UPDATE: The removal is on hold for now.
I’m fine with this.
I have always been against reconciliation.
I think it is a good thing that Southern identity is being decoupled from the American Empire. I don’t want Southerners identifying with American patriotism or feeling invested in the U.S. military. It is better for the people who rule us to take the mask off and let us see what they are about.
A Confederate Monument in Arlington National Cemetery is expected to be removed this week as part of a national effort to remove confederate symbols from military-related spaces.
In a news release, Arlington Cemetery said safety fencing has been installed around the memorial and officials expect removal to be done by Friday. The landscape, graves and headstones surrounding the memorial will be protected while the monument is taken down.
Clyde said the monument, “does not honor nor commemorate the Confederacy; the memorial commemorates reconciliation and national unity.” …
The practical result of reconciliation in the early 20th century was the development of the military industrial complex and generations of Southerners serving as cannon fodder in wars for the spread of global liberalism. It has been ruinous for us in countless ways.
What is “Southern identity” exactly?
Southern identity as HW wants it, means “us and only us. Y’all are foreigners.“ It’s the narrowest form of ethnocentric isolationism. I am more than willing to restore the union, as long as we restore it on the principles it was founded on, before Lincoln.- A White Christian ethnostate. We are too small a nation if we’re just 10 or 11 states -where Bubbas and NASCAR racing, sweet tea and pimento cheese sandwiches are the only cultural standards.
People that think “white” is a race. I find Confederatards tiring personally. I identify much more with Europe but I’m a northerner. Nothing against Brad I think he is a great guy.
Gerbil ” I find confederatards tiring personally ” That would be ‘ CONFEDERADO’S “, DIPSHIT, believe you me, we are just as tired of you people too, matter of fact, so tired, we want to divorce ourselves of you people, for ever, you get that, you can take your self to Europe, play over there, we don’t need you around, you don’t see or hear us going on northern sites, insulting you or your kind, you probably aren’t even a YANKEE, just some HYPHONATED ETHNIC WHITE, EUROPE the B team, you belong there, I can’t see where you or your kind is doing the north any good, and since you come across as a pretentious smart ass, I will give it to you straight, you are not good enough for the SOUTH …..
We were never really reconciled with the Yankees and never reconstructed by them either.
“Reconstruction” was really “Subjugation” as the Yankee Empire continued to go after Southern Whites after the fighting stopped….
South Carolina’s Legislature in The Birth of a Nation
The South needs its own country to protect is own history and heritage which now seems to be in the hands of South haters from Nikki Haley through those committing the latest acts of cultural genocide against us.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
Please do not send any more of your obsolete farm equipment up here.
I do believe history will show that it was the Yankee shipping that made their huge profits “importing” this equipment in the first place and then the Yankees got out of the business took their profits and washed their hands of the whole affair.
I guess one could say it is a return to sender situation which happens every day along with the hundreds/thousands of invaders coming across our borders. Please try to keep up and sort ’em all out. Thanks for your continued cooperation in this current unpleasantness. Have a nice day.
Just sayin’.
“Southerners serving as cannon fodder ”
make no mistake, many outside the South are sympathetic to their tradition.
(Southern California was strongly in agreement with the South. When Lincoln was assassinated they had a week long celebration, until federal troops suppressed them.)
The divide in our times isn’t North vs. South anymore. It is modernist vs. traditionalist. Traditionalists value blood ties.
By nature, race is the true division among people.
We have the mISfortune that many WHITES are playing pretend and embracing the fantasies of pseudo-marxism.
By blood ties do you mean your kinfolk in Alabama or Whites(N Europeans) as a whole?
Traditionalists value blood ties which are central to their sense of identity. Modernists do not.
Obviously, traditionalists and modernists can be found in the South and all over the world in different proportions. There are more modernists in the big cities and traditionalists in small towns and rural areas.
I am also a traditionalist in that sense. It is the natural, default position of human nature, and it is not the same as being conservative. For conservatives, “something” is thicker than blood.
Agreed. In the end, “conservatives” have conserved nothing of true value. Perhaps they will learn when the USD collapses and society becomes more and more undependable. I’m not sure what will be left by then, though.
‘modernist’ that is such an oxymoron, when it is really a reversion to the most primitive debauchery.
Yep, call things by their opposite true meaning, really fool the goy.
True modernism would be embracing eugenics and racial hygiene as our ancestors had started. Add in a high level of social care, as the Scandinavians have, FOR THEIR OWN PEOPLE !
I understand your point but i still think that this is a nonsense………. a revenge out of time. Lefstists are simply insane.
Yes, their brains are different. It has been proven.
Reconciliation Monument To Be Removed At Arlington National Cemetery
It’s disheartening to hear about the removal of the Reconciliation Monument at Arlington National Cemetery.
You just can not have coons and crackers uniting against the Jews. It is just not kosher. There is a shared morality among human beings and it is horrified by the heartless cruelty of the Jews.
You know, I was remembering an AR article by a public school teacher’s experience with black students. He wrote how “there’s only one type of black” how they are all the same, not having jocks, nerds, skaters, preppies, burnouts, valley girls, gearheads, etc as you found in the rich tapestry of GenX high school in the John Hughes era. They don’t just listen to the same genre of music, they all listen to the exact same songs. Well, like clockwork over the last month or two all the blacks at work started constantly using some new ghetto term that I haven’t quite figured out what it means. They are calling everyone “fam” right now, I never heard this term before around blacks so it must be from some recent black pop culture that’s big right now. I had the misfortune of a ghetto black roommate first year in college when I trusted the University to assign a roommate. This was the early 90s and I never, ever heard the term “baby mama” back then, yet in the 2000s it’s ubiquitous among them. And if I may add, one of the foulest, low class, vile terms out there that should banish one from polite society more surely than that public spanking Ryan O’Neal gave his bratty stepson in Barry Lyndon. Who said they are so creative? A few blues and gospel albums not withstanding, they are very dull, uncreative herd creatures. No wonder they never even invented the wheel.
In case anybody here didn’t know, at least part of Arlington Cemetery is on General Lee’s property that was simply stolen without formality.
> The practical result of reconciliation in the early 20th century was the development of the military industrial complex and generations of Southerners serving as cannon fodder in wars for the spread of global liberalism. It has been ruinous for us in countless ways.
I can’t argue with this. The monument was designed by a Jewish homosexual who served in the Confederate army, as you likely know already. It’s removal will serve to piss off more Southern white men who will at least start to re-think signing up to go and fight wars for jews. Let them fill the ranks with the denizens of their free-shit army and let’s see how they fare against a battle-hardened outfit like Hezbollah. Once the draft is brought back it will be interesting to see if there’s any resistance from whites.
My compliment’s too, the host of this site, for more excellent work, I totally agree, with his commentary, My thanks to the northern BASTARDS, for bringing clarity to their intentions and publically removing, this fake VISAGE, of a reconciliation, that never actually happened, good, we all know where we stand and kind FATHER in HEAVEN thank you for the blessing of a SOUTHERN IDENTITY…………
I can guarantee that it was The Usual Suspects who were behind this latest escapade of historical vandalism. The vast majority of White people in the north don’t want these memorials, any of them, destroyed and bear no animosity towards the South. This is just The Usual Suspects stirring up trouble again, and very effectively, too.
Just on a practical level this is self-defeating. Our Greatest Ally is going to demand the U.S. military join their fight against Hezbollah, sooner or later. Normally the military would be overrepresented by a wide margin from the South but with all this cultural warfare against the South, the volunteers aren’t there now.
It looks like the military is going to have to get along with a force that ” . . . actually looks like America” as that loathsome scumbag, Kevin McCarthy, former Republican Speaker of the House described the Democrat Party approvingly at Oxford University.
Good luck with that. Perhaps the U.S. Government will be more successful with its diverse military having guys named Ahmed or Mohammed with their fingers on the trigger. I’m sure Laqueesha and Shitavious will work out well too manning Patriot batteries.
As I recall, the phrase “actually looks like America” was first used by the loathsome POS McCarthy was originally used by Beelzebubba, Llord Hee-Haw of Arkansas – whose portrait in a stained blue dress and red high-heels really should be hanging in the Capitol Rotunduh. Maybe Kev’s new lobbyist employers can shell out for a nice blue dress for the exemplary member of the Gay Old Politboro.
Had the Confederacy won Rhodesia and White ruled South Africa would be here to this very day!
You can thank H Kissinger for both disasters.
I won’t disagree, but their mother country, Perfidious Albion, certainly did them no favors, either.
“Reconciliation Monument To Be Removed At Arlington National Cemetery”
To be replaced by a Monument of two Queers having Fudging – Sex at the National Capitol. Becausing you know that is very Reconciliating.
Hunter, I agree with you 100%. I felt similarly about renaming the military bases. I”m glad Confederate names were removed. It was dishonoring for men like Lee and Hill and Pickett to have their names on posts operated by a government that detests Southerners, dishonors women, and celebrates sexual deviants.
Deo Vindice
I agree with our host about this, way too many guys from the middle of the country have been sent off to fight in wars that are started by a government we seem to have little say so about. They don’t represent us, and I feel little or no patriotism for their crap government or their shit war flag.
UNC Chapel Hill’s Confederate Monument known as Silent Sam (sorta long)
(The invasion of the Yankees — they actually set up a camp at UNC in 1865 — was bad in the 1860s but the invasion of non-Whites and pro-Communists around 1965 was even worse and led to the tearing down of Silent Sam and basically UNC’s southern history and heritage.)
June 1, 1908
The Board of Trustees approves a request from the North Carolina chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) to erect a Confederate monument on the UNC campus. The UDC requested the construction of “a handsome and suitable monument on the grounds of our State University, in memory of the Chapel Hill boys, who left college, 1861-1865 and joined our Southern Army in defense of our State.” [From the minutes of the Board of Trustees (#40001), Volume 11, page 177, University Archives]
UNC President Francis Venable and Annie Hill Kenan of the UDC decide to build a statue, rather than a memorial archway, as was initally suggested. Venable expresses hope that it will be finished in time to be dedicated at the 1911 commencement.
Sculptor John Wilson begins designing Silent Sam, using sixteen-year-old Bostonian Harold Langlois as a model for the statue. Later that year, President Venable calls for work to be stopped on the monument as funds are raised. He specifies that the UDC will pay one-third of the total cost and alumni donors will pay the remaining two-thirds. Venable says that the University itself will not pay for the memorial, but he is actively involved in raising money, sending letters to prominent alumni asking for their support for the memorial.
Work resumes on the monument after Wilson completes the Daniel A. Bean statue in Brownfield, Maine.
Wilson completes the casting of the statue for the monument.
June 2, 1913
The monument is dedicated on commencement day. The unveiling features speeches by Governor Locke Craig and Julian Shakespeare Carr, a Confederate veteran, local industrialist, and trustee of the University. In his speech, Carr lauds the Confederate army’s “sav[ing] the very life of the Anglo Saxon race in the South” and recalls “horse-whipp[ing] a negro wench until her skirts hung in shreds” for insulting a white woman on Franklin Street.
(notice the authors of this timeline couldn’t resist going after Whites early on.)
(skip forward)
May 23, 1940
Students opposed to the United States becoming involved in World War II hold a peace rally in Memorial Hall and plant white crosses around Silent Sam. During the rally, students who support American entry into the war throw eggs and rotten vegetables onto the stage during an anti-war skit. UNC president Frank Porter Graham intervenes, quelling the conflict temporarily. The same evening, students burn the crosses around Silent Sam.
November 3, 1942
The Daily Tar Heel reports that the statue faces the threat of being scrapped for the war effort, but remains standing.
(skip forward)
March, 1965
A letter to the editors of the Daily Tar Heel by Al Ribak, titled “Silent Sam Should Leave,” sparks discussion in the newspaper about the monument’s meaning and history, whether it is a racist symbol, and whether it should be removed from campus.
May 18, 1967
Poet John Beecher, a descendant of author and abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe, “debates” Silent Sam by reading to the statue from his book of poetry To Live and Die in Dixie.
Silent Sam with graffiti, April 8, 1968
April 8, 1968
Silent Sam is splashed with paint and tagged with graffiti as demonstrations erupt around the country following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The next day, student volunteers scrub the statue and decorate it with small Confederate flags. They are asked to remove the flags and do so.
February 7, 1969
A rally, organized by the Southern Student Organizing Committee (SSOC), in support of the Demands of the Black Student Movement is held in Memorial Hall. Signs supporting the demands are placed on Silent Sam.
November 19, 1971
The Black Student Movement and the the Afro-American Society of Chapel Hill High School hold a gathering and protest at Silent Sam in memory of James Cates, a young black man murdered in the Pit by members of a white motorcycle gang on November 20, 1970, and William Murphy, a black man shot and killed by a highway patrolman in Ayden, N.C. on August 6, 1971.
The Black Student Movement holds a march in memory of James Cates, starting at Silent Sam.
September-October 1973
Students discuss the meaning of Silent Sam in letters to the Daily Tar Heel. The discussion is prompted by a student’s letter criticizing the inclusion of photos of Silent Sam in the Yackety Yack.
March, 1981
Silent Sam is vandalized by students during the NCAA Finals.
April, 1986
The statue is temporarily removed from the monument and shipped to Cincinnati for professional cleaning and restoration, which costs $8,600. Bronze specialists Eleftherios and Mercene Karkadoulias repaired cracks, removed green oxidation, and gave the statue a protective wax coating. The refreshed statue is put back in place six months later.
October, 1990
In letters to the Daily Tar Heel, students discuss the meaning of Silent Sam in the context of the controversy over the recently-installed sculpture “The Student Body.”
January 19, 1991
A group of about 25 people gathered near the Confederate Monument for a “Support the Troops” in support of President George H.W. Bush and the Gulf War. Organizer Alan Martin told the Daily Tar Heel the location was chosen because “Silent Sam is dedicated to UNC soldiers who went to war when their country called. Most people now agree the reason the country was called was not necessarily right, and the same may be true today. the leaders might not be right, but a big issue with me is that I support the soldiers.” [From the Daily Tar Heel, 22 January 1991]
May 1, 1992
During the L.A. Riots, UNC students hold a discussion at the Sonja Haynes Stone Black Cultural Center, then located in the Student Union. After the event, students march to Silent Sam, led by Black Student Movement President Michelle Thomas. Chancellor Paul Hardin speaks to the group gathered at Silent Sam.
January 20, 1997
A Martin Luther King Day march ends in a demonstration at Silent Sam. The demonstration focuses on issues facing UNC housekeepers.
April, 2003
A letter to the Daily Tar Heel by Dr. Gerald Horne comparing Silent Sam to statues of Saddam Hussein being toppled in Iraq prompts discussion of the meaning of Silent Sam and whether it should be removed from campus.
October 14, 2003
The Dialectic and Philanthropic Joint Senate debates the topic “Silent Sam: A Symbol of History or Racism?” as part of Race Relations Week, sponsored by Campus Y’s Students for the Advancement of Race Relations. The debate is discussed in letters to the Daily Tar Heel in the following days.
August 7, 2011
Community organization The Real Silent Sam is founded. Its mission is “to create honest public dialogue and provoke critical thought surrounding the monuments and buildings in Chapel Hill and Carrboro” and “to ensure that we acknowledge our wrongs to gain the perspective necessary to collectively build a more just future.”
September, 2011
The Real Silent Sam Movement holds a demonstration at Silent Sam, including the unveiling of a mock plaque on the monument’s side explaining its racist history.
January 22, 2013
In recognition of Silent Sam’s centennial and the launch of Commemorative Landscapes of North Carolina, Wilson Library hosts a lecture by history professor Fitz Brundage and doctoral student Adam Domby about the monument’s history. Records and photos related to the history of Silent Sam are displayed.
May 29, 2013
The debate over Silent Sam is featured on WUNC radio program The State of Things. Professor Tim McMillan, doctoral student Adam Domby, and activist CJ Suitt are interviewed.
February 9, 2015
The Dialectic and Philanthropic Joint Senate debates whether Silent Sam should be removed. They conclude that it should not be removed.
March 1, 2015
Members of the Department of Anthropology formally express support for the Real Silent Sam Coalition’s demand for Silent Sam to be labelled with a plaque explaining that it commemorates a legacy of white supremacy.
July 5, 2015
The base of the statue is spray-painted with the words “black lives matter,” “KKK,” and “murderer.”
July 23, 2015
In the midst of a nationwide discussion about memorials to the Confederacy, Governor Pat McCrory signs a bill that prohibits towns, universities, and other public agencies from moving or removing “objects of remembrance” without permission from the North Carolina Legislature.
October 12, 2015
On University Day, students and activists hold a “Silence Sam” rally at the statue before marching to Memorial Hall where they interrupt a speech by Chancellor Carol Folt with the chant “Tear it Down or We Shut You Down.”
October 25, 2015
A group called “Alamance County Taking Back Alamance County” holds a rally on campus in support of the Confederate Monument. Many of the group members carried or displayed Confederate battle flags. The group was met by an active counter-protest from students and activists. [Source: Daily Tar Heel, October 26, 2015]
November 19, 2015
A coalition of student activist groups present “A Collective Response to Anti-Blackness,” a list of concerns and demands, to the UNC-Chapel Hill administration, the UNC system, and the North Carolina General Assembly. One of the demands addresses the Confederate Monument: “We DEMAND the removal of the racist Confederate monument Silent Sam and ALL confederate monuments on campuses in the UNC-System.”
December 2, 2015
The UNC Institute for the Arts and Humanities sponsored a hip-hop cypher around Silent Sam to generate an arts-based dialogue on the statue and related issues.
August 2017 to August 2018
The violent demonstration by white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017 brought renewed attention to the presence of Confederate monuments in public spaces. In Durham, protesters pulled down the Confederate monument in front of the county courthouse, raising concerns that something similar would be attempted with UNC’s monument. UNC students and community members held a rally demanding the removal of the Confederate monument. Fliers for the event referred to “Silent Sam’s Last Semester.” Following the UNC rally, students began a sit-in at the statue. In the following months, students and community members continued to protest the presence of the monument, including through boycotts and demonstrations.
The University Archives is actively working to document protests surrounding the Confederate Monument, and you can find materials related to more recent events in our collection of archived websites and the UNC Chapel Hill Ephemera Collection (#40446).
August 20, 2018
The evening before the first day of classes, a large crowd gathered at Peace and Justice Plaza at the post office on Franklin Street for a rally called “Until They All Fall.” The rally was in protest of the Confederate Monument and in support of doctoral student and activist Maya Little, facing honor court charges for an April demonstration in which she poured red paint and her own blood on the monument. After speeches by Little and other activists, the rally moved to the monument. Surrounding the monument with tall banners, protesters created an alternative monument condemning white supremacy and honoring victims of racist violence. Around 9:20 PM, the statue was pulled down from its base.
(So Sam was removed from the UNC campus by radical students. Within about two years the campus was cleared for a little while of these radical students by COVID-19.)
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
Why weren’t the black students at a an HBCU in NC, wouldn’t they have been happier there? Wasn’t that the purpose of the HBCUs, where they wouldn’t have to see ‘Silent Sam’ statues? They could have a statue of the “Rev.” Saint MLK Jr. humping a cheap whore on their campus and one of him plagiarizing his thesis in the library, seems appropriate.
I guess they would have missed their chance to shout down Dr. David Duke so he couldn’t give a speech at UNC-CH which they would not have had the opportunity to do at an HBCU.
David Duke Protest, 1975
Here is the UNC Chapel Hill Black radicals’ description of what happened and their justification for not allowing Dr. David Duke to exercise his right of free speech.
Some of the harsh language these Black radicals shouted out at this event:
“…Who shall survive in America? Very few niggers and no crackers at all.”
Protestors stop speech
by Emma E. Pullen
Associate Editor
Black Ink
Black Student Movement Official Newspaper
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
February, 1975
Volume 6, Number 4
pages 4,8
White protesters carrying signs were marching in front of Memorial Auditorium urging, “Take a stand against the Klan, join us.” Inside a member of the campus police force and an usher directed traffic to the balcony because there were no more seats on the main level.
The occasion was the appearance of David Ernest Duke, national information director of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
On the main level, the audience milled around. Black students lined the walls on either side.
Twenty minutes before Duke was scheduled to speak the doors to the auditorium were locked because the place was full. Determined to get in, several students climbed through windows.
Three white students in Klan robes caused a little excitement before the show.
Comments such as, “I came just to laugh at him” and “he sure has a lot of guts to come here,” could be heard from the audience.
An usher reminded the audience to write any questions that they wish to ask Duke on the white slips of paper that had been issued at the door, adding, “They will be the only questions answered.”
Introducing the speaker, Union Forum Director Jim Conrad informed the audience that Duke is a graduate of Louisiana State University and Grand Dragon of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in that state. According to Conrad, at the time that Duke accepted the post, he was the youngest Grand Dragon in the country and has since spurred his group on to “the fastest growing period in the United States.”
Duke emerged on stage amidst clapping from the seated, mainly white audience and jeering from the Blacks. The clapping stopped, but the jeering continued. Black students sang, “Power to the people. Black, Black Power to the African people. Who shall survive in America? Very few niggers and no crackers at all.”
Arm resting on the podium, Duke patiently waited for the jeering to cease. White students started booing the protestors, asking them to be quiet. After about five minutes, Duke began to mimic the protestors which evoked a loud response from the crowd.
Conrad addressed the crowd, urging the right of free speech. “The Forum has earned the right to present speakers of varying view points,” he said.
A press release issued by the Black Student Movement before the speech explained why the group was opposed to Duke’s appearance.
“The KKK has a long history of brutal lynchings, rapes and castrations of our people that have gone un-reprimanded,” the statement said. “Their systematic terrorist tactics have haunted the Black race for over a century. Black students, the vanguard of the new Black Movement, will not condone or tolerate the resurgence of such reactionary horrors.
“The ultimate outrage is that this man has been allowed to recruit on this campus. The mere sanctioning of the spread of Duke’s decadent philosophy is an unforgivable display of latent racism. Many have construed the argument of objectivity out of proportion. It is such “objectivity” that allows racial oppression even to this date.
“We as Black people feel divinely justified (if not obligated) to repress the rejuvenation of the Klan philosophy at its very on-set.”
Every time Duke approached the microphone, he was drowned out by the protestors.
After ten minutes, Student Body President Marcus Williams came on stage requesting that Duke be allowed to speak.
“I must admit that I feel somewhat ambivalent at this moment,” Williams began. “I ask all of those who are not interested in hearing this speaker to leave with me. The Maryland-State game (which was being televised that night) is more interesting.”
Repeating his request, Williams added, “He and his kind are among you, they will be heard eventually.”
The protestors moved closer to the stage area. Conrad reminded them, “its your student fees.” The speaker was paid $800 for his appearance.
The microphone was turned up full volume. Chaos resulted with the static from the mike and continued jeering from the Black group.
Barely audible was Duke’s “such bigots! They are denying you your rights,” he told the audience.
Giving up, Duke offered, through Conrad, a proposal for a debate with a Black spokesman. The offer was refused.
At this point, Donald Boulton, Dean of Student Affairs, appealed to the
protestors to let the program continue.
Another microphone was brought on stage and the two were moved back from the audience. “I am trying hard to reach you,” Duke yelled over the jeers. “But certain people won’t let me. I may be in the Klan, but I have never seen such bigotry in my life. Good-bye ladies and gentlemen.”
With this he left the stage and Boulton returned to make a final appeal. “Those of you who have exercised your right to express yourself, we ask that you let the program continue,” he said. “This is my final and sincerest request.”
The white audience began chanting, “Let him speak, let the man speak,” and “Whites have rights, too.”
It was announced that Duke had left the auditorium, but the protestors remained until after the podium had been removed and the microphone cables taken up.
— End —
Online link for this article:
Black ink : Black Student Movement, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. ([Chapel Hill, N.C.])
Feb. 1, 1975 edition
In 1963 over a decade before Dr. David Duke came to speak at UNC-CH, the conservatives had slipped a last minute bill into the NC legislature to ban Communist speakers from coming on campus. Well, the university people got mad about it and started trying to get rid of it.
Below is an oral history by one of the lawyers involved in overturning the speaker ban law. He goes into all the political maneuvering used to overturn it.
He reveals some things that are maybe shocking, maybe not. The threat of losing accreditation by the speaker ban law would threaten the football program. Oh, that had to be it! The football god must have been really mad. So decadent white-people-destroying gladiator-spectacle-sport college football saves the day once again.
He also reveals that their final argument had an “Aesop’s Fables” moment as in James Edwards’ case. There was a rule/law that Republicans could not speak on the UNC campus earlier in the 20th century. And so UNC students at that time made a torch march at night to the university president’s house to get him to allow this Republican the right to speak. So therefore the students demand that this speaker ban law be overturned as well.
For all of you out there who are still keeping score another interesting point in this oral history is that after a Communist who they had invited to speak on campus was told to leave by campus security. (He actually moved a few feet off campus onto a sidewalk and spoke to several thousand UNC students who were on the campus.) After this the Communist went to speak at the Hillel (Jewish) in Chapel Hill who wanted him speak about race and Vietnam (he had taken an illegal trip to Vietnam with “Jane Fonda or somebody”).
This is the seventh interview in a nine-part series of interviews with civil liberties lawyer Daniel H. Pollitt. In this interview, Pollitt focuses on the Speaker Ban controversy as it unfolded on the campus of the University of North Carolina during the mid-1960s. According to Pollitt, conservative state legislators enacted the Speaker Ban because they opposed the wave of student activism at the University of North Carolina during the early 1960s. Pollitt explains that he saw it as a campaign of anti-intellectualism. After outlining how the Speaker Ban was passed by the General Assembly on the sly during the last day of the 1963 legislative session, Pollitt explains the reaction of UNC President William Friday and UNC Chancellor William Aycock. Opposition to the Speaker Ban was widespread on campus, and Pollitt, as a member of the American Association of University Professors, bided his time until the next legislative session of 1965 by monitoring the enforcement of the ban and speaking out against it. Pollitt explains that the threat by the Southern Association of Colleges and Universities to repeal accreditation of North Carolina schools provided the impetus for the General Assembly to withdraw the ban in 1965. He describes how the General Assembly nonetheless encouraged the trustees at North Carolina colleges and universities to enact similar regulations on their own. The interview concludes with Pollitt’s discussion of how he participated in putting together a lawsuit to challenge the new regulations and how Herbert Aptheker, an avowed communist, was brought to UNC to provide fodder for the lawsuit. Ultimately, the Ban was ruled “unconstitutionally vague.” Pollitt’s comments in this interview reveal how southern legislators and comparatively liberal universities (UNC in particular) often found themselves at odds during a tumultuous era of social change.
However Socialist monuments are under even greater attack than Confederate ones are.
This week, Western “news” media are ecstatic that a 145 foot tall Socialist historical monument is coming down in Sofia, Bulgaria in spite of popular opposition. The crew doing the dismantling are surrounded by a ring of armed police to stop the people who want to save the monument and had been guarding it for months in a constant vigil. Some of these beautiful, irreplaceable historical monuments are hauled off to special “museums,” and others are simply being demolished. They will not be replaced by anti-socialist monuments, which could never match the artistic skill of the idealistic makers of the destroyed monuments.
“destroy the graven images of the idolaters (gentiles) from their high places.”
Torah mitzvah.
“Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin disagrees with the decision and he plans to move the monument to the New Market Battlefield State Historical Park in the Shenandoah Valley”:
Yes, a special museum. “Move ’em where nobody, or very few, sees ’em.” Maybe this particular Confederate monuments is not worth saving, but it looks like they’re ALL going – to “special museums” or to dumps and metal recycling. History is being hidden and erased, not only on the internet.