What’s the plan?
American charity isn’t going to last indefinitely. Political support for the war is plummeting. The only way to save Ukraine is to find a way for NATO to get in the war.
What’s the plan?
American charity isn’t going to last indefinitely. Political support for the war is plummeting. The only way to save Ukraine is to find a way for NATO to get in the war.
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“””…What’s the plan?…””
There is no plan. This why some people are called stable geniuses. They manage to push enemy in such corner that there is no way out whatsoever.
” find a way for NATO to get in the war.”
You really know how to scare the s*** out of me.
Putin is going to launch a winter offensive once the ground freezes and there is at least a few inches of snow on the ground. Ukraine is exhausted, they have used up their military reserves of weapons, ammunition and most importantly, manpower. Ukraine cannot defeat this offensive, neither can NATO unless those monsters want to risk everything by using nukes. This whole fiasco was 100% avoidable but ethnic hatred of Russia by The Usual Suspects drove the Ukraine bus over the mile high cliff on to the rocks below.
The USSR launched a winter offensive against the Wehrmacht in December 1941 that pushed the German Army back from Moscow and saved the city. The German Army resumed the offensive in the spring of 1942 seizing Stalingrad in November 1942. The Soviets launched another winter offensive in late 1942/early 1943 recapturing ruined Stalingrad and wrecking the German 6th Army which Field Marshall von Paulus surrendered to the Soviets. History rhymes.
One thing about Putin, he’s the most honest son of a bitch, in all of politics today.
Sp you think that Prigozhin’s plane crashed because he or his fellow Wagner soldiers were high on coke and playing with grenades? Because that is what Putin claims happened.
NATO will enter the naval war, not the land war, blockading Russian ports in the Gulf of Finland (primarily St. Petersburg) & sealing off the Crimea from the Black Sea, which will almost completely isolate Russian forces there, making them almost totally dependent on the vulnerable land bridges established by the Russian army early in the war. These are now the primary objectives of the American / NATO-equipped Ukrainians. The other Russian supply route into Crimea, the bridge across the Kerch Strait, has been attacked many times already by the Ukrainians & damaged, but always repaired. However, NATO navies will make short work of the bridge once they intervene, which will complete Crimea’s isolation, making it vulnerable to a Ukrainian amphibious landing, with NATO providing the transport ships and landing craft for the assault troops. The US is counting on the humiliation of losing Crimea – Putin’s greatest conquest (or take-back, if you are pro-Russian) – to spark his overthrow by disgruntled rivals, and a broader Russian military collapse leading to ignominious withdrawal by Russia from its remaining footholds in eastern Ukraine. The US will probably not blockade or take overt action against Russia’s Pacific ports, judging it can accomplish its objectives – defeating Russia & regime change in Moscow – by focusing only on the Black Sea & the Gulf of Finland.
I’ve heard rumors that Ukraine is rich in lithium deposits, lithium needed for electric car batteries. That’s what the war is really about: to acquire the deposits before Russia can. Anyway, the war is certainly not to benefit the Ukraine people.
But it certainly benefits some (((Ukrainians)).
A Russian offensive won’t amount to much. The troops are highly demoralized. The men did not stop the NATO offensive, the 3 fold line that Surovikan built while he was running the long Bakhmut diversion stopped them.
But then Surovikan was arrested and spent months in prison. Things just are not going well. The Russian military is run by a psychopath that everyone hates.
British intelligence released what appears to be the plan this week. They will force Turkiye to allow NATO ships into the Black Sea. From there they will destroy the Russian Black Sea Fleet. More advanced missiles, planes, drones and other weapons will be sent to Ukraine. UK troops en masses will enter Western Ukraine to protect the new equipment and to train a new army, composed of men from various nations.
Nearly all the war videos Russia is putting out are fake. A lot of people have not understood this. We all know the videos Ukraine puts out are fake, but some people are still believing the fake Russian videos. What is happening on the ground is a lot different than what you see in those videos
Yes, a larger war. At least 2 more years. Russia will desperately try to hold some of the Donbass, the land bridge to Crimea, and the Azov and especially the mouth of the Don River.
The NATO goal is to defeat them, install a kosher regime, and break Russia into 14 pieces. Crimea would become the 2nd Joosh homeland. That has been the neocon plan all along. Nothing has changed.
Moscow is terrified that NATO will overwhelm their army and March all the way to Moscow. That is the reason for their idiotic nuclear rhetoric. They are like scared rabbits. They know very well that they cannot nuke NATO. There is such a thing as deterrence. NATO has it.
At this point Putin is threatening to destroy the whole world if his army collapses and loses this conventional war. The man is a complete lunatic. He is way beyond insane. Hopefully some Russian General will soon send him to Hell.
Clearly a much larger war is imminent.
Now Zog is working on a $100 billion package through a “state department” (aka CIA) foreign aid program. They have plenty of options. Public opinion has nothing to do with anything in Washington.