Josh Kruger Was a General Sherman Stan

Does anyone have a clue what is happening to his estate?


    • If they are twisted in their sexual desires, it only makes sense that their reasoning would be twisted in other matters.

      A reason that so many perv serial killers are queers ?

  1. Hi Brad,

    I have a blog in draft mode – the subject is Rachel Maddow being a new Conservative gate keeper, though policeman/policeLesbo for National Review, purging Alt Right, Dissident Right writers, editors like John Derbyshire, Peter Brimelow etc.

    I spell checked it, the topic comes from Vdare blog this week so it should be current.

    Please look it over, I’ll post in a day or two unless I hear “nay”. 

    Thanks brother,


  2. It’s always been my perception that the antifa/woke/libtard crowd isn’t motivated by sincere desire to uplift people, but a concealed desire to destroy the good, the healthy and those better than themselves.
    The above postings by Kruger confirm my suspicions.

  3. “centuries long brutality of slavery”

    American slavery was overwhelmingly benevolent and protective, bringing jungle savages from violent cannibalism into a world of civility and hygiene.

  4. Sherman was absolutely brilliant, the smartest man the Yankees had, during and after the war. The only good Indian is a dead Indian, he said. Then he planned the railroads going out West on strategic grounds, trapping the savages between pincers of railroad towns, and ground them down.

    Sherman hated Indians, joggers, Chinese and yids. He hated most everyone. There is a word for that. Misanthrope. That’s what he was, but a smart one.

    If he had commanded our Army instead of Lee, we would have won it by the end of 1861. There would have been no Judah Benjamin there withholding supplies that the Army badly needed. He would have never allowed some Jew to undermine the war effort.

    The only other Yankee in Sherman’s league was Custer. But Custer was a good man, a fine man all around, not a scoundrel like Sherman.

    Funny, that Pantifag glorifying Sherman. He knew nothing about the man.

  5. Coward? Booth walked into a building packed with hostile unionists in the middle of the Yankee capital, armed with one single-shot derringer and knife, took out his target with one bullet, stabbed the sh!t out a union officer, jumped down from the VIP box to the stage, taunted the crowd in front of him, and walked out defiantly with a broken ankle. That was the opposite of cowardice.

    • Of course he was a ‘coward’.

      The left always starts with slander and insults, then they quickly move to dehumanizing their enemies as a means to deny their opposition any justice which consequently allows any immoral act on their part.

    • Booth’s only problem was that he was 4 years too late. I am not a Southerner, for the record.

  6. Given the assassination targets of April 14, 1865 (Lincoln, Johnson and Seward), I think the assassination was on behalf of Edwin Stanton and the Radical Republicans.

    If anyone was killed by “losers” it was Josh himself, as negroes are certainly a lost cause.

    Slavery wasn’t an important issue to Sherman. And Josh seems to forget Sherman’s role in crushing the Plains Indians.

    • “And Josh seems to forget Sherman’s role in crushing the Plains Indians.”

      No he doesn’t. All of that is dressing. Josh just fantasizes about utterly destroying his perceived enemies by all means down to the utter barbaric. Power was his highest virtue. It served him well did it not?

  7. Remember the animated TV series The Critic? Its exaggeratedly-Jewish movie critic protagonist was based on, & voiced by, the ultra-mensch-y Jew Jon Lovitz. Guess what the critic’s name was, out of all the names they could’ve picked? Jay Sherman. Thus it’s clearly understood to be a Hebrew surname.
    Has anyone looked at the schnozz on noted immolator of White cities William Tecumseh Sherman?
    Wikipedia tells us he was born with the 0% White name Tecumseh Sherman. He “acquired the name ‘William’ at the age of nine or ten, when he was baptized as a Catholic at the behest of his foster family” after his biological dad’s death. He was a redhead, which is overly common among Jews. Crypto-Jewish leftist race whiner Prince Harry from the “House of Windsor” (formed out thin air from the Jewish House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha in 1917) is a good example.

    Now does it make sense that a Jewish intellectual terrorist like Josh Kruger would idolize a Jewish war terrorist like Tecumseh Sherman?

  8. Bye bye Josh! Enjoy the fires of hell. Hilarious that a jogger took you out, because you tried to turn him into a queer.

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