ‘war-party’.”
That is part of the reason I re-registered as an Independent.
If it is good enough for Tulsi Gabbard it is good enough for me!
The Air Force is short of pilots while stuffing colored pilots through training.
They tried training blacks to be Minuteman launch officers, a rigorous protocol to initiate a launch, during simulation they’d launch without following procedure 🙂
All washed out of training.
The Titan disaster in Arkansas was caused by a black airman venting rocket fuel into the silo. Two WHITE airmen gave up their lives going into the silo to close the valves preventing an explosion of the silo, rocket and associated fuel.
The worst train wreck in Amtrak’s history was caused by a black guy who drove his tugboat pushing barges into a railroad bridge collapsing it.
” . . . Willie Odom, was not properly trained on how to read his radar and so, due to very poor visibility in heavy fog and his lack of experience, did not realize he was off course. The boat also lacked a compass and a chart of the waters.[2] Odom believed that he was still on the Mobile River and had identified the bridge in the radar as another tug boat.[3] After the investigation, he was not found to be criminally liable for the accident.[3]”
He killed 47 people and injured 103. Had he been White he would have been put in jail.
Notice the twisting, deceitful use of language by the communists at Wikipedia: “Willie Odom, was not properly trained on how to read his radar and so, due to very poor visibility in heavy fog and his lack of experience, did not realize he was off course.”
The passive tense is used as though poor Willie were just a spectator, he dindu nuffin. He was the pilot of his vessel and duly licensed by the Coast Guard, he was responsible for everything that happened. Period.
” . . . a barge being pushed by the towboat Mauvilla . . . made a wrong turn on the Mobile River and entered the Big Bayou Canot”
Once again the passive is used, Willie dindu nuffin.
” . . . The boat also lacked a compass and a chart of the waters.[2] Odom believed that he was still on the Mobile River and had identified the bridge in the radar as another tug boat.[3] After the investigation, he was not found to be criminally liable for the accident.[3]”
Then WTF was Willie doing out at night, driving his barges around when he didn’t know how to read the radar, didn’t have a chart and didn’t know WTF he was doing. Reading a radar screen isn’t difficult either, it’s demarcated in yards and shows distances. he couldn’t tell how many yards ahead that glowing thing on the CRT was but he kept going anyway?
“The bridge was struck by the Mauvilla at about 2:45 a.m. The span had been designed to rotate so it could be converted to a swing bridge by adding suitable equipment. No such conversion had ever been performed but the span had not been adequately secured against unintended movement. The collision forced the unsecured end of the bridge span approximately 3 feet out of alignment and severely kinked the track.[4][5]”
See. it wasn’t Willie’s fault, it was the bridge’s fault. White supremacy, such as radar, trains, and all that high tech shit caused the accident, not one of the bruthas.
This was back in 1993, there will be a lot more of this in our future. Even Tucker has noticed, talking about recent close calls in aviation. Tucker almost mentions race, but not quite.
“U.S. Government will have to turn to conscription to fill the military ranks with competent White recruits”
Those ‘competent White conscripts’ often find ways to ‘jinx’ the system.
One year later Washington Generals (Grand Old Politburo) wing of the Uniparty voters are still suffering from Stockholm Syndrome with no end in sight.
O/T-Just saw a graph of the flight of the CCP Teabag Brandon Barroon and it looks like the MLK Turd statue!