Everything that the world went through in 2020 and the years that followed was caused by a small cabal of evil mad scientists who wanted to evade restrictions on coronavirus research. This includes the economic fallout from inflation which wouldn’t have happened had it not been for COVID.
Note: Obviously, none of them were punished for it and the mainstream media is doing its best not to talk about it. “The Science” caused all of this.
No surprise …. this is a Bio-warfare lab. Leak was probably on purpose.
My story: I never took a single COVID jab. I never had even the mildest COVID case or flu or whatever it was supposed to be. “Pandemic” my ass.
Are you in a vulnerable group, old or have comorbidies ?
Lol – when did Alex Jones take over OD? We’ll get the truth on the Covid-19 pandemic on the same day that we get the truth on the JFK assassination.
Malone’s latest drop just confirms everything Unz stated two years ago. Yes it was created in a lab – funded by the very same folks who are pushing the vax. The bitch Nudelman even admitted the empire had numerous bio-labs in your favorite fake-and-gay country Ukraine (after their discovery by RU forces). Biden, Fauci, and all the rest are deep into it. Possibly some element in China trying to bring down Xi. Trump, ever the boomertard, jumped on the “Warp Speed” train which of course at least in part led to his overthrow in 2020.
Ryan Dawson , much the same, but more.
He told about (((Fauci)) directing and funding the entire disaster and saying only sick and old people needed the vax.
Of course, ((Fauci)) has the jcard, so he’ll never be prosecuted.
Hunter, I’m sorry to say this video is full of lies, intentionally stated or repeated in ignorance, or some of both. This is just another clever (too clever) variation of the U.S.’s anti-China pandemic origin propaganda. The hosts of the Breaking Points Show are fake journalists, real propagandists (of the system), who cannot be trusted. Just look at them sitting there, telling these lies with straight faces, and sometimes laughing, while they tell these lies, because they know their target audience, that gives them the views, takes them seriously, and likes to be told what they want to hear. Real journalists don’t care what others “want to hear.” They search out and broadcast real truth, knowing that the system could retaliate for it by arresting them and locking them up in Belmarsh prison or some CIA black site for the rest of their lives, and Americans, and Australians (Assange is a citizen of Australia), couldn’t care less.
You may like to hear that the pandemic is the fault of some cheap-to-hire “dirty, sloppy Chinese” lab workers in RED CHINA which “always knew that Covid started in The Wuhan Lab and continues to lie to the world about it.” But the TRUTH, proven by analyses of antibodies in bloodbank samples and RNA in urban wastewater samples, is that (1) Covid appeared first and became endemic in the U.S., and also appeared in Lombardy, Italy, and cities in France and Spain, BEFORE it appeared in blood and wastewater samples in China, and (2) that the research lab in Wuhan China NEVER held a sample of Sars Co-V2 or anything remotely like it.
It might have begun in the U.S. during the summer of 2019. By December 2019, a month before some very vigilant (always looking for the return of the original, very deadly SARS) Chinese doctors discovered the virus in pneumonia patients in Wuhan, the CDC says about 1.4% of the population of the U.S. had already had Covid, proven by the antibodies in their blood. Covid did not enter the U.S. from China. It entered China from the U.S., and it was discovered (or discovered a second time, independently) in China.
A possible route of transmission from the U.S. (the likely original source) to Wuhan, China, is the U.S. team that attended the World Military Games in Wuhan in October, and did not perform well, because some of the team members were sick at the games, and in the very floors of the hotel they stayed in. to which some of the first Chinese cases were connected. Note that some of the U.S. team also visited the Wuhan farmers’ market.
“Case closed”? The U.S. is spreading these false narratives to try to prevent the REAL case from ever being OPENED.
Hatred of the innocent is the fruit of the Jews.
You will know them by their fruit.
“the jwz belong to a dark and repulsive force” ….. Cicero
“It might have begun in the U.S. during the summer of 2019. By December 2019, a month before some very vigilant (always looking for the return of the original, very deadly SARS) Chinese doctors discovered the virus in pneumonia patients in Wuhan, the CDC says about 1.4% of the population of the U.S. had already had Covid, proven by the antibodies in their blood. Covid did not enter the U.S. from China. It entered China from the U.S., and it was discovered (or discovered a second time, independently) in China.”
Proof this is true ?
Based on the frequency of antibodies in blood bank samples in the U.S., taken in 2019, about one in 200 of the U.S. population had already been infected with Covid BEFORE it was discovered in China. Viral RNA in city sewage samples also proves it was endemic in the U.S. by the end of 2019 and had reached some cities in Europe, BEFORE vigilant Chinese doctors (who were watching for a return of the original, very deadly SARS) discovered it in a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan. See for example: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33176598/
“Based on the frequency of antibodies in blood bank samples in the U.S., taken in 2019, about one in 200 of the U.S. population had already been infected with Covid BEFORE it was discovered in China. Viral RNA in city sewage samples also proves it was endemic in the U.S. by the end of 2019 and had reached some cities in Europe, BEFORE vigilant Chinese doctors (who were watching for a return of the original, very deadly SARS) discovered it in a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan. See for example: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33176598/”
U.S. sport team went to China BEFORE 2019, got Covid BEFORE it was discovered in U.S.
“U.S. sport team went to China BEFORE 2019, got Covid BEFORE it was discovered in U.S.”
Charlie, you must mean “before 2020.” The International Military Games were held in Wuhan in October 2019. Antibodies to Covid were in blood in U.S. blood banks and RNA was in wastewater in the U.S. by that time, in 2019. But there is no such evidence for the existence of Covid in China at that time, which suggests that the American athletes came to China already infected, and fell ill there, and some of them had to come home early. Some of them visited the farmers’ market. This view of the origin of the pandemic is the predominant view of the people of China, and of the government, although the government which is trying to be very fair and diplomatic toward the U.S., and is waiting for more definitive evidence, doesn’t officially state it.
Who do YOU believe?
Lying Western for-profit “news” media says: “For months, China resisted allowing World Health Organization experts into the country to trace the origins of the global pandemic.”
WHO says: “We were in China from Day One. Large WHO teams also visited in February, 2020, and again in June”; “The Chinese government has fully cooperated and behaved impeccably” and that “Our officers had access to any who wanted to give evidence without prior arrangement or limitation. Not one Chinese citizen spoke of being ‘forced’ in any way.”
The lying Western for-profit “news” media claims that the “Chinese government would not allow “full” access to the virology lab in Wuhan.” WHO says: “We received full access and security clearance to ALL staff and areas of the virology lab concerned.
The lying Western for-profit “news” media claims that “Chinese government tried to prevent access to the farmers’ market in Wuhan.” WHO says: “We travelled wherever and whenever we wanted – always being greeted by friendly Chinese citizens willing to help and assist.”
Lying Western for-profit “news” media claims that “Chinese government stage-managed the interviews with surviving members of families who have lost loved-ones to Covid19.” WHO says “We interviewed any one we wished without prior arrangement or appointment. WHO officers were ‘touched’ by the continuous kindness and concern they received from the Chinese people who were very grateful that they had risked their lives to travel during this pandemic and try to assist China!”
Paraphrased and sourced from Godfree Roberts’ excellent newsletter.
Read the Unz articles. Yes saying it was a Chinese operation against Murika is bullshit. This does not preclude elements in the Chinese nomenklatura from aiding and abetting the Globo-Pedo Empire of Lies bio-weapons operation launched in China. As usual with the oligarchy the claim of it being a Chinese weapon deployed against Murika is pure projection (they always cry out in pain as they strike you). It’s a lie on the level of the claim that Russia blew up its own pipelines to the EUSSR (a reliable source of income). Only retards and stooges parrot such brazenly stupid lies. Here are some key points in the research done by Unz (and others):
1. There were two major previous outbreaks of viral infections in China targeting Chickens and Pigs, which had the net effect of destroying a significant section of the Chinese food supply.
2. The new designer-disease was probably released in China when an international sporting event for militaries was held in Wuhan in the fall of 2019. It’s possible the virus might have been released even before November 2019. The lab in Wuhan did (and is possibly still) receive funding from the gang behind planning and the vax program (Fauci, Collins and their backers from the oligarchy like Gates, Soros, et al.)
3. Other than China, the only place to suffer in the very early severe stage (late 2019 to early 2020) was Iran, concentrated in the city of Qom, a closed city where many of the Shiite leaders of Iran reside. There was a very high number of cases among the Iranian leadership. There is little if any traffic between Qom and China. The usual explanations for the viral spread (air traffic, etc.) can’t explain this event.
Given the pattern of release and those behind the virus (western elite, their CIA, Mossad and MI-6 goon squads plus corrupt officials worldwide), the fact that the oligarchs behind the outlawed gain-of-function (e.g. bioweapon) research are the very folks pushing both depopulation and the genetic experimental ‘vax’ it was obviously a weapon deployed to seriously disrupt the Chinese economy (which has been quite successful) and to kill Iranian leadership (not quite as successful but a number did die). The Chinese – irrespective of the regime there – would never be forthcoming about the tremendous damage (deaths, etc.) because to do so means ‘losing face’.
The gaslight media lie-machine, when not bullshitting everyone about bats, pangolins and wet markets, now try and blame the whole mess on the ‘secretive’ Chinese once their original crap narrative is demolished. The economic damage to China of course caused Xi – declared by Soros to be a great enemy of the ‘open society’ (e.g. permanent usury-slavery under the oligarchy) – some loss of face for Xi but his planned overthrow did not come to pass. It seems it did weaken Xi to the extent that he’s not yet purged the party nomenklatura of the all traitors who allied with Soros, et al (though a few have been disposed of). Roberts is at least partially right, though sometimes he falls into worshipping the Chinese regime. It’s foolish to judge Chinese society according to western values, especially as the ones who so do to the loudest are those who have subverted and overthrown the values which made the west into the society it once was.
Unz has covered some of this, but as a Jew he can not but help hide other parts of the story. He is trying to hide the Jews providence in this. I say all the evidence leads to the Jews taking research from US lavatories in viral weapons and releasing it in a virulent form in China, while trying to blame the US and/or China for its release. Never forget the Chinese lab was started up, and its operation was run by a Jew advisor from Harvard who was arrested after covid broke out. Do not forget that one of his students was arrested at the airport going to China with unauthorized lab samples (pathogens???) in his sock.
You can easily see the Jew bringing in the same covid that the Jews were going to spread and saying, “here study this”. Then the Jews dump this in China along with all the other before mentioned viruses to kill off their food supply.
There was even a Jew vaccine maker who piped up, counting his shekels, that he had been studying the same type virus and could have a vaccine in a few weeks. Whoops! Never heard from the chicken vax Jew again.
Some people believe, and some Hasbara have pushed, the idea that the covid was never deadly. I don’t believe this. I believe the virus was very deadly at first, as engineered, and then broke up to be less deadly shortly after. This is exactly what we saw, making some believe that it was never deadly in the first place, as this reaction is different from normal viruses. A viral weapons researcher said that engineered viruses break up real fast. Far faster than normal viruses and five different government funded viral research centers immediately after the outbreak said they had evidence that covid was engineered, but then…crickets. Someone noticed and told them to shut up.
People who say that it was never deadly can not explain all the deaths in Iran, China and Italy. We KNOW there was a huge die off in Italy because we have records. In China Wuhan was locked down and a few days after the lock down the skies cleared from all pollution, but then the whole city became engulfed in a haze of smoke. People say this was from the burning of bodies they could not dispose of, and there are records that show lots of deaths. Some people said the deaths were pretend so that the Chinese government could control the people, but this is silly because if they didn’t have control they couldn’t lock down people in the first place. That the Chinese took this seriously was extremely evident in the fact that at the slightest hint of any infection they locked down whole regions immediately.
After a while, this instant lock down stopped. I personally believe the Chinese told the Jews in Israel they were going to dump a mass of viruses on them or nuke them if they did not stop spreading lethal viruses in China. I think the Jews in fact meant to wipe out vast numbers of Chinese, but like most things Jews do, they fucked it up.
That this genocide was planned long ago is evident by the research the Jew vax companies were doing well before the virus. They had patents on the same type of organisms.
The biggest, most glaring, and undeniable reason that the Jews did this is NO ONE ELSE could profit. There is not one single defense analyst, one general, one of anybody who would put forth the idea that the US or China could start a viral weapons attack and profit. No one. It’s too stupid for anyone to do this because it would be just like firing nuclear weapons at a country and there’s no way you could prevent others from doing the same to you. The only people who could profit from this are the Jews, who would try to kill off as many as possible while getting others to point fingers at each other and maybe even start a war. Classic Jew behavior.
“They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.”
“Who do YOU believe?”
^^Not YOU.
Merthyr RISING ” WHO Do you believe ? ” Not you Merthyr man, your addiction to STATISM, clouds your judgement and taints what validity your postulative rant, may genuinely have …….
“Statism”? The goal of socialism is for the state, every state, to wither away and disappear. Having a state (and a strong state!) is a temporary necessity, because any nation or people that revolts against or becomes independent from the global imperialist system will be under constant attack by the global imperialist system trying to bring it back under control. “The state” is really a war economy, for socialism. The goal of socialism is to provide THE MAXIMUM OF FREEDOM for everyone, while a very small number of people will lose their private monopolies to exploit everyone else. There was an illusion of freedom in the U.S. the past, because the population of the U.S. was much smaller then, and millions of acres of empty land could be bought cheap or were free for the taking. But now the population of the U.S. has become the third largest in the world after China and India, and all the land has been taken, and the illusion of freedom under the world-dominating U.sury S.ystem is gone,
Merthyr Man ” the goal of socialism is for the state, every state, to wither away and disappear.” Really? Then who would enforce your socialist wet dream and enforce it’s LuCIFERIAN DIALETIC/PRINCIPLE’S ? ..
“Then who would enforce”? Read the second line of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew (6:10), the third line in Luke. Whose kingdom is it – that we should want to come? Regarding “statism”: “War is the health of the state.” Class requires war, and war requires the state. But when men have all things in common, their swords will be beat into plowshares and there is need for a state. Going in the other direction, moving away from God, as greed, lust and inequality increase, statism (as you call it) will also increase. As the defrocked, soon-to-be-martyred English priest John Ball preached in 1381: “My good friends, things cannot go on well in England, nor ever will until everything shall be in common, when there shall be neither vassal nor lord, and all distinctions levelled; when the lords shall be no more masters than ourselves. How ill they have used us! They have wines, spices and fine bread, when we have only rye and the refuse of fine straw; and if we drink, it must be water. They have handsome seats and manors, when we must brave the wind and rain in our labours in the field; but it is from our labour they have the wherewith to support their pomp (…) When Adam delved, and Eve span, who was then the gentleman? From the beginning all men by nature were created alike, and our bondage or servitude came in by the unjust oppression of naughty men. For if God would have had any bondmen from the beginning, he would have appointed who should be bond, and who free. And therefore I exhort you to consider that now the time is come, appointed to us by God, in which ye may (if ye will) cast off the yoke of bondage, and recover liberty. (…) Now reigneth pride in prize, and covetousness is held wise, and lechery without shame, and gluttony without blame. Envy reigneth with treason, and sloth is taken in great season. God do boot, for now is the time. Amen.”
Re: “when men have all things in common, their swords will be beaten into plowshares and there is need for a state”
I meant: “there is no longer any need for a state.”
I should have re-read my comment before posting it.
Merthyr man ” War is the health of the state, class requires war and war requires the state ” James 4:1 From whence come war’s and fighting among you ? Come they not hence, even of your lust, that war in your member “…..