In the 2016 election, I was swept up in the Alt-Right wave and was feeling pragmatic and voted for Trump to “move the Overton Window” and “destroy Conservatism, Inc.”
In the 2020 election, I was extremely blackpilled and sat out the federal election. I was influenced by the activists in my internet silo and the negative atmosphere that emerged in the wake of Unite the Right. The Alt-Right collapsed and never recovered from Charlottesville. In both cases, I went along with activists who swung between the extremes of euphoria in 2016 and depression in 2020.
By 2024, I had seen enough to conclude that Donald Trump is the accelerant in our politics. Actually, the Overton Window had moved since he came down the escalator in 2015. Conservatism, Inc. had also changed beyond recognition. Reaganism was no longer the reigning ideology. Conservative institutions had been hollowed out and were slowly adapting to the Trump era. Trump was getting relentlessly attacked for being associated with Project 2025. Conservative influencers and activists now exist in the same space on X and Rumble. Tucker Carlson interviews untouchable people like Steve Sailer. A good rule of thumb is that edgy conservatism is about three years behind activists.
Donald Trump’s enemies are one of the most compelling arguments to support him. It is the reason why the Right rallied behind him in the 2024 election. Trump’s first term was consumed by endless investigations like the Russia Hoax. He was impeached twice by his enemies over a phone call with Zelensky and January 6. He was cancelled and deplatformed from the internet in 2021. He was sued and found liable for sexual abuse of E. Jean Carroll. He was sued again in New York and was ordered to pay $454 million in his civil fraud case. He was arrested and indicted on over 90 felony charges in four jurisdictions. Most recently, Trump had a brush with death in an assassination attempt.
The unhinged overreaction of Trump’s enemies is the driver of polarization in American politics. It has been a gift that keeps on giving. It has undermined confidence in the U.S. military on the Right. It has discredited the FBI, DOJ and civil service who have been branded as the Deep State. It has eroded confidence in the professions and Big Business. It has discredited the Constitution cargo cultists. It has discredited the justice system and the rightwing obsession with “law and order.” The law is now accurately seen as a tool to punish enemies and reward friends and is less shrouded in myths than it used to be. “Journalists” and “watchdog organizations” lost their credibility a long time ago. We forget that we have Trump to thank for this massive erosion of trust in all institutions. In the 2016 election, the FBI was still seen as great American patriots rather than as a malevolent state police force.

In 2020, the anti-Trump energy was so intense in the Summer of Floyd that it led to the mainstreaming of explicit anti-White hate on the Left. It was a bonanza for leftwing activists who rose up and seized control of the public image of the Democratic Party. Over the next two years, the Wokelash on the Right led to the mainstreaming of anti-anti-White politics on the Right. The term anti-White has since become part of the political conversation. We are now on the cusp of the mainstreaming of White advocacy. This dynamic between Trump and his enemies in which both sides up the ante is responsible.
The stakes of this election are also very different for Donald Trump than in 2016 or 2020. “Lock her up” was an applause line at Trump’s rallies in 2016. After he won the presidency, he dialed back his rhetoric and focused on trying to govern for the good of the country. Trump’s vindictive enemies, however, never forgave him for the crime of winning the 2016 election. They have attempted to destroy his business and incarcerate him for the rest of his life. They have locked up nearly everyone who was involved in Trump’s 2016 campaigns. They have even gone after the lawyers who defended him in 2020.
Donald Trump is currently in a death match with his political enemies. Either Trump wins the 2024 election and destroys them or they win and incarcerate Trump and his circle. There isn’t a third option. It shouldn’t have to be stated how much of a chilling effect the latter scenario would have on our politics. The notion that Americans will, say, be emboldened to embrace a National Socialist third party after criminalizing MAGA and sending its leadership to prison is a delusional fantasy. It is better for Trump to win and crush these people and move on into private life in 2028 than the alternative.
The Donald Trump who ran in the 2016 election was running as a Herman Cain type candidate. It was a vanity move. The idea was to step into the political arena to promote his brand. He did not expect to win the 2016 election and become the president. After Trump won the 2016 election, he delegated power to his subordinates and tried to govern as a normal conservative president. He ran for reelection to “Keep America Great.” He would have left behind a legacy like a President Mitt Romney.
I disagree with the activists who expect a Trump second term will unfold like the first one or the aborted second term we would have gotten in the 2020 election. Donald Trump in 2024 is now a brooding, vengeful figure who is being hunted by his enemies who have backed him into a corner. He now sincerely regrets “going easy” on them in his first term. He has been clearly radicalized by what has happened to him as would anyone. He is also justified in his belief that he has been treated “very unfairly.” The new Donald Trump is also not sharing power with Mike Pence and the old establishment.
As usual, the point of this article is to explain my own thinking because otherwise you would not understand the shifts in my position. I am not telling you to vote for Donald Trump. You are capable of making your own decisions. This is my attempt to flesh out my own inner monologue.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
5. Trump is the leader because he is the best of the Republicans
6. “Worse is better” is a cope and was tried in 2020 and maintains the status quo
7. Voting is not a sacrament. Few know this
8. Voting is not going to change anything about Zionism in the next four years
9. Activists have the chance to ride the Trump wave without making the same mistakes
10. Activists are running out of material because the Overton Window has shifted so much
11. Donald Trump is a hunted dog who has been backed into a corner
Time is a flat circle – it’s back to Punished Trump again. I see that magical 223 round didn’t take a chunk out of God Emperor Trump’s ear nor did it leave even the smallest of scars – truly a miracle and proof that Jeebus watches over children and fools!
The magic 5.56 round didn’t pass as close to the ear as claimed. The injury was more consistent with shrapnel generated by a round hitting a nearby teleprompter or other object containing plastic and/or glass. From 400 feet this round would have been going at around 2300 feet per second. This velocity creates a shock wave which would have ripped the tip of his ear off altogether and caused him to be deaf in the ear for at least several hours. It would have been necessary to surgically re-attach the top of the ear and there would have been a great deal more blood.
Note that I am not claiming Trump wasn’t shot at or that they smeared raspberry jam on his ear like some idiots have been. Corey Comperatore is dead and two others were seriously injured by some of the eight rounds fired by the MK ultra stooge who was proud of his Scottish-Jewish heritage. It would come as no surprise to find out the incel-patsy was all over the place ideologically, swinging from fake-and-gay Nazis to Antifa.
I remember way back when you debated guy white, you got annoyed that he called you a nazi. I also recall the fallout with Jim Giles. Do you consider nazism an ideal now? The way you’ve been phrasing it, it sounds like it. A delusion, but still an ideal. The term national socialism has been destroyed by Hitler, I don’t think it can be rehabilitated. It’s unfortunate, because the term national socialism actually makes sense if it’s socialism with national characteristics, but Hitler was not a nationalistic socialist but a fascist who misused the term, plunged europe into war and in my opinion, took action against Jews who were apolitical people and not legitimate political opponents. Of course revisionists deny that.
I’m more of the opinion that Trump brought his legal problems on himself, but I don’t think it disqualifies him. I’ve already laid out why I oppose Trump, but it’s not his legal problems. At risk of sounding like a broken record, he kills immigration bills just to campaign on immigration and supports various foreign policy interventions before he flips against them. He’s more pro-Israel than normal. He cuts taxes for the rich. Also, I’m a climate change believer and he’s not. But his legal problems, I could care less. If his policies aligned with mine I would overlook the legal problems.
No, I have never been interested in it
Jews “apolitical”? This has never been true throughout their existence.
@ Iceman
National socialism was a political system in germany 80 years ago that didn’t really even work well there.
The obsession with it here and now makes as little sense as the upper middle class SWPL managerial class here that think Marxism will work if we just try it hard enough this time.
These systems are fundamentally incompatible with White America. There are no authoritarian systems that are, and this has been our strength so far.
Once we lose that insistence on individual liberty, it won’t matter what system replaces it, because we will cease to exist.
“didn’t really even work well there.”
Worked incredibly well.
Took a bankrupt starving country and made it a thriving industrial power in 3 years, with zero unemployment, when the rest of the world was in depression. 80% unemployment in Detroit.
“Once we lose that insistence on individual liberty, it won’t matter what system replaces it, because we will cease to exist.”
Great point. So really, normal discourse should be about what are the parameters of individual liberty. Sadly, the top of populace that is not only capable of that but remembers it ceased having control of the country awhile ago. So, at this point its a struggle of National liberation aka national liberty that should be the focus of individual liberty for the people who know. Papists and Jews and Moslems and Non-Nordic people aren’t as capable of this as we.
“Papists and Jews and Moslems and Non-Nordic people aren’t as capable of this as we”:
The “We” meaning the “Aryans,” no doubt. What about British who are Roman Catholic? Catholicism is a religion, not a race, and Anglicanism is almost identical to Roman Catholicism. I am surprised that you mentioned Jews along with Catholics, “Moslems” (Muslims) and all Non-“Nordic” people who are “less capable” of “individual liberty,” although Catholics are in first place as usual.
“The term national socialism has been destroyed by Hitler, I don’t think it can be rehabilitated. It’s unfortunate, because the term national socialism actually makes sense if it’s socialism with national characteristics, but Hitler was not a nationalistic socialist but a fascist who misused the term, plunged europe into war and in my opinion, took action against Jews who were apolitical people and not legitimate political opponents.”
Good Lord, do you just lack any intellectual curiosity, or are you intentionally this dense?
One can be both a fascist and National Socialist.
Hiler and Germany DID NOT BEGIN WWII.
Do yourself a favor and watch this.
Read this.
> The term national socialism has been destroyed by Hitler.
Yes it has. It pre-dates Hitler though. Sun Yat-Sen (revered on both Taiwan and PRC today) is one of the earliest practicioners. The Kuomingtang (now the opposition in Taiwan) is basically a Chinese National Socialist party, much as the Baathists are Arab National-Socialists. The obsession with worshipping the failed regime of the NSDAP among Murikan WNs is foolish. Apart from studying the history of where they went off the rails (which has its uses), the larping is just stupid. Besides, now we have hasbaras like AGB whining about papist nazis as he praises nazis who are funded by jews. As I like to say, some nazis are more equal than others.
> The term national socialism has been destroyed by Hitler.
The term national socialism has been mired by Western (((media))).
We live in a society so saturated in lies, like a fish in water, we Don’t even realize it.
Many of Trump’s most vociferous enemies are rightwing Papists. We see them here on OD. Most of the so called Nazis, Trump haters, or GOP downers are either commies or Deep State Papist surveillance sh!tbags. A few might just be honest Assbergers. Their statements are totally out of tune with the overwhelming majority of actual Rightwingers. But that is the objective, divide the resistance and smear with outliers.
During the 2016 campaign, I got a chance to work with some of them. The entire crew were a bunch of Deep State infiltrators working to frame up people like myself, Popodoupolis, Manafort, and anyone with the slightest affiliation with National Security who worked on the campaign. Later, the infiltration grew worse as it became more widespread and insidious. There are so many who road the righteous anger of 2020 to grifter heaven its difficult to explain.
At any rate, I firmly believe that these same Papists were behind the plot to kill Trump and elevate one of their own to replace him on the floor of the RNC. This is deep Jesuit assassination style couple de etat villainy out of the pages of history. The manner and set up of would be inheritors was too typical of Papist coup de etat assassinations from the past.
Indeed, it just came out that Thomas Mathew Crooks, was as I said, a Dissident Rightist Papist. His social media account was found (including Discord as mentioned previously). In it he opposed immigration and promoted anti-semetic themes and memes. Its likely he was a follower of Nick Fuentes and Keith Woods as I also mentioned before.
Damnit tried to warn you. But Brimelow, Taylor, and apparentely Griffith decided to follow and befriend Dr. Jones, travel to Guyana and drink the cool aid cuz “Duh, Jews.” Lord Jesus give me patience and show mercy on these well meaning fools.
The only place you worked in 2016 was on a kibbutz in the Negev Desert, Hymie.
Says the Fedposter Papist. You guys are swirling around the drain. It won’t be too long now.
Just read that a GA ballot counter worked for Red Diaper Baby Wondertwin II the historic gutsy call Kamal.
The Forces Of Evil FEW who rule over the many want to get rid of both candidates and have Leave The World Behind 2025?
These terms are acceptable to Red Diaper Baby Wondertwin I Bathhouse Barry the immaculate Chicago messiah.
Revolutionary war will be complicated and protracted. It includes mass struggle and clandestine struggle, peaceful and violent, political and economic, cultural and military, where all forms are developed in harmony with the armed struggle.
Without mass struggle there can be no revolution.
Without armed struggle there can be no victory. It will not be immediate, for the enemy is entrenched and intractable. It will require lengthy, deliberate political and armed struggle.
Billy Ayers, Prairie Fire, 1974
OT (sorta, maybe not):
Andrew Torba (of Gab) speaks out to set the record straight concerning shooter Thomas Crooks.
BREAKING: The FBI is now claiming that the Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks had an unspecified “social media account” in 2019/2020 (when he was 14/15 years old) that posted “anti-immigrant and anti-semitic” content.
This is not consistent with Gab’s understanding of the shooter’s motives based on an Emergency Disclosure Request (“EDR”) we received from the FBI last week for the Gab account “EpicMicrowave” which, based on the content of that EDR, the FBI appeared to think belonged to Thomas Crooks.
Many, particularly regime media reporters, have doubted Gab’s claims that this request existed. Normally we don’t confirm the existence or content of law enforcement communications. In this instance we had to make an exception due to the overwhelming public interest in disclosure and transparency.
As a courtesy to law enforcement, we are not going to post the entire request. This is the first page of that request.
The story is this: the account for which data was requested was, UNEQUIVOCALLY, pro-Biden and in particular pro-Biden’s immigration policy.
To the best of Gab’s knowledge, as of 2021, Crooks was a pro-lockdown, pro-immigration, left-wing Joe Biden supporter.
Wonder why Thomas Crooks never came in contact with left-wing antifa gun clubs — John Brown, Redneck Revolt, etc. Remember anarchist, antifa, UNC Chapel Hill professor Dwayne Dixon who is a member of the left-wing Redneck Revolt (their members support gun rights and often openly carry guns). Dixon showed up at Charlottesville with his AR-15 and used his weapon to chase off James Fields not long before Fields rammed his car into Leftist protesters who were blocking the streets killing one person. It is a good thing that gun-toting Dixon was given a free pass and proclaimed one of those “good” people Biden has been raving about for years now or Dixon might be in prison today for acting like the ones Biden labels as really very bad “bad” people.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
> By 2024, I had seen enough to conclude that Donald Trump is the accelerant in our politics.
There’s a decent case for it to be sure. This goes back to the importance of the mythical Trump as opposed to the real one. It’s not even so much Trump’s own persona as it’s the absolutely unhinged reaction to him by all of the folks in the enemy camp: SJWs, feminists, wog-advocates, etc. The Church of Woke views Trump in the same way a vampire views garlic and a cross. Given the man’s own stated positions on countless issues – to the left of many denizens of ‘true conservatism’ who were described with astounding clarity by Rev. Dabney in 1870 – the hysterical reaction is puzzling. Yes they’ve always been prone to hysteria (anyone remember ‘Bushitler’?) but it’s way more intense and personal with them with Trump. The overton window shift is much more the product of their totally unhinged reaction to the man than anything the man said – much less actually did.
This is kind of important if one actually believes that votes cast are legitimate in US elections at the local, state, or national levels.
Continuing on the subject of voter fraud: Up to 20% of the mail-in ballots in 2020 were fraudulent.
Has the GOP done a damned thing to ensure that illegal aliens casting votes, or vote by mail fraud has been eliminated in 2024. To ask is to answer.
That’s why they are called the Retardicans.
Georgia changed its election laws
Lol – I’m sure voting will be totally secure and legit in Blacklanta/Fulton County now.
Well, that’s one state.
Wisconsin will still allow drop of ballot boxes though, and “The Dairy State” is a swing state.
Over the last 3 years, “Trump’s enemies” have tried lawfare, assassination, and failed. So, they are left with vote fraud to bring Harris over the finish line ahead of Trump.
As many have written here, “It’s a selection, not an election.” Hilary Clinton actually spilled the beans on that when Hamas won their election in 2012, and complained that the election should not have proceeded without the ‘fix being in’ to get the results that they wanted.
Ron Klain who had been Biden’s point man (jew) for decades has openly implied that the democrats have to cheat better than their opponents. That they do.
Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania have Democrat governors. Arizona also has a Democrat governor
It was the Wisconsin Supreme Court that ruled that the ballot drop boxes could be used in the upcoming election.
I am not sure what the makeup of that court is in the way of conservatives vs liberal, but the ruling was a 4-3 vote.
Georgia has a Republican governor and legislature which is why it changed its election laws. The Rust Belt states do not and elected Democrats in the midterms. So did Arizona
“Georgia has a Republican governor and legislature which is why it changed its election laws. ”
This nation is so far from legitimate elections that it’s pathetic.
> The term national socialism has been destroyed by Hitler.
The term national socialism has been mired by Western (((media))).
We live in a society so saturated in lies, like a fish in water, we Don’t even realize it.
“The Case for Trump 2024: Donald Trump’s Enemies”
The greatest of Donald Trump’s Enemies not talked about :
hes already telling us he will surround himself with jews.
i dont need to think about it any further.
he will serve jews, not us
Yep, dumber than Nixon.
Then when he’s been stabbed in the back he’ll wonder who did it, just like Nixon. Go figure !
I believe the U.S. reached a peak economically and socially in the 30 years after world war 2, 1947-1977. After this the immigration laws were changed and the country has been flooded with coolie labor. Industry has been shut and moved to police type dictatorships like China. The donor class realized they could make a great deal of money making cheap junk overseas, and lowed tariffs. Social rules were changed, and not for the good of most people.
The biggest problem I have with MAGA is we cannot bring back 1963, it’s gone, too much has changed. We could maybe stop the worst of mass immigration, just allowing somebody to squat here and then claim citizenship. But too much damage has been done.
Republicans always seem to be stuck in the past, wanting to bring back something long gone. Watching the codgers running the party suck up to Israel is just revolting. Or bringing back some 104 year old veteran and giving him his 16,666 pat on the back for stopping those awful Nazis.
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!
The case against Kamala Harris is legion.
As anyone who has ever had a ‘girl boss’ knows that every day at the job is a living hell for any heterosexual European man. Now imagine, a biracial, unqualified, DEI absolutist, daughter of a confirmed marxist,and married to a jew in the most powerful possible girl boss position on earth!!!
Add to that the powers that be are pushing for two jewish governors (i.e., Joshua Shapiro of Pennysylvania and J.B. Pritzker of Ill in Oys) as her VP running mate. Not only would the most powerful jewish influencers be in Kamela’s ear every waking moment, but her vice-president’s power would at least be on par with the war criminal Dick Cheney’s during Bush II.
Shapiro is very, very anti-First Amendment, especially when it comes to any organized criticisms of the terrorist zionist entity occupying Palestine. He would be more than willing to use federal power, as he did with state power to criminalize our freedom to assemble and freedom of speech. Those with the slightest modicum of political knowledge should realize that the retardicans will do nothing to defend the First Amendment, if their puppet masters want it erased.
Shapiro as Attorney General of Pennsylvania pushed for lenient criminal sentencing and cheered “Criminal Justice Reforms” that has made Pennsylvania mush less safe for it citizens.
The Pritzker family is the biggest pushers of pro-transsexual propaganda in America.
J.B. Pritzker’s tranny cousin James “Jennifer” Pritzker finances the lobbying for transsexuality education in public schools nationally.
J.B. Pritzker is amongst the vanguard of anti-civilizational jews that push(ed) for “bail reform” that allows violent criminals out on bail without posting a monetary bond. Basically, the same blueprint that all of the Georgi Schwartz (aka “George Soros”) funded and elected ‘prosecutors’ have used to make almost all large cities in America into facsimiles of Mogadishu and Tijuana.
The case for Trump is that his administration will not be the second coming of (((Lenin and his bolsheviks))), and a Harris administration has the potential to become.