And they’re off and running. The Presidential election horse race is going full steam 1 1/2 years before the actual election.
“A Revolution is not a dinner party”
Mao Tse Tung
“An American Presidential election is not a college lecture about Constitutional law & free market economics”
Jack Ryan Occidental Dissent
I m not going to waste a lot of time following the US Presidential campaign. I’d rather be held hostage by the Taliban/Islamic Jihad .
So how about some entertainment, some comedy? What are our readers’ views on the worst Amurikun patriotard songs?
Here are some nominees:
Lee Greenwood “God bless the USA” (cringe worthy music video Link )
Hank Williams Jr’s “Don’t Give Us a Reason” – “Cause we’re about to invade Ay-Raq and get SADDAM HUSSEIN Like We Got Hitler” (Let’s be Jannisary Slaves for the Js Link)
In a similar vein, here’s patriotard fa*got Toby Keith tugging at our sleeves to “answer the phone call, leave a beautiful young wife and child on the farm and go off for AIPAC, Goldman Sachs, CNN and fight those Ay-rabs again in Ay-raq ’cause we didn’t finish the job the first time”. How did our budget destroying wars for “freedom and democracy in Iraq against another Axis of Evil work out?” Oh not so good. The secular Baathis regime/society was brought down causing anarchy and ISIS came to power, complete with child sex slave auctions! Yeah, that worked out great didn’t it Toby?
Here’s Toby’s “sign up the White farm boys” recruitment video – “Amurikun Soldier ” Link
Oh, and the Zio, AIPAC, Military Industrialist Cheney & Bush families managed to get ol Toby Keith to do a second “Let’s have another fun war in Iraq” patriotard song, music video “Courtesy of the Red White and Blue… fag*ots. Link
Some other noted patriotard songs: “I’m a real American” (Hulk Hogan’s theme song Link
Charlie Daniels “In America” Link
Seriously don’t be so (((SNL)))
Not Cool!
Learn to Win!
Music is powerful?
One that makes me wince is that song from the Vietnam era “The Green Beret” “Men who jump and die” “Men who mean just what they say” etc, but then, I never thought war was that glamorous anyway. Such songs probably don’t seem much, when your back home with a leg or arm missing anyway.
I like the Afrikaner opera singer Leonore Veenemans version better: “Dis my land, Suid Afrika”
“Ballad of the Green Berets” sung by Barry Sadler was a big hit in 1966. The tune was used in the 1967 John Wayne movie “The Green Berets” which supported the war effort.
I present–Darryl Worley’s “Have We Forgotten.”
That is far from the worst in this thread.
“I’m all for givin’ NUKIES to the UKIES”. That sounds like a hit.
If you sing it, even badly and out of tune, Schmuil the organ-grider’s magic Jewstroturf music-machine will make you an overnight STAAHHH! What’s even more tragic is that whites, whose real musical achievements are unsurpassed, pay their hard-earned money to lap up this jew-funded shit like dogs lapping up barf. See that SHIT? It’s really GOLD!!! As with ol’Colt-45 Malt Liquor in Dinduville: It works – every time!
Most excellent, more songs to add to my ironic listening / litmus test playlist!
I’m going to second Sunburn’s comment.
If some random, normal person, who isn’t all that thrilled about children being convinced to change their genders or a full blown war with Russia in Ukraine, were to stumble upon this blog post, what would they think?
I mean, a white male, possibly southern, rural, country music fan, culturally Protestant, someone who does believe in laws and rules and hierarchy, and isn’t a communist. A working man with working man values.
Do you think they’d snicker right along with the “patriotard” snark? Do you think they’d agree with calling Tony Keith a f@66ot or they’d giggle at pissing on Hank Jr?
Or is it more likely they’d think, “Wow, I must have stumbled upon a Twitter shitlib cat lady with purple hair and a “In this house we…” yard sign blog”?
Now, I understand the need to shake those normal people out of their slumber, to give them reasons to question the “greatness” of the America they currently live in, and to show them that worshipping a document (constitution) that has been torn to shreds, and is irrelevant today, is not the answer. They need to question the value of democracy (as we know it today). They need to be turned into revolutionaries and not “conservatives”. I GET IT.
But shitting on the things that give them a sense of unity with each other is not the answer. It simply isn’t. It only serves to keep dissidents marginalized from the people who would otherwise, or at least sometimes, sympathize with us.
I don’t know how to push more of them our way, but I know this isn’t the way. This is just snark that only serves to make people like us feel superior to THEM, and that isn’t how you gain sympathetic fellow travelers.
I say this with all due respect. People on our side have been doing this for years and it hasn’t worked in our favor at all. The thing that works is to HELP normie conservatives UNDERSTAND that they are alienated and powerless against the LEFT, but to show them that WE have more than just snarky criticisms, that we have answers and a message.
F**k those low information ZOGbot ‘hayseeds.’
***Mao Zedong
It can be translated and spelled either way.
Pass. Unless someone has set ‘The Awakened Saxon’ to music yet……
Patriots must begin preparing for war……….. against the political establishment in DC.
Your real enemies are in Washington, not Baghdad or anywhere else.
Fight Mohammed when he lands on your soil, not when he’s still on his own soil where he should be.
Even the revered Johnny Rebel fell victim to this with his 2003 song “Fuck you, Osama.”
JR was never J-woke, but he did at least ask “who in the world is feeding these jungle bunnies while they’re demonstrating, causing riots, and forming mobs?” (from “Still Looking for a Handout”)
There’s an answer to that question.
Also, Merle Haggard’s “Fightin’ Side of Me”
Sumguy writes:
“If some random, normal person, who isn’t all that thrilled about children being convinced to change their genders or a full blown war with Russia in Ukraine, were to stumble upon this blog post, what would they think?
I mean, a white male, possibly southern, rural, country music fan, culturally Protestant, someone who does believe in laws and rules and hierarchy, and isn’t a communist. A working man with working man values.
Do you think they’d snicker right along with the “patriotard” snark? Do you think they’d agree with calling Tony Keith a f@66ot or they’d giggle at pissing on Hank Jr?
Or is it more likely they’d think, “Wow, I must have stumbled upon a Twitter shitlib cat lady with purple hair and a “In this house we…” yard sign blog”?”
I respond:
That’s the whole bloody point. This terribly lying Hank Jr and Toby Keith propaganda go to war for ZOG, Military Industrial Complex Dick and Liz Cheney. This patriotard war propaganda songs are actually effective as you noticed – small town, rural White American males like the military, they like to be patriotic doing the war effort like their grand daddies did. Our ZOG slave masters pick some C&W singers like Hank Jr and Toby Keith to say these wars are “Good Wars” like World War II against our German kinsmen were “Good Wars” well, by God they want to do their patriotic day and fight as the loathsome Je* David Frum wrote in his worst ever “Axis of Evil” speech ”
“Fight for Freedom and Democracy against and Axis of Evil!”
Yeah, too many of our non educated TV and pop music addicted small town and rural people do fall for this horrible ZIO Patriotard propaganda. Did you?
No I don’t fall for it.
But I don’t shit on the people who do fall for it. (You know, those non-educated TV and Pop music addicted types)
The ones who also like songs such as “Rich Men North of Richmond”. I’m not going to shit on that song or the guy singing it. I’m not going to make fun of him, or working people, or poor people, or rural people, or anyone else who is getting royally F’d by ZOG.
Poor people will always be poor. There will always be uneducated people who aren’t politically motivated. Sometimes they’ll be easily duped by propaganda that only harms them.
But I’m know that the quickest way to turn them away from supporting our cause is to make fun of them and their culture.
If we don’t have a viable alternative counter-culture for them to gravitate towards, we’re just being abusive assholes by shitting on the vaguely traditional and cohesive culture that they consume, even if it is antithetical to their interests.
Were not shi****ing on the poor rural, small town White folks that are the target of this terrible patriotard ZOG war propaganda songs. We’re calling out filthy rich C&W singers Hank Williams Jr and Toby Keith for selling their souls to the anti White Js and the Bush & Cheney military industrial state for producing this worst ever patriotard war songs.
They should be called out and have people/us that do care about our rural, small town folks that are being sent to die, lose limbs, kill and be killed for the J globalist new world order empire, meanwhile our country is being invaded, over run with Orcs and we’re not fighting the invasion.
What are you doing about this? Can’t you do something real easy like leave a comment on Hank Jr and Toby’s Youtube channel explaining their treason, selling out our/their people for 30 pieces of silver.
If you saw one of these two in person, what would you do? Try to get their autograph, slap em on the back and say:
“Hell Yeah, we got Saddam Hussain an Al Qaeda same as we got Hitler and all those racist Germans so we can enjoy Amurikun FREEDOMS like our cities now being 3rd sink holes approaching Haiti”
How bout stop being a dumb goyim and promoting dumb goyim ZOG TV slavery. We don’t want to be slaves at least I don’t.
Jaye is trying to protect the poor rural, small town White folks.
Keeping them from being chumps.
Can I ask how you would approach these people to convince them they have been duped?
A common saying usually attributed to Mark Twain is that it’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
I don’t think that this kind of snarky humor is inappropriate when you want to get people’s attention and shake them from their complacency. Also, this blog is obviously not a liberal cat lady blog.
Further, it’s for dissidents to talk to other dissidents, anyway, so why not have some fun at stupid people’s expense. We all need some release. Laughing at white traitors is much more merciful than giving them the rhetoric they really deserve.
Regarding Don’t give us a reason hitting the charts, It’s good how much the foreign policy views of the average Republican have improved since the Bush dynasty. Now Republicans aren’t any worse on foreign policy than Democrats.
I hate the corporate world too much to be a Republican.
“How bout stop being a dumb goyim and promoting dumb goyim ZOG TV slavery. We don’t want to be slaves at least I don’t.”
I’m trying to find the part where I said people should be slaves to TV. Nope I don’t see it.
Again, you’re not thinking like the normal rural white Christian man who likes Hank Jr and Toby Keith. They don’t like them because they sing these songs about patriotism and war. They like them because they sing music in a style that appeals to them, and they sing music that they can identify with. Patriotism in itself isn’t bad. I’d be more patriotic myself if I knew I could go to a school board meeting and tell them I don’t want homosexual literature in the school library and shoved at my kids without being crucified on Twitter and losing my job. I’d be more patriotic if the cost of gasoline wasn’t over $3/gallon and my application for a job wasn’t put at the bottom of the pile because I checked off “white/male”.
I don’t think Hank Jr or Toby Keith even really understand what the consequences of their patriotic lyrics are. They think of “America” as the rural, southern, Christian, white men and women who go to their concerts and buy their music. Why wouldn’t they feel patriotic to those people and their way of life? Those are the people whose freedoms their songs are meant to celebrate. Not the neckbeard hipster living in a high rent one bedroom apartment in Manhattan who works as a bartender and listens to Lizzo. That’s not who America is to Toby Keith or Hank Jr. At least not the America that their music is reflective of.
The sodomites and Semites who work in the music and marketing industry would love for all of those Hank Jr and Toby Keith fans to just die and go to hell. They absolutely do use their music and influence as tools of propaganda. There’s no question of that. But I do not believe for a second that Toby Keith not Hank Jr write songs such a “courtesy of the red white and blue” as anthems to sodomy and gay marriage, nor do they intentionally promote those things. They certainly live in a world of privilege that none of us do, and aren’t going to give it up for any kind of principles that we believe in, but their INTENTIONS are understandable to me, because I don’t hold normal conservative types of people in any kind of contempt.
And I mean nothing personal toward anyone here. I just don’t find this post helpful
Sumguy writes:
“Again, you’re not thinking like the normal rural white Christian man who likes Hank Jr and Toby Keith. They don’t like them because they sing these songs about patriotism and war. They like them because they sing music in a style that appeals to them, and they sing music that they can identify with”
I reply.
This is the main and really the only point of this point:
Our enemies including that enemy we’re not allowed to notice (Starts with “J” ends with “W” and rhymes with “Jew”) is always on the look out for some folksy C&W singer or actor that regular White folks identify with, that they think “He’s up their singing for me and my kinfolk” – the anti White, globalists Js are looking for famous folksy celebrities to present their ZOG program disguised as something else.
It was the same as when BLM, ZOG got the actors Andy Griffith and Ron Howard to do propaganda advertisements for then Pres candidate Barack Hussein Obama to reassure their AGS Mayberry NC small town, rural Whites that this Barack Hussein Obama guy that nobody knew about, seemingly came from nowhere that he was a nice , non threatening (half) Black guy, not some raving hate Whitey Black Liberation Theologist cult member like…
Rev. Jeremiah Wright “GOD DAMN AMERICA” the Obama’s spiritual mentor along with Obama’s Communist anti White ghost writer Bill Ayers and IDF vet, son of Irgun terrorist Rahm Emmanuel .
Our enemies – namely the Js re good at propaganda – they pick out White spokesmen, White gentile fronts to disguise their Great Replacement anti White, ZOG, New World Order as something much different something…
Patriotic (or Patriotard as we are exposing it here), something “folksy”, “Fightin fer Amurican Freedom and Democracy like our grand daddies did against the Axis of Evil, Adolf Hitler who wanted to conquer and enslave the whole world and take away our freedom”.
If the Js used slimy J spokesman like New Yawk US Senator Chuck Schumer or homo Zionist New Republic publisher Marty Peretz, or some fat, ugly, hair old “Porn Star” like Ron Jeremy, regular rural, small town White folks wouldn’t go for it.
And honestly the only people that were honestly opposing these ZOG, Neo Conservative wars, slaughters in Iraq, Syria or SERBIA were Pat Buchanan, Chronicles Magazine America First Old Right and yeah…
ME. I took out full page anti War adverts from an “American First” perspective in the Nashville Tennessean, Chatanooga Times and the Vanderbilt Hustler (Rich Vandy students didn’t respond” )
And a few honest liberal anti war types including “The Dixie Chicks” opposed these Neo Con wars and said like I am that Texas gung ho war mongers like Toby Keith were being foolish. What was the response.
Most American Country music stations tried to ban Dixie Chick music to show how patriotic they were and push the lie that only “liberals” like Jane Fonda, Jessie Jackson, the Dixie Chicks could be against an American war, they didn’t “Support the Troops”.
It’s embarrassing, but yeah, most of our people do fall hook, line and singer for this ZOG patriotard “let’s go to war against the Ay Rabs, Serbs and now Russians”.
All true Jaye. If I was a friend of Oliver Anthony I would tell him, once the farm is paid off, cross the f****** Rubicon. NAME THE JEW.
For the suckers still listening to pop-country performer’s songs, messages, and making them rich, this is for y’all.
Travis Tritt is pretty retarded, so you’d think he has some stupid war songs.
Careful who you call retarded good buddy Todd. You got copies of his Stanford-Benets?
How about a Patriotard song from WW2?
“Der Fuehrer’s Face” By Spike Jones
But seriously though. There is a nigh-impossible chance of someone accidentally stumbling upon OD. If they were to search for OD, the big three points Google returns are:
1) OD promotes Southern Nationalism;
2) OD asks the Jewish Question;
3) Hunter Wallace/BG is targeted by the SPLC.
-If- someone who hasn’t stepped even in the shallow end of the pool, and came upon this specific topic, they might ask why OD promotes Southern Nationalism while disparaging some “Southern music.” If they come to the conclusion that OD is an ironic blog, then wouldn’t that imply that said individual cares more about Rich Men Who Sing About Richmond think than their own neighbor? If they come to the conclusion that OD mocking some “Southern music” is because the lyrics are ridiculous and cater to the lowest common denominator (not unlike rap and hip-hop), isn’t that a good thing for the blog?
How does this article result in a loss, except with those who are so far gone in the Kool-Aid they actually believe the red-colored geriatrics in office have their best interests in mind?
Jaye, real good topic.
“patriotard ZOG war propaganda songs”
Good phrase.
It’s far past time to stop good WHITES being used as battle slaves for the moneyed elite.
Courtesy of the Red White and Blue is an ancient song about a different era. You might have been in your 20’s when it came out but it may as well have come out as “Goodbye Sweetheart, Hello Vietnam”. It’s an Iraq/Afghan War song from another time and isn’t relevant to America in the 2020’s.
Kind of a Boomer thing to add it to your list. You may as well put Bonnie Blue Flag on there.
Elvis Hitler-Berlin to Memphis from Disgraceland (1988) for best and of course but, but, but, Lee Greenwood for worst.
MENA and BRICS+ hate the sodomite sissy regime on the Potomac.
We have always been at war with Eurasia.
Johnny get your butt plug.
Something that needs to be added.
When their is an actual conflict, the overwhelmingly disproportionate number of casualties are WHITE males.
The zogmedia does everything to conceal this by nonreporting and distraction articles.
We need a song ……..’ WHY DIE WHITE BOY ‘.
I like voices of Rhodesia
Patriot from the Latin word “Pater” denoting father. Thus in its original sense loyalty to a kindred stock. What the United States calls patriotism is really pseudo-patriotism in that it does not promote us as a people but empowers the anti-White oligarchy that rules over us AKA “Pan-Mixia.”
This is my kind of warcry song: Wrecking Crew
Hank Jr wrote a pretty good song about country boys being able to survive. That song implies that one of his friends went to live in NYC and got shot and mugged for 43 dollars.
He didn’t say Atlanta, or New Orleans or any other southern town where such violence occurs. He said New York City. He didn’t mention the race of his friend nor the assailant, but we can be reasonably sure that Hank wasn’t thinking about black country boys going to NYC and being mugged by city slicker white men.
I have not a drop of doubt in my mind that Hank Jr, at least in his younger days, was 100% pro-southern, pro-white man, and pro-rural people. I’m not going to pretend to know his religious feelings, but I know he is a complicated man and I assume he has some kind of Christian leanings despite his flaws.
Hank Jr wasn’t born into a life of poverty. He had privileges most of us never had. But I don’t think that this means he hates the working class white people who listen to his music. I don’t get that vibe from Hank Jr.
I don’t think patriotic country music from 15-20 years ago is relevant to what’s going on today. I just don’t.
This is what I think when I see this post. What does it prove? What does it change? Is anyone going to have a revelation about listening to Hank Jr music because they read this post? What is this post other than mockery for the sake of mockery?
There are about 1001 other more important things that dissidents should be concerning ourselves with outside of George Bush era propaganda music that hardly anyone cares about anymore. Now I might perk my ears up a little more if we were being bombarded with a slew of new anti-Russian anti-Chinese country pro war country music, but I don’t see that kind of thing out there.
I’m about as white man issue woke as anyone who reads this blog, but even I get a little turned off by reading these articles that (in a round about way) mock the people that I grew up around and love.
“Hank Jr wrote a pretty good song about country boys being able to survive. That song implies that one of his friends went to live in NYC and got shot and mugged for 43 dollars.”
I respond:
Exactly, that’s why the Js who dominate the US media including Country Music media chose Hank Williams Jr to be their pro Iraq war propagandist. All that frustration about regular Whites being terrorized by drug, illegal alien, Black crime in supposedly “Liberal Northern cities’ like New York , Chicago got channeled in to supporting a major war to slaughter Arabs in Arab countries like Iraq and Syria. Nobody was gonna pay Hank Jr or Toby Kieth to write, perform a C&W song about executing the Carr Brothers the rapists and murderers in the Knoxville Horror or the Wichita KS massacre.
The Js who dominate our media are not stupid, they get very good return for their payments and yeah, traitors like Hank Williams Jr, Toby Keith are ready, willing and able to take that 30 pieces of silver, pretty much nobody calls them out for this except…
Rednecks love war. It doesn’t matter who the “enemy” is.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 AT 4:03 PM
Rednecks love war. It doesn’t matter who the “enemy” is.
I respond:
Yep, sadly true.
Our people would rather be entertained, than educated, what is essential, is that, they are led by educated, moral men of vision and principle…..
You’re very right.
The big question is how do you get moral men of vision and principle elected to power when we have a republic with a degenerate (read ‘tard’) electorate ?
A corrupted republic at that.
ARRIAN, we will not get men of such caliber, under the present system and circumstance, out of the ashes, it will take drastic action, to get the people’s attention, we will have to learn the hard way……
THEY can learn the hard way.
I already know and i don’t want to be in the undertow when the ship of fools sinks.
I hope this satire. From the comments, unfortunately, the sentiment of this song is taken to heart by his fans.
Rofl. Great find. Words fail me.
I suppose I should include a trigger-warning for certain parties to find a safe-space, but here is a contemporary cover of a real call-to-arms song for those who actually fought the occupying army of the Anglo-Zionist empire fiercely exactly a century-ago. Yes I’m well aware the place is now just another Clown-World okrug of the EUSSR presided over by a Gay Pajeet, but they really did bloody the nose of the Rothschild mercs who ostensibly were fighting for George V back in the day.
All the songs on this thread are shilling for Zog. They are patriotard junk. Rich Men North Of Richmond attacks Zog. All this damn country does is drive us down, he says.
I’ve listened to the song, and read the lyrics. It is all good. He has made some shitty comments lately, but the song itself is fine. .
Rangewolf writes:
“All the songs on this thread are shilling for Zog. They are patriotard junk. Rich Men North Of Richmond attacks Zog. All this damn country does is drive us down, he says.”
I respond:
Agreed and very, very well said.
Just understand that this honest poor real folk singer lamenting what rich (J & G, BLM) folks are doing North of Richmond is probably getting his phone ringing off the hook offering all kinds of music performance deals, song writing deals so he will stop being a poor White man south of Richmond, deals that he can be a lot like Toby Keith, Hank Williams Jr fly the Amurikun flag, stand up to White racism, Fascism, bow his heads like his/our grand daddies did to defeat HITLER, make the entire world safe for American style DEMOCRACY (JE* Porn, Je* Bob Iger Disney desecration of classic Disney films like Snow White, Song of the South, Dumbo, make Peter Pan Gay and Wendy a take charge, slap Peter Pan feminist and single handedly sword fight, defeat racist pirates) – give another $20 billion in tanks to that Je* President of Ukraine to defeat the evil Russians (Something about the Russians being White racist Fascist that gets complicated).
Yeah, this poor White folk singer South of Richmond VA is probably getting all kinds of offers that all amount to…
30 pieces of silver.
I confess I’m a little disappointed in OD reader responses to this contest for
The Worst Zio Patriotard Song(s).
I guess it’s similar to outing regular people for watching a lot of porn – regular people are a bit embarrassed that yeah, they did fall for this Zoo Patriotard war propaganda to “Answer that call in the morning.. do what our daddies and grand daddies once did.. fight for “Freedom and Democracy”, “Making the entire world safe for American Style Democracy (That was Princeton Ivy Leaguer Woodrow Wilson’s announced war aims for getting us to enter World War I).
Remember those Rush Limblob commissioned patriotard bumper stickers “Don’t blame me, I voted for George W Bush”?
Oh well. I confess I once wasted most of my Vanderbilt Sophomore year working on my sun tan, playing ultimate frisbee and listening to Bob Marley records under the …. well I’ll take the 5th Amendment on that one.
Youthful indiscretions in my book and I hope most everyone who once fell for these Charlie Daniels, Hank Williams Jr, Toby Keith and Hulk Hogan Zio patriotard has moved on.
Please, please tell us that you’ve all moved on and aren’t falling for current Zio war propaganda to FIGHT THE RUSSIANS.
My vote for the worst #1 and #2 patrotard song, music video was the fag**t Toby Keith – a real “American Soldier”, “Courtesy of the Red White and Blue”.
Don’t try this on a full stomach or you’ll probably toss your lunch but re-watch those worst ever fag**t Zio patriotard Toby Keith music videos Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWrMeBR8W-c
Here are the worst ever, dumb goyim slave lyrics:
“I’m just trying to be a father,
Raise a daughter and a son,
Be a lover to their mother,
Everything to everyone.
Up and at ’em bright and early,
I’m all business in my suit,
Yeah, I’m dressed for success from my head down to my boots,
I don’t do it for money, there’s still bills that I can’t pay,
I don’t do it for the glory, I just do it anyway,
Providing for our future’s my responsibility,
Yeah I’m real good under pressure, being all that I can be,
And I can’t call in sick on Mondays when the weekends been to strong,
I just work straight through the holidays,
And sometimes all night long.
You can bet that I stand ready when the wolf growls at the door,
Hey, I’m solid, hey I’m steady, hey I’m true down to the core,
And I will always do my duty, no matter what the price,
I’ve counted up the cost, I know the sacrifice,
Oh, and I don’t want to die for you,
But if dying’s asked of me,
I’ll bear that cross with an honor,
‘Cause freedom don’t come free.
I’m an American soldier, an American,
Beside my brothers and my sisters I will proudly take a stand,
When liberty’s in jeopardy I will always do what’s right,
I’m out here on the front lines, so sleep in peace tonight.
American soldier, I’m an American,
An American,
An American Soldier”
I respond:
Oh dear.
Clint Black had a song so cringe worthy that either he or his record label pulled it from jewtube. The song was called “Iraq and Roll.”
I will venture a guess that those same morons that have no qualms murdering brown people in brown countries that posed no threat to the West are onboard with (((neocon))) sentiments like those of their country music heroes.
Even their family and friends arriving back to the US at Dover Air Force base in ZOG flag covered caskets will not change their POVs.
Oh dear. I never heard about this really, really Bad Zio Patriotard “Support the Troops”, “We’re fightin’ the Devil in Ey Rag so Lets Iraq and Roll.” Clint Black song.
Well it’s back on YouTube:
Real, real bad.
I often wonder if any of these Zio C&W prostitutes like Toby Keith or Clint Black really have that Southern country drawl or if they sound more like William F Buckley when they are relaxed in their Upper East Side Manhattan NYC pads.
Lee Greenwood “God bless the USA”
I was in high screwel when this song came out. I changed it to “God Bless the CSA.” And rewrote it to take out all references to Minnesota, and any other parts of Yankeedom.
I thought I hated the U.S., but it was just Yankees, Leftists, and their Special(k) masters. Which turned out to be members of all three categories, to varying degrees. Meaning most Jews lived up North, and most Leftists were Yankees, with a definite dislike for the Southern and Interior Western States.
But now, FEDZOGUSA is gonna collapse, and I don’t give a sh@#, anymore.
End Reconstruction, End the War(s).