To call for a "national divorce" between the states on the day we celebrate the birthday of Lincoln, the man who saved the Union, is callous and unthinking. https://t.co/A7GC4QlgIR
— Thomas J. Main (@ThomasJMain) February 20, 2023
If the Union were dissolved, nearly every negative piece of federal legislation and Supreme Court precedent that has been imposed on us would unwind overnight.
We can’t retreat to interior rural areas – where now toxic rural Ohio? We will need river and sea ports to trade.
Plus existing rural people in places like Idaho and Montana will hardly welcome us – try being a White ex California guy/gal trying to make friends with locals in Western ski resort towns.
Planned towns, communities like Orania should and can be models – we’ll need our own religion and language to really separate – My choice is Dutch Africans with google translate it can be done.
The hostile, mean Js, homos, BLM, AOCs can seriously f*#$&3 with would be break away rural and small towns. Look what they did to Ferguson MO.
100 years ago J Antifa, real Communists dominated Red Berlin and actually had a Soviet in Munich Bavaria Germany under the J Communist Kurt Eisner. Anti Communist nationalists of various kinds including Frei corp volunteer troops led by the likes of Ernst Rohm (don’t write off the homo gays until we actually come to power somewhere).
One thing for sure – race denying Constitutionalist, Libertarian, welcome every single English speaking somewhat Judeo Christian movements will get us absolutely no where.
Any of you/us want to compete in the “market” with 4 ft toll Mayan Orcs from Guatemala to pick crops from dusk to dawn for that Onion King in Georgia or work in a disgusting Tyson Foods poultry plant in Murfreesboro TN?
Autonomy is more realistic than open succession. Have TV media, education, law enforcement reserved for locals from and in the South. Ted Turner was a anti Christian, Liberal, but his CNN was 100% better than Jeff Zucker, Brian Setzer, AIPAC Wolf Blitzer CNN.
Separation won’t work. People on the right better realize that these leftists want us all dead. They didn’t hold back in 1917 and if they were to again to achieve the power they had then, they will murder all of us. They refuse to co-exist with anyone who disagrees with them or dismisses their insanities. There is no intelligent discussion to be had with them because their brains are in a constant state of cognitive dissonance.
Liberals are at war with reality. They live in a world that’s not real, a fantasy world that empowers those who would destroy order. Look at this country. It has gone from reasonable and law abiding to absolutely insane — worshiping niggers run wild — with these jews, women, and liberal assholes running things. They spread their craziness and no one is allowed to question it.
Genetic White liberals are communists, and worse, who are a cancer, are an existential threat to us, and we can not co-exist with them. They’ve murdered millions of people around the world, and have begun to lock up honest, patriotic, people, here for merely demonstrating — White men who believe in the US Constitution for years for merely demonstrating, have locked up White men who had the audacity to defend themselves from the black onslaught, while they applaud and enrich, and let loose, do-nothing niggers for robbing, murdering, raping, and looting.
“Separation won’t work. ”
That’s tatamount to telling a family not to leave a house, when it has been overrun by termites – every beam dessicated and fragile.
Note that most of the young male students who tear down the US flag are from Virginia Military Institute, the rest from what was then Washington College (now Washington & Lee), the two schools having adjacent campuses. Also note that VMI is now aggressively coed, feminist, & multi-racial, with a retired black general as Superintendent, who recently had VMI’s statue of Stonewall Jackson torn down & Jackson’s name chiseled off VMI’s main barracks building. Washington & Lee’s faculty have voted several times to remove Lee’s name from the school, & his grave (Lee Chapel) from campus, although for now this has been vetoed by the W&L’s board of visitors.
Here inside Dallas, Texas, the richest, whitest & until recent times the most racially conscious white school district, Highland Park, which in the 1950s conducted what amounted to legal, peaceful, ethnic cleansing of blacks to make sure it remained de facto segregated, is now so Woke it’s hiring black teachers to indoctrinate it’s still overwhelmingly white students, to the point that at one HPISD school black teachers outnumber black students. HPISD also encourages the parents of their (white) female track & field athletes to hire black personal coaches to improve their daughters’ chances of gaining athletic scholarships in college, & for other reasons, I’m guessing.
The point is that even in the South, all of the elite institutions are controlled by those who want to destroy us (& are proceeding quite successfully, imo).
And they will never let us go. At least not without a war which will make that thing from 1861 to 1865 seem like a minor skirmish.
“And they will never let us go. At least not without a war which will make that thing from 1861 to 1865 seem like a minor skirmish.”
Possibly, but, probably not.
You cannot fight the kind of war you envisage without a big and longlasting supply of WILLING soldiers.
Rural Yankees would not be with those who desire to continue to possess us in that fight, which leaves only those Yankee Urbanites, who, as the polls reveal, are less and less interested in fighting us, but, in getting away from us.
Certain historic tendencies are there, as you very aptly point out, but, how that works out in the next decade, or so, is not going to be like the 19th century.
This is not the 19th century, nor the 20th, for that matter.
“Here inside Dallas, Texas, the richest, whitest & until recent times the most racially conscious white school district, Highland Park, which in the 1950s conducted what amounted to legal, peaceful, ethnic cleansing of blacks to make sure it remained de facto segregated, is now so Woke it’s hiring black teachers to indoctrinate it’s still overwhelmingly white students, to the point that at one HPISD school black teachers outnumber black students. HPISD also encourages the parents of their (white) female track & field athletes to hire black personal coaches to improve their daughters’ chances of gaining athletic scholarships in college, & for other reasons, I’m guessing.”
You’re barking up the wrong with Brad here. He can’t get enough of them.
Hard to believe that lying as* hole Morning Joe S is still on MSNBC. Remember when he was on the air with his co-host “THE REVERAND (Not!) AL SHARPTON and he and race hustler Rev. Al were threatening to lead delegations of Civil Rights rioters down from New York to confront White Southern racist law enforcement in North Panhandle Florida (the Southern Part) because they supposedly had not arrested the White Southern racist (White Hispanic) George Zimmerman who supposed had chased down and murdered little Saint Trayvon Martin?
Thanks to our hard, hard work – we did finally defeat this ZOG, BLM, WOKE lying Emmett Till Narrative. The Anti White Woke mob went on to the next BLM race hustle which turned out (as I recall) to be Ferguson MO – BLM BlackLiesMatter “Hand Up Don’t Shoot” more like “Pants up Don’t Loot”.
Also this as* hole lying Joe S is also spreading the lie that White Americans with some, a lot of opposition to BLM, Woke have no hope of political victories in Blue states – this is so, so not true.
An unknown plumber in New Jersey or was it New York state damn near won the state Governorship with very little to no money – he stressed populist issues not religious right, 100% anti Abortion. Same almost happened in NY State governorship. Remaining Whites and Asians in and outside of New York City are really pissed about Black crime and Black Woke monopoly of Dem political and education positions.
Do what the come from behind (White) GOP governor did in Virginia – run and win on opposition to Critical Race theory in public schools crime, idiot LGBT, Disney Corp homo sexually grooming little boys at Disney World.
We can’t give up on our Cities, suburbs or universities and just retreat to rural areas and become survivalists, peppers, life in the country, wilderness ain’t so hot these days. Ever see Deliverance? I’m not up for hanging with homo Hillbilly rapists or Bible fundis that handle snakes. No thanks.
The gears of history…
>The cycle of socialist revolutions
>The country is deeply divided along multiple fault lines
Yeah. So what to do?
>The best way to accomplish this is through mandatory civics education
>undo some of the myths and misinformation that have led many Americans to see their government as a threat
tl;dr CFR bs
It’s also the time to dissolve the european union
“If the Union were dissolved, nearly every negative piece of federal legislation and Supreme Court precedent that has been imposed on us would unwind overnight.”
Far better to change these illegal decisions and make them live under our rules. Congress can decide on what the Supreme court rules on. Read the Constitution. The listed cases they cover are very small. They’ve expanded it and this can be changed. Lengthy comment on how to do so here,
The Constitution provides that…
“…Article I, Section 5, which provides “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members …”
We could right now force stringent measures in electing all House members that would make vote stealing very dangerous for those that do so and very hard to do without getting caught. Later, with enough votes we could do the same for the Senate. We could raise the voting age to 25, make only property holders eligible to vote. Make it where no one on welfare could vote. The sky is the limit. We could destroy the voting eligibility for a vast amount of the Democrat voters. But instead we talk about separation, which surely would lead to a civil war, which would make the Jews delirious with happiness at the blood sacrifice to them. Better to rule them.
Why are we such dummies? You all ought to know by now anything the Jews start pushing is bound to be bad for you.
I don’t see a red state-blue state split as a long term stable situation. Similar to leaving half of Russia inside the so called “Ukraine” when Gorbachev foolishly gave up their empire. War would break out. We need regime change, the PMC, East Coast elites and their satellites in Hollywood and Silicon Valley need to be utterly removed from power. You can’t ever let just anyone buy up the media anymore either, sounded good on paper in 1790, but after they let half of Europe come over here a century later this country just became a corrupt mafia controlled psychopath’s paradise. No more voting, the mass man…and especially the females, are completely incapable of self rule.
It is amazing how lacking in self-awareness the Morning Joe types are. Some of it is just gaslighting, accusing others of what they have been doing for decades but there is also a disconnect from reality at work here. The Left has been in control of the U.S. now for decades, either directly or through scumbags like the Clintons or Republican cucks like Reagan until there is nothing left for the “conservatives” to conserve. The Left, including the Republicans, own the national failures, not MTG.
The grift isn’t MTG getting $25 from people in all 50 states, the grift is the Left “living large” (as the bruthas say) off the Federal government through sinecures at universities, think tanks and big business. The Feds are paying their bloated salaries by supporting these traitorous institutions, something Morning Joe neglected to mention. His arrogant prick guests pontificate about the evils of MTG from their home offices with all their books on display showing the world how smart they are, all paid for with other people’s taxes.
“Consultants” like the Rand Corp., which did such a magnificent job in Vietnam, grew like malignant tumors off of the Feds. Top officers at defense companies are ex-Pentagon types with a similar pattern of regulatory capture by business throughout Government. None of this involves Red-State “Conservatives” who are pariahs to the Left Wing Establishment and have no institutional power.
If Federal money were to disappear all of Morning Joe’s guests would have to work for a living. It would be even worse for the “Rev.” Al types whose NAACP, NAN, ACLU and innumerable other “advocacy” organization receive Federal money to promote “equity” or some such anti-White bullshit. The worst welfare queens are all the Left Wing institutions that helped establish programs to funnel money to themselves starting with universities in WWII.
The Morning Joe types believe their jobs are to think up the next war to start (and get well paid for it, too) while the job of the Untermenschen from Dixie or places like East Palestine, Ohio is to fight their despicable wars. Were it not for Dixie there wouldn’t be a U.S. military at all, anyone who has been in the military can testify to this. Joe didn’t show a color coded map of places where military recruits come from, did he? Hint: it wasn’t from places where the Morning Joe types live.
Not to be too critical but they are raging, fucking, worthless, hypocrites. As inflation they caused rages, the economic system tips over and their rootless cosmopolitan Tower of Babel collapses they will buried by the wreckage of the system they built. Good riddance to these parasites.
Yep, we don’t need Salvadorans to flip our burgers, they can fire all these gender studies professors and get them to work they are more suited for like salting those fries and running the drive through at the local burger joint.
I remember back in 2013, I was in a rebellious phase against conservatism and Americanism over what happened in the 2012 election, where Mitt Romney won the primary as the weakest Republican in the field, and then proceeded to lose the election to Obama and his shitty economy anyway. My motto was “Dissolve The Union.”
Ten years later, that sentiment is percolating. I might get my wish. LMAO.
Secession of red states will only work if they exclude non-whites. Non-whites and white liberals will follow and pretend to be red for as long as they have to before they fuck everything up again.
I hate PMCs.
We live in a time when our government doesn’t hesitate to launch $400,000 sidewinder missiles at $50 hobby balloons. As laughable as they are, I don’t think they’re gonna allow a no-fault National divorce without bloodshed.
Exactly so. The “national divorce” people seem unaware of the fact that the Left controls ALL institutions of power, including institutions of power in Red states — the military, the courts, the universities, banks, internet platforms, the media, the secret police (FBI), and so on.
It’s not like 1861, when Southerners controlled southern institutions. This enabled them to field an army for four years, borrow and print money, print their own newspapers, etc. etc.
It is a flawed analogy to think of the present division as analogous to the sectional crisis of the 1850s. It’s more along the lines of imperial conquest, where the shitlib overlords in the Blue cities exercise dominion over their “inferiors” in Red colonies.
They’re not simply going to allow the Red states to just go off on their own, to the contrary they’re going to do what all empires do, send in shock troops to make examples out of dissenters and trouble-makers. They’ve already been doing that for decades — Eisenhower did it at Little Rock in 1957, and that’s what Ruby Ridge and Waco were all about. With the exception of McVeigh they got almost zero pushback for it — and it was a Red state president and a Red state attorney general who put McVeigh to death with the approval of just about everybody in the Red states.
So I am rather skeptical of this “national divorce” talk, my observation is that the Red state proles are more likely to bow before their lords and accept the crumbs given to them by Social Security, SSI-D, the VA and Medicare than engage in any tangible action that leads to separation. This was the strategy that Johnson et. al. used to successfully pacify the South during the 1960s, and I see less resistance to it now than there was then.
If somebody wants to contradict me and tell me why I am wrong please do. But if Lee could not achieve a “national divorce” by marching an army into Gettysburg, PA I do not see how it is going to happen now unless The Regime collapses in on itself, Soviet-style.
“But if Lee could not achieve a “national divorce” by marching an army into Gettysburg, PA I do not see how it is going to happen now unless The Regime collapses in on itself, Soviet-style.”
The ‘national divorce’ was implemented (reinstituted to what it was -) after Appomattox.
Study carefully what occurred in the period of ‘Reconstruction’.
This ‘domestic divorce’, was, however, undone, when Southern political leadership lacked the overall spine to confront the court decisions for the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s.
Trust to this – if tens of millions of people do not wish to live under a certain circumstance, then there is no power in the world that can alter that.
If you cannot imagine how that would go, that’s fine, but, it still does not change the fact – you cannot force tens of millions of people to go along with that which they find anathema.
“And if we add to this the fact that Jewish individuals with equal academic performance to non-Jewish peers are 10-15x as likely to gain admission, we can start to understand just how much these credential mills aim to completely reshape all power structures, from top to bottom.”
Paradoxically this can’t happen amicably without the fed signing off so this is all masturbation but MTG supposedly is out there White righting, so sleep well Whitey, totally genuine politician Marge is only acting selflessly.
” Lincoln, the man who saved the Union, is callous and unthinking”
Lincoln, the man who forced federal tyranny and wiped on The Bill of Rights.
Dead on, Dear Arrian, and, if I may …
“Lincoln, the man who forced federal tyranny, wiped on The Bill of Rights, put the country on a path perverted from the genius of it’s founding, and, perhaps most important of all – a true war criminal responsible for the looting and pillaging of Southern States, not to mention the mass deaths of Southern civilians.”
“Morning Joe Calls On Red States To Secede”
A classic Beta-male – he calls on someone ELSE to take the necessary action…
Well, Ivan. If YOU want to be a martyr, go right ahead. Someone needs to come forward, and no one other than Trump is even making a play for that moniker. So, your comment is just sour grapes, and nothing more.
I dare Colorado to go first.
They are always the first and most historic.
Whatever state does will be ahead of the curve on the Bosnia x Rwanda festivities that are coming to the Big Banana Chiquitastan.
Throw me some scraps over the favela wall, we’ll be at the people’s dumpster redistributing supper in the spirit of egalitarian equity.
Forward! Yes we can.
set it off
>I urge a complete overhaul of social media on the Internet.
>Banning TikTok might result in widespread mental health issues in Colorado
I agree with red state secession and the formation of a White Heartland Republic but if it happens, we cannot allow the WHR to become America 2.0. We must identity the toxins that are killing (and will kill) the United States and make sure they do not grow in prosper in the WHR.
The problem of jews still controlling republicans will still exist, therefore that will only be a small relief. expelling all the jews and cutting off all foreign “aid” is the solution.
Some natural disaster or break of continuity will be the literal come to Jesus moment; we will take 3 days for the old nation to resurrect, a miracle beheld by any who fear for their life. The liberal strongholds will devolved into mayhem, but the majority of the population will ascend to our natural heavenly disposition. The decline is merely a spectacle for those fence sitters and those of little faith, confused where source of our nation spring from. Other societies have decayed and been lost, but they didn’t examine it daily on the internet for decades to chart their own rescue, like Shackleford getting out of Antarctica. We are a special breed that cannot be compared with desert tribes. The prideful parasites are becoming weak and falling into various traps, mostly poisoning and culling themselves. Our glory has never been closer.