BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court overturns student loan debt relief plan in 6-3 ruling
— BNO News (@BNONews) June 30, 2023
My favorite boomer take is blaming the 18 year old borrower
— E (@ElijahSchaffer) June 30, 2023
Not even legal to drink alcohol
& instead side with the banks and predatory lenders
“Oh you moron, should have seen past the centuries old predatory lending scam even thought we told you to go to college” https://t.co/dahrBoTkJK
Libtards take another L.
“Tens of millions of borrowers will resume monthly student loan payments after the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 on Friday that President Biden’s loan forgiveness plan is unconstitutional …”
I’ve always written this stunt off as political theater for chumps. The Democrats didn’t even try to push it through the House.
Note: I support student loan debt forgiveness.
Would this set precedent to kill reparations once and for all?
In name only because the powers that be will just legalize theft and looting er wait…….
@black label
Whether or not this court would strike down reparations would have nothing to do with this ruling.
I seriously doubt this court *would* strike down reparations if it was passed by congress. If it was done executive order, maybe. It would be struck down on separation of powers grounds, not on racial grounds.
America has already given reparations famously to Japanese Americans for putting them into camps during WWII (German Americans who were put into camps in far greater numbers during both WWI & WWII were not). I believe we’ve given other reparations along ethnic lines as well but the Japanese Americans is the most famous example.
As long as it was passed by congress I don’t see the court strike it down.
Remember this court was ok with giving away basically half of Oklahoma to Native Americans.
Which creates jurisdictional ambiguity for law enforcement and many reservations have teamed up with Mexican cartels to be one large stash-spot.
Feds can still raid reservations but it slows down the process, also they generally have to inform the local tribal police that they’re going to be performing a raid- and surprise surprise lots of the tribal police are corrupt. Shocker, I know.
The Mexican cartels are actually Israeli (another shocker) and Israel actually sold the cartels Pegasus. The top of the line spyware which allows gov’s (in this case cartels) the ability to tap anyone’s phone.
This is a BIG reason why there’s actually pressure to get Bibi out as prime minister of Israel. Feds were largely ok with fentanyl flooding across the border (to varying degrees, I’m sure some want to stop it outright while others wanted to be able to have some control of the flow).
Pegasus wasn’t even supposed to be sold to non-five eyes (Anglo sphere countries) spy agencies and when the Israeli’s sold it to the cartels lots of top level feds got big mad. And why top tier liberal jews took a hard anti-Bibi stance. When they always didn’t *like* him but would still cover for him and ultimately support him.
Pegasus can tap politicians phones, feds phones- whoever. There’s nothing you can do to protect your phone. For the cartels this is particularly useful bcus they have moles in the feds/dea/dhs and their moles don’t even need to be on the team actually investigating the cartels. They simply need to know *who* within the agencies are and the cartels can tap their phones. Also let’s not be so naive not to think the Israelis also didn’t give them the spyware to not just gather blackmail on people but be able to intimidate people as well. Pegasus will give the tapper the tapped’s GPS coordinates and cartel goons could just “pop up” on politicians while on family vacations just as a friendly way of letting them know they can always find them and they better be friendly to cartel/Israeli interests. Because to Israel not given them 100% of what they want exactly when they want it is antisemitism. Give them 90% of what they want is not acceptable, slow rolling what they want is not acceptable. So even people we would considered completely in Israel’s pocket (because they are) jews still don’t trust them.
However many American jews are also aware this applies to them, and they don’t like the idea of cartels having access to Pegasus- even if for completely self interested reasons. Others may just see it as bad optics, others may really dislike. But I’m sure many of them see it as giving them too much power.
The republicans are pro-bibi and by extension pro cartels.
We might get some good things out of this court but if you’re thinking is D bad R good (or even less bad) you’re fooling yourself. Both are terrible, sometimes in different ways.
Bibi’s top propaganda guy for the mossad produced both Oliver stones JFK which white washed away Israel/jewish mafia involvement and also made 12 Years a Slave, which was an antiwhite movie about a free black man being wrongly captured by slave catchers and made a slave for 12 years.
Extremely antiwhite and overplayed all the crudest antiwhite stereotypes. Obviously making the south out to be as ghoulish as possible while also blaming northerners for accepting/looking the other way of southern cruelty. And unlike other anti-white films it wasn’t simply anti-southern but sent the message of AWAB (all whites are bad).
The guy who produced both films (after “leaving” the mossad) said in an interview he saw his time in Hollywood producing films as a continuation of his work for Israel.
The Republicans rail against “the cartels” and fentanyl coming across the southern border but the truth is the Republicans don’t care about the wide open border and fentanyl. It’s excellent as anti-Democrat propaganda because the Democrats are unabashedly pro-drugs. It’s wrecking the White working class disproportionately which serves the Democrats’ vicious anti-White agenda which helps Republican candidates.
It is also a ready made excuse for the descent of U.S. cities into something resembling Dante’s Inferno. Everyone knows Republican pro-business/pro-immigration policies over the decades of course, of course had nothing, nothing, dammit! to do with wrecking the country. The Democrats did it all by themselves, goes the Republican line of bullshit.
The drug business is a business just like any other. The Mexican cartels seek to maximize profits just like every other business. This is exactly how capitalism works according to “free market” economic textbooks. Capitalism is amoral, it has nothing to say about the moral content of a business, only how to maximize profits. The Republicans, being the party of business and lacking any moral principles themselves appreciate the successful business model of the drug trade.
The cartels spread lots of money around where they do business, especially along the Mexican border. Motel owners rent motels for cash, car dealers sell lots of new vehicles bought with drug money, landlords rent properties charging extra and get paid cash, no questions asked. Police get lots of overtime, prosecutors and defense lawyers get lucrative careers, politicians get their share too. Business is good and the business of America is business as a Republican president once noted. Everyone else suffers as the country descends into the pit but as long as the well connected get paid, it’s all good.
Why would you support student debt forgiveness?
The ones not paying their debt are mostly unemployable libs with useless degrees.
Schools are out the money owed for the education provided and in turn pass those costs onto current and future students with higher tuition. The exact same thing causes soaring health care costs.
The deadbeats get everyone else to pick up the check until the house of cards collapses.
I agree. A person borrows money therefore he should pay it back when he can. It is a moral obligation or do not borrow in the first place. Many white nationalists seem to be socialists as far as I can tell. If the people on here believe they can stiff the lenders then in this respect how are they different than the blacks that everyone on here criticizes?
Not to pay what you owe is stealing.
One of my grandfathers came from a modest family compared to my other ancestors. He worked his way through college by doing hard labor while studying. No loans. He received a college degree with good marks and become a military officer.
His mother- my great grandmother began working at 12 at a department store after school. Maybe she lied about her age or it was legal back then. I do not know. Maybe no one cared.
She is still alive and I asked her what she thought of people who borrow money and do not even attempt to pay it back. She answered in Spanish. For the sake of peace and propriety I will not translate it.
This is why conservatives suck.
Libtards are half right when they say rich kids don’t have student loans. Actual rich/wealthy kids don’t. They’re parents can take out loans with lower interest rates or pay for it outright. They’re many shitty upper middle class kids that do… HOWEVER 10k is barely a dent to some upper middle class loans who went to an Ivey league or some expensive liberal arts college.
The “gender studies” rich kid with six figures of student debt isn’t even benefiting much from having 10k forgiven.
Forgiving 10k of student loan debt helps people who went to trade school far more. Most trade school is around 10-50k max. Them getting 10k forgiven is HUGE. Many semi truck driving schools are around 5-10k.
Forgiving 10-20k of student loan debt helps trade workers and actual working class people but is a drop in the bucket for people with six figure college debt from an Ivey.
Depending on how much your debt was the pause put on payments during covid was actually MORE than 10k for the top debt holders. It greatly benefited those with large student loan debt. The interest on 400k in a year is a lot, while someone who had 5-15k in trade school debt only saved a few hundred, to maybe a couple thousand dollars on interest being frozen during covid.
The gop packed court blocked relief for people with little student debt (who probably went to school for something worthwhile) while greenlighting the pause on student loan payments during covid which gave away 20k+ to top student loan debt holders.
The pausing of student payments during covid *was* the give away to “gender study” HR ladies.
To make matters worse. The HR ladies were able to work from home while those in trades actually had to comply with lockdown orders and suffered far greater financial hits during covid.
They saved a few hundred dollars while payments were frozen while HR ladies save thousands (sometimes 10’s of thousands depending on how much debt they had) and suffered less financial disruptions during covid.
They were in their pj’s on zoom calls saving thousands of dollars on paused payments while tradesmen were losing thousands of dollars unable to work bcus of lockdowns and saved a couple of hundred bucks on paused payments.
Having millions of college educated debt slaves is bad for the US. I would blame a good chunk of progressive radicalism on this.
“Note: I support student loan debt forgiveness.”
If you trace the fund flow, this is effectively a subsidy to libtard colleges.
The taxpayers were sick of financing liberal colleges and cut their funding. So, the scheming federal politicians thought, “Ah ha, we will grant loans to stupid teens and saddle them with massive debt to finance the spread of libtardism. These dumb kids won’t realise they are being strapped with a lifetime of debt slavery”
Colleges should be completely free, as in Denmark.
Not only is it free, but students in need are given a living stipend.
If the colleges deceived the debtors then the debtors should file a class action lawsuit against the colleges. The debtors should be allowed to file for bankruptcy (Biden voted to prevent this as a senator) and the feds should claw back the money from the colleges.
If giving away federal tax receipts with reckless abandon is unconstitutional, then both the Democrats and Republicans are out of business!
Biden’s plan leaves the education racket untouched to go on with it’s predatory scams. The whole idea of the college cargo cult needs to be removed from the American mindset. Only 10-15% of the populace needs to continue on with education after high school. During the depression the rubes noticed that this small cognitive or connected elite had good jobs and noticed that they also went to college and mistook correlation with causation. These smart and connected would have had the few remaining good jobs regardless, but the rubes imagined that college was responsible and if 90% of the populace had college degrees then the depression never would have happened. It’s as if some beer drinking fat schlub remembers Prince Charles playing polo back in the day and decided to send his son off to “Polo Academy” thinking that if he does that his kid will be King someday too! And the gall of these councilors and administrators in the high school education racket looking out for their compatriots in the college education racket’s paychecks when the slam the kids down in these “guidance” sessions and get them to sign on the dotted line to borrow six figures in loans to go study French Poetry at State for a worthless degree they can pin to the wall at their post college job at Starbucks. It’s like having a slew of car salesmen sitting in the offices in every high school being allowed one on one sessions to pitch the idea that financing a $100,000 high end vehicle will create this great future for yourself if you just sign right here, right now on this dotted line. Sad thing is, despite the massive depreciation, that vehicle is still a better investment than the worthless degrees you get from buying into the college cargo cult.
What I find interesting about “Conservatives” is they think Student Loan forgiveness is unconstitutional yet we have K – 12 education. Is that against the Constitution? Why is funding for K – 12 ok but not for “Free College” as it’s known as? Free College aka you already pay taxes for K – 12 so you might as wells get a College education or Vocational Training out of it as well. That sounds like a good idea right? Look at how the various states have never really Fully Funded education. Should the federal government be more involved in helping these states fully fund education? Think about how a “Free Vocational Training” for a student at a local community college could give him / her a job skill that will last for life. Not one of them would ever be unemployed or draw welfare. Isn’t that a good investment? Yes it is. If we have K – 12 education paid for through our tax dollars….our money should also include Universal Pre K, College, and Vocational Training. Those who like Private Schools and Homeschooling (like I do) should get a School Voucher guaranteed until the kids graduate from Vocational Training or college. It’s not a right wing or left wing issue. It’s common sense.?