It has been an eventful few weeks.
I found out that my wife is pregnant.
I found out that the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) is going woke.
Corey Mahler and Woe are back with a great new episode of Stone Choir in which they explore the history of the term “racism” and when it officially became a “sin” in the LCMS. They show that this “sin” is not mentioned in the Bible. It was unknown to Martin Luther. It was not in the Lutheran Confessions. It was unknown to the founders of LCMS. It was unknown for a century after the founding of the church which was segregated until 1947. The LCMS didn’t endorse integration until 1956 after the Brown decision. The notion that something called “racism” is a “sin” didn’t exist in LCMS until a generation ago.
We are told that “racism” is a “grave sin,” but literally no in the church knew this or was even making this argument for over a century. Instead, the “antiracism” craze swept through American culture during World War II and changed racial attitudes. The Truman administration committed itself to integration. The Supreme Court struck down segregation in public education in the Brown decision in 1954 and only then did the LCMS and countless other secular and religious institutions fall in line.
Note: Corey Mahler might be the first person in history to be banned from an LCMS church for the “sin of racism.” We can’t find any evidence that it ever happened during the antebellum era or the War Between the States or Reconstruction or the Jim Crow era or even in the late 20th century. The gravity of the “sin of racism” has soared as Wokeism has spread into the church since the death of George Floyd.
re the Lutheran Confessions:
>Sasse was deeply interested in the Missouri Synod, and he saw in it the last great hope for confessional Lutheranism.
Sasse ended up at the Lutheran Church of Australia.
LCA now:
The others were great. Looking forward to listening to this. Thanks for sharing.
75 years since Truman stopped segregation in the military and its contracters. Bit by bit race mixing has been forced on us and the gradual submission of the institutions with the persistent force of covert controllers.
Just like a fungus progressively spreading in bread.
Racism is rhe idea that people should be organized into a socio-genetic hierarchy based on highly distinctive gebetic variations. This system has existed among North African, Midfle Eastern, and European colonies.
But Whitr Eiropeans are the only group which can exist eithout this socio-geget8c hierarchy becsuse Europeans are non-variably different from the rest of humankind making them a completeky separate group from everyone else.
Racism, like slavery, isn’t a sin, and if we are to rescue our churches, we have to open their eyes to these facts. Dr. Dabney referred to it as infidelity, which has infiltrated even the most conservative churches.
Most churches today have adopted a fake Christian narrative that goes like this: “Jesus died for everyone, so if you believe in Him, when you die your soul will go to Heaven, to spend eternity.”
Nothing in that narrative is biblical, but most self described Christians ascribe to it, because most pastors preach it.
The Biblical narrative goes like this: Jesus didn’t die for everyone, he died for the Elect, who were chosen by God before the foundation of the world. When you die, your spirit goes back to God, but your body and soul lie in the grave unconscious until the Resurrection, when you will be judged by your works. If not elected, your works will not save you and you will go to hell, but if you are elect, Christ’s righteousness will be imputed on you, your sins forgiven, and you will live eternally with Christ on a renewed Earth, essentially a return to Eden.
A world of difference between what most churches teach and what the Bible says.
Deo Vindice
Racism is one of hollowcostianity’s greatest sins
This is good.
The words are bold, the statements true, succinct and hard.
At least watch till 3 min, showing how Ukranians shoot Russian POWs.
( I’d like to think that Brother Nathaneal is sincere, his words certainly ring true.)
Brainwashed Whites who hate themselves really are abominable.And they hate Whites who love their race with a sick intensity.I really despise those anti-White Whites even more than Jews.To despise your own self is madness.The children of the Devil(Jews)concoct and foment this madness but it take a real bunch of retards to fall for it.Great pieces lately Hunter.God bless you and yours.Christ is Lord(and He is coming back soon).Keep the faith people and never give in or lose your focus or belief in our great White race.As my old hero said”All you need is the White race and the Jesus keys”.I live by these words.
Christianity is an ineffective deterrent against the jew. Christianity sacrifices Gentiles to their jew enemies. Christianity: love your enemy, we’re all god’s children – is used to teach people not to trust their own minds, their own experiences, their own senses, and use so called morality to drive out rationality and biology. Christianity is anti-White -and cannot be other. Christianity has paved the way for the jewish takeover. It creates the cuck mindset and cowardice. The White race has become weak thanks to Christianity. Christian tolerance, generosity and compassion have been used to subjugate the White man.
Dumbest comment of the year so far. Tell me you don’t know anything about Christianity without telling me you know nothing about Christianity.
LOL! Funny how you can’t elaborate on why my comment is “dumb”. Delusional much? I think it’s just projection on your part. Maybe it’s you who doesn’t know anything about Christianity. Christians opened the gates to the jews to begin with and fools rushed in. Christians are not capable of independent thought. They cant make a decision without first looking it up in their holy babble. They cant even agree on which babble is the correct one. I’m waiting for Hollywood to do a remake of the movie Dumb & Dumber, using a Christian & a Muslim respectively in the lead roles.
Unfortunately many people just need to believe in the ghosts while other, more intelligent and thinking individuals understand it’s all just superstition. Karl Marx had it right when he observed: “Religion is the opiate of the masses“. – a jewish insider instinctively knows about his own tribe’s big game. All you have to do is look around you, and more specifically, observe the bible thumpers to understand they’re just lost nuts. Christianity sacrifices Gentiles to their jewish enemies.
Nothing you say is original, it’s the same retarded talking points we’ve had to refute for years. But if you want a thorough elaboration, here you go.
“Christianity is an ineffective deterrent against the jew. Christianity sacrifices Gentiles to their jew enemies.”
There hasn’t been a single religion in world history that has done as much to resist jewry than Christianity. From the Apostles, to the Church Fathers, to the various Kings and Emperors of the Middle Ages, to the Reconquista and the Spanish Inquisition, to the Tsars of Russia and the vast majority of Fascist and National Socialist movements of interwar Europe and WWII. All of which have been some form of Christian.
“Christianity: love your enemy, we’re all god’s children – is used to teach people not to trust their own minds, their own experiences, their own senses, and use so called morality to drive out rationality and biology.”
When the Bible says “love your enemies,” the original Greek word Jesus uses refers to personal enemies only, not the enemies of God or enemies of the nation. As for “we’re all God’s children,” any spiritual unity that all of humanity shares does not mean that we forsake all things material and worldly and unite under some globalist blob. There’s an article that details this further on Middle Earth Magazine called “On Race and the Magisterium” (I know you won’t actually read it, but there you go). The following point is ridiculous, God gave us all of our faculties to be utilized to our greatest abilities. These are gifts Our Creator bestowed upon us out of His love for us. Morality doesn’t drive out rationality and biology either, morality and rationality are intertwined.
“Christianity is anti-White and cannot be other. Christianity has paved the way for the jewish takeover. It creates the cuck mindset and cowardice.”
Christianity isn’t anti-White, the vast majority of people who are pro-White are Christians, past, present and future. The vast majority of people who are anti-White but aren’t jewish are atheists, agnostics and all sorts of pagans. It was the loss of religiosity and the rise of the deistic and atheistic enlightenment that paved the way for jewish takeover, not Christianity. As for cowardice, God is very clear that “cowards are the first to be thrown into the pit.”
“The White race has become weak thanks to Christianity. Christian tolerance, generosity and compassion have been used to subjugate the White man.”
The White race has reached our peak while we were Christians, various European civilizations have been birthed by the advent of Christianity. These were not tolerant civilizations, because tolerance is not a Christian value. Generosity and compassion are traits of any idea that isn’t selfish libertarianism and judeo-capitalism. Any sort of ethnic nationalism is generous and compassionate, we aren’t selfish individuals. We’re subjugated because of comfort and complacency, not because of what religion we practice. Once the luxuries we’re granted are taken away from us you’ll see people sing a much different tune.
“Christians opened the gates to the jews to begin with and fools rushed in. Christians are not capable of independent thought.”
Christians have persecuted and expelled jews more than any other religion. It’s also rich that you say we aren’t capable of independent thought when you just repeat the same bullshit that atheist and pagans have spewed for years. Projection much?
“They cant make a decision without first looking it up in their holy babble. They cant even agree on which babble is the correct one. I’m waiting for Hollywood to do a remake of the movie Dumb & Dumber, using a Christian & a Muslim respectively in the lead roles.”
You can thank Protestantism for all the different and incomplete Bibles. With how jewish Hollywood is you’ll probably soon get your wish of a(nother) movie attacking Christians.
“Unfortunately many people just need to believe in the ghosts while other, more intelligent and thinking individuals understand it’s all just superstition. Karl Marx had it right when he observed: “Religion is the opiate of the masses“. – a jewish insider instinctively knows about his own tribe’s big game.”
Spoken like a true redditor. The lack of religion, which you call “superstition,” is a major cause of leftism rising within todays youth. Atheists and the irreligious are overwhelmingly anti-White and liberal. Christians are the most pro-White and Nationalist group in the country no matter how much you try and push the vast majority of White people away with your judaic attacks on our faith, going so far as to quote Marx to prove your point, because I guess you take inspiration from jewish communists for your views on religions.
“All you have to do is look around you, and more specifically, observe the bible thumpers to understand they’re just lost nuts. Christianity sacrifices Gentiles to their jewish enemies.”
All I see when I look around are Christians that are pro-White and support us while all the anti-Christians are also anti-White and believe in ideas that explicitly seek our destruction.
So there, that’s why your comment is dumb and your response even more dumb. I hope one day you reach the triple digit IQ club, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
“There hasn’t been a single religion in world history that has done as much to resist jewry than Christianity.”
That’s true – whether one likes it or not.
So, you believe it takes intelligence to believe in fairy tales? Let me tell you something, brainiac — “Belief” is only a half-way-station between ignorance and knowledge. Anyone can “believe” anything and still be wrong no matter what they “believe” or how many believe it. And, in this case you are wrong — no matter what you believe. You are wrong because you don’t know. You got that? And since you don’t know, you fill in the blank spaces with the BULLSHIT you “believe”.
Retarded talking points says another delusional believer in invisible beings that no one has ever seen. Whether Christianity was the most anti-jew religion in history, then I would ask, WHAT HAPPENED? So called Christians are easily fooled and apparently don’t believe what they claim to believe. They’re both stupid and hypocrites.
You’re right about one thing — I won’t be reading any of your recommendations. No one needs to get into the nitty-gritty of made up bullshit except for those who want to become more deluded and even more confused. re: E. Michael Jones.
It wasn’t the loss of religion which has caused the dystopia Whites are lost in. Many millions of people still claim to be Christian, and yet, here we are, in a condition so bizarre, it’s hard to believe it continues to get worse, day by day. You think antiwhite leftists don’t see themselves Christians, and forget about the conservative Christians. They’re antiwhite too.
I would agree White altruism doesn’t work in our favor, but that’s why religion is used, to con you out of your own self. Christianity is all about “turning yourself over to the Lord”, “obey authority”, “do what you are told”, and love, love, love, everybody — etc. It’s filled with hocus pocus rituals to make sure you never figure out is “the Lord” is actually the jews. “The Lord” that Christians embrace, is the fairy tale. It doesn’t exist. The White race has a disease called Christianity, infecting nearly 80% of the racial body. This socially acceptable form of make-believe based, anti-reality, anti-nature, anti-thought, anti-White herdishness is the root cause of every social deformation directly threatening the survival of Whites in this hour.
You can thank Protestantism for all the different and incomplete Bibles
Oh, darn — and I thought all this time that protestants were Christians, too. Shit, they love and worship the jews just as much as the Catholics. And why would most Christians care or know there’s different Bibles? They don’t pay any attention to what their “Lord” says anyway. The jews sure get a kick out of it ……
A JEW, Harold W. Rosenthal – 1976, Admin. Asst. to Senator Jacob Javitts, REVEALS:
“Religion, too, must be taught, and through this necessity we have labored. With our control of the text book industry and the news media, we have been able to hold ourselves up as the authorities on religion. Many of our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed Christian theological seminaries. We are amazed by the Christians’ stupidity in receiving our teachings and propagating them as their own.
Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of every ‘Christian Church’ in America. Through our propaganda the Church has become our most avid supporter. This has even given us a special place in society, their believing the lie that we are the ‘chosen people’ and they, gentiles.
These deluded children of the Church defend us to the point of destroying their own culture.
“You’re right about one thing — I won’t be reading any of your recommendations.”
Then stay retarded. It’s no use trying to reason with stubborn anti-Christians, you subversives will never listen.
“Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine,” -Matthew 7:6 (DRA)
LOL! That’s it? That’s not nice. You act as though you’ve proven your case, but all you have proven is you’re deluded from a lifetime of brainwashing. It’s hard to shake nonsense that is so deeply ingrained. You merely believe. That’s blind faith with the accent on “blind”. The jews laugh!
Mainstream Christianity condemns “racism” and “White supremacy”, loves “Diversity”, and is totally indifferent or hostile to White survival. Will mainstream Christians ever start realizing they’ve been programmed and duped into supporting their own destruction? Christians love “equality” movements. Christianity is one big equality movement. Ask any Christian preacher: “all humans are equal if they embrace Jesus Christ.”
Valuing race is the opposite of Catholicism. Catholicism denigrates race or denies it exists, depending on how dumb it thinks the guy it’s talking to. The Catholic church denies that the jews are held responsible for Christ’s death. It vociferously condemns anti-Semitism while endorsing, supporting, and preaching the concept that jews remain the “beloved of God”. That Christ’s Gospel to the world, sprang from the jewish people, and that their God holds the jews most dear for the sake of their common ancestors. Give me a break! One of America’s top catholic brainiacs, besides you, of course, E. Michael Jones, says an African who moves to Poland and accepts Jesus is Polish.. Valuing race is the opposite of Catholicism. Christianity is antiwhite.
Anytthing that gets in the way of our people seeing jews for what they are is bad. Christianity is bad.
LOL — that which is holy
“Resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” – “But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you.” – “Judge not that ye be not judged.”
“You act as though you’ve proven your case, but all you have proven is you’re deluded from a lifetime of brainwashing. It’s hard to shake nonsense that is so deeply ingrained.”
This statement can be applied to you 10x over.
You hold on to the contradictory belief that Christianity, which explicitly says the Jews killed Jesus Christ and are the enemies of all mankind (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16), that nations/ethnicities/races having their own boundaries is God ordained (Acts 17:26, Deuteronomy 32:8), and that hierarchy exists among people (Ephesians 5:22-24), yet also somehow is a philosemitic, cosmopolitan and egalitarian religion that somehow lead to Jews being expelled 100+ times, that established a rigid hierarchal system called feudalism that was undone by the atheistic enlightenment, and didn’t allow Europe to be swarmed with foreigners outside of invasions that were eventually repelled. And I’m the delusional one?
“Valuing race is the opposite of Catholicism. Catholicism denigrates race or denies it exists, depending on how dumb it thinks the guy it’s talking to.”
If only you read the article I suggested you read that only takes 8 minutes, you’d know this isn’t the case.
“Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community – however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things – whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the word planned and created by God” (Pope Pius XI, Mit Brennender Sorge).
Race = Fundamental value of the human community = Necessary and honorable. For the longest time, Popes had to have zero Jewish ancestry for 7 generations before they could be elected. Jesuits had to prove they had not a single drop of Jewish and Moorish blood until after World War II.
“The Church readily approves of, and follows with her maternal blessing, all regulations and practical efforts that, in the spirit of wisdom and moderation, lead to the evolution and increase of the potentialities and powers which spring from the hidden sources of life of each race. She does, however, lay down one provision, namely, that these regulations and efforts must not clash with the duties incumbent on all men in virtue of the common origin and destiny of all mankind” (Pope Pius XII, Summi Pontificatus).
Churches approves of and blesses all regulations and efforts = Lead to the evolution and increase the potentialities = Of each race. Not valuing race is the opposite of Catholicism, it completely contradicts thousands of years worth of not just Church history but European history as a whole.
I really should’ve given up debating retards for Lent, although this is more of a felting than it is a standard debate.
Again, you haven’t proven your case. Christianity explicitly says the jews killed Jesus Christ? I have no problem with that belief except for the fact that the Catholic Church itself, your Church, holds the jews as blameless in Christ’s death. If you read my prior post, you would know that. You seem to be up on your papal history, but as I simply asked you in a previous comment — what happened? This is the church you follow? The jews have been infiltrating it for many, many, decades. You claim the Catholic Church opposed the jews, but apparently, looking at the world around me, they lost their way, were subverted, and joined or will join with them, see abortion and faggotry, and rank and file Christians aren’t even aware that according to the NT, Christ spent his entire existence fighting the jews, and yet, instead of worshipping the founder of Christianity, they worship the jews.
Nostra Aetate became Catholic doctrine in the 1960s and reversed 1,800 years of Christian teaching that jews were collectively cursed by God to wandering and suffering because of the crucifixion of Christ. The Catholic church condemned anti-Semitism and endorsed and supported the concept that jews remain “beloved of God.”
“The Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God,” the document said, insisting that Christians should decry “hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism directed against Jews at any time and by anyone”.
That’s right — LOVE YOUR ENEMY! I’d elaborate more on Nostra Aetate but you’re not interested in reading what I have to say. That’s cool though. Religion is pretty boring.
“Again, you haven’t proven your case. Christianity explicitly says the jews killed Jesus Christ? I have no problem with that belief except for the fact that the Catholic Church itself, your Church, holds the jews as blameless in Christ’s death.”
I’ll get back to this point later in my response.
“If you read my prior post, you would know that. You seem to be up on your papal history, but as I simply asked you in a previous comment — what happened? This is the church you follow? The jews have been infiltrating it for many, many, decades.”
You answered your own question in the following sentence, but there’s more to it than just that. Ultimately, everything boils down to the outcome of World War II and the defeat of the Axis powers. The world order following 1945 was one in which Nationalism was feverishly condemned and the Jews were seen as innocent victims, coupled with the fact that the two main superpowers at the time were the Jew controlled United States and the Jew controlled Soviet Union. During World War II, the Catholic Church was a de facto member of the Axis Powers, which made them a target following the war. The CIA, along with Communists and Jews at this time, wanted to influence the Church, subverting the traditional teachings of Catholicism in the process for their own ends. With no viable Third Position existing after 1945, it fell under sway to all three of these groups.
“You claim the Catholic Church opposed the jews, but apparently, looking at the world around me, they lost their way, were subverted, and joined or will join with them, see abortion and faggotry, and rank and file Christians aren’t even aware that according to the NT, Christ spent his entire existence fighting the jews, and yet, instead of worshipping the founder of Christianity, they worship the jews.”
This reminds me of a passage from Mein Kampf where Adolf Hitler says the same thing. He talked about how Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross for His attitude for the Jews while todays so-called “Christians” suck up to the enemies of Christianity for votes (I’m paraphrasing). At the time it was mostly corrupt politicians using religion as a means of boosting their careers, though now it sadly includes many clerics who submit to the world and not God.
“Nostra Aetate became Catholic doctrine in the 1960s and reversed 1,800 years of Christian teaching that jews were collectively cursed by God to wandering and suffering because of the crucifixion of Christ. The Catholic church condemned anti-Semitism and endorsed and supported the concept that jews remain “beloved of God.” “The Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God,” the document said, insisting that Christians should decry “hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism directed against Jews at any time and by anyone.””
This ties back into what you mentioned at the beginning of your response. The question we should both be asking is: “How do we fix and reverse this?” The answer is to acknowledge that we have the historical precedent while maintaining our faith, embodying Ernst Junger’s concept of the Anarch. By actively resisting false teachings like Nostra Aetate, which is a reversal of what the Church always teached, and by actively resisting the modern trends that todays clerics and laymen follow, we’ll have a visible resistance to what amounts to widespread modernist heresy. They have the power, we have the truth.
Before the Council of Nicaea, the overwhelming majority of Christians believed in the heretical teachings of Arius, probably more than Catholics today believe in modernism, but this heresy was overcome and we should be optimistic that this heresy can be overcome to. The Gates of Hades shall not prevail against the Church that Christ founded.
We don’t have to love these enemies, we’re only told to love our PERSONAL enemies. There’s nothing personal about what we’re going through.
You seem to think the whole world an accident, and, if you can only get others to contemplate heinous gestures, the world will be made good.
Yes, White Gentiles, in the West, are going through a troubling period, of that there can be no doubt, just as there can be no doubt that this is the Jewish Golden Age and that this has produced problems – just as overweening power always does, in any hands.
But, as this not the nature of things, nor is anything permanent, it will work itself out.
If you doubt me, read history and find out.
Meanwhile, I will continue to pray, as I have before prayed, that the spirit, that has been eagerly engaged in transporting out your goodness, in the name of righteous indignation, is removed from you, before you wind up getting involved in something that damages both you, those around you, and someone who does not even know you at all.
Yes, White Gentiles, in the West, are going through a troubling period
WOW! talk about the understatement of the century, and if you Christians can just kiss up harder to the jews and the niggers — pray harder, I’m sure things will get better. Other than that — what the fuck are you talking about? I was saying that Christianity is an ineffective deterrent to jewish subversion.
The White race has become weak thanks to Christianity. Christian tolerance, generosity and compassion have been used to subjugate the White man. Christianity, has infected countless White people and there’s no talking to them or reasoning with them either. They are truly braindead, lost, kike-infected, causes.
There are many ways to pray – and a lot of them involve action.
At this time in history, American White Gentiles are unsure what to do, because of a variety of reasons – one of of which is that the problem seems overly complex to them, another of which is that it is painful to them that what they so loved, until recently, now seems such a problem.
Christianity has been an effective’ deterrant’ to International Jewry for many many centuries.
The development of mass media technology, has given the ability of a few people to reprogram the minds of many.
This is a temporary problem, because The Internet has undermined that narrative monopoly, but, reaping the seeds from this change will not happen overnight, for reasons already listed.
As to a ‘The White Race’ – there is no such thing, for, I, as a Southerner, do not wish to be considered the same as as a Finn or an Italian – for better or worse.
As to Christianity weakening The White Tribes, it is true that in the last 50-75 years it has been used to do such.
It is also true that before Christ, the White Tribes were little more than brave illiterate backwaters – much like what many Indian tribes were here, once upon a time.
Of course, we must exempt the Italians from this comment, as The Roman Empire was a very serious achievement, for better of worse, before Christianity took hold.
Thank you for your comment.
Love a woman, start a garden, learn to play a musical instrument, buy a 1968 Duster and restore it, and enjoy your life – this time in history may be volatile, but it will not be born overnight.
It’s going to take a while, and there is no need for you to pine away, so furious.
You were put into this time in history, and it is no accident.
Some things ARE permanent. Extinction is permanent. Don’t believe we are immune. That is the direction Whites are headed unless something very drastic happens.
“Christianity: love your enemy, we’re all god’s children – is used to teach people not to trust their own minds, their own experiences, their own senses, and use so called morality to drive out rationality and biology…………”
Yep, it’s been used subjugate WHITES with wimpology.
“teach people not to trust their own minds, their own experiences, their own senses,” ……. Thought blocking. …… Reason killing.
“Yep, it’s been used subjugate WHITES with wimpology.”
Hey, Buddy – with respect, this is one of the few times I think that your thinking ain’t deep.
Because you seem to think that, because Organized Jewry has played a major role in attempting to subvert Christianity and reroute it to it’s purposes, that this must mean, as a matter of course, that Christianity, is, in and of itself, defective.
Let me assure you that, if Pagan/Norse mythology were the main religion of White Gentiles, today. Organized Jewry would have rerouted that as well.
One more thing : if International Jewry had had the mass communication devices of the 20th century, back in the 9th, you can bet your bottom dollar that they would have had Anglo-Saxon kings out there campaigning for faggotry and globalist causes.
Oh, yes, the television, in particular,, is a source of endless black magic.
I grew up in the early days of television and I have seen people’s gullibility, with regards to it, as a prime factor in having taken this country apart.
Never forget that.
Nothing, as of yet, had been able to compete with television, in so far as influencing the masses.
” yes, the television, in particular,, is a source of endless black magic.”
I totally agree.
I’d like to think that the internet will be something of an antidote.
“, if Pagan/Norse mythology were the main religion ”
I’m certainly no advocate of Norse mythology.
I just wish ppl were more skeptical of conjectural theology.
In matters of theology, it seems that most ppl are like a desperate drunk gulping anti-freeze, swallowing anything.
Thank you for your kind and thoughtful reply.
Yes, I wish people were more sceptical, as well.
Watching folks cave in to the pressures of a designed pandemic and then to a bio-weapon vaccine, has been terrifying to me – like living through one of those horrible sci-fi novels my wife used to like to read, oh, so long ago.
The 20th century was about the development and abuse of mass communication technology, to diabolical ends, and though the Internet is bringing us out of that era, we are not going to get over all the negative effects and scars quickly.
That said, this affair in the Ukraine has moved the speed of this change into a new era into hyperdrive.
The demons in charge of The West are faltering.
Be well!
The Bible is a book full of hypocrisy, which is why it induces neuroses in its adherents. Christians almost always put their religion above their race, which is why they do not make for good allies in the struggle against White genocide. Christians are not interested in White survival, they are only interested in protecting and promoting their jew mind parasite. Christianity is a chaotic mess of various warring schisms and denominations that have been slaughtering each other for centuries, while the jews laugh, and continue to laugh.
“Christian tolerance, generosity and compassion have been used….”
It’s been grossly misdirected to self-destructive activites, read non- WHITES, while denying it’s correct applications to deserving WHITES.
I want to add that what they (woke leftists) call racism today is not even racism………it’s simply people who want to preserve their culture, who denounce black crimes, who are realistic ( Anne Boleyn was not black), who want to live on peace woth their traditions and culture. Today this is considered racism, these things which are normal things in every society, in western white society are considered racism.
No article on that curious case of the group of blacks getting kidnapped in Mexico just across the border? Allegedly three brothers were taking a big fast sister for some cosmetic surgery, however, I wondered if that was the whole truth of it, or they were up to something drug related? I had thought I was jumping to conclusions, well at work the black guys were talking about it too. “Sheet, dey ain’t there for no plastic surgery, they were picking up some keys.” “They owed the cartel some money!” “They were going directly to the source to try to cut out their middleman!” So they also suspect they were up to something. Who knows, the evidence isn’t there yet. I guess we’ll wait and find out, and if it was something shady, we’ll only hear from alternate sources.
“up to something drug related”
I agree with that.
Who would go into the most violent part of Mexico for surgery?
They planned to use their black privilege to cross back through US customs, ” youz be waycist n’ sheet, picking on black peoplez”.
Nggrs dealin dope, who could imagine ?
(Your blk coworkers, blks know blk behavior, there’s none of that WHITE Pollyanna BS.)
Don’t care either way. They aren’t my people, and I don’t care about fools just because they are “Americans”.
Starting from the late 19th century, Northeastern US oligarchs, more and more bound with different layers of International Jewry, collaborated in developing the system of mind control, that is in place today.
This system of mind control – principally aimed at spiritually coercing White Gentiles into relinquishing any claims from White Gentile lands, is the greatest most successful system ever devised.
As an older person, I can bear witness to the effectiveness of this system, in the most obvious and devastating of ways : White Southerners, in my childhood, often thought of themselves as such, and felt that they had certain goals and aims.
Now, today, I see very little of this sensibility in North Carolina or Virginia – very little, indeed.
Yes, WHITE SOUTHERNERS still live in Ole Dominion and the Rip Van Winkle State, or, at least in body, but, in soul and mind – no, we NO LONGER EXIST.
It’s painful to say, or think, that, but, it is evidence that a vampiric system can suck the blood out of a person, and do so without ever using a gun or a knife.
It’s all about the mind – assassinating people in their minds.
Was it Trotsky or the Jacobins?
Everyone is equal under communism.
What a glorious workers utopia where we are all Mondays now.
The first mistake, and continuing error, is accepting “racism” as a legitimate term. It is a made up word….a term meant to shame Whites and only Whites for possessing Nature’s inborn preference for one’s own kind, as every other creature on this planet does.
“Racism” is a political assault word designed to demoralize whites. It dishonestly conflates the proper respect we should have for our people with hatred of others.
We should not use this word, except to quote it. Using it increases its power. If we speak our enemies’ words, we will end up thinking their thoughts. We shouldn’t refer to anti-white rhetoric or behavior as “racism.” Again, that empowers the word when our enemies throw it back at us. Instead, we might refer to anti-whiteness as “race hatred.”
To those who say that “racism” is a sin, we might reply that the really common sin today is equalitarianism, a sin spawned from envy. It first appears in the Bible when the Serpent tells Eve that she will be like God if she eats the forbidden fruit. In other words, she’ll be God’s equal.
God is a women. Every man alive was born of a women… judeo-christian’s stupidity born out some dude’s arse, err rib… like the trannies claim…
The Northern European folk certainly had much more respect for women and gave them more rights than the Semites ever did.
See here about the history of the word racism and its use. The story of the one person (linked in my 2/27 post) who made use of the term prior to Trotsky is quite interesting.
Congrats on your wife’s pregnancy!