Rechtsextremisten greifen unsere Demokratie an. Wir alle sind gefordert, deutlich Stellung zu beziehen: für unser demokratisches Deutschland. Und für unsere mehr als 20 Millionen Freunde, Arbeitskolleginnen und Nachbarn, die eine Migrationsgeschichte haben. #Kanzlerkompakt pic.twitter.com/Cs1Dj69TwM
— Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (@Bundeskanzler) January 19, 2024
The Democratic Ticket pic.twitter.com/sK8lqBZfCo
— Eli Valley (@elivalley) January 19, 2024
This is a struggle between democracy and autocracy.
In Ukraine, Zelensky has banned his opposition, refused to hold national elections, banned churches and incarcerated and killed dissidents like Gonzalo Lira. In Brazil, Bolsonaro has been banned from office for 8 years. In Belgium, Vlaams Blok was banned years ago. In Greece, Golden Dawn and its successors have been banned. In Poland, the new PM Donald Tusk has been arresting his nationalist opposition. Both Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour in France have been put on trial multiple times.
Here in the United States, Donald Trump has been arrested four times and faces 91 felony charges and the biggest question of the year is whether the country can handle Trump being either disqualified from office or convicted and sent to prison. We have never tried imprisoning the Republican presidential nominee. It is part of a global trend of Democracy Defenders turning toward authoritarianism.
“Germany is wrestling with a potentially explosive debate over whether to ban the far-right party Alternative for Germany, or AfD.
Germans have been shocked by revelations that senior figures attended a meeting where mass deportations were allegedly discussed.
A growing backlash has sparked large protests and public condemnation.
The AfD, which continues to poll second nationally, says it’s being scandalously smeared by opponents. …”
“Berlin (CNN) — Huge crowds of protesters are set to descend on cities in Germany this weekend, as demonstrations calling for a ban on the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) gain momentum.Tens of thousands have already braved sub-zero temperatures this week to protest against the party, after it emerged senior AfD members discussed a plan to deport migrants en masse in revelations that have been compared to the Nazi era.
Protests of up to 30,000 people have already taken place in cities including Berlin, Leipzig, Rostock, Essen and Cologne. Demonstrators gathered outside the capital’s redbrick town hall on Wednesday holding placards reading “Nazis out” and chanting slogans against far-right AfD politician Björn Höcke. …”
“Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets in protest against the far-right party Alternative for Germany, known as AfD, in recent days. Legal scholars are discussing whether the party can be banned. Political leaders are warning of a fundamental threat to society.
“I will say it clearly and harshly: Right-wing extremists are attacking our democracy,” Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in his weekly video message to Germans on Friday. “They want to destroy our cohesion.” …”
Everywhere you look Democracy Defenders in the West have grown tired of liberalism and democracy. Why not just arrest, disqualify or ban the opposition? Why not just censor and fire those people to shut them up? Why not just weaponize the “intelligence community” against them?
If Trump gets back into power, he could do something terrible like get us into multiple regional wars in Eurasia and launch a genocide. He might arrest his political enemies!
Note: I think this is the first time I have ever shared an Eli Valley cartoon here. At least in a positive way.
Hunter, check out Sahra Wagenknecht’s newly-formed German People’s Party, with its main voter base in former GDR east Germany but challenging to AfD in all parts of Germany. She and her new party are socialistic, anti-war, anti-NATO, anti-immigration, anti-“Woke” and pro-Russian. What more could anyone want? But the system will “fix Wagenknecht’s wagon” if she continues to gain momentum. AfD right-populism is actually useful to the system in keeping people confused and distracted, but the People’s Party, if Wagenknecht is really sincere, and is really left, could be a serious threat to the system.
The pro-Russian, anti-NATO, anti-immigration, anti-“Woke” new German People’s Party is already ahead of AfD in eastern Germany and would surpass the AfD everywhere, and come to power, if the system would allow it (it won’t). This video is from before Sahra formed her new party:
Some more “facts” about this ‘populist’ figure:
” Wagenknecht became a prominent member of the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) from the early 1990s. After the foundation of The Left, she became a leading member of one of the party’s most left-wing factions as leader of the Communist Platform. She has been a controversial figure throughout her career due to her hardline and populist stances, statements about East Germany, immigration and refugees (which moved away from traditional antiracism), and her political movement Aufstehen.[3][4][5]
Wagenknecht was born on 16 July 1969 in the East German city of Jena.[7] Her father is Iranian and her mother, who worked for a state-run art distributor, is German. Her father disappeared in Iran when she was a child. She was cared for primarily by her grandparents until 1976, when she and her mother moved to East Berlin.”
To be truthful, I’d be more comfortable with a non-mixed race German leading a leftist party (or any pro-German party), and ESPECIALLY not a Woman. Remember Merkel ?
I knew she is half German and half Iranian (but some Iranians are “Aryan,” aren’t they?) and yes a male would be better, other things being equal. But what concerns me much more is that she is being allowed to run at all, which would be impossible in U.S.-occupied Germany if she is a real leftist. The system would know she is a real leftist and would immediately attack her and her new party and prevent her from running. The system is apparently pleased to have her run for office, and AfD and Wagenknecht’s Bund will receive more than half the votes in many parts of Germany. Too good to be true, and she isn’t: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/01/17/cfau-j17.html
Russia is extremely flawed, but alignment with it would be much preferable for Europe than its current submission to the anal, black and jew worshipping Rainbow Empire.
Seems, like a good party, I would vote for them, if I was German, but who knows what they’d be like if they’re ever elected, and that’s a big IF, because the elite will do whatever it takes to keep them out, from voter fraud to assassination, that is if they’re really, truly sincere.
I wonder who funds them?
At first glance I thought the huge march was pro-AfD til I looked closer at the headline. Silly, silly me.
So long as they control the narrative, everything will become more chaotic and degenerative
We’re supposed to believe that parties like the AFD are nationalists, but are they really?
Trump and Meloni did little to stop illegal immigration and both are in favor of legal mass immigration, even tho Meloni campaigned on being against it.
Trump continued to fund Zelensky’s war on the Donbass.
Trump said Putin made a mistake by intervening in the Donbass.
Trump said he’d put a stop to the war, but didn’t say how.
In any case the war appears to be over because an entire generation of Ukrainians are dead or injured.
And Meloni supports the war on the Donbass.
Both Trump and Meloni are in favor of genociding the Palestinians.
Trump and Meloni aren’t nationalists, they’re neocons, and so what is this war against the fake nationalist right really about?
In many countries, perhaps in all of them with the exception of Poland, it’s political theatre and petty squabbling, nothing more.
Don’t look at what people say about themselves, look at what they do.
The war is totally over – that’s why Russia is still wallowing around in the same muddy E Ukrainian cow pastures that they have been in since March 2022 and Ukraine is blowing up Russian oil storage depots 700 miles from the Ukraine border with drones. Honk honk.
Politicians often campaign on a platform of stopping illegal immigration. The key word here is ‘illegal’ immigration. What they don’t tell the voters is they’ll still let in equally incompatible LEGAL immigrants. Being ‘legal’ doesn’t make one any less Muslim, black or Chinese. They still represent a threat to our demographics and reduce our percentages.
I absolutely hate the left, but in a political context, at least they SAY they want more immigrants so you know what NOT to vote for.
People like Trump and Meloni say the right things to get elected………then just do nothing.
I don’t know what it will take to finally turn things around. Maybe the complete destruction of our way of life and freedom will generate action. Who knows?!
Any politician who supports Israel WILL sell out their voters when the interests of Israel conflict with the voters regardless of party or ideology.
Trump is an obvious example. So is Boris Johnson.
Meloni has done an about face on migration but still stands with Israel.
The exception that proves the rule is Jimmy Carter. To get to play national politics, he had to support Israel. This was not a big leap for him with his southern philosemitism. Once out of office he became critical of Israel, despite his philosemitism.
The rule would predict that Javier Milei, the current darling of libertarian-conservatives will become a big disappointment to his followers, but they may be too to enmeshed in the cult acknowledge it. He has already been invited and spoken to the WEF which is not a good sign
“The rule would predict that Javier Milei, ”
So long as it is a brown society it will thrash around in the gutter.
Argentina has lost most of its WHITENESS, as the US is currently doing. A brown society can’t attain WHITE standards.
Been most of my waking existence for the last eleven days. Where do you want me to start? Or finish?
Really though, I’ll link to one of my social accounts, Minds b/c it doesn’t have a character limit on posts. Scroll back to January 10 with one that reads “Correctiv just kicked one of the biggest own goals” then go upward. You can skip the posts not about Remigration, even though you shouldn’t.
Whites have two choices:
1) Submit to our own Genocide and get called “racists”.
2) Reclaim our dignity, take our countries back and get called “racists”.
I think number 2.,Reclaim our dignity, take our countries back and get called “racists”. – ( And our dignity too )
Really strange, that WHITES are so afraid of a trivial word, they cower like a whipped puppy.
Not afraid to mention the ethnicity of those behind all this? For fear of the, um, uh, the tired of……the, um, the, the autocrats. Yes, the autocrats.
And “Olaf Scholz”, the head frontman over there. What ethnicity is he? His mother is a well, one if those autocrats, tunnellers some call them.
Democracy makes Autocracy possible …….
Firstly, we’re not a democracy, but the mass of tards are too stupid to know that.
Second, a Constitutional Republic, the Constitution is the supreme law, not public opinion.
The kosher media is doing everything possible to ‘dumb down’ the public’s perception. ((They)) know the majority is stupid.
If you simply disagree with your enslavement, your not just right but super hyper mega to the max, power level 9 million, far-far, far……far…..far……far………farthest of the far, break out the bino’s you’re so damn far, of the far, far, far far, far, far right.
“If Trump gets back into power, he could do something terrible like get us into multiple regional wars in Eurasia and launch a genocide. He might arrest his political enemies!”
Yep….. typical inversion.
That same tribe……projection and inversion.
The facts mean nothing.
Here’s what Boris Johnson thinks Trump will do with Ukraine if re-elected, from MSN news:
Boris Johnson, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, does not believe that, in the event of his return to the office of the President of the United States, Donald Trump will abandon support for Ukraine.
“I simply cannot believe that Trump will ditch the Ukrainians; on the contrary, having worked out, as he surely has, that there is no deal to be done with Putin, I reckon there is a good chance that he will double down and finish what he started — by giving them what they need to win,” Johnson says.
He pointed out that unlike his predecessor in the White House, Barack Obama, the frontrunner from the Republican Party for the presidential nomination in 2024, has provided Ukraine with Javelin anti-tank missile systems.
“So, whatever they now say about President Trump, I cannot believe that he will want to go down in history as the president who abandoned a country that he has already signally helped to keep free,” Johnson says.
So there you have it, Trump supports Zelensky’s proxy war against the people of the Donbass.
Trump is not an isolationist or nationalist, he’s a globalist, imperialist interventionist.
Don’t let Don con you a 2nd time.
Many, if not all these so called national populist politicians across the west are frauds.
What happened in 2016 with Trump and others is the neocon right rebranded itself, that’s all.
And so this fake war between shitlibs and the right is largely, if not wholly a con.
It’s deflection, divide and rule.
It is not coincidental that the same protestors demanding the AfD be banned are the same people who demonstrate on behalf of Gaza, Palestine, and erasing Israel off the map. There is so much conflict within the West it is only exceeded by wars on its periphery. In this tangled web, there is a change within coalitions. The so called Dissident Right should figure out what is the greater threat, Israel and its Anglo-American allies or the Euro-Asian Commies and their non-White axis horde and act accordingly.
They should consider that despite leaving Afghanistan, and declaring an end to forever wars, we have major conflicts in Israel and Ukraine and our bases and ships and commercial traffic attacked. Five embassies have collapsed in 1975 Saigon moments, and the border has dissolved. As predicted, there is no amount of appeasement or abandonment of our forward periphery which will grant us peace or neutralize the Left which simultaneously continues its war against us in the interior.
This will continue to worsen, and conflict is spreading. Texas is literally setting up troops to face off against the usurping Biden troops at Eagle Pass, the last place where the last command of the Confederacy left the US. Now, like a haunting, this place is seeing a line between Patriots, Tyrants, and Invaders. It will spread from Arizona’s border to Alabama and Miami to Seattle. There is no watering hole to escape too. You will all witness this conflict and be forced to choose. Some of you will be young enough to fight it, some will be too old and will see their young fight it, but all will witness it.
At the twighlight of the Roman Empire the Western folk of Gauls, Britains, Romans, Greeks, Jews fought for supremacy in the Imperium, for securing their piece of the pie, or their independence. They put aside their differences and joined forces against a Euro-Asiatic horde of Huns, Germans, Turks in a final cataclysmic battle of Catalonian Fields and ended the threat from the East. Today, we must do the same as the modern Hun joins with the Moslem, Blacks, and Russians to overwhelm us. Its clear as day how the battle lines are drawn. As we hurl towards some new dark age what side will you choose, the anti-Israel, anti-AfD, anti-Nationalist Euro-Commies or the pro-Israel, pro-AfD, pro-Nationalist Anglo-Americans. https://youtu.be/XxSeeN03Xfg?si=1rvGASiKbD_cevEQ
When these reffoes first enter the West, the populace are assured that they’re just ‘temporary’.
As soon as efforts are made to remove them, every layer of the legal system stick their beaks into it (paid for by the taxpayer) and the white left…….yes, the WHITE left, moves heaven and earth to prevent their removal. So they remain at large, and remain a danger to the regular whites who never wanted them, and feel no obligations to help them.
It’s a tactic the left have employed for years:
bring them in, tell us we’re obligated to help, then protest if attempts are made to kick them out. Then before you know it, they’re 45% of your demographics.
I’m waiting for the system to save democracy by putting dissenters in concentration camps.
The SPD is collapsing in on itself. The next to go will be the Roman Catholic CDU/CSU. The CDU/CSU is the old Roman Catholic Zentrum Party, and they have nothing to offer except for Catholic crucifixes in public schools in Bavaria. How important is Catholic Jesus nailed to a cross? If you like that sort of stuff you can go to Italy, and make a Novena while you are at it.
CDU (Christian Democratic Union) is the Protestant dominated part of the CDU/CSU alliance. The CDU is its own separate org based off of Christian dominated unions, agrian coops, and small medium enterprises. For awhile it had German Protestant nobles supporting it but they mostly transfered from being a class lobby group to using corporations to inside the CDU.
The CSU (Catholic Social Union) is into all the Catholic social economy and subsidiary stuff plus had for a time alot of time Catholic nobility also supporting it. So it was kind of a mirror image in the North but with cardinals and bishops holding influence.
Overall the CSU subsidiary while formerly more influential, especially in the Cold Wae is increasingly marginalized due to so many German Catholics being gay faggots like Nick Fuentes and larping off into far right bullshit while secretly buggering themselves, or abandoning their crucifixes for tablets/iPhones or hammers/sickles. So, the CDU is not exactly the Catholic party and after that Putin agent and ex-Stasi Angela Merkle got finished with it, it’s not really a German Democratic party either.
“Germany is wrestling with a potentially explosive debate over whether to ban the far-right party Alternative for Germany, or AfD.
(((Germans))) have been shocked by revelations that senior figures attended a meeting where mass deportations were allegedly discussed.
A growing backlash has sparked large protests and public condemnation.
The AfD, which continues to poll second nationally, says it’s being scandalously smeared by opponents. …”
“Berlin (CNN) — Huge crowds of (((protesters))) are set to descend on cities in Germany this weekend, as demonstrations calling for a ban on the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) gain momentum.
(((Tens of thousands))) have already braved sub-zero temperatures this week to protest against the party, after it emerged senior AfD members discussed a plan to deport migrants en masse in revelations that have been compared to the Nazi era.
Protests of up to (((30,000 people))) have already taken place in cities including Berlin, Leipzig, Rostock, Essen and Cologne. Demonstrators gathered outside the capital’s redbrick town hall on Wednesday holding placards reading “Nazis out” and chanting slogans against far-right AfD politician Björn Höcke. …”
New York Times:
“(((Tens of thousands))) of people have taken to the streets in protest against the far-right party Alternative for Germany, known as AfD, in recent days. Legal scholars are discussing whether the party can be banned. Political leaders are warning of a fundamental threat to society.
“I will say it clearly and harshly: Right-wing extremists are attacking our democracy,” Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in his weekly video message to Germans on Friday. “They want to destroy our cohesion.” …”
(Curious that both New York Times AND CNN use the phrase ‘Tens of thousands’)
“(Curious that both New York Times AND CNN use the phrase ‘Tens of thousands’)”
Not at all. All of us know the media is completely scripted.
All the media outlets are just separate tentacles on the same propaganda kosher squid.
Wonder how many of those ‘tens of thousands’ were getting checks from NGOs funded by the usual suspects (plus tax money appropriated by the pols they own): Soros, Schwab, Gates, Bezos, Broder, Wall Street Mandarins, City of London, et al. My bet is that most of the mobs are funded by the above, just like the invaders crossing our southern border are.
The real oddity here we have boomertards like AGB who advocate whites should cuddle up to the gang above (folks who all want to genocide whites) while the various POX mobs accept free money and take orders from the very same folks – and are pointed at YT to do the dirty work (loot, rape, kill) for their employers. Schlomo & Co. always sez ‘Let’s you and him fight’. That worked out so for us well in 1914, 1940, und so weiter. The boomertard “Communist” line is especially absurd as there are few actual communist states remaining (North Korea, Laos, Cuba?) and they scarcely matter in all this. With the one party, China is just an oligarchy not much different than any country in “our democracy” who still employ fake “opposition” parties. Both “Our Democracy” and “Communism” are just rackets. Time to stop playing by the oligarchy’s rules. Don’t fall for it.
If the hordes of Muslims living in Europe are mad about Gaza they need to go and join up with Hamas instead of sitting on their arses collecting welfare in Germany. Not a single Arab state has bothered to help those being bombed daily in Gaza and we’ve not seen all those young military-age Muslims self-deporting to go fight the jihad, have we? As for the other bloodsuckers, Jews need to go and sign up for the IDF instead of sitting in their offices, running scams, buying politicians and looting everything they can while whining about how terribly they are treated by bad honkies who don’t want to go and fight for Israel. Fuck all these parasites, let them kill each other. We have no business there and they have no business here.
” how many of those ‘tens of thousands’ were getting checks from NGO”
The group organizers, 1 in 40 or so, same as BLM/ANTIFA.
“China is just an oligarchy not much different than any country (…) Both “Our Democracy” and “Communism” are just rackets”:
CPC-led “socialism with Chinese (Confucian) characteristics” appears to be mixed with the other system, but you must recognize that it is really a WAR ECONOMY. Chinese socialism has been under constant attack – hot, cold, psychological, financial, proxy (Taiwan, Hong Kong, India) and hybrid – from the very beginning. Socialism cannot spring fully-developed out of capitalism, or out of feudalism (the predecessor to capitalism), when it is under constant attack by other countries that are still under the earlier system (like revolutionary France was attacked immediately by all the remaining monarchies in Europe). Mao realized that a cultural revolution was needed to educate the people who grew up in the other system. Without Mao’s leadership and the cultural revolution, China would have fallen all the way back very soon, within a decade, into what YOU say it is: a communist in name only capitalist oligarchy, just another racket.
Exalted Cyclops, I haven’t seen your “third alternative” to socialism and capitalism. Is it fascism? You are obviously well read, so I thought you might be interested by the Chinese view of the “fall” (betrayal) of the “just another racket” USSR:
“let them kill each other. We have no business there”:
“There” is where your business is, as a U.S. citizen. You cannot disassociate YOUR U.S. and its imperialist genocide of the indigenous people of the Levant (the historic nation of Palestine) to control the Middle East using its colonial proxy Israel – and you must be for the business, unless you are actively pitted against it. I just ran across this Italian song (with English text) with that message, naming the U.S. and its Zionistas, “WHO ALSO RULE ITALY.” Down in the Middle East, the American pirate rages….
No sale. I have zero say or influence in the regime and oligarchy that controls the Empire of Lies. You in Wales have no say either. It’s totally laughable hearing these clowns running the circus prattle on about “our democracy” as act like they have the right to tell every nation on the planet how they are to govern the zeks. You’ll note that the young white men are no longer signing up for the US imperial legions. You also have it backwards. The United States regime is controlled by the empire, which is at least partly run from Israel. Not even the official ‘world’s richest man’ can call out Israel and its meany toadies for their barbarism in Gaza. Musk just spent a nice step-n-fetchit session with Ben Shapiro over at Auschwitz.
You might know much background about that particularly loathsome rodentine POS. but back in the Bush years, young Ben earned the name “The Littlest Chickenhawk” because even though he was prime military age, he was busy advocated young white men go and sign up to fight Muslim Ter-r-r-r-r-rsts in Iraq to benefit Israel. When Vox Day directly confronted him about why he wasn’t down at the USMC recruiter, Benji said he had to go to law school instead. Hence the name (Chickenhawk was a term used to describe those like Shapiro who are busy war-mongering but prefer to do so from the safety of a well-appointed office in California.) A “war hawk” who chickens out when it comes to actually fighting in a war. Take your complaint to Shapiro, who apparently bosses the “richest man on earth” around.
Totally agree. Well said.
To me what is happening politically is related to what’s happening to society as a whole. The same cry babies who think they have to right to ban their opponents and charge them with whatever, are the same ass hats who want to remake society to suit themselves, the old rules don’t apply. A male is a girl because he says he is. And everyone is expected to go along with all of their crazy b.s., or they get really huffy.
To understand what’s going on check out Martin Sellner’s english videos>
To understand what’s going on, check Martin Sellner’s englisch videos>