It was a privilege to speak this evening with my friend @netanyahu. The House of Representatives stands with Israel and I reaffirmed our strong support. pic.twitter.com/pzoh2SuMBb
— Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) October 27, 2023
Israel faces an existential threat daily. They are surrounded by hostile neighbors who don’t acknowledge their right to exist. We are united with our greatest ally. pic.twitter.com/cvzz8YhFk7
— Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) October 27, 2023
This guy is a parody account!
When Mike Johnson, the new House speaker, talks about race in America, he often draws a striking personal connection, telling the story of how he and his wife, Kelly, “took custody” of a Black teenager 24 years ago and raised him as a son.
“I have walked with him through discrimination that he has had to endure over the years and the hurdles he sometimes faced,” he told a House committee in 2019, while testifying against reparations for slavery. “I know all this because I was with him.”
Mr. Johnson has spoken publicly about Michael largely when he has talked about race. He has described Michael as a “success story” and likened the experience of being a white couple adopting a Black teenager to the movie “The Blind Side,” the 2009 film that depicts a wealthy white family taking in an impoverished Black teenager who becomes a football star. …
Mike Johnson is our worst nightmare-a half-baked conservative who believes that homosexuality , gay marriage, illegal immigration and transgenderism are wrong, but feminism, no-fault divorce, and especially the Civil Rights Movement are righteous and holy. He lets the proverbial camel’s nose in the tent, and then wonders why the camel has taken over the tent, and we have been moved out of our tent! The Civil Rights Movement was just another radical egalitarian movement intended to displace and ultimately destroy America’s Founding stock- white gentiles. It is a stratagem dreamt up and implemented by Jewish Power and Influence to destroy us and the historic American nation. The Civil Rights Movement is an example of Jewish triangulation tactics- it pretended to be pro-black but was actually anti-white, just as the Feminist Movement pretended to be pro female but was actually anti-male, and the Homosexual Rights Movement pretends to be pro homosexual while actually being anti heterosexual. Do not be deceived- can a good tree bring forth corrupt fruit? Can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit?- Therefore by their fruits you shall know them. Did the Brown v. Topeka Board of Education Supreme Court decision and the resulting racial integration of public schools improve or diminish the quality of public education in America? Beyond question it destroyed the quality of what was once one of the best public education systems in the world. Johnson is a quisling who like an ostrich sticks his head in the sand imagining that, since he can’t (or won’t)see the danger, the danger can’t see him. A pox on him and all willfully ignorant liberals. There is none so blind as he who will not see! Jewish Power and Influence has metastasized like a cancer over the past 70 years and is about to lead us into Armageddon. Mike will be on the sidelines cheering on Captain Ahab(liberalism) as he leads his ship , his crew(us), and himself to destruction in his quest to kill “the great white whale”!
Some people, myself included, are asking “where is this black?” Johnson gabs and gabs about him, but so far no Michael. It’s made some wonder if this black even exists.
If this is the case, it means Johnson is a pathological liar…not that that has hurt a successful Congressional career…but it’s a little creepy that this man now has so much power. As well as this continual obsession with loving blacks, especially among the GOP who really have nothing to do with them. Even the blacks who get in the GOP and get to be presidential candidates ar just stale Oreos.
Or maybe it’s just another example how decrepit the West is. McConnell is blanking out, and now this.
Then, the usual love for blacks…reminds us of Trump’s Platinum Plan, and when that came out I said “oh, boy…”
So, instead of “where’s the beef?”, I’m asking “where’s the kid?”
Good one dargason,I got quite a chuckle from where is the black? I understand false preacher John Hagee is in his outhouse at this very moment producing exactly such a young colored boy.Johnson looks like the biggest piece of shit imaginable so they’ll be a great team.Why did I vote GOP all those years?I now realize no one in this system will ever represent us.Christ Jesus is all I need.I say let this whole thing collapse.Satan wants pain and suffering and he sure has gotten his fill.But Christ is coming soon and the Jews will wish they had never been born.
Keep voting harder, goyim.
The Republican party is Anti-White controlled opposition.
If Biden wins a second term, & – invoking the “Horror!” – of Charlottesville, tries to outlaw white advocacy (AmRen, OD, VDARE, et al.), as “stochastic domestic terrorism,” and/or a “threat to public safety” unprotected by the 1st Amendment, the suppression of which is required by national security, don’t be surprised if politicians like Mike Johnson, & media figures like Sean Hannity, are fine with it.
Democracy selects for sociopaths, and miscegenists are the worst.
Yes, Democracy is based upon lies, bribery and extortion so how could there be a good outcome from such a rotten system? Lies, flattery, half-truths, gross exaggerations, omitting inconvenient facts, denying reality, condemning those who tell the truth; this is the natural state of discourse in a democracy. How could it be otherwise with a ruling class devoid of honor, a collection of greedy grifters, sociopaths, liars, perverts, scumbags and reprobates?
Johnson has been solid on immigration his entire career. He is also solid against the sodomites.
Who knows what he really thinks? He might hate the Christ killers more than I do. And that is some serious hate. Obviously he knows how to play the game there in Babylon DC. He knows what he has to say to get the votes. Or he believes all that offal he says. We don’t know either way.
He is better than McQueer or Emmer, or Ryan, or Gingrich for that matter. It’s too bad about Jordan, one of the good guys. Too good to get enough votes.
So I don’t care that he kowtows to the yids. Israhell has 400 votes in the House, support for Israhell was never in doubt. And I don’t care that he brought in a black teenage gigolo to service his wife and daughters. That is just what evangelicucks do.
I do care that he is solid on immigration, against the queers, and is very solid on ending the outrageous voter fraud regime that is still active in about 30 states.
Let’s give Johnson a chance.
I’m skeptical myself, & find the black son thing(?) bizarre & disgusting, but you’re right. We should give Johnson a chance. Your point about Jewish power in the House is valid, & we cannot expect much, or anything in that department. But on immigration & LGTBQ…let’s be hopeful for now, as you recommend.
You might want to look up how that Blindside couple is doing now. They got sued by their adoptee. It’s been quite the sh*tshow for the parents.