You can’t make this up.
This is the ex-wife of one of the men who sat in judgment of the Unite the Right protesters and who ruled on a lot of the motions in the Sines v. Kessler trial.
“A federal judge in Virginia is fighting for full custody of his two young daughters after his high society ex-wife was arrested at a hotel where she allegedly planned to sexually assault an eight-year-old girl, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal.
Eleanor Hunton Hoppe, 45, a member of one of Virginia’s most prominent families, was snared in an FBI sting last month after messaging an undercover agent explicit and sickening details about what she wanted to do to the child, according to court filings.
The mother-of-two – who has been charged with child porn and child sex abuse offenses – is also accused of sending the agent a 30-second video and three still images of young minor girls being horrifically sexually abused by men.
Her arrest has stunned communities in Charlottesville, where she lives, and in Richmond where she grew up amid wealth and prestige as a member of a legal powerhouse family who helped found the city’s biggest law firm, now known as Hunton, Andrews, Kurth. …”
Plot twist!
Q has been vindicated about our Satanic pedophile elites. They live in Charlottesville.
“According to the government’s case against Eleanor Hoppe, a Washington, D.C.-based undercover FBI officer entered a fetish website in late February and conversed on an encrypted app with a woman who allegedly wanted to chat about “taboo parenting.”
According to the prosecution, Eleanor Hoppe allegedly sent a topless photograph of herself to the undercover officer to prove she was “safe” and then sent a video of an adult male penetrating the vagina of an apparent minor with his penis.
She then volunteered to travel to participate in abuse of what she was told was the man’s 8-year-old daughter, according to the prosecution.
“A great think to do is to wake her up by trying new things,” Eleanor Hoppe allegedly told the man. “That hazy/ dreamlike state is perfect to introduce a variety of new things … especially with someone to help with positioning her body and then you let her fall right back to sleep.”
Things reportedly escalated on March 16, the day of the planned rendezvous at a Warrenton motel.
Eleanor Hoppe reportedly sent three more images of adult males violating girls as well as a photograph of a pink silk robe she would bring to the rendezvous along with this alleged message: “Her big girl robe for tonight.”
“I’ll be [there] as soon as I can and I’ll get naked to,” she allegedly texted. …”
“Groomer” is simply an accurate description of Eleanor Hoppe and other Democratic elites. She has been doing this for a long time. She was probably doing it during the Unite the Right trial.
“The attorneys who won a civil rights action against the organizers of the deadly 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville have been awarded $4.9 million in expenses and legal fees.
United States Magistrate Judge Joel C. Hoppe signed documents approving these awards March 7.
New York-based attorneys Roberta Kaplan and Karen Dunn had sought $12.73 million in legal fees plus $1.82 million in expenses, much of which went to a vendor collecting digital information from electronic devices and social media accounts. …”
Judge Hoppe ruled just last month that the Unite the Right defendants owe $5 million in expenses and legal fees to Roberta Kaplan and Karen Dunn. We’re invited to pretend that anything resembling “justice” can be found in this incestuous Democratic circle jerk
“Her judge ex-husband finalized a divorce with Hoppe in 2021 after alleging that she had repeatedly engaged in extramarital sex with men and women. The arrest, which occurred March 21, was first reported by local news outlet WRIC last week and also by the Daily Mail.
The Hunton family has been a prominent and powerful political family in Virginia for centuries, with Eppa Hunton II serving as a Democrat senator. In 1901, Eppa Hunton III founded the law firm that went on to become Hunton Andrews Kurth. Hoppe’s father, Eppa Hunton V, represented her in her divorce, though court filings list only a public defender in the federal case she is facing in the District of Columbia.
The Hunton Andrews Kurth firm is tightly aligned with Democrat interests, once employing former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, and representing school districts against parents. It tried to take one sexual assault case all the way to the Supreme Court, attempting to set a precedent that one judge said would amount to granting school systems “one free rape” before there was accountability. …”
Don’t laugh.
He really was on to something!
Shake his hand and apologize for ever doubting him!

The elite do practice the Occult, and the very powerful, if left unchecked will do all sorts of sickening things like this frightening child exploitation. The story makes me wonder about the Compromat that really exists at the highest levels.
Notice how libtard and perving go hand in glove ?
Yeah, from my personal observations the wealthy tend to be focused on their sex lives, and it is a major factor in their decision making.
Dark eyes and hook nose. Hmmm…..
Yep, and a face that would curdle milk.
“Q has been vindicated about our Satanic pedophile elites. They live in Charlottesville.”
And Christian preachers have also been convicted of pedophilia, what’s your point?
Are you gonna start posting “9/11 was a controlled demolition” stuff now?
911 was an inside job.
Yeah, it’s rather jarring seeing the guy who two years ago called the Jan 6 protest a “goon march” now falling over himself endorsing every stupid MIGA conspiracy theory.
It was a joke.
This one has the ring of truth though!
Well sorry for not getting the joke then.
“…Are you gonna start posting “9/11 was a controlled demolition” stuff now?…”
“Building 7”
Please e mail this story to every GOP Virginia state rep and include a short presentation about “ Unite The Right “ Lawfare persecutions .
Follow up with phone calls and emails
I ve successfully done this in Minnesota with BLM , Antifa riots
” One of Virginia’s most prominent families”. Hmm… Southern Jews were very pro-Confederate.
The super rich are nothing but the scum of the Earth. Deo Vindice!
We are ruled by incredibly unimaginable evil.
White Europeans better start thinking and behaving as the conquered people we are.
Well I think , we should pass the hat around and take up a collection, I think a gift for this Charming couple is in order,…..I know, how about a DOUBLE HEADED TIKI TORCH, as long as their is no objection’s, I Can’t think for the life of me, of anything more fitting……..literally…….
That is one of the most bizarre and disturbing news articles I have ever read.
How did Spencer say it? “We might have to be a little bit evil.” Also, “empires are just naturally corrupt! It’s Nietzschean!”
Spencer has spent years bashing the Qtards.
I’ve heard it was this judge who recently ordered him to pay millions of dollars in legal fees.
i wonder if little molly conger will be covering this story with as much gusto as she does everything else on her little blog?
That is entrapment. Where is the victim? Where is the person who has been harmed? Show them to us. And if you can’t then you can not punish. I do not care if she is a Jew or not.
“I do not care if she is a Jew or not.”
You’re not a very convincing liar Braunstein
Everyone has a moral consciousness even a Jew, and this moral consciousness is put in each of us by God. And it stops alot of us from doing what we say we are going to do. This woman, the accused did not doing anything, she just said she would. Would she have if given the chance, we don’t know. And that is a reasonable doubt.
She did something. She possessed and shared images of people that raped kids,and then she set up a meeting to go rape a kid. We know she didn’t call the cops to try to report the rape she was going to participate in,nor does it sound like she brought any tools or men with her to protect the kid and stop the rape herself.
As far as I’m concerned,that’s enough to give her the death penalty. Legally and with due process.
You do not like protecting the innocent, do you Christ killer?
She sent images of children being harmed by sexual penetration. Aren’t they victims?
We truly live in an objectively depraved and sick society.
I do not believe that our government “institutionally” and intentionally condones this kind of sickness. I believe there are good people everywhere, including the government, who want this kind of thing to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
However, there are PLENTY of perverts and degenerates in high places who do condone this, and actively seek to run cover for others who do as well. Sometimes they wield great power and influence.
They also are the ones who slowly, steadily, bit by bit change the social norms and relax the laws in this country to accommodate their fellow perverts. They do it by a variety of means. But they do it nonetheless.
After what I’ve seen the last 10-15 years, I’ll never look at women the same again.
Dan Campbell Boise Idaho Jr High School teacher has sex with his 14 year old female students. Gets caught, convicted and sentenced to 80 years in prison. A life sentence.
Women get caught over and over and over again and serve no jail time, everyone thinks its funny and cute. They go out and do it again. Because America is a Matriarchy not a patriarchy.
We have open borders, rampant crime, child trannies, endless socialism paying people to not work. All because America is a Matriarchy. Same with every formerly Western, now multi cultural country on earth. It took men 5,000 years to built Western Civilization. It took our women barely 100 years to dismantle it.
Our country is a sewer
“I like to think of myself as an independent thinker with eclectic views that cross predictable patterns. In these days of extreme polarization, I try to integrate my social awareness and independent-mindedness into my teaching, consulting, and professional life.”