Republicans are winning married men by 20 points, married women by 14 points, and unmarried men by 7 points. So who is keeping Democrats competitive?
— i/o (@monitoringbias) August 3, 2023
Answer: Single women are single-handedly saving the Democratic Party by a 37-point margin (68% to 31%).https://t.co/8RuR25nu4l
The real rabbit hole is that the root of all evil was women voting.
— H. Pearl Davis (@pearlythingz) August 7, 2023
None of the horrible policies, government regulations, spending, exc. would be here if women didn’t vote!!!
“It’s called the fourth turning, Barbie. Hard times create strong Kens, strong Kens create good times, good times create weak Kens, and weak Kens create hard times. We are on the cusp of a world-historical crisis, and the Davos party is laughing.” pic.twitter.com/fsY9tnQJQX
— ?????? ????? ? (@EdmundSmirk) August 7, 2023
Jenny Peterson represents the other pole in American politics: the White college educated suburban mom who suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome and who is addicted to CNN and MSNBC and who has one of those stupid “In This House We Believe” yard signs in her yard.
MARIETTA, Ga. — Hours after former president Donald Trump was indicted for trying to overturn the 2020 election, Jenny Peterson was heading off to pick up Mexican food for her family. She’d tried to cut back on listening to the news in the car in favor of soul music. Politics left her too angry and agitated.
But on this night, the news was too big to ignore.
Peterson, 55, listened to NPR and flipped over to Fox News on her satellite radio to see what the other side was saying. She believed that so many of America’s core institutions were failing under the pressure of the former president and his followers. Convicting Trump wouldn’t fix those problems. But it was an essential first step.
“It’s important to me as a mom that my 16 and 14-year-old will see this one thing happen,” Peterson said. “Things will be improved when someone who has committed crimes in plain sight is held accountable.” …
If anything, it felt as though the two sides — those appalled by Trump and those who adore him — were growing ever more suspicious of each other. The divisions were reflected in opinion polls, which showed that Americans held diametrically opposite views of whether Trump should face criminal charges for his role in the attack on the Capitol. And they were reflected in the lives of Peterson and Ramsey. …
The poles of American politics were on a collision course. …
This is an insightful article.
These women are the people, not us, who are pushing the system to its breaking point.
Peterson was defrosting some fish for her family’s dinner when a text message from her niece in D.C. appeared on the phone. She had been standing with the crowd outside the courthouse where Trump had been arraigned hours earlier.“
Did you see the big orange pumpkin?” Peterson asked her.“
No,” she replied. “Too many vehicles.”
Hillary Clinton has a big new article in The Atlantic whining about how misinformation on the internet caused her defeat in 2016.
The question that preoccupied me and many others over much of the past eight years is how our democracy became so susceptible to a would-be strongman and demagogue. The question that keeps me up at night now—with increasing urgency as 2024 approaches—is whether we have done enough to rebuild our defenses or whether our democracy is still highly vulnerable to attack and subversion.
There’s reason for concern: the influence of dark money and corporate power, right-wing propaganda and misinformation, malign foreign interference in our elections, and the vociferous backlash against social progress. The “vast right-wing conspiracy” has been of compelling interest to me for many years. But I’ve long thought something important was missing from our national conversation about threats to our democracy. Now recent findings from a perhaps unexpected source—America’s top doctor—offer a new perspective on our problems and valuable insights into how we can begin healing our ailing nation. …
Suppose at some point in the near future probably after the 2024 election that the polarization gets so bad that the system can no longer handle it and breaks down. Imagine either Republicans completely give up on believing that elections are fair or real or Democrats succumb to mass hysteria about fascism. The official victor is no longer recognized as legitimate by the official loser.
Do college educated suburban White women with professional class jobs take up arms against a Trump restoration? Do they go to war for abortion rights or to save Our Democracy?
Note: I notice that Whatifalthist has gone from trying to envision “what does the end game of polarization look like” to feminism this week. Educated White women are the animating force driving polarization.
Box wine aunties?
Naw, I’ll pass.
Comrade Bezos and the Compost?
Oh, my!
Duck quack reverse sound not played.
“Radically Different Reactions In Divided America”
We started out divided, centuries ago, and, with a tremendous amount of media manipulation, modern film media, and common experiences, developed a strong sense of unity in the mid 20th century.
That said, the Northeast and The South have always been separate, within that unity, because we have fundamentally different views of reality.
Now that media manipulation is much less effective, owing to the internet, we have returned to our original state – disunited and separate, and very obviously so.
The best thing is an amicable separation, because the gulf is so huge it simple cannot be breeched.
Once we are separate we cone get out of each other’s hair and perhaps, even, begin some friendly collaboration again.
Going on as we are, however, is absurdity, as there is nothing redeeming about continually pulling out each other’s hair.
But what shall become of South Florida, which is a Yankee stronghold in Dixie Land?
Spahnranch ” But what shall become of south Florida” what do you suggest? Spahnranch1970…….
Southern Florida will not be a part of The South, Dear Spahn, anymore than the Dakotas will remain apart of The North.
Who knows? : maybe Southern Florida will unite with Cuba and became a new little Jewish-run country, as Cuba was before Castro – himself a Jew, but, of the Bolshevik type.
Yes, that is what is most likely, given past behaviors.
One thing is for sure – the breakup of the country will not follow current geographic lines, but cultural/racial
In fact, I dare say that many states, such as Illinois, Wisconsin, of Michigan, will allow their Democrat-infested large metropolitan areas to become free city-states, so that they can be a part of the New Red State United States.
Peterson literally said in the article she feels she needs to see Trump rot in prison in order to help her feel like America restores faith in institutions. That sounds like a Communist state of mind. I just watched an insufferable video on MSNBC by Lawrence O’Donnell give a monologue about how sick and evil a person Tucker Carlson is because he texted “that’s not how White men fight”. These people have become insufferable. This righteousness of the left, where they feel the need to have everyone just obey the institution or “you are basically like Trump” is just deranged.
It may not be Trump’s ideas that are so threatening to the left but rather his personality. Trump is more personality than he is policy. If someone else came along and took the Trump banner but wasn’t like Trump himself, I wonder if the country would be so divided. Basically a more academic version of Trump. But that’s probably why Trump resonates with the common man, he speaks plainly, bluntly, and crudely.
All I know is that the left is in panic mode right now because they face the very real prospect that Trump has a good chance of winning the 2024 election because his base is so fired up. In all honesty I think the issue with most liberals is they don’t want to associate with “filthy Trump voters”. Your average liberal either lives in a city or urban suburb in a college educated household and they hold White collar jobs or they are a person of color dependent on the welfare state. I can imagine they see the Trump voter as rednecks in pickup trucks, the unclean hillbilly that goes driving in the mud, going out killing Bambi on hunting trips, and sharing racist jokes at some low brow bar. They don’t want to associate with that demographic. Because as far as they are concerned, that is the only demographic which votes for Trump.
New England Free Speech ” The unclean HILLBILLY that goes driving in the mud ” well, the unclean one’s you see driving, are unclean, because they just got off work and they are driving home from the job’s they work 8,10,12 and sometimes 14 hours a day, so they can live as far away, from the bullshit and bullshit people, as they possibly can…….But if you notice, you don’t see or hear them complaining all the time, they do what is required of them, their duty ! ……driving their trucks, jeeps, 4 Wheelers, side by side’s thru the mud, is harmless fun, it isn’t hurting anybody, it’s MASCULINE and it’s good for you to be out, in, the great outdoors………
New England Free Speech ” They don’t want to associate with that demographic ” True, very true, Business is one thing, but we prefer, not too mix socially, with the those people also, I dare say, even more so…..the metrophiles don’t see themselves as they really are, they can be tiresome, very tiresome, some of us Hillbilly’s still have a bit of the frontier in our spirit, we are rooted here……….
The Left loves associating with filthy Trumpers, hell they love associating with any right winger. They just want them to be as marginalized and powerless as possible so they can police them effectively while also mocking them.
The Right is the one that hates associating with the Left. If you offered a Right-Winger an opportunity to move to “Right-Wing only America” he’d take it. If you offered a Left-Winger the opportunity to move to a “Left-Wing only America” they wouldn’t. The reason? They’d reason that having a Left-Wing only America would mean it would have to live next to a Right-Wing only America and such a thing should never be allowed to exist.
There’s a certain demographic of suburban women that absolutely lap that stuff up like cream.
The hatred runs so deep and white-hot that each side would prefer to see the country collapse than see their opponents win. That is probably how things break down. I do think the brave single women are going to inherit the wind, though, while the despised working class, who are already used to poverty and misery, will have an easier time coping with the chaotic future.
1930’s consolation of power, by the hyphenate’s………
It’s often been said that single young men without the opportunity to power are the destabilizers of society and will revolt.
It seems, even if only our modern times, it’s single women without the opportunity to find love that are the real destabilizers. The difference between the two is that they have every power possible to change that but choose not to, either by listening to other people giving them bad advice, or expecting to find a Chad on Tinder who after sleeping with them will marry them and give no other type of guy a chance.
Bitter and lonely Millennial women are a major problem that will exasperate problems in the future.
The answer to bitter feminist whores? “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” [Ex. 22:18, Lev. 19:26, I Cor. 14:34]
Theonomy is the return to Patriarchy and Biblical Law. It was proven the only valid means to restore Christian civilization by Dr. Bahnsen in his commentary on Matt. 5:17.
Part of that return, is to wrest control from all whores, witches, bitches and abortmongers.
Rescind the right to vote, Remove all laws granting women custody of children, restore men’s rightful place as Lord and Master of a household. In short, Overton window back to around 1870.
I’m dead serious. And there are millions of Christians who have tried liberalism and ‘found it wanton.’ The times, they are a changin’……
Some quotes:
“[ In I Timothy 1:5-111] …Paul then moves from a discussion of the commandment to a discussion of God’s law. Timothy must enforce theological orthodoxy. This is Paul’s command to Timothy. Paul here links biblical law to theological orthodoxy. This epistle is Paul’s premier exposition on the ecclesiastical enforcement of theological orthodoxy. Paul teaches in this epistle that theological orthodoxy mandates theonomy: biblical law. According to this epistle, biblical law is not a temporary intrusion into the historical development of the kingdom of God. On the contrary, it is at the heart of this development, not as a means of redemption, but as a tool of dominion.” p. 29, -G. North, “Hierarchy and Dominion- An Economic Commentary on I Timothy,” 2012, Point Five Press.
“Theonomy is explicitly opposed to the natural law tradition, which had its origin in pagan Stoic thought, and was imported into the church mainly by medieval scholastic theologians.” p. 38,-G. North, “Hierarchy and Dominion- An Economic Commentary on I Timothy,” 2012, Point Five Press.
“The civil law’s goal is not the transformation of human nature. Civil law does not make righteous men out of unrighteous men. It makes unrighteous men behave more like righteous men. There is a difference: the difference between the doctrine of salvation by law and the doctrine of salvation by grace.” p. 42, -G. North, “Hierarchy and Dominion- An Economic Commentary on I Timothy,” 2012, Point Five Press.
“The more we resist the Truth of Jesus Christ and His Holy Church, of which The Law is an integral part, the more we suffer, and the harsher God’s discipline necessarily becomes.”– Ann Barnhardt, Trad RC laywoman