— Larry Alex Taunton (@LarryTaunton) July 24, 2023
I saw the film. Barring a couple of weird scenes, it’s excellent. I take issue, however, with the revisionism that the US dropped the bombs on “a defeated enemy.”
I actually knew the man who provided the casualty estimates on the possible… pic.twitter.com/NOdEwdDaKQ
We made a spur of the moment decision this weekend to go see Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer. Here is a brief, spoiler free take and recap of what to expect:
1. It is way too long. We caught the 8:45 PM show and didn’t get out until past midnight.
2. Good production. Good acting. A typical Christopher Nolan film. We enjoyed it.
3. The usual Hollywood sex scenes.
4. In retrospect, it is faithful to the source material. I didn’t realize it was based on a book when I watched the film.
5. It is historically accurate and ambiguous. J. Robert Oppenheimer probably wasn’t a communist, but he was neck deep in associations (his brother, sister-in-law, mistress, wife, colleagues) with communists. Matt Damon’s character said it best when after the war he said that he wouldn’t have cleared any of their lot by the standards of the Cold War. Jews had their own axe to grind against the Nazis.
6. Oppenheimer wanted to use the bomb on Germany and became a concerned bro during the Cold War.
7. There is none of the usual woke, feminist or gay agenda in the film which makes it watchable. If you enjoy historical movies, you will probably like it.
8. The film explores the complexity of the Jewish Question in that era. I liked how it doesn’t shy away from the fact that communism was enormously popular with that generation of Jews. At the same time, Oppenheimer’s antagonists Edward Teller and Lewis Strauss were Jewish.
9. It was somewhat confusing because the movie jumps back and forth in time and between Oppenheimer’s perspective and reality.
Did you see Oppenheimer? If so, what did you think?
I agree with you on all your points. I was very pleased when the Lewis Strauss character said they’re all jewish near the start of the movie, I about fell out of my seat, along with all commie jews orbiting Oppenheimer. And by the third act it turns into a jewish infight, lolz. I enjoyed it just for those reasons alone but that being said Nolan is one of maybe 3 or 4 directors that can still make good films. This was much better than his last film, Tenat. I guess it was the score and the quick editing that made the pacing seem so fast, because it felt like the movie was flying by for the first 2/3’s. The last hour drags a bit and is probably the only part I didn’t enjoy because it lets the audience think, this poor jew is being railroaded. Maybe, Nolan can do a movie on Harry Dexter White next and the audience can find out why everyone was worried about jews.
Harry Dexter White was a different story than Openheimer. He engineered the Bretton Woods Agreement that made the dollar the strongest currency in the world, and it is only being challenged today.
As far as I know White may have had Jew ancestors, but, he was not a member of the Jew cult. He may have been more embarrassed by his Jew ancestors, than any alleged communist connecctions. We will never know because he had a heart attack and died after being called by a Congressional Investigation.
“alleged communist connections” – you from Tel Aviv? Not that you don’t fly the same flag either way.
White was NOT a Zionist, and yeah, there was, and still is a connection between Zionist Jews and the whole communist-socialist milieu.
@JPS Does your mother still fuck niggers?
Harry Dexter White was a Soviet spy and the right hand man of Henry Morgenthau Jr, the Treasury Secretary. Morgenthau was of course jewish and one of the closets cabinet members to FDR, he had very wide latitude when it came to Lend Lease and provided the Soviets with nearly anything. White was the intermediary between the White House and the Soviet intelligence network, which was also dominated by, you guessed it jews. The Venona decrypts, outed White and after being interrogated by the Senate, he took all of his heart medication and killed himself. Things like this are why many Americans in the federal government didn’t trust jews. Check out Stalin’s War by Sean McMeekin and Operation Snow by John Koster.
White had a heart attack and died in 1948, everything about him is pure speculation. If you look at the Venona documents, they are available on the internet, by inuendo they make Cordell Hull look like the head of a communist spy ring. They never mention White by name, someone did pencil in Cordell Hull.
White was the c.o. of an infantry company in WW One. Remembered by those who knew him in the 20’s and 30’s, as what we call today “a good old boy”, a practical joker and a joiner, not the communist-socialist type at all.
Basically, I don’t like or trust Jews. But, White gets a pass from me.
He killed himself by taking all of his heart medication, Digitalis. His own doctor confirmed this as well.
Einstein sent the letter to comrade commissar FDR (CPUSA) in 1939.
Fear of der Adolf using nukes on the City of London.
The nuclear edge didn’t last very long thanks to the Rosenbergs and Stalin said use your weapon, just do it to Truman.
Every single timer set at zero hour.
The movie Copenhagen 2002 of Heisenberg (Daniel Craig) and Neils Bohr (Michael Frayn) is better. Bohr asks Heisenberg why he didn’t finish the calculations that would have led Germany to the bomb first…He informed Bohr that the Nazis knew that nuclear fission was possible, but that he was in a position to neutralize this effort. He claimed that working through Bohr Jewish on his mothers side (née Adler) might get the Allied scientists (Oppenheimer) to do the same.
We can see which people’s are noble and those who are not … we can see that the German’s would not commit mass genocide but Oppenheimer would as did the Judeo-Masonic Harry Truman.
When I went to college back in the other century you had to take two semesters of physics/chemistry in order to graduate. My physics professor had worked on the Manhattan Project, we also had another physics professor who had also worked on the Manhattan Project. Both were Southerners and WASPs. I’m sure that every college south of the Mason Dixon Line also contributed WASPs to the Manhattan Project. I bet the Jews pumped them for every piece of information they could get out of them. I wonder if they realized how devious the Jews were…?
Have not seen the film…I have read the scientists there calculated there was some odd million chance that detonating the bomb (they called it “The Gadget’) would burn up the Earth’s atmosphere. They obviously went for it anyway.
They didn’t know sh….
They were working from fragmentary plans that their spies had stolen from Germany.
I am always bewildered that racially aware white people of younger generations continue to support our enemies in Hollywood by patronizing modern movies- you know the poison that will permeate their productions but you willingly pay for the privilege of imbibing their poison and letting them beguile your children down the road of no return. Get old movies made before the elimination of the censor boards and watch those- There are plenty out there on a wide range of topics and they’re better made than the dreck Hollywood produces today. I let my children watch Disney- but only Disney films made before 1966- the year Walt died- and they turned out to be straight thinking high achievers., and married to members of the opposite sex, wonder of all wonders! Let your daughters watch today’s Disney, but don’t be surprised when she shows up later introducing you to her latest black boyfriend.
“bewildered that racially aware white people of younger generations continue to support our enemies in Hollywood?
Amen !
@Brad “The American Thinker on Oppenheimer”: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/07/oppenheimer_was_no_superhero.html
I liked how Oppenheimer himself was selective about who to use nukes on. He had a proper distinction between “Friend” (the Soviet Union) and “Enemy” (Nazi Germany). Suffice to say, my values and ideology are the opposite of his, but I respect that he knew the name of the game. I respect that in all Jews who are honest enough to admit it.
At the risk of sounding like a 2016 edgelord, it can be argued that Nazi Germany didn’t go far enough. The Reich Leadership should have realized that Britain under Churchill would have no “Aryan Alliance” with them, and Hitler should have ordered the Luftwaffe to go scorched earth in the summer of 1940. Destroy London and all its civilians. End Britain as we know it. If Operation Barbarrosa could have been launched earlier, Moscow should have been totally annihilated too.
The United States and the Soviet Union won WW2 and dominated the globe for the next 50 years (and counting in America’s case) because they were willing to do what was necessary militarily to win WW2, up to and including using weapons of mass destruction. The Good Guys must do the same when we get the chance next time.
They should not have let the British escape at Dunkirk. Should have captured them for a bargaining chip. Britain would have been more likely to make peace, and Europe would be 99 percent White to this day.
I don’t know, Mr. W. I’d think Oppenheimer was a communist. The question is whether Leslie Groves was.
A little further down the rabbit hole…Graves was said to be a high ranking Mason who directed that the Pentagon be built in the shape of a pentagram
Rabbit hole, indeed.
>Ground was broken for construction on September 11, 1941
No wonder why the Jewsmedia had to vilify Charles Lindbergh. That day – September 11, 1941 was the night of his infamous Des Moines Iowa speech, where he called out the Jews by name. How things could’ve been different.
I would say Groves was either a communist or a eunuch, likely the latter. He can’t have been surprised when it was revealed—“revealed”—that the project had been an info-conduit to the Soviets. He had to know, from the start, that that’s what it would be, with its staff of leftists, not a few of them leftist Jews.
If Groves didn’t share their communist views, well, then he chose them because he had no choice. Either there was political pressure on him to choose them or they were the most capable—or both. If they were the most capable, well, that’s either because Jews have, on average, an IQ higher than that of Teutons of solid stock or because Jews had ethnic-networked to break the chain of intellectual transmission from Aryan professors to Aryan students in European universities. Groves, to say it again, was either a commie or a eunuch, content to serve as the Aryan figurehead of the project.
Note the brief sequence that begins at 1:12:00 of the documentary linked below. Hear how Truman’s people, at Potsdam, were surprised—disappointed—when Stalin reacted with equanimity to Truman’s disclosure that the U.S. was planning to use a secret weapon against Japan. One of the idiots says, at 1:13:20, “I have always been of the opinion that Stalin did not grasp the importance of the statement.” Did not grasp? Maybe Stalin reacted with equanimity because he already knew about the “secret weapon.” This idiot is speaking in 1965, a decade and a half after the spying at Los Alamos had become public knowledge. His idiotic statement goes out on national television, without comment from the documentary’s narrator.
The only persons from whom the Manhattan Project was a secret were the American people, whose sons got killed in Korea because the USSR had the bomb by 1949.
(“The Decision to Drop the Bomb” – NBC News, 1965)
“Jews had their own axe to grind against the Nazis.”
Nope. The opposite is true. Jews seem to have an axe to grind against EVERYONE they have ever come across throughout history. “Nazism” was a reaction to jewish behavior.
They hate all goyz.
I’m waiting for HW’s review of the new Barbie® film.
You are going to be waiting a long time, Spahn.
“. It is historically accurate”
Uh, I doubt it.
Did they show his secret trip to the East Coast to meet with a member of the captured U-234, The guy who told him how to detonate an atomic device, Dr. Hans.
Did they show how the enriched U235 vanished from U-234 manifest?
Did they explain why the US didn’t detonate its first atomic device until 70 days after Germay’s surrender ?
I saw it. I thought is was excellent. The movie brought up Klaus Fucs as one of the Communist spies. But no mention of David Greenglass or Ethel and Julius Rosenberg.
Or the other 40+ jwz in the Rosenberg spy team.
@Moby Bullshitowitz Erickson Digitalis was a widely used heart drug in 1948. That’s 75 years ago. LOL. If you look it up digitalis can “accumulate” in the body, that was the danger of digitalis.
Btw, your article does not say that White committed suicide, or that his doctor said that he committed suicide.
And wouldn’t you know it, the decision on his security clearance was reversed just in time for the movie’s publicity campaign …
(“Why there are new assessments of Oppenheimer’s role in history” – PBS NewsHour, December 26, 2022)
(“Oppenheimer wrongly stripped of security clearance, US says” – Associated Press, December 17, 2022)
Did they shoot this film on location, where the old University of Chicago Stag Field was, beneath Stag Field is where they split the Atom for the Atom Bomb.
There is a large U Chicago Library (named after another J*w Regenstein) that was built there when U Chicago stopped trying to compete in big time College (in name only) football.
This is there neighborhood where I grew up and the place that basically made me – not all bad, not all J and not all bad Js. But a unique place where they split the atom and it wasn’t for peaceful purposes , it’s where Barack and Michele Obama made their political base found and managed by some neighborhood J puppet masters, political consultants, hate White people J Communists like:
David Axelrod (just a Chicago Lib J political consultant)
Bill Ayers (SDS New Left J Communist)
Rahm Emanuel (IDF Vet, son of Irgun anti White British terrorists)
Barack and Michelle Obama and Rahm Emanuel both sent their children to the expensive private school I attended for many years before High School.
The reports I heard were that Rahm’s daughter was a good student and nice, and Barack and Michele’s daughter was a typical spoiled Black political, celebrity bitc**.