There is only 1 day left in 2023 -1 day left to nominate and vote for/against THE worst traitor of the year.
It’s important to designate 1 specific traitor of the year and channel our anger to dox this traitor, personally punish him and his friends, family. This was Saul Alinsky’s (“Rules for Radicals ) #1 point: make the conflict personal
“Treason” in this case racial/cultural treason is not a “misunderstanding; These extremely evil, hateful real flesh and blood enemies and TRAITORS are working day and night to attack our people, replace our people in .. THE GREAT REPLACEMENT.
My nominees for 2023 Traitors of the Year are the R&R brothers – Paul Ryan and Mittens Romney. These two squeeky clean, wholesome White Christian Republicans have fronted for the anti White, Je*/Anglo globalist elite for many years. In addition, they and their families (Mitt’s father George Romney defended the Black criminal 1967-68 rioters that destroyed Detroit, Newark, Chicago) have denied or defended the worst Black A American Communist criminals, rapists, looters even murderers from Rodney King, Michael Brown (“hands up don’t shoot”) to Saint (not”) – “dead by his own narcotics” George Floyd. They were made GOP Presidential and Vice Presidential GOP nominees in 2012 to appeal to Hispanic and other 3rd world, non White migrant, immigrants with supposedly “family values”. But the leaderships of the American Catholic (Paul Ryan) Church and LDS Mormon Church have grown fabulously rich by renouncing their White racist, anti Semitic, anti J Communist past to champion complete open borders mass immigration; they reassure traditional White British American Christians that mass immigration isn’t such a bad thing, it’s supposedly good for America as are all these Neo Conservatives, J Zionist wars for “Freedom and Democracy” against the latest NAZIS ie the Russians, Syrians, Serbians now Palestinian (Christians) in Gaza and soon Iran. Oh, they also point the accusing fingers at us shouting: “THEY’RE RACISTS, FASCISTS, NAZIS – GET THEM”

Paul Ryan as Fox News Board of Director conspired with the worst ADL, AIPAC, Chuck Schumer New Yawk Js and the Military Industrial Complex to purge Tucker Carlson and defame us. Paul Ryan fronted for David Frum, William Kristol, Jonah Goldberg at National Review, throught Consevative Inc for a great purge of our people/us. They conspired to remove Tucker Carlson, Meagan Kelly, Peter Brimelow, John Derbyshire, Joe Sobran, Michele Malkin who “dared speak out” against the Great Replacement, the War Against Christmas and the war against Southern heritage and American heritage.
That’s my pick for Traitors of 2023 Ryan and Romney. And since we must make it one traitor, my pick is Fox News board member ADL/AIPAC White hit man.
Paul Ryan.

There is only one day left to make your nomination – it has to be one White American traitor. We can have a separate international traitor category.
Here are some past OD, Instauration Magazine/American Renaissance Magazine traitors of the year.
1985 GOP House Majority Leader Newt Gingrich
1986 Indiana Senator Dick Lugar
1987 Joint prize – White government/ADL/SPLC informants such as Glenn Miller
1988 US Secretary of State George Schultz
1989 Once strong White political adviser Lee Atwater
1990 Conservative TV talking head George Will
1991 Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards
1992 Conservative TV talking head Fred Barnes
1993 Hillary Rodham Clinton (?)
1994 Jack Kemp and William Bennett (Very good choices)
1995 OJ Simpson attorney F. Lee Bailey
1996 Fidel Castro (?)
1997 Last White American media owner Ted Turner (excellent choice)
1998 Al Gore
Amren 2014 Bill Gates
Amren 2016 Glen Beck heads towards well-deserved oblivion.
Amren 2017 John McCain
Amren 2021 Conservative Inc (Bad, didn’t name a single personal traitor)
Amren 2022 Failed UK Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson
(Some Additional OD traitors: Ivanka Trump, Tennessee GOP Governor Bill Lee, Jamie Kel, Cliven Bundy, British/English immigrant fag*** Woke a Cola CEO James Quincey)
This year, we should consider having separate categories for American and international White traitors of the year. OD is an American, Southern separatist, Southern nationalist blog with some Copper Head Midwesterners..
So….(drum roll…….) the floor is open for nominations.
– make the conflict….PERSONAL! It’s not a “misunderstanding”- extremely evil, hateful real flesh and blood enemies and TRAITORS are working day and night to attack our people, replace our people in .. THE GREAT REPLACEMENT.
My nominees this year are the R&R brothers – Paul Ryan and Mittens Romney. These two squeaky clean, wholesome White Christian Republicans have fronted for the anti White, Je*/Anglo globalist elite for many years. In addition, they and their families (Mitt’s father George Romney defended the Black criminal 1967-68 rioters that destroyed Detroit, Newark, Chicago) have denied or defended the worst Black A American Communist criminals, rapists, looters even murderers from Rodney King, Michael Brown (Hands Up Don’t Shoot) to Saint (Not) – Dead by his own narcotics drugs George Floyd. They were made GOP Presidential and Vice Presidential GOP nominees in 2012 to appeal to Hispanic and other 3rd world, non White migrant, immigrants with supposedly “family values”. But the leaderships of the American Catholic (Paul Ryan) Church and LDS Mormon Churche have grown fabulously rich by renouncing their White racist and anti Semitic, anti J Communist past to champion complete open borders mass immigration; they reassure traditional White British American Christians that mass immigration isn’t such a bad thing, it’s supposedly good for America as are all these Neo Conservatives, J Zionist wars for “Freedom and Democracy” against the latest NAZIS – the Russians, Syrians, Saddam now Palestinian (Christians) in Gaza and soon in Iran. Oh, they also point the accusing fingers at us “THEY’RE RACISTS, FASCISTS, NAZIS – GET THEM”

Paul Ryan as CNN Board of Director conspired with the worst ADL, AIPAC, Chuck Schumer New Yawk Js and the Military Industrial Complex to purge Tucker Carlson and defame us. Paul Ryan fronted for David Frum, William Kristol, Jonah Goldberg at National Review, throught Consevative Inc for a great purge of our people/us. They conspired to remove Tucker Carlson, Meagan Kelly, Peter Brimelow, John Derbyshire, Joe Sobran, Michele Malkin who “dared speak out” against the Great Replacement, the War Against Christmas and the war against Southern heritage and American heritage.
Those are my picks for 2023 Traitors of the Year – Ryan and Romney. And since we must make it only one traitor, my pick is Fox News Board member/traitor
Paul Ryan.

There is only one day left to make your nomination – it has to be one White American traitor. We can have a separate international traitor category.
Here are some past OD, Instauration Magazine/American Renaissance Magazine traitors of the year.
1985 GOP House Majority Leader Newt Gingrich
1986 Indiana Senator Dick Lugar
1987 Joint prize – White government/ADL/SPLC informants such as Glenn Miller
1988 US Secretary of State George Schultz
1989 Once strong White political adviser Lee Atwater
1990 Conservative TV talking head George Will
1991 Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards
1992 Conservative TV talking head Fred Barnes
1993 Hillary Rodham Clinton (?)
1994 Jack Kemp and William Bennett (Very good choices)
1995 OJ Simpson attorney F. Lee Bailey
1996 Fidel Castro (?)
1997 Last White American media owner Ted Turner (excellent choice)
1998 Al Gore
Amren 2014 Bill Gates
Amren 2016 Glen Beck heads towards well-deserved oblivion.
Amren 2017 John McCain
Amren 2021 Conservative Inc (Bad, didn’t name a single personal traitor)
Amren 2022 Failed UK Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson
(Some Additional OD traitors: Ivanka Trump, Tennessee GOP Governor Bill Lee, Jamie Kel, Cliven Bundy, British/English immigrant fag*** Woke a Cola CEO James Quincey)
This year, we should consider having separate categories for American and international White traitors of the year. OD is an American, Southern separatist, Southern nationalist blog with some Copper Head Midwesterners..
So….(drum roll…….) the floor is open for nominations.
My choice?-anti-southern, lying daughter of the subcontinent of India Nikki Nimrata Haley, who has morphed into the shabbiest shill for Israel and the Jews that I have ever seen since lady Lindsey Graham- what is it about South Carolina?
OD has “noticed” the terrible things this (high caste) (dot not feathered) Indian immigrant Niki Haley has done to South Carolina and the rest of our nation, we noticed this 10 years ago in our best ever “What’s the matter with South Carolina” blog
We noticed the once solid Confederate State of South Carolina didn’t have a heterosexual White Southerner in the offices of Governor and US Senate – Governor was this Dot Indian, tear down all the Confederate monuments in SC Nicki Haley, US Senators Black “Christian Zionist” Tim Scott and flaming Queer Christian Zionist loves all those cute cabana boy migrants Ted Kennedy in drag Lisping Lindsey Graham.
But Niki Haley isn’t one of us, not of our White Kith and Kin – she’s an Indian third world migrant fronting yes for the Je*s, but she isn’t a “Traitor”.
This year end award is for a White American traitor, not racial/ethnic immigrant enemies that are certainly bad.
Who are the rich, behind the scenes White guys promoting Niki Haley for GOP USA President – it’s not just Indians, brown 3rd worlders and Je*s promoting this dot head Indian.
This award is for White traitors.
I rather like Z-man’s name for her: War Karen. It’s too Murikan though and she’s a paper-Murikan through and through. Perhaps we can add Kali to the name so she’s Kali War-Karen. It will be one hell of a show if Cheetohead the God-Emperor of Grift, with Kali War-Karen in tow faces off against Joey Shitpants the Retarded Ventriloquist-Dummy and Heels-up Harris. These monikers are merely truth in advertising.
EC suggests:
“so she’s Kali War-Karen.”
I respond:
I like it. Maybe add some feminine version of a Golem gentile Witch that might turn on the Chosen.
Which whore in the brothel is a virgin. Fixed it.
“Undocumented immigrants will qualify for free health care in cash-strapped California on Jan. 1”. Nypost
Newsom for lead whore.
The fecal roster is a long one to be sure. How about Baizuo CEO Brendan Whitworth of Imbev – who brought all the good ol’ boyz Tranny Bud Light in 2023? Perhaps a lifetime of infamy award for Lady G the Pink Palmetto Princess? Let’s not forget the Darwin-Award division, a collective award. For 2023 I nominate the “Ukranian” army: 300 to 400-thousand died for the profit of Globo-Pedo, Blackrock and Jew no-hands pianist. I’m sure I could easily think of many more, but it gets to be depressing.
At the end of the day, whites ultimately have themselves to blame for the mess they are in. Yes, I know all about jews and their endless bullshit and Schlomo’s mask is definitely slipping these days and just about the whole bloody world is seeing the hideous visage – a true apocalypto (unveiling) – except for two large groups of whites (who constitute a majority): Christian Zionists who bow before the literal Synagogue of Satan and folks like Brendan Whitworth who shoves the Church of Woke dogma down white throats for mammon and (more importantly) to virtue-signal.
I understand some folk here are annoyed at Vox Day, but he’s got an excellent post today which touches the root of the white man’s problem: Rejection of Truth. The Grandmother’s Tale I’ve posted here before also touches on this when she notes that white folks will pick-up shit and put it in their pockets just because a jew told them it was gold. Step one on the way back from the abyss is to Live not by lies.
Brenden Whitworth really sucked – no question about it. But his bad actions weren’t really racial treasons – he just f*#$*@ up the Bud Lite beer brand by appointing an idiot (I think Je*ess) Bud LIte product manager who chose that Tranny Spokes Creature – for Bud Lite, but it’s just a terrible Marketing Plan for a terrible corporate beer made from Mississippi river water – Chicago’s sewage flows down that way.
This year end OD “Traitor of the Year” award is for RACIAL treason – supporting, enabling our people and culture to be replaced, our women disrespected, raped and killed, Blacks incited to riot, loot, destroy our cities – it’s not about just some bad corporate marketing decisions hurting sales of some crappy Bud Lite beer.
Let’s hear some nominations for White racial renegade traitors.
My nomination is for Ohio republican governor Mike DeWine for vetoing the bill that would have banned minor from legally gaining access to puberty blockers, testosterone, and estrogen, and gender transitioning surgery. DeWine’s veto also stopped Ohio school and universities from banning tranny ‘athletes’ from participating in sports, as the gender they identify as.
Gov. DeWine also did little to nothing for the poor and working-class White affected by the train derailment that released toxic chemicals into the water, air, and land in East Palestine and its surroundings. DeWine did not fight for the citizens of East Palestine for FEMA assistance, not declaring it a disaster area. Only a few days ago did DeWine and Ohio’s republican legislature release 3.3 million USD in forgivable loans for businesses, but not the citizens who live there.
DeWine based on his resume should be a leading candidate for a second Trump-Kushner administration as the Secretary of Interior or Director of the EPA.
That’s more just bad governorship, sexual degeneracy as opposed to open anti White racial treason.
Let’s hear some traitor of the year nominations for real White men or White American women who did real treason to support, enable the replacement, destruction of our people, our civilization.
“Undocumented immigrants will qualify for free health care in cash-strapped California on Jan. 1”. Nypost
Seconded. Newsom plans to run as a the Democrat ‘Pretty Boy’ against the deranged Trump, that is his strategy. He has been working with the Deep State to get Senile Joe outta there, by his own volition or dropping the hammer on his son. This would force Senile Joe to pardon Hunter thereby ending his (Senile Joe’s) career. Cackling Kamala cannot get nominated or elected and she is easy to “persuade” to go along with these arrangements after appropriate threats and bribes.
Newsom’s election slogan can be something like: ” . . . elect me and the whole country will be overrun by wogs and every city covered in six inches of shit. The country is headed there anyway so why not put an expert in charge?” He has a valid point and it’s not as though the Republicans have any ideas of their own not authorized by The Wall Street Journal.
Joe Biden. Prove me wrong.
“Sleepy Joe” Biden? The guy can’t think and eat jello on his own. He’s not actively doing anything – look at his cabinet and handlers – who’s his Attorney General – his Director of Homeland Security…. some die hard Irish Americans think he’s one of them, but they thought Ted Kennedy was one of them.
Nah… we don’t pick on senile old and out of it old fools like “Sleepy Joe”.
Biden is the obvious one. The President and he is not a Jew. A white traitor. Wide open borders. Who chose all those Jews in the cabinet? And we’ve been seeing a lot more of Biden the last three months and less of the body doubles.
But the judges don’t want to pick Biden, the obvious choice. Then perhaps Newsom. Likely the next President, a white non Jew traitor extroadinare
Biden deserves one of the White Traitors of the Century awards. Many more than he will certainly qualify… Newsom is a very good nominee for the White Traitor of 2023 designation.
Although Joe Biden technically has done alor to destroy Whites, he’s always been against Whites. In fact, although claiming to be Irish, also claims the Irish weren’t White. So, he’s not White by self identification. He’s an Irish Nigger.
@Aryan Globalist Bro
Yep, he’s always been a lying POS hypocrite, totally anti-WHITE.
He wouldn’t send his kids to a “racial jungle” school, but we’re suppose to.
Have you ever read this article that exemplifies Biden’s philosemitism and anti-Western civilization POV?
We’ve only got tonight. Let’s get back to White traitor of year nominations.
Okay, how about zionist Neocon Glenn Beck who has a show on BlazeTV. He is unapologetically philosemitic and would shill for White Christians to shed their blood for the terrorist occupier of Palestine without a microsecond pause.
Glen Beck already won/lost traitor of the year award, Amren traitor of the year 2016 and thanks in part to that/us, he’s faded in to oblivion.
It’s important to stay current with the good, the bad and they very ugly.
The Past his history
The Future is a mystery
But… the present is a gift
JOLTIN’ JOE BIDEN The illegals are “voting” with their feet. Wonder when they will start massing/swarming like locusts in neighborhoods near you and sweep through and take everything that is not nailed down and strip everything bare. Joe Biden should be arrested immediately for treason and have to accept his traitor of the year award behind bars.
We need our own nation.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
“Wonder when they will start massing/swarming like locusts in neighborhoods near you”
NOPE ! won’t happen.
The rich and powerful have their gated homes, private security, rural retreats and foreign homes.
The rich and powerful will be just like they are in Mexico and Brazil, armored SUVs and private helicopters.
Sao Paulo has over 300 heliports, the rich never have to step on the pavement.
My pick for White traitor of the year will be one of the Fox News Corporation Board of Directors (look to be pretty much all White Gentiles, but with very, very heavy pro J business and ideological “relationships” with the J elites .
These Fox News Board members took the ADL, Chuck Schumer and just the American, international J disapora, Israeli, AIPAC J elite orders that Tucker Carlson had to go. It didn’t matter that Tucker Carlson was Fox News most popular news presenter and made Fox News the most $. This is a mistake to believe that the “Js” and the Js partners and puppets are only about making $ money. Nope. They have an agenda and that includes the great replacement of our people and the destruction of our cities and civilization.
Tucker Carlson Dared to Speak out against the complete failure of J Neo Conservative, J Zionist and Christian ZIonist wars (that are never declared wars) , interventions, crusades in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and next Russia. Tucker Carlson completely humiliated the likes of J Neo Con man Max Boot and he also just “noticed” BLM mass rioting, looting with no prosecution in cities like my ex city Chicago. Tucker Carlson dared to notice the huge number of White South African farmers murdered by Black racist Communists – for these not necessarily pro White, just honest about racial, immigration, military debacles the J elites like the ADL, AIPAC, Chuck Schumer announced ….
Tucker Carlson had to be let go from Fox News.
And the White Fox News Board Members obeyed their J masters and fired Tucker Carlson also the very beautiful, intelligent and often honest Meagan Kelly. It was another J Neo Con, Zionist purge similar to the one at National Review and throughout Conservative Inc that purged John Derbyshire, John O’Sullivan, Pat Buchanan, Peter Brimelow, Joe Sobran for mention mass 3rd world immigration, the great replacement or even the War Against Christmas.
Yep, one of these Fox News White Gentile Board members is my pick for 2023 traitor of the year:
The obvious choice of biggest White traitor of the year should be one who pretends to be White, pretends to be “conservative”, pretends to be Christian, pretends to be a Nationalist, and has created a movement to get people involved because they are all the above.
It needs to someone who went on to stab that movement in the back, utterly neutralize it, is not really pure White, is actually leftist, is a degenerate, is anti-American, and steals lots of money and destroys the movement.
There is only one choice that fits all those categories:
The Latino Gay Grand Inquisitor himself, Senor Papist, Nicholas Josephine Cathboy Fuentes is White Traitor of the Year.
” Copper Head Midwesterner ” No Thanks, C.S.A. or Nothing, it’s the only land on this planet, that I have passion and love for, the Midwest outside of the metropolitan area’s, is heavily Germanic, supplemented with WHITE ethnic / hyphonate’s , Midwestern people, can be a very kind, considerate, generous people, as long as they feel, they have a position of superiority over you, I am Appalachian, a lot of my people are …………
.a lot of them we’re unionists during the war, a lot of them, I do not like or respect, but some are together, some are C.S.A., that’s who has, my loyalty, my affection, that’s who I identify with ………. Then their is the German issue, I have come too believe, if their had not been so many German people in kentucky, Kentucky would have come out solidly, for the C.S.A. and that could have possibly been the difference in the war, guys like ” November ” and the Lutheran saints, over at ” Stone Choir ” have expressed themselves quite clearly, it’s predominately Germanic people, where I live, I respect and appreciate them, but I am not one of them, my Grandfather was, but I am not, with the exception of the Southern/Appalachian, diaspora people here in Michigan, I doubt, we could get a 100 men in this midwestern state, too stand with us, if I cannot be recognized as a Southern Identity Man, I would prefer to wander the Earth, in misery, just like Caine, till I die ……..
Not a case especially of this year, 2023, but with a pattern of behaviour over many years: Dafydd Iwan Jones, the most prominent figure in Welsh nationalism in recent decades, and a founder of, and once the elected head of, the Plaid Cymru Welsh nationalist party, who yet subtly betrays the movement, and reverses natural ethnocentrism by embracing the notion of “anti-racism” and acquiescing (as a member of Plaid Cymru) to the notion of “Black (African) Welsh” (and “Indian Welsh”) and to the party’s Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan, which works to “disrupt the barriers which can hamper Black people from playing a full part in our nation’s life.”
Wales is a small country with a small population, where sheep still outnumber the human inhabitants, and its current ethnic homogeneity (relatively so, compared to neighboring England and Ireland that are thoroughly “invaded”) can be easily and quickly destroyed by just a little more foreign immigration. If he wants to represent Welsh ethnic preservation in the face of rampant global capitalism, there is no room or excuse for saying things like this:
“We can’t blame people for wanting to live in such a beautiful area as rural Wales, but they must realise that we have a different culture and a different language in many areas (…) Recently I’ve heard of people who have said that they can’t live any more with people from Indian and Pakistani backgrounds in English cities, so they come to Wales to escape from them. We don’t want people with these racist attitudes in Wales.” Here is another example of this deliberate confusion and adding fuel to the engine of anti-racist capitalist cosmopolitanism while representing, leading and figure-heading Welsh nationalism and ethno-centricity: “What we have to understand is that this world is made up of different cultures and different languages and ways of life, but we are seeing the Welsh way of life and the Welsh language being undermined by people who do not appreciate other cultures.” And when they say that they are coming to Wales to escape from cultures which they don’t approve of, that’s an example of racism. It is not racist to perceive the existence of different languages and different ways of life and different traditions. What is important is that we learn to co-exist, but also that we have the right to protect what is ours. The difficulty in rural Wales today is that local people cannot afford to buy homes and to get jobs in many of our localities. But when we get people with racist attitudes and colonialist attitudes moving to Wales, then that makes the situation even worse.” (I do agree with the term “colonialist.”)
Makes sense. Very interesting comment.
But, OD is pretty much just an American blog with Southern historical, cultural leanings. Most White Americans – say less than 5% know where or what Wales is. Most Americans think the terms “English” and “British” are interchangeable and if you ask them:
“What language do they speak in the United Kingdom” they haven’t a clue.
They don’t know that the UK, the United Kingdom is the United Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Wales with “Ulster” still including in the UK with the rest of the majority Irish Catholic Christians breaking away to form their Irish Republic about 100 years ago.
These divisions between Welsh, English, Scottish, Irish with various linguistic, Christian denomination divisions and loyalties to some dead King or Queens this history, while still interesting to serious history buffs doesn’t really matter that much in terms of racial, ethnic, immigration realities now that the White English and related White British folks are a minority in London/Londonstan complete with an anti White, anti English, anti British Pakistani mayor.
Did you see that movie “The Last King of Scotland” that tried to make Uganda fat, illiterate strong man Idi Amin in to an intelligent, principled anti English colonialist nationalist freedom fighter that befriended some Scottish Peace Corp doctor?
I thankfully didn’t pay $ money to watch that movie, just some a few clips to know what it was all about.
I never made it to Wales or Scotland – just to the Lake District when I was engaged to an Irish lass from Manchester England.
What do I know about recent Wales, Welsh things?
Well – I greatly admire the handsome, charming undefeated Welsh boxer Joe Calzaghe – his father as an Italian jazz musician, his mother was White British – not sure if she was English or Welsh, they grew up rather poor in Wales and Joe C always fought in Wales or England until his last two fights – smart move.
I seem to recall the Welsh were known for their classical music singers and tough rough coal miners – which featured in the anti Margaret Thatcher coal miner strikes of the early 1980s – this was featured in the great British movie “Billy Elliot” though I think the tough, insular British mining community was in North England instead of Wales.
Was King Arthur and his legend of the Knights of the Round Table – was that supposed to have been in Wales?
But, I’m rambling.
Thanks for the great comment (again). But, we haven’t to be a bit more realistic. Most Americans, White Americans in the South, Midwest are morons who have no idea who, what, where Wales is – the Js that run the media understand this and they make their Neo Con, Zionist, military industrialist war propaganda appeal to Amurikun dumb ass TV addicts.
Cheers mate.
“OD is pretty much just an American blog with Southern historical, cultural leanings (….) Most Americans, White Americans in the South, Midwest are morons (…) Js that run the media understand this and they make their Neo Con, Zionist, military industrialist war propaganda appeal to Amurikun dumb TV addicts”:
Well, I’ve never really been in the South, just crossing through four or five upper-south states for a few days. I have never set foot in the deep south, but I am interested in the history and culture, and I do know the geography. I could always (since my teens) draw maps from memory, fairly detailed contemporary and historical maps of countries all over the world, with the cities, rivers and other details. Young people who rely on GPS to travel, and read books online, and can barely read cursive (handwriting, which is no longer taught in primary school) tend to not read paper maps and not know where foreign countries are.
“Did you see that movie “The Last King of Scotland” that tried to make Uganda fat, illiterate strong man Idi Amin in to an intelligent, principled anti English colonialist nationalist freedom fighter that befriended some Scottish Peace Corp doctor?”
I did not see that movie, but it is funny that you should mention Idi Amin. What do you know about Idi Amin and Uganda? Uganda was the “pearl” of British colonies in central Africa, with higher elevation and hence more pleasant, healthier climate, and better soil for agriculture, and a strategic location, bordering the Belgian, French and German colonies to the west, north and east. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Uganda was also a main contender for an alternate Zionist Jewish homeland, in case the planned takeover of Palestine had not worked out. When Uganda was given nominal independence by the British, the first President soon turned socialist and had to be removed. Idi Amin began his reign in a British-directed coup to remove the socialist President, and he was the darling of the Anglo-Zionists. His cruelty then did not matter, but when he became an avowed socialist and broke his puppet string-ties with the British and the Israelis, and deported thousands of Indian Asian immigrants that the British had brought in, and nationalized British and other foreign businesses and private property, and gave aid to the Palestinians, and held the PLO-hijacked Israelis hostage at the Entebbe airport, he suddenly became “the worst monster” in the propaganda of the West.
He was crazy and erratic, as well as cruel. But I think you, Jaye, as an avowed racial- or ethno-nationalist, should take a little less negative view of Idi Amin. I do not defend or excuse his cruelty, but it was never a problem for the West until he “went off the reservation,” and such cruelty is not unusual in Western-allied leaders of Western-controlled “third world” countries today. The genocide of Palestine that is being carried out today by the Anglo-Zionists – U.S., UK and their colonial settler state Israel – is much worse than Idi Amin’s cruelty. Have you read “The Common Man’s Charter” that was written (or ghostwritten and approved) by the first president of Uganda, who was removed by Idi Amin? It is quite good: https://web.archive.org/web/20110727195757/http://www.radiorhino.org/htm_material/archiv/text/press/monitor/THE%20COMMON%20MAN%20CHARTER%20By%20DrAMO.htm
MR writes/rants:
“He was crazy and erratic, as well as cruel. But I think you, Jaye, as an avowed racial- or ethno-nationalist, should take a little less negative view of Idi Amin. I do not defend or excuse his cruelty, but it was never a problem for the West until he “went off the reservation,” and such cruelty is not unusual in Western-allied leaders of Western-controlled “third world” countries today. The genocide of Palestine that is being carried out today by the Anglo-Zionists – U.S., UK and their colonial settler state Israel ”
I respond:
Another explanation (mine) is that Idi Amin and his kind were/are low IQ, illiterate savages complete unfit for much of anything besides… well after the invention of tractors, they aren’t even needed for farming. The Arab and other Islamists back in their hey day would castrate this type and make them their Eunique slaves. At least their system didn’t have the likes of Idi Amin to have ~ 20 low IQ, fat ass bastard nig** children – I think that’s what Idi did before he retired to Saudi Arabia.
And I like a lot of forms of White Western/Roman/British/especially French colonialism – especially French colonialism “C’est bon”.
The area now racked by endless J and Arab war, terrorism. The only time this place was run well, at peace with yeah, civilization was when the Romans ruled there and brought yes
The Pax Romana
This best scene from the Life of Brian presents my view:
“What have the Romans Ever Done for Us”……….
I’ve seen that video before, pretty funny, but I think the Roman system generally did more harm than good, but that was not obvious in comparison to what most of the other evil empires and tyrannies that Rome conquered did. All those pots and kettles were black. But see what the Roman imperial system did to Italy, even to Latium, where the masses of Roman/Latin and other Italian peasant farmers lost their land and ended up miserable serfs. They could also move to the city and live on trickle-down crumbs of the immense riches that the empire brought “home.”
I think your view may be closer to the truth about Idi Amin than what I seemed to be saying in my previous comment. Let me clarify that: I think Idi Amin’s “avowed socialism” was probably nothing more than a mask that he wore for advantage or amusement/defiance in the second half of his reign, after he stopped working for the British (such as carrying out the coup to overthrow the first president who had gone socialist). I don’t think he was a hero or freedom fighter, but some of his socialist anti-imperialist actions were beneficial. He also opposed Israel and the UK, supported the Palestinians, and deported thousands of Indian Asian immigrants, actions that can’t be denounced as such by a White Nationalist, even if he did all those things accidentally and irrationally. He was a darling of the West until he started doing those things. I agree that he was low IQ , immoral (or amoral) and lacked self control. His retirement in Saudi Arabia, under orders from the Kingdom to cease from political speech and never leave apartment or his neighborhood in Jeddah, didn’t last very long until he broke probation and escaped to Africa, in an absurd fantasy that he could gather up another army and take back power in Uganda. But remember, if he had stayed a good obedient puppet of Britain and Israel, no one would ever have laughed at him. He could have been just as cruel and his name would not be mud today.
However I don’t share your admiration for French colonialism. France (the elites) did gather all the gold mined in Mali, and many other riches of “French Africa,” but take a trip through France today and see what colonialism, and now, neocolonialism, does and has done to French people. I conclude my rant. Please excuse its length. Thanks for your patience and kindness.
They do not know and they do not care. Americans are eventually going to pay the price for their self-righteousness, arrogance, and ignorance.
Yes, but when ?
I don’t want to be one of them.
I suppose Mikey Johnson, ‘Cocaine’ Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy could share an award, with Lady G. taking the lifetime achievement prize. The Fox News gang is a pretty good choice also. Merthyr is correct about Ireland. I was there this fall. Even in small towns (keep in mind the entire “Republic” – really just another okrug of the EUSSR – has only 5.5 million) one sees blacks walking the streets. Irish is still spoken in the far west and is still taught but they’ve gone completely clown-world.
There’s a great Turkish proverb posted over at Barnhardt’s meme collection for the day:
When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus. Corn-Pop’s revenge is worse than Montezuma’s.
@Merthyr Rising
I have a question about Welsh classical singers prompted by @Jaye Ryan’s statement:
“I seem to recall the Welsh were known for their classical music singers…”
How popular in Wales is classical singer Ellen Williams? (if you keep up with classical music)
Welsh classical singer Ellen Williams tops the Classical Charts as her music is heard by millions. Her renditions of the Classical Crossover favourite “Time To Say Goodbye” will be released by popular demand after gaining 4.5 MILLION views on TikTok within the first few days of posting. Praised for her “poise and promise, her voice agile with silvery charm” THE GUARDIAN, and described as singing “with heart-piercing sweetness” in THE TIMES, Ellen has performed in many of the UK’s most prestigious concert halls including the Royal Albert Hall, Cadogan Hall, Royal Concert Hall Glasgow, Bridgewater Hall, the Wales Millennium Centre, for King Charles III in Buckingham Palace, and as the anthem soloist in the Principality Stadium for the first ever British Grand-Prix in the World Supercross Championship…
— from her website
Her voice makes you want to listen to classical music or rather non-classical music sung classically I guess would be more accurate.
Fields of Gold Cover, Ellen Williams
Ellen Williams, Time To Say Goodbye
To paraphrase General Longstreet in the film “Gettysburg”:
“That girl can sing.”
Armistead Update 10
Jaye Ryan: Wales is actually the last of old Britain before the saxons swarmed it. Wales is probably close as you can get to what the island was like before Rome took it and then the subsequent invasions. Wales has always hung in there, never totally nationalistic and rebellious like Scotland or Ireland, but they go long to get along. Owen Glendower revolted in the time of Henry IV (read Shakespeare’s play), but they’ve accepted being under English control, yet keeping their own turf.
The Welsh are known for their singing, and the Welsh (Cymru) language still predominates.
In the movie Zulu, it was a Welsh unit that fought off the Zulu army, and as the Zulus chant their war song, the Welsh reply with a chorus of Men of Harlech. Pretty stirring.
The name Dargason is actually Welsh, and is an English country dance. if you listen to Holst’s St. Paul suite, the final movement is the tune Dargason, that leads into Greensleeves.
King Arthur…or the mythical composite that was Arthur…originated in Wales.
Unfortunately, the semi-religious urge to destroy white culture and folk tradition in Europe has its disciples in Wales. Note many of them are women. Anglin has
noted that women seem to be the vanguard for Jewish ideology. Blacks, as William Pierce said, are the muscle of the Jews.
As for The last King of Scotland, I did see the movie. Idi Amin was a kind of monstrous joke in the 60’s and 70’s. As one Ugandan woman who was a fashion model said, “we laughed at him. he was a clown.” When he got power, the laughing stopped. Punch always had a weekly spot ridiculing Amin, but the west let him alone.
The film capture Amin’s “charm,” but also his murderous style, and the Scotsman who becomes enamored of him is a good study of whites…or anyone…who see what they want to see, and ignore what they don’t. Much like our ‘educated’ whites. The man makes excuses for Amin until he sees body parts Amin uses for food, and decides to scat before he gets on the menu.
But you understand that the educated white world more or less turned their backs on African ruthlessness and savagery. As Dennis Wheatley put it, the white left the children to play with loaded guns in the playpen.
“The man makes excuses for Amin until he sees body parts Amin uses for food, and decides to scat before he gets on the menu”:
Amin said he never ate human flesh, but he did have some stored in the freezer. If he did, he is not the only African leader who ever ate human flesh. Acts of cannibalism will be overlooked when a puppet-figurehead third world leader does whatever the Neocolonial powers want: signing up for IMF loans, buying unneeded weapons, and letting Western corporations exploit cheap labour and steal natural resources in exchange for bribes.
Well, traitor of the week could be Mike Dewine, the Republican Governor of Ohio who just vetoed a bill to ban medical mutilations of so called “trans” kids. There is no such thing, only a fad among mentally troubled, vulnerable teens who are falling for the latest self abuse craze like cutting, eating disorders, goth and “vampire” cults, etc. These medical Frankenstein treatments don’t even work. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this new generation falling for this stuff doesn’t have a living memory of watching Michael Jackson become a freak. Anyone who lived through that knows just exactly how awful plastic surgery is. Remember watching TV and Movies from the 60s and early 70s? They made it like plastic surgery was 100% effective and impossible to tell by the naked eye. Stuff like James Bond, Mission Impossible, etc. A generation later, tabloid photos of bizarre, stretched faces of aging starlets and the Michael Jackson freakshow tossed cold water the face of plastic surgery in the public mind. No, you can’t change, you just look like a scarred, cut up monster. These youngsters don’t remember any of this and these kids actually expect to turn into something else and not be a walking freak like they will most definitely become.
White traitor of the century is Donald Trump.
He did not build the wall, but he did wage wars for Israel.
He was the most catastrophic lame-duck president in history. While everyone’s attention was focused on the “stop-the-steal” nonsense, he pardoning the worst Hasidic white-collar criminals. Then, like a Judas goat, he led good men and women into a trap on January 6 2021.
Wu “He was the most catastrophic lame – duck president in history ” maybe, but I am sure Hillary, would have been worse …
I agree with you about Donald Trump. Why he didn’t get more nominations for White Traitor of the Year or Century escapes me.
I would nominate Greg Laurie as the White traitor of the year.
The “Christian Zionism” of John Hagee isn’t really dangerous, because the man is such a transparently buffoonish fraud.
Greg Laurie, on the other hand, is respectable enough to do real damage.
There certainly seems to be an element of quid-pro-quo in his unconditional support for Israel. Calvary Chapel is allowed to have FM radio stations, and even a movie “Jesus Revolution” starring big name actor Kelsey Grammer. Would the FCC and Hollywood allow such cultural access to such conservative Evangelicals if they didn’t support Israel?
“The “Christian Zionism” of John Hagee isn’t really dangerous, because the man is such a transparently buffoonish fraud.”
Don’t project your good sense onto the vast majority.
Millions think those TV preachers have some direct line to GAAAWD. You need to realize that 10s of millions are very simple minded people.
“The obvious choice of biggest (((White))) traitor of the year ”
He is American after all : Jonathan Greenblatt
Well, he really isn’t a traitor, because he is working for his people and against the goyim. He’s true to his race.
Greenblatt is an “enemy” not one of our people, thus not a traitor.
Sir, you need to get out of this false mindset that “we’re all Americans” our divisions are supposedly about divisions of liberals vs conservatives.
Just look at Greenblatt. He looks like the character in Nosferatru – the first Vampire movie.
This enemy, alien race of Js has at times been considered to be vampires.
take it easy, I was speaking somewhat tongue-in-cheek; Greenblatt is a enemy AND a traitor.
How is this straight from central casting Nosferatru J Vampire enemy a traitor? He’s certainly not a traitor to the worst Js in history that have worked to destroy White Western Civilization.
Do you think it’s just a misunderstanding why he’s doing what he/it is doing? Do you think you/we should be sending this creature some books from Pat Robertson’s Liberty University or copies of the (doesn’t mentiong the Js, Islam, Blacks) US Constitution from Hillsdale colllege ? Maybe while you’re working to “Save” Greenblatt, convert him to our good side you can step to the front lines in Gaza and pass out pamphlets of St. Paul, former J Pharisee rabbi Saint Paul that the whole Palestinian Arab vs Israel J is pointless as everyone in the area is about to accept Jesus Christ as their savior, the true Messiah.
It’s just a small update to take St. Paul’s pronouncement of just next month world of universal peace and equality under Jesus:
“There are now Greeks (now Palestinians) and Jews, not free and slave, no male and female just those who’ve accepted Jesus”
Yeah, St. Paul/Rabbi Saul said that – I’m pretty sure he said that in or outside of Damascus Syria. HOw did things turn out there?
C’mon mate – join us in the real world where we understand the JQ.
“only 2 days left to nominate and vote for/against THE worst traitor of the year.”
Wouldn’t it be EASIER to vote for who’s NOT a traitor ??
The choice of the Fox News Board of Directors is kind of weak. Sure they fired Tucker Calson from their network, but Carlson was still able to get out his message via X/Twitter and Tucker Carlson Network, in which the censors at Fox News had no control over.
In addition to those outlets, Carlson has been on the Jimmy Dore Show, Adam Carolla’s podcast, and Redacted News.
My point is that the Fox News Board of Directors failed in silencing the Tucker “I don’t identify as White” Carlson.
Oh please. The overwhelming majority of White Americans get their news, information and opinions from TV, celebrities. When “the Powers that be” fired, purged Tucker Carlson the #1 most watched, most listened to commentator on Cable TV news he pretty much fell off the face of the earth for most Americans – same thing that happened to Ted Turner (an Instraution Magazine traitor of the year) when Southern White Gentile Ted merged his CNN, TBS with Gerald Levin’s Time Warner inc. Ted tried to move his operation to LA- use his Lib Leftist (but not Jewish) wife Jane Fonda to be introduced, welcomed in to the LA, SoCal media, Hollywood world….
What happened?
Ted Turner fell off the American media world, disappeared – the J Hollywood NY/SoCal J media mafia didn’t accept Ted Turner a White Southerner- didn’t matter that Ted Turner supported Lib causes like the United Nations, Bill Clinton – Hollywood, American TV is a racial, sexual pecking order with ethnic Js at the top. Look at the difference between CNN when Ted Turner owned and ran it and when the Js took over CNN – Jeff Zucker, Brian Steltzer, former AIPAC lobbyist Wolf Blitzer.
Fox News owed it’s success to Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, good looking White women presenters like Meagan Kelly and Center Right, not Black racial pandering politics. The old Man Rupert Murdoch was OK with that – made money, everyone just stopped short of naming the J – which Tucker Carlson got very, very near to doing when he exposed Neo Conservative J wars, humiliated the likes of Max Boot. It wasn’t a misunderstanding that Greenblatt ADL, Chuck Schumer announced that Tucker Carlson had to go and yes…
The Fox Board of Directors (All White Gentiles as far as I can see, though there was talk about Murdoch’s son now the top guy on the Fox Board of Directors being more of the J tribe).
That’s my nomination and it will only be one of the Fox Members of the Board. I have my pick.
Your facts are wrong when it comes to where Americans consume news in 2023. Only 32% of American polled by Pew Research get their news from television sources, and based on the commercials run during their broadcasts for ailments affecting baby boomers and older, their viewership skews >65 years old.
Most Americans get their news from digital online sources where Tucker Carlson is now ensconced.
Try to stay current.
If Fox News hadn’t caved to the J Neo Cons, Zionist, Corporate open borders – ignore Black crime folks, if they had kept their #1 most popular most trusted news presenter Tucker Carlson and stayed with the Roger Ailes, Murdoch Sr marketing strategy of presenting Center right politics, nationalism – with a Western American/Australian/British Thatcher-Reagan vibe – bashed idiot LIberals, Jessie Jackson and also presented beutiful, sexy but not slutty women presenters such as Meagan Kelly then Fox News wouldn’t have lost their viewership – it was the same with Talk radio that targeted frustrated White Conservative listeners – then the Js like Michael Medved, Mark Levin or Rush Limblob backing off, backing Bush Jr – that’s why the lose their viewership, same as the Ivy League colleges lost their respect when Js and homos took over that.
TV and Hollywood are the most powerful media. Stalin said he would rule the world if he controlled HOllywood – well who’s controlled Hollywood pretty much forever? We controlled J Media destruction with restraits like “The Hayes Code” laws against open porn until ~ 1971 and McCarthy Hearings but ….
The J Media Mafia dominates the American mind, the White goy/Gentiles we see on the visual TV and HOllwyood movies are almost always there because of J approval, sleeping with Js – especailly sexy women gentile actresses, models like Christie Brinkley, Linda Carter Wonder woman. Who did Trump’s beautiful Nordic daughter Ivanka sleep with Jared Kushner. Who is the sort of Black, just a little bit Black VP harris who does she sleep with now a Je# Hollywood real estate macher.
Yes, you are of course right, cable news including both CNN and now Fox have lost their hold on White American’s minds, political opinions, but nobody else has it – our people are scattered , pretty much tuning out politics and watching Black football 5 days a week. White women follow Taylor Swift, some binge watch the Hallmark Channel.
Speaking of the Hallmark Channel – we should be working hard to get in there.
Come on man….Ivanka is not Nordic in any way. Dark eyes, dyed hair, and a nose job.
Compared to Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley’s mischling, skank daughter – Ivanka Trump looks very Nordic, tall and fair like yeah, Christie Brinkley.
Could Ivanka be partly Sephardic on the Trump side, descending from the diaspora from Spain to the Spanish Netherlands, and from Netherlands to New Netherlands/New York? But what else you said is important: “our people are scattered, pretty much tuning out politics and watching Black football 5 days a week. White women follow Taylor Swift, some binge watch the Hallmark Channel.” I agree that is the entire “culture” of the imperial “homeland.” It is vacuous, mindless, and addicting (for some). I grew up without much exposure to TV, sports and Hollywood, so I look on it all now from outside. You could say these are the modern “opiate of the people,” but unlike religion this is a very bad opiate for the people. I think Hollywood movies never had any genuinely Christian content. The so-called “good, decent” Hallmark (business propaganda) Channel that teaches silly women what to spend money on never contains any Christian content (I think, but I don’t watch it). Portraying women spending their money (and men’s money) and time on useless gifts and decorations and other idle pursuits is not Christian content. Does Hallmark Channel ever show women praying and going to church? Does it ever show a nativity scene? I don’t know, but I can think of some old Soviet films and shows that, while lacking any explicit Christian content, would be a revelation to these silly, wasteful Hallmark Channel women, and to Hollywood-corrupted men, if they were available in English. For example, “Tanya” is a different “Cinderella” story in which the peasant girl doesn’t rise by looks and luck to become an idle, worker-supported princess or queen, but rather, she enjoys working and develops more efficient, work-saving methods in the factory, and rises entirely by her merit and altruism through the ranks of the Soviet industrial leadership and continues to live in an apartment. Sadly, beginning with Khruschev’s reactionary mis-leadership, some Hollywood material began to reach Soviet audiences, such as “Some Like It Hot,” which appeared in Russia seven years after it was released in the U.S.
MR writes:
“Could Ivanka be partly Sephardic on the Trump side, descending from the diaspora from Spain to the Spanish Netherlands, and from Netherlands to New Netherlands/New York? ”
I respond:
This first part is very foolish, I’m throwing a penalty flag on you and if I get designated your life coach, making you do push-ups. Speculating about obscure ethnic J heritage from the Netherlands when Js were expelled from England (King Long Shanks) or the Spanish Reconquest, Converso false conversions to Catholic Christianity that the stuff for Internet conspiracy junkies.
The key point here is that Ivanka like Christie Brinkley (Many argued back in her day she was the most beautiful White woman since Helen of Troy or Cleopatra – both Nordic White Greek heritage. Ivanka like Christie Brinkley has done the ultimate race treason – bedding with horrible racial Js and born their children. I haven’t seen photos of Ivanka and Kushner’s children I can only speculate on how they look and think. Maybe their son with be a anti Je* Torqemetta Inquisitor, maybe be a Bobby Fisher.
That said.
The rest of your comment is excellent, very observant and yes, true.
Karl Marx wrote and said some similar, accurate things like:
“Judeo Christianity came from Judaism, it has reverted to Judaism.” (Words to the effect)
“(Judeo Christian) religion is the opiate of the masses”
You’ve basically said that “American” (J Hollywood and TV), Black Football, basketball sports are the Opiate of the American male masses and fantasy consumer worlds like Hallmark channel, Taylor Swift are the same for American (White) women.
I agree.
I pretty much admit we don’t have a horse in this popular culture media ownership race – our last White hopes were Ted Turner (TBS, CNN) and George Lucas, Roger Ailes/Rupert Murdoch.
The best way forward is an Amish way – tune out, drop away, go separatist like Orania. Orania is very White Dutch Afrikanner socialist which you should appreciate.
Thanks for the great comment. I’m interested in working with you in pracical White/Welsh socialist, race respectful, race realist ways. You are very smart, well read and a good writer.
I’m interested in going new ways and new places in the new year.
Do you have any interest?
Have a safe New Year’s Eve hopefully away from brutal Arab ghettos urban takeovers in France, Germany or in our BRA used to be American cities.
15 words/3 Words
PS Are you interested in at least looking at the Socialist real socialist sides of that Austrian Painter, the Strasser Brothers etc.?
Do you know Troy Southgate of the National Anarchist, 3rd Positionists he was based out of the UK I think.
> Could Ivanka be partly Sephardic on the Trump side, descending from the diaspora from Spain to the Spanish Netherlands, and from Netherlands to New Netherlands/New York?
No. Trump’s father was 100% German and his mother’s a Scot from the Isle of Skye. If Ivanka – who converted to Chabad Satanism – has any Khazarian ancestry it would be from the maternal side, which seems unlikely.
I updated this last day of the year Traitor of the Year blog.
Please look over, proof and make constructive “notices” of any typos that sort of thing.
I think it’s important to have commenters contribute and publicize this all over the alternative Right, race realist, Zio resistance, patriotic immigration world.
What blogs remotely in our sphere of thinking still allow comments, links?
Unz Review?
Sometimes Amren
Anywhere else?
2024 looks like a rather rough year – that Islamic/Savitri Devi prophesy of bad things will happen when the Js get all of Jerusalem. Looks like that’s happening 2024.