The House votes 311-14 in favor of resolution to “strongly condemn and denounce the drastic rise of antisemitism.” The resolution “clearly and firmly states that anti-Zionism is antisemitism.”
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) December 5, 2023
92 Democrats voted “present.” pic.twitter.com/NwWAuvrvBU
Rep. Massie, you’re a sitting Member of Congress.
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) December 5, 2023
This is antisemitic, disgusting, dangerous, and exactly the type of thing I was talking about in my Senate address.
Take this down. https://t.co/jVX0NMdISI
I’m not exaggerating.
I’m not “obsessed” with the Jewish Question.
No, this is literally the agenda of House Republicans. This is the only thing that they are doing.
Note: I’ve lost count of how many bills and resolutions like this have been passed over the last two months. It is at least half a dozen though.

“””…anti-Zionism is antisemitism…””
Can’t support Palestine either, can only support Hamas and terrorism. Also can’t support peace in Ukraine, can support only Putin aggression. Can’t criticise most absurd Corona or Clima measure, can only deny The Science.
Dualistic dilemma is very good weapon of demagogues but like all weapons, it has culmination point and now this has passed. Enemy has always fought on the Moral High Ground but in this battle they will lose it.
It’s obvious who owns the American government.
Not to worry, HW. They’ll be passing more aid for the maestro of no-hands piano soon.
This is so funny because the opposite is happening on Ivy League campuses
Update, more or less on topic, from northeast Philadelphia …
I saw yesterday a full-size billboard—huge—paid for by CAIR. It was looming high behind a Dunkin’ Donuts that sits within the triangle where two quasi-parallel streets come together, at my neighborhood’s upper bound.
“Don’t stop talking about Palestine,” was the large, main message, which included no photograph or other kind of image. Below that: “End the siege in Gaza.”
Kinda miss the decades in which I could drop off Christmas cards at the post office and not be confronted with something like that while I’m at a traffic light, on the way back home.
See 8298 Bustleton Avenue, at Google Maps, for the dramatic setting.
“Kinda miss the decades in which I could drop off Christmas cards at the post office and not be confronted with something like that”:
Are you celebrating that holiday, this year, while you as an American citizen (since the U.S. is fully responsible for it) are indirectly (by proxy) mass murdering the Palestinians – which is the worst imperialist crime so far in the twenty-first century. If the message of that billboard annoys, maybe “it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks,” Acts 9:5 and 26:14, KJV. I thought of this Christmas song by Sydney Carter about the spirit of not giving, or not spending, and that “there’s no use knocking, because we’re keeping what we’ve got, Sir”:
“Are you celebrating that holiday, this year, while you as an American citizen (since the U.S. is fully responsible for it) are indirectly (by proxy) mass murdering the Palestinians – which is the worst imperialist crime so far in the twenty-first century.”
EXCELLENT reply !! Absolutely made my day. You are a great man, @John Bonaccorsi!
As for the lame rhetorical guilt-trap that was loaded — and failed to capture its intended prey — by the insufferable 1831 person, he can piss right off with that bullshit. We have ZERO responsibility, input or control, over the actions and policies of US.gov (ZOG). And what the hell is an American citizen?? Some of the Gaza hostages were so-called “American citizens”; an absolutely meaningless and worthless status.
Thanks, Astrid. Rule of thumb: The correct answer to a rhetorical question is “Yes.”
I didn’t like the comment either, after I had posted it. John contributed good, useful information about the pro-Palestinian billboard in Philadephia.
I agree the term “citizen” is meaningless in this case, like the term “American people.” I do usually write “population” as in “U.S. population, NOT a people.”
We may be at opposite ends of the left-right spectrum, but someone said “if you go far enough right you’ll finally turn left.”
There will be no Christmas in Palestine this year. No bells from Bethlehem. Not that you’d have noticed anyway.
That should suit CAIR just fine.
Lutheran Palestinian pastor explains how Christmas will not be celebrated:
“One has to be very coarse in order not to feel the presence of Christians and Christian values as an oppression beneath which all genuine festive feelings go to the devil.”—Nietzsche, The Will to Power, section 916 (as assembled, 1967, by Walter Kaufmann)
Actually it shows the outsize influence of the American White Nationalist Dissident Right. Basically, by promoting Anti-semetism First (AF) as American First, and then doubling down on supporting Palestinians after they massacred Israelis in a historic neo-Comanche raid, the GOP in Congress and various states felt the need to respond to you guys and other Pro-Hamas people. They put this forward because of people like you! I know this because I was in some of the discussions. I know this because I hear this fear from the politicians about a rising tide of neo-nazis spread by a certain Mexican faggot. It’s absolutely comical, but you guys brought this about yourselves.
The effort by the American White Narionalist Dissident Right to make everything about “Duh, Jew,” in combination with the massacre of Oct 07th, and doubling down by siding with Hamas on social media and physical demonstrations, got a reaction. The politicos actually started listening. They started taking notice and they noticed all the wrong things. None of the good stuff. Just “Duh, Jew” stuff. So, all the effort at pushing Duh, Jew, talking about Duh, Jew, blaming Duh, Jew, got a forwarned response and resulted in forwarned marginalization.
The GOP politicians are stupid and controlled. They are mostly shallow front men and only operate independently within margins of error, small political safe spaces, in between coalitions of various competing interests. One such interest is the Zionist Lobby. Another interest is the anti-Zionist lobby. One interest is the Pro-Brown lobby. Another interest is the anti-Brown lobby. Some are weaker than others. The GOP was threatened by “Duh, Jew” talk and felt an opportunity to gain an advantage by accepting these proposals from Zionists and marginalizing all the people saying Duh Jews including Hamas and the Gay Mexican.
The American Pro-White Nationalist Dissident Right isn’t powerful. But it can act decisively at key points. It can rally support to stop immigration, launch meme wars to help elect Presidents, rally the youth, and get demonstrators to stop antifa running the streets. But in comparison to Zionists, Lefties, Jews, and the muds, it’s definitely weaker. So, we needed allies, who would help us protect our politico-culture. So, why in God’s green creation while a Gay Mexican Papist is running around repeating your good stuff along with Pedophilia, Grooming, Homoeroticism, and Hitler, would you start repeating his Duh Jews talk?
The attack on Israel and subsequent outbreak of rioting in demonstrations on behalf of Hamas and pro-Hamas propaganda was mostly aligned with the anti-Zionist Pro-Brown anti-Southern Pro-Moslem lobbies. The same people who want to destroy America, White Nationalism, and Western Civilization. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why Pro-White Nationalist Dissident Rightist would take this opportunity to align with those niggers, spics, lefties, Moslems, and terrorists instead of Zionists and Israel after they’ve suffered such a horrendous attack.
As a political subculture, Zionism has clear antecedents to Western colonialism. As the last Western settler country since the late 19th century to be established and left still standing, they are the next target of the anti-West. Jews, who we all know are majority leftists, in turn are conflicted about this situation. But not in Israel and not in the Zionist movement. There, they know where they stand, it’s with the West, it’s with other settler colonial countries, and against the anti-West even those who are Jews.
So, it’s not like the Zionists weren’t open to working with the American White Nationalist Dissident Rightists. The many such similar movements in Europe are themselves often descended of exiles from the White settler colonies wiped out in the 20th century. For example, Le Pen’s National Rally, Wilders Dutch Party, etc. So, the Zionists and these parties have joined in obvious collaboration of mutual interests against the Leftist mud people. In turn, they’ve very successfully broke up the hegemony of the Euro-Left. They were open to repeating this venture in America.
Indeed, the Zionists were so willing to collaborate, that Rep Eli Crane, whose office is completely staffed with AIPAC, made overtures to a Nick Fuentes aligned group to speak after someone made a request to his office. But, typical with the Mexican faggot, the whole event was a set up to embarrass Crane and he pulled out at the last minute when made aware. Still, the fact this was possible in the minds of an elected Republican Representative whose staff is totally AIPAC at the highest levels showed a potential. Sadly, the American White Nationalist Dissident Right went full retard and followed the Gay Mexican into irrelevancy by siding with Hamas because Duh, Jews.
A clear intersection of events from the anti-Southern bigot and Gay Papist Inquisitor Nick Fuentes meeting with Texas Republicans, the Gay Mexican issuing a fatwa of Holy War against Israel, the arrival in the US of the anti-Prod Catholic supremacist and IRA symp and anti-Semite Keith Woods meeting with the Dissident Roght, the Hamas neo-Comanche raid on Israel, and the outbreak of pro-Hamas mudslides rioting across America, presented a clear opportunity for the American White Nationalist Dissident Right: Side with the Southern GOPers, the Zionists, and a broad Western Colonial Settlerism against 3rd Worldism and Moslem terror raids or side with the Papists, Gay Mexicans, IRA symps, and mud people cuz Duh Jews. We know which side you all took.
Now, I get to hear non stop from RINO Republicans about how we have an anti-semetism problem. Hear about Southern Republicans not standing with heritage cuz Gay Mexican but with Israel. About how we must stand with Israel but not the Confederacy, not the Slave owner Founders, not our heritage, not nationalism. But to stand with Duh Jews. Loads of bills about poor Israel and poor Jews. But none about poor Southerners, none about poor Christians. Why? Because all of that was associated with the stupid gay Mexican and the American White Nationalist Dissident Right decided to follow his lame talking points. Well done. You’ve all set back the movement for another 10 years. 10 years we don’t have, because you all had to make it about “Duh, Jews.” Enjoy talking about the non-stop bills about “Duh, Jews,” it’s all you got now.
I see our resident Hasbara is back to completely retarded argumentation again. Fuentes is known around here as the faggot who runs the “catboy ranch”. He’s just another fake-and-gay deep-state sponsored op with few actual followers. Gay Papist Inquisitor is not bad description though, as he’d likely fit in nicely with Argentine Pedo-Pope and the lavender mafia running the clown-show in Vatican City. Your red-herring reeks of gefeltefisch nonetheless, Schlomo.
> So, it’s not like the Zionists weren’t open to working with the American White Nationalist Dissident Rightists. The many such similar movements in Europe are themselves often descended of exiles from the White settler colonies wiped out in the 20th century. For example, Le Pen’s National Rally, Wilders Dutch Party, etc. So, the Zionists and these parties have joined in obvious collaboration of mutual interests against the Leftist mud people. In turn, they’ve very successfully broke up the hegemony of the Euro-Left. They were open to repeating this venture in America.
Zionists are Jewish supremacists, not nationalists. Their doctrine comes from the Talmud (the Jew holy book), which describes all non-Jews as subhuman ‘cattle’. LePen and Wilders are both controlled opposition just like Meloni in Italy – whose promise to stop the Cudhove-Kalergi genocide great replacement was a total lie (just like Trump’s was). Two Israeli MP’s have demanded that the Palestinians they’re displacing be resettled here in Murika – further disproving your retarded notions of any mutual interests between them and European nationalists. The only way Zionists ‘work with’ nationalists in Europe is to control them just as they do the fake-and-gay opposition (Gay Old Pedos) here in Murika.
> … side with the Southern GOPers, the Zionists, and a broad Western Colonial Settlerism against 3rd Worldism and Moslem terror raids or side with the Papists, Gay Mexicans, IRA symps, and mud people cuz Duh Jews. We know which side you all took.
We’ve not taken any side. How about staying the fuck out of foreign adventures for once? Backed by Jewish money, the mud people et al are imported into every white country. Jews want whites exterminated and their third-world golem will gladly serve as their boots on the ground for this purpose. Both are our enemies. Jews can go to hell – it’s their natural home as Satanists after all. As for this stupid characterization of “duh jews” – most here are aware on some level of the fact that the genocidal bastards could not have gotten so thoroughly in control were it not for a large number of treasonous whites – especially the few remaining white elites and their wannabe step-n-fetchits.
They must really be scraping the bottom of the barrel over there at the hasbara troll farm. Just tossing shit up on the wall to see if it sticks…. Maybe things aren’t going so great for the IDF (and the Darwin-Award nominees form the might Murikan woke military) as the gaslight media says. As more things come out, it’s increasingly apparent that Hamas was allowed to invade Israel. Probably Netanyahu making a desperate attempt to avoid getting run out of office by his fellow spiders in the kosher pickle-jar.
ADL Zionist Bro, the good news for your people is that the movement is over. It went all in on opposing vaccines instead of ending immigration during a health emergency. It had its moment and flinched. America’s future will have a white minority—end of story. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Nick Fuentes are the future. (WTF, I like Hispanics now.)
The bad news for your people is that non-white voters, young voters, educated voters, and secular voters don’t support Jewish nationalism. By huge margins. To make things worse, ethnic cleansing is permanently undermining Jewish prestige, a moral stain that you cannot escape. If you try to lecture anyone on anything, even hate speech, people will laugh in your face. Cracking down on Nazi losers living in their parents’ basements will make you feel better, but it doesn’t change these fundamental and accelerating trends. No soup for you! Next!
Sooner than you think, all honest Americans, both nationalist and cosmopolitan, will have attitudes on this issue aligned with the global consensus and will have nothing to do with the wicked, bloodthirsty, religious fundamentalist nutjobs in the place that is temporarily called Israel. If we’re going to arm anyone, arm the Palestinians so they can defend themselves from those deranged psychos and get their homes back. With the internet, there is no hiding what’s going on.
In about a decade, a majority of the Boomers will be dead; that’s when things will begin to change fast. We’re teaching the establishment a lesson by taking down Biden over the Israel issue. The upside is that there will never be a Zionist Democrat president again when Season 2 of Zion Don’s MAGA Circus ends in 2029.
So get lost. We’re not doing your dirty work. We’re looking after ourselves now. If you’re seeking fresh recruits for another Dubya-inspired neo-Cohen crusade against “mud” people, go to a nursing home.
“One such interest is the Zionist Lobby. Another interest is the anti-Zionist lobby.”
bwahahahahahaha. Rising antisemitism is a result of the Jews “crossing the Rubicon” with respect to their actions. And the US Congress doesn’t care about the “anti-Zionist lobby.” Or, it should go without saying, the US Constitution. (which protects our right to speak against the actions of Jews) They follow orders of their masters, the Jews.
Fuckin A. @Aryan Globalist Bro.
I thought I could pen a screed, but thats a masterpiece. Needs moar commas!
Overall I agree.
I am, however, skeptical about detente with Zionists (but would like to know more), but I see the angle and it makes alot more sense than donning sackloth and ashes and flagellating ourselves whilst digesting infinite pictures of dead brown people to prove our worthiness as allies to the left, which wants to eradicate us, only to spite the jews.
It also disturbes me that all of a sudden the entire dissident right is suddenly in lockstep, with Andrew Anglin and Nick Fuentes still the most visible characters, yet known to be anything but good faith actors. Add to this the Unz review declaring support specifically for Hamas (not palestine) and I smell feds.
When you take the above in the context of Hunters new hobby horse of counting congress’ bills about antisemitism, i think we are getting walked under the guns and set up for another gayop/crackdown ala cville and J6th.
I don’t plan to be labeled a hamas supporter and gulaged because of dead brown people.
Nb4 they break out the tiki torches to march at harvard with antifa and the pro palestinians. I hard disavow the direction of this.
There isn’t any hobby horse.
This is actually just all that is going on right now
It is all thats going on. Both parties and the entire federal apparatus and media are gearing up to support unconditionally not israel, but the jewish regime, Zog, and its claim on power here in the face of the biggest challenge they’ve seen to that authority.
Do you really think now is a good time for us to declare support for Hamas, and dare the wrath of this beast at a time and in a way in which we are GUARANTEED to have no political support? At the EXACT moment we are most likely to generate for them a unity of purpose they currently don’t enjoy?
Step back from all the dead brown kid porn, to the thousand foot view. Remember all the lawfare and grief that followed Cville. Think of all the lawfare and political persecution that has followed J6 and the people that are gonna spend their lives in prison for it.
Nobody will give a shit if we join them.
Or, we can just shut up and let it play out and hope for a high score, while we enjoy some much needed reconciliation with the White working class that is quickly losing patience with the regime, and now sees pretty much everything the way we did 5 years ago.
The comfy path never looked so good. The jews sold the JQ for us, and we don’t have to wear the issue like an albatross anymore.
1.) I don’t know what you are talking about. I haven’t said anything about “supporting Hamas.”
2.) Around half the country is opposed to the war in Israel for obvious reasons. There is no need to keep posting videos of dead kids. The novelty of it wore off a month ago.
3. The GOP hasn’t stopped sucking off Israel since it all began and have gone to comical lengths to pass nearly a dozen bills about Jews / antisemitism since Mike Johnson took over in the House.
4. Finally, I am sure most people here are repulsed and alienated about it. I haven’t even checked to see what people like Andrew Anglin are saying. I don’t even know what domain he is using now.
It is sickening on a moral level. It is toxic on a political level. It is the only thing going on in the news.
How is criticizing Israel’s lawless actions or advocating a ceasefire “declaring our support for Hamas”? Hell, inasmuch as their fellow Sunni Muslims in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the Gulf States can’t be bothered to even take the now-homeless civilian populace of Gaza – much less actually send armies to fight the IDF – why would anyone except Muslims even consider actually supporting Hamas? ZOG has redefined any criticism of jews – even mass slaughter of gentile civilians – as “declaring support for Hamas”. You accept our enemy’s definitions now?
Israel got caught with its pants down and the majority of the 1200 killed by Hamas on October 7 were IDF or well-armed local militias. Tough shit. Soldiers die in wars. To make matters worse, IDF carried out their barbaric ‘Hannibal Doctrine’ – killing their own people held hostage – along with indiscriminate slaughter of civilians in Gaza. Now they’re busy using an AI program named ‘Gospel’ to target even more Gaza civilians. Hamas appear to be the ones who behaved more or less professionally, which is admittedly a new behavior on their part. The old adage ‘One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom-fighter’ certainly holds true in this case. BTW, the new “anti-semitic” phrase “from the river to the sea” is also used by Zionists to mean that ‘greater Israel’ should stretch from the (Euphrates) river to the Mediterranean. With Hamas it means from the (Jordan) river to the sea.
It’s not a matter of supporting one side or another as those in the USA (except paper Americans) have no lizard in this fight. That’s not what the regime in Sodom-on-Potomac does though. They’re all in for Israel because the lot of them are whores – and cheap whores at that. The jews demanding we abolish the first amendment are very same ones demanding our borders remain open to an ongoing invasion. To paraphrase Bismarck, neither “Our Greatest Ally” or Hamas is worth the bones of a single marine – or one cent of military aid. The only non-shitlibs marching are likely fed assets like Fuentes (surprise, surprise). Anglin is just doing his longtime schtick of cursing at jews for their endless lies and wickedness. He’s not content to understand that it’s their nature. He would be better off just reading Martin Luther’s little book. Satan’s spawn are going to obey their “god”. His spawn isn’t limited to jews either.
Zionists are never going to side with white gentiles. Yoram Harzony and his crew made some gatekeeping efforts to herd nascent resistance movements in their direction and away from actually resisting the empire who enslaves them. As for Victor Orban (who makes nice with Zionists), please note that he’s not pulled Hungary out of either the EUSSR or NATO. His country is therefore not truly a sovereign state – just another slave okrug who’s being allowed to appear independent for now. The Imperial Woke legion also has a base there.
Let’s assume that everything you’ve said is true about your background conference discussions at GOP central. Does it make any difference what a few fringe characters said? The reaction of the political establishment like this was entirely utterly predictable. Briefly, the boot (BLM ADL etc etc) was lifted from their collective necks and in relief they dropped their pants and bent over. More donations to campaigns and if they say the right thing, good press. Good for these individuals and their cronies. Bad for all others in the long run.
Sorry globalist bro, I couldn’t understand all that jew love cuz you still have netanyahu’s matza balls in your mouth
It appears that you only care about the advancement of your own narrow ethnic group (Southern Whites?) and you believe Whites (like me) who do express concern for the lives of the “brown” people being genocided are bringing down the wrath of the powerful genociders (is that a word?) upon Whites, when these Whites could have allied with the powerful genociders and gotten ahead.
But many Whites are already allied with the genociders, and we will see whether that helps them get ahead in the end, or whether their support merely increases the power of the genociders.
Furthermore the genocide is really YOUR crime, if you are a U.S. citizen. The U.S. is the one doing it through its colonial proxy, so YOU are doing it, and you can’t ignore it, deny it, sweep it under a rug. Whites are 100% responsible (guilty), especially if you are silent about it, or even worse, actively support it. Many Jews in the U.S. both liberal and orthodox are protesting against it, even at the risk of their jobs, fines and prison, while most Whites are acquiescing or supporting it just so they can get ahead.
It is like the story of the good Samaritan in reverse. Some good Jew is so concerned for the life of the dying “Samaritan” (Palestinian people) that he goes out of his way and saves the Samaritan at his own expense, while a “wise,” pragmatic White nationalist ignores the plight of the Samaritan, to protect his career.
We shall see whether your pragmatic amoral (I say: immoral) approach to “White racial advancement” works out in the end. Ethnocentrism is natural but selfishness is sin. “He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” It is our duty and it should also be our joy to stand in the gap and stop war, and bring peace on earth.
@merthyr rising
Its high faggotry to accept responsibility for something an empire does against your consent, as our entire foreign policy has been for a generation. Feel free to don your sack cloth and ashes and beg brown people for forgiveness. You won’t be the only white cuck on their knees, so you’ll have plenty of company.
And yeah, I only see eye to eye with my own people, Southern Whites, and can’t really spare the fux for anybody else. Half the reason we are in this civilizational mess is losing sight of the fact that the English fought two wars to destroy us, the french are fags, germans only care about themselves etc… even here. Yankee North Easterners still largely rule the roost and have since the south was occupied. I won’t waste effort on them. They rule without my consent.
There are enough Southern White problems to deal with.
“Finally, I am sure most people here are repulsed and alienated about it. I haven’t even checked to see what people like Andrew Anglin are saying. I don’t even know what domain he is using now.”
We are all repulsed and alienated by it and there is now nothing else being written about anywhere in dissident space, even here.
Everyone has been in lockstep on it since day one of Hamas initial attack.
Spontaneous universal concensus…. within a group that has done nothing but infight since 2017. It glows in the dark. I pay attention to what people like Anglin (whose content is of course always on Unz) are saying, like Unz Review (who has platformed articles expressing explicit support for Hamas, a terrorist organization designated as such by the federal government), because they are known jewish operations LARPing as White dissidents.
In the specific context of congress now completely going all in against antisemitism, moving to reauthorize FISA 702 which they use to spy on domestic terrorist threats….. us in other words, my head is on a swivel and I smell a gayop.
Couldn’t pick a worse time to crusade for the JQ in the public space. Yet everyone is all in on this…. Why. There is no upside to being associated with this.
The reason for focusing on the JQ now is because what’s happening now is the most blatant exercise of raw power the small hats have ever done in the US. It isn’t possible to ignore it, so even normies are starting to wonder where it all came from. In other words, people are looking for answers. In other words, questions about Jewish power and their abuses of it are going mainstream. When normie goes searching for an explanation, he can either find the Left’s “white settler colonialism” narrative, or he can find the Right’s “ZOG” narrative. Which one would you rather he go with? Rhetorical question, obviously.
But no, let’s not talk about issues that are timely and relevant to people, and which could advance strategic objectives. Let’s burrow into our blankets and hope the monsters under the bed don’t come get us.
The Jews have been torturing and abusing the Palestinians since 1948. The Palestinians fight back and the Jews are in shock?
Secede now!
(And don’t bring any of these sold out politicians with you.)
May God Save the South!
“This is the only thing that they are doing”:
It is like a paralysis. There is nothing else they can do until new orders filter down to them from the real rulers of the empire. The rulers might be busy thinking, thinking now, about what to do to unruly Russia, and China, and to Iran that still hasn’t taken the Gaza bait.
Here are some things that the U.sury S.ystem’s House of Non-representatives will certainly NOT vote to condemn:
All private for-profit insurance (including the “health” insurance industry); all private profit banking, loans at interest, and other financial usury; the entire real estate sales industry and private ownership of multiple homes and large tracts of land; all lotteries, sweepstakes and other forms of gambling; selling deliberately-designed shoddy, overly-complicated products with special parts and planned obsolescence; for-profit medical drug industry; corporate agribusiness; the alcoholic drink industry; all pornography and public nudity; AIPAC; imperialism; all kinds of monopoly….
The Western world has for the first time in over a century begun to go mainstream about questioning Jewish and Zionist influence in government, academia, ruling classes, entertainment, and the corporate world. This resolution is an act of desperation, a reaction to the mainstream questioning and rebelling against Jewish power and influence in Western society.
Two decades ago, it was impossible to publicly question Jewish and Zionist influence in society, now it is mainstream. You can see how desperate the Zionist Jews are, they are running around claiming everyone is calling for genocide and violence against Jews when that is not the case at all. People are just saying enough is enough, we’re tired of Jews in charge and we want to govern ourselves.
People like to criticize the Alt Right / America First movement, but if it wasn’t for the Alt Right, none of this would have happened. The Alt Right paved the way for what we see today which is open mainstream questioning and defiance of Jewish hegemony and power. The entire world has turned against Zionist Jews and their genocide against the Palestinians.
I’ve never seen Zionist Jews so desperate, for the past decade Jews have been silent about anti-White propaganda and pushing anti-White hatred across the mainstream and now all of a sudden expect Whites to back them up when counter-semetism rises. Tough cookies. Free Palestine.
> I’ve never seen Zionist Jews so desperate, for the past decade Jews have been silent about anti-White propaganda and pushing anti-White hatred across the mainstream and now all of a sudden expect Whites to back them up when counter-semitism rises. Tough cookies. Free Palestine.
All this flurry of the jewligarchs brazenly forcing their various dancing-monkeys to fellate them in the open reeks of desperation. They continue to push the anti-white hatred naturally. Not even a slight let-up on that one. Look at their Irish puppet state, passing ever more stringent “hate-crime” laws because they expressed outrage at the crimes of one of their darling imports. If one of the natives objects to some invader knifing their kids, the police will arrest them (this already happened across the Irish Sea in Rotherham when a father of one of the groomed girls was arrested). It’s coming here too. No doubt their step-n-fetchit Mikey Johnson will shepherd the legislation through the Ho-House.
It feels good to be your own man, with your own opinions, your own thoughts and your own ideas about what is right and what is wrong and nobody can tell you how or what to think. It is freedom, and if you do not like what me or my Palestinian loving countrymen have to say, you can go straight to hell. Nobody ever died from words, spoken or written, ever. And I am telling you, the Irish hate your right to freedom of speech as much or more than the Jews do……and you can throw in a few obnoxious guineas too. They are all just like us don’t you know……no they are not, they do not respect the rights of their own countrymen……the lies are all ending…….and the truth is there for all to see…..and it is beautiful too see.
Yeah Yeah Yeah
SOS different day
Lol – “Muh Massacre Of Oct 07th” and “…the Hamas neo-Commanche raid on Israel” – that’s some top-tier shitposting, Hymie. Have you considered applying as a writer for The Greg Gutfeld Show?
Today (December 6) is the feast day of St. Nicholas of Myra. As Barnhardt likes to remind us, Nicholas was no wimpy-assed character (as portrayed in the modern degenerate West). He liked to give gifts to little kids and punch heretics. I expect he’d know exactly what to do with the groveling heretics like Rev. Hagee who clutch their Scofield bibles and worship Talmudic Satanists at every opportunity. His opening phrase to Hagee or Bergoglio would be something along the lines of … I’m here to gift gifts to little kids and punch the lights out of heretics, and I’m all out of presents.
Make Santa Claus great again!
Tom Massie is the man. When our New Nation is born, remember Tom Massie. He stood alone against them.
See Article III sec 3 of both the subordinate law’s under the Articles of Confederation of, by and for the several sovereign Republic’s of Dixie and the U.S.
Aryan Globalist Bro
Please re read our/my blog “ the false dilemma “ .
Also look up Martin Luther and “ Dad’s” prediction that the establishment of a J ethno state in Palestine wouldn’t solve the JQ in Europe /the White West .
Looo what IDF veteran , son of Irgun terrorist Rahm Emanuel did , does . Rahm is now the USA ambassador to japan! But Rahm flew back this month to metro chicago – apparently he has family land in Michigan where he/they claim were victims of anti semitic RACISM ( implied it was us not Muslims who did it , probably self inflicted )
You can have a drinking game to this dipshit’s screed. Take a shot (preferably with some Johnnie Walker Black Label) everytime he says “duh jews” and “white nationalist dissident right”, whatever that is. Throw in “gay Mexican” if you really want to get hammered.
You have to admit that “Gay Papist Inquisitor” isn’t a bad term for Fuentes. It’s not like it’s an insult to any trad Catholics, who would likely burn him at the stake. Schlomo actually came up with a useful term there. Even so, AGB’s obsession with the Gay Papist Inquisitor makes me wonder about the hasbara boy’s own preferences. As for the chosenites, never forget that according to their Holy Talmud, Jeffrey Epstein was a righteous jew, as was Jimmy Saville over on Cuck Island.
To be honest my friend I know little of Fuentes other than his and his accomplices money sucking grift. Calling him a “Gay Papist Inquisitor” is more credit than he deserves. He rode in on alex sellout jone’s media as far I know, he’s definitely born in affluence, which isn’t wrong or bad per se but he wouldn’t last long in my reality. To me, he’s irrelevant, and that this queer tries to use him as a some kind of influence in “the movement”, whatever that is, cracks me the hell up.
“As for the chosenites, never forget that according to their Holy Talmud, Jeffrey Epstein was a righteous jew, as was Jimmy Saville over on Cuck Island”. You got that right. Oh by the way the Talmud was/is Babylonian in origin, weird that.