Why I Am Not “Standing With Israel”

In a nutshell, this is why I am not Standing With Israel.

1. I am an isolationist – The single most important reason why I am not Standing With Israel is because I am an isolationist. I do not want to be involved or entangled in wars in Eurasia. I didn’t support any of the previous imperial wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya or Ukraine. I have opposed wars which have been proposed like one against Iran. I have seen no reason to believe that we are better off because any of these wars. I am not about to support a huge new war in the Middle East to Stand With Israel.

2. I oppose imperialism – In the days of William Jennings Bryan, the United States made the transition from republic to empire. It was a fatal mistake. It inexorably led to all the tragedies of the 20th century. We repudiated our own founding ideals to exchange places with the British Empire. I have Pat Buchanan’s book A Republic, Not an Empire in a position of prominence on my bookshelf because American graves can now be found all over Eurasia from France to Vietnam.

There is a reason why the ruling class in this country cares more about the borders of Israel and Ukraine than our borders. It is because our antiquated national borders are meaningless due to the fact that we are a global empire. The border that truly matters is the imperial border in far flung places like Donbas or the borders of CENTCOM in Syria. American elites don’t give a shit about our own people here.

3. I vote on the basis of foreign policy – I feel so strongly about America and its role in the world that I vote on the basis of this issue. I voted against George W. Bush twice because I was disgusted with the Iraq War. I refused to vote for John McCain. I voted for Ron Paul twice. I supported Trump in 2016 mainly because of this issue. Then I became blackpilled with Trump when he attacked Syria and failed to withdraw troops from the Middle East. Then I voted in the 2022 midterms because Biden plunged us into a war with Russia in Ukraine. Every single debacle of my adult lifetime – Iraq and Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Ukraine – has left me more convinced of the wisdom of non-interventionism and anti-imperialism.

There isn’t a world where America remains the seat of a global liberal empire and we somehow reverse our demographic decline. These issues are inseparable. Mass immigration, deindustrialization, cultural degeneration and demographic replacement are symptoms of the cancer which is imperialism. America has become a declining imperial metropole like Italy was in the Late Roman Empire.

I don’t want to shovel billions of dollars to the military-industrial complex and absorb yet another inevitable wave of refugees. We know how this goes.

These are my values and general attitude.

There are other reasons though which are specific to Israel.

4. Israel has a stranglehold over our government – The phrase “Our Greatest Ally” is the foreign policy equivalent of “Diversity is our strength.” Every time you hear someone say it you become a little dumber. The relationship that we have with Israel is unhealthy for both countries.

There isn’t a foreign interest in Washington that is more powerful than the Israel Lobby. In fact, it is so powerful that it has succeeded in pressuring Congress to give Israel a blank check to do whatever it wants. The same Congress which can’t even pass a budget can vote 412-10 to Stand With Israel while it is committing a genocide. Anything short of expressing blind fealty and unwavering support for Israel is condemned as “anti-Semitic” and critics are ruthlessly intimidated and punished.

Nancy Pelosi was correct when she said that if the U.S. Capitol crumbled to the ground that the only thing that would remain standing is our support for Israel. Such is the power that this parasite wields over its host that Washington will repudiate everything it claims to believe in to Stand With Israel.

5. Israel is a huge albatross – We live in a world where 7 million Jews in Israel are bold enough to openly declare a holy war of extermination against “Amalek.” Washington affirms Israel’s right to defend itself within the boundaries of international law. Israel, however, has gone far beyond that with its indiscriminate bombing campaign and the total siege it has imposed upon Gaza.

Washington has rushed to the defense of Our Greatest Ally. We have essentially told the Muslim world that Israel has our permission and full support to wipe out “Amalek.” We will send aircraft carriers and a full NATO armada to the region to fight anyone who dares to intervene. There are 1.9 billion Muslims in the world and we are willing to make blood enemies out of all of them to Stand With Israel while it commits atrocities. It is the most insane thing that our foreign policy establishment has ever done.

What happens if our bluff is called? Americans troops will be all that is standing between Israel and its legions of enemies. We are burning to the ground every other relationship that we have in the region. We are putting our allies in the region like Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia in an impossible position. There is no upside to this at all especially when the petrodollar underpins our economy.

We are doing this for a client state the size of New Jersey.

6. I am a Christian – As you can see from the clips coming out of Gaza and the West Bank, we are not watching a war between Christians. This is a holy war between Jews and Muslims. It is a war between civilization and barbarism. It is a war between the children of light and the children of darkness. It is a war between good and evil. It is a war of extermination between the Chosen People and “Amalek.”

“Love your neighbor” doesn’t figure into this war. There is no place for Christian values like mercy in this war. I saw a video this morning of a Palestinian infant with its leg blown off that was so graphic that it was taken down on Twitter. The overwhelming majority of the dead on the Palestinian side are women and children. Israel is massacring civilians and our government is backstopping it.

Civilians die in war. This is nothing like the war in Ukraine though. Russia hasn’t done this to Kiev although it is fully capable of doing it. I have always been antiwar. I am grossed out by war. I don’t think I have ever seen a war that is this bad. I am tired of seeing all of these dead kids.

If any other country in the world tried to do this, America would invoke its Responsibility to Protect doctrine to intervene and bomb them to the Stone Age. Look at what happened to Qaddafi or Slobodon Milosevic for much less. Look at what happened to Syria for Assad gassing his own people.

7. Holocaust guilt – BTW, there isn’t another country on earth more obsessed with wallowing in its own victimhood. In fact, it is a crime in many European countries to question its victimhood.

I was born in America in 1980 and have nothing to do with the Holocaust. Why am I supposed to feel guilty about things that happened in the past which I had nothing do with? Why is Israel entitled to my unwavering support? Especially when Israel is doing this to Palestinians?

8. Conservatism, Inc is owned by Zionists – Is anyone else tired of the American Right being policed by insane bloodthirsty Zionists like Ben Shapiro? We have been told a thousand times that there is “no place” in mainstream politics for anyone who is skeptical of our support for Our Greatest Ally.

9. Israeli settlers – Have you seen these clips of Israeli settlers stealing houses from Palestinians? Have you seen the lynch mobs of settlers? I don’t endorse that. I don’t want to be involved in that. I also for damn sure don’t think it is the greatest and most wonderful place on earth. 

10. It is not anti-Semitic to oppose our sycophantic, one-sided relationship with Israel – Most of the points that I have made here about Israel have repeatedly been made by Jews like Norman Finkelstein and Max Blumenthal. Jews have held mass demonstrations against our support for Israel in Washington and New York City. Many Jews feel the same way about Israel that I do.

11. I strongly reject Dispensationalism – Finally, it embarrasses me as a Protestant Christian to be associated with heretical Judaizing Dispensationalists who think they are “blessed” by “Standing With Israel” and supporting every immoral and unjust policy of the Israeli government. These nuts want to bring on the Apocalypse. They are excited about this. I try my best to ignore these people and pretend that they aren’t there, but the current crisis is bringing them to the forefront of American politics.

One last thing.

At the end of the day, Israel exists in the Middle East and has to live among its own neighbors. Nothing about the status quo is going to help Israel in the long term. We should take a step back from mindlessly “Standing With Israel” before it is too late and the conflict spirals out of control.


  1. “It’s not our fight.”
    But it will be, soon.
    Dear reader, when the recruiters knock either to claim you or your son, are you prepared to stand for what you actually believe?
    You are dealing with fanatics who believe they are bringing about the End Times.
    I would encourage you to remember this when you hear a gentle rapping at your door.
    I pray that you have been a feature in your community. I pray that your neighbors, your friends, your club members, your church family, and your cousins all have your complete trust, and you theirs. I pray that the worst doesn’t happen, but if it does, I pray that you are ready to take on the whole armor of God.

    Please, stay safe, and stay strong.

  2. “It makes no difference what men think of war, war endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way.” – Cormac McCarthy

  3. ” . . . when the recruiters knock either to claim you or your son, are you prepared to stand for what you actually believe?”

    This is GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire’s Achille’s heel, right there. The geniuses in charge are going to plunge the military into another big war in the Near East for the benefit of Our Greatest Ally. When the war expands and draws in all available troops the U.S. Government will have to call for conscription.

    Conscription would fall overwhelmingly on White, Christian males because that is the only group that is competent and trustworthy in diverse America. Conscripting Moslems would be suicide, the wealthy, well connected and The Usual Suspects are exempt, blacks and Asians won’t comply; it isn’t their war so who does that leave?

    White males should consider a conscription notice an I.Q. test. Consent to the Government’s war and get conscripted and you have failed. You won’t get a second chance, either.

    • I am from a family with a tradition of military service, but I now tell the people I love not to waste their lives, their health and well-being in military service.

      Let the bull-dykes, trannies, Jews, politicians’ children and nancy boys fight the next war. White men and women, now so openly abused by theirown government need to sit suicidal military misadventures out.

  4. The thing about being for isolationism, is that is where you are, isolated, when they come for you and yours. No man, no community, and no country, lives in isolation today. Except for maybe a lone Amazonian Indian here and there and perhaps the Andaman community in the Indian Ocean. In fact, I can’t think of a single country, as big as ours that is isolationist. You want America to be isolationist? Try building a Time Machine and going back, to….well it never existed. It was always a faery tale.

    You all like to mention Washington’s Farewell Address. Have any of you ever really read it? Washington doesn’t promote being free of alliances as a principle in and of itself for ever. Rather, he spoke advice for a new born and fragile country not yet ready to take its place as a world power. But that it soon would and it would be a colossus. Washington’s Farewell Address was rather a short term blueprint for his successors in office, and the Founders progeny to build up the country before going abroad especially into the old world. It wasn’t intended to be permanent.

    Furthermore, Washington himself prepared for and commanded American forces during a little know war with FRANCE. After him, US forces also fought a major with Britain, conducted numerous covert action ops, assassinated enemy leaders, conducted spying missions, overthrew governments, fought numerous wars and conflicts with the Indian Nations, Spain, the Muslims, the Turks, Mexico, Korea, Japan, and in Africa. Aiding it was a world class intelligence service, and that was before the Civil War. All in all, America was a very busy, engaged, and interventionist country that also colonized and expanded across the continent.

    Modern isolationism stems from Yankee Robber Barons and their corporations, interested in a defanged, uninvolved, subservient government which would be a tool of their business shenanigans. That was post-Civil War America. Being isolationist today, right now, not only has no regard to history as the Founders intended, it also is a fools errand. You might as well explain to a robber with a gun that you are a spiritualist. It has no bearing on reality.

    America has never been truly isolationist except perhaps for a few decades in the Gilded Age and a decade after World War One. Even if the country wanted to be isolationist like that again, trying to get there by deleveraging multinationals, restricting trade, reducing military commitments, and closing off educational, financial, scientific, and artistic relations would take decades. Demanding isolationism NOW, sounds weirdly ideological left and defeatist. Worse, it merely encourages our enemies to intervene here even more than they already do.

    • Your Talmudic argumentation fails to prove your argument, Schlomo. Washington did not advocate total isolationism, but sensible policies in the interests of the country instead of foreign banking cartels. Go back to your Israeli troll farm.

  5. Do you really believe that killing thousands of innocent women and children brings you closer to God? If you do, you are a Jew. If you don’t, you are a Christian.

  6. I consider so called Christians who have bumper stickers and internet posts of the Satanic hexagram to be enablers of the Devil.They have no brains and no discernment.The Bible says God will allow Satanic forces to arise in the Holy Land,this is where the anti-Christ will come from.These Jews are that Satanic force and I believe we are in the End Times.I do not believe Christians will be raptured and avoid the hard times of the anti-Christ.But God will shield us and then Christ will come brighter than the Sun.It matters not when events happen but that we accept Jesus as our Savior and love the Lord and Holy Spirit with all our hearts.The Father,Son and Holy Ghost and firm faith in the Gospels will secure our Salvation.Only low IQ buffoons could consider the ape-like Jews to be chosen for anything except a zoo.They use the name of Jesus as a curse word.They proudly blaspheme our Lord and yet many Christians swoon over them.People we live in a time of madness.But we know the truth and we must never ever submit to the brainwashing.When Satan causes confusion or torment just call upon the blessed name of Jesus and he must flee from you.God bless all here in good faith.To the enemies of the Cross in Congress and Jewdom I say the Lords wraith is very close by.

  7. Possibly the most infuriating aspect of all this is, we’re supposed to worship the people who victimize us.

  8. To quote Ironic Sock Account’s excellent statement (maybe quote) from the previous thread (emphasis added):

    No funding for Israel or Ukraine. ITS NOT OUR PROBLEM AND WE CAN’T AFFORD IT.

    One cannot make a more common sense statement than this. Nearly all of us here, excepting one who is recent guest who is likely from a hasbara troll farm in Israel, agree with this fine example of plan common sense. Thanks for the reminder, ISA. We all need it to help keep focus.

    Only 10 members of congress voted to stay out of this massive pile of shit over in the middle east, sad to say. All eleven points made by Brad above are undeniably true. They have decided (or more precisely, ordered to decide) that IT IS OUR PROBLEM.

    ISA remarked on an earlier thread:

    > One way we will never be able to do anything about it is by going back to the Alt Right model of being edgy anti semites that nobody wants to listen to.

    Alternatively we could focus instead on the pro White message that its not our problem and we should keep our distance. Afterall, isn’t the toxic relationship and unequivocal support for israel what is really bothering you?

    Instead of being ‘edgy anti-semites’ I think ISA’s basic position is essentially correct. Later in the same thread where ISA made the above common-sense statement, Brad mentioned the idea of discrediting the false-doctrine of dispensationalism, which is one of the pillars of jewish power over the nation. More people worldwide are waking up to the fundamentally evil nature of jewish supremacism – even some of the more sane jews. The overton window is shifting on the JQ – hence the increasingly shrill response. The idiot Christian-Zionists are putting everyone in danger directly with their worship of these warmongering lunatics. They need to be exposed for the utter charlatans they are.

  9. Brad – I pretty much agree with all you say here except to qualify this:
    “I have seen no reason to believe that we are better off because any of these wars.”
    What do you mean by “these wars”? If you mean Ukraine/Russia and Israel/Gaza, I agree. But in the bigger picture, related to isolationism, no, all the 20th and 21st century wars have indeed made things better for the vast majority of Americans and significantly better for the 1%. The only American losers were/are the poor saps who fight and die or are injured in these wars. FDR’s putting the final nail in the British Empire with WWII paved the way for the GAE. Subsequent wars ensured most nations of the world towed the line when it came to the reserve currency. And it’s the reserve currency and dollar debt which has enabled most Americans, especially the American middle class and above, to live as well as they do (did). Now, the GAE, reserve currency and dollar debt are slowly diminishing. That will cause things to gradually get much more expensive.

  10. The Jews should have taken Hitler’s advice and chosen to settle in Madagascar rather than in Palestine. They learned nothing from history- look at the Crusades! European Christians finally gave up – they’d win , but the Arabs always eventually drove them back out. The Jews are in the process of learning what our Christian forebearers learned long ago. I only hope that our nation escapes this unholy alliance with the Jews before we get nuked!

  11. At my church’s Reformation Day celebration last night, I led a prayer that God would once again send reformation, particularly that He would purge His Church of Dispensationalism.

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