BREAKING: Alex Jones says a TSA whistleblower has told him TSA employees were instructed on Tue that masks are coming back by October for travelers & full Covid restrictions/lockdowns by December due to a new “dangerous variant” out of Canada. pic.twitter.com/sw4b2XYuoh
— Melissa Tate (@TheRightMelissa) August 19, 2023
The Hollywood Experts™ are back pic.twitter.com/X4X8Jqbfe6
— ALX ?? (@alx) August 23, 2023
Oh, just 14 days? https://t.co/h2XbWlLm2Z pic.twitter.com/qBzRBUDOFf
— Aodhagan (@aodhagan_42) August 22, 2023
JUST IN – Traveler from Japan tests positive for new COVID variant BA.2.86 in Virginia, the second case of the new variant in the U.S.
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) August 22, 2023
Are we really going to do this again?
Note: Once again, take this will a grain of salt.
We knew they were likely to try something big. This seems like an easy way to kick off another stolen election.
Why not, they were allowed to do it before and even our side ran cover for them. Its a no lose scenario for them.
As long as they can do this kind of thing and get away with it, they can use this pandemic nonsense to get whatever results they want.
What really hurts the credibility of “science and experts” is when those experts of science don’t speak up in a timely manner, or until they no longer see a risk of personal loss of reputation and credential for openly contradicting the false narrative.
This kind of cynical faggotry by “experts”, is a huge factor in why nobody trusts them. They have no integrity and won’t stick their necks out when it matters.
Interesting how all the “science and experts” are ALWAYS on the same side as our overlords are. What a coincidence.
Communist credentialing is the problem ..
Alex Jones has gone full kook, nothing he says is creditable.
If he’s ever right, it’s by the accident of chance.
Alex is right about just how corrupt government is, but he’s wrong about some things; 1, the rightwing is still no better than the left, Trump and other so called ‘populists’ like Bolsonaro and Meloni did not improve the right, at all, they’re just another pile of the same Zionist-militarist-globalist-corporate crap, and 2, we can’t predict when the next crisis will occur or what it’ll be, just like nobody predicted covid in 2019.
I doubt it’ll be another virus, people are so over lockdowns, distancing, masking and vaxxing with the exception of a few retards.
What we can be sure is, whether the elite causes the next crisis or not, they may just take advantage of a naturally occurring crisis, they will certainly use it for their good at our expense, because they use everything that way, to expand their wealth and power, that’s the part Alex gets right.
“Alex is right about just how corrupt government is,”
That’s about as observantt as saying “the sun rises in the east”.
Does he do any detailed breakdowns, with facts, like Ryan Dawson ?
Nope, he just takes a bucket of crazy sauce and pours it all over every issue.
He corrupts any clear thinking with wacko nonsense.
“They Chinese control Hollywood, the arabs run Hollywood.”
Just a goofball.
Oh yes, you betcha goys.
Meet the new boss (same as the old boss)!
I’ll also hazard a wild guess that most of the clueless honkies in Murika (and its EUSSR colony) will indeed get fooled yet again. Amazing how a race with the supposedly highest IQ on average keeps on falling for the same ‘gold-is-shit / shit-is-gold’ scam run over and over again for centuries by the (((usual suspects))). Why one would almost think that there might be some kind of supernatural force involved with their endless inversions and zaubersprache. The Christian scriptures are full of warnings about the essential nature of the Synagogue of Satan but most of those who claim to follow Christ in this present age can’t line up fast enough to fellate Schlomo and hand over their own kids for his pleasuring.
I expect the period of grace that prompted Bismark to quip that God protects fools, drunks and the United States ended long, long ago. Meanwhile in P.M. Dress-up’s Soviet Kanuckistan, it would appear the powers that be are going to be getting some prime real-estate in British Columbia at fire-sale prices (as they will in Maui).