Jeff B: Hunter Biden Deal Reveals Our Miserably Corrupt Democratic Ruling Class

I had a good laugh at this.

It is Jeffrey Blehar – Jeff B. from Twitter – National Review columnist, 2016 Never Trumper, well known establishment RINO figuring out just how far our justice system is gone now.

National Review:

The word “enormity” is oft misused in modern conversation. The term properly refers not to something large – that is modern English usage confusing it with the word “enormous” – but rather to a truly shocking act of moral irregularity or turpitude. Even a minor act can potentially be an enormity, depending on what it represents. …

And why not? Because it isn’t just that the fix was in; the enduring outrage here is that the fix is still in. While we sit here in our helpless outrage and Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice intentionally dithers around without an indictment to freeze the statute of limitations, Hunter Biden’s escape from either serious investigation or justice has merely been postponed. …

I cannot recall anything like this level of cooperation between the government and one of its purported “targets” of investigation – one with direct family connections to the president, no less – before in my life. (To be fair, I was born after the time when John F. Kennedy appointed his brother Bobby to be the family gangster as attorney general and everyone seemingly nodded along and sang songs of Camelot.) Not once throughout the entire Donald Trump administration – an administration characterized by venality, idiocy, incompetence, and the permanent lowering of America’s national standards of political and media discourse – did his DOJ conduct itself in anything resembling this shamelessly corrupt self-dealing.  …

It is more than just galling. What pains me most of all is that far too many people will fail to realize just how wild a deviation this is from every norm that has ever been supposed to exist with the professional dispensation of justice by the federal government. If ever you wished to believe that there are two tiers of justice in America — one for loser schlubs like you, and one for the Biden family — then here is your undeniable evidence, your slam-dunk proof. These people are ripping away our belief in the most fundamental of institutions — the equal rule of law — all to protect a shabby drug-addict influence-peddler and his senile president father. Trump was never remotely worth that, and yet we are being asked tacitly by the media’s complete lack of interest in this matter to accept that Joe Biden is. …

I can’t remember who to credit with the analogy.

I saw it somewhere and I agreed with it, but Hunter Biden is like our version of one of Saddam Hussein’s kids. We have become a Third World country with spoiled, wealthy princes who are above the law like in sub-Saharan Africa or the Middle East where these people are ubiquitous. Hunter Biden can film himself smoking crack and driving 172 mph across the country to get to an orgy in Las Vegas with prostitutes. Meanwhile, the Big Guy can jail his opposition and use the legal system to crush his rivals.

Note: Hunter Biden reminds me of Teodorin Obiang Nguema of Equatorial Guinea. Google him and you will see the parallels.


  1. This is also good news. Crackheads are better enemies than sober wise Elders of Zion.

    Also this demonstrates that enemy bench is empty. Even if president is The Swamp puppet, they should find better puppets. Hunter Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Obama. All perverts and weirdos and their power lays only gravely old men shoulders. Soros is 93, Kissinger 100 and so on. When they become incapacitated, whole system collapses.

  2. “We have become a Third World country with spoiled, wealthy princes who are above the law”

    Exactly !

    It’s gross hypocrisy.
    Just like, “race mixing for thee, but not for me”.

  3. We imported the third world for decades and we’re now supposed to be shocked that it’s become a third world country. Ground-Hog Day indeed (though I much prefer the southern name of the creature: Whistle-Pig.

  4. What a steaming third world turd banana republic laughingstock of the world.
    Moscow by winter? LMFAO!
    Forward, si se puede.

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