Kamala Harris Picks Tim Walz For VP

I’m late to this.

We are finally home after a nine day road trip to Missouri.

I’m sure everyone has already heard the news that Kamala Harris has chosen Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota to be her running mate. I have spent the last two days reacting to her choice on X.

I have spent the last few years emphasizing the difference between state politics and national politics. Congress is gridlocked because the nation at large is deeply polarized. At the state level though, balkanization is the norm where one party now typically controls everything. This has produced vastly different results in governance when you compare a state like Alabama to Minnesota.



Activists will claim there is “no difference” between Gov. Tim Walz and Gov. Kay Ivey.

There is “no difference” except on race, COVID restrictions, gun control, immigration, abortion, gay marriage, transgenderism, education, heritage, energy, Wokeism/CRT, taxes and so forth where Alabamians and Minnesotans have vastly different preferences.


  1. The Somali invasion and indeed the entire Great Replacement is completely bipartisan. Red Shield and Blue Lodge have walked arm in arm to replace us since 1962, when Kennedy sent his open borders bill to Congress, which was eventually passed in 1965, with the only opposing votes in the Senate coming from Democrats.

    The Communists are extremely unhappy with Walz because he has a history as a moderate Democrat. The truth is, they can still replace him, no matter what Camel-uh wants.

    The successful Ukrainian invasion of Russia is the big story. They have 15,000 soldiers inside Kursk, and are consolidating gains. The heathen called Rurik Skywalker has a good report on it in Substack. Russia is now losing the war, despite what you have been told.

    Tampon Tim, lol. The name is sticking. They can now replace him with Kelly, and might just do so. Kelly is Obama’s man.

    Rural Missouri is a paradise.

    • “They have 15,000 soldiers inside Kursk, and are consolidating gains (…) Russia is now losing the war, despite what you have been told”:

      No. Much less than 15,000, and “losing NOW” is the key word or phrase expressing the illusion of the moment. The Khazarkrainian equivalent of “the butcher of the Confederacy” (General Lee) has insanely marched his army across the Mason-Dixon line (Russian border) to be decimated, and never be the same afterwards, while the de facto President and secretary of war Judah Benjamin, or in this case, Volodymyr Zelensky, cheers on the slaughter at a safe distance.

      “The Communists are extremely unhappy with Walz because he has a history as a moderate Democrat”:

      What communists? That so-called “communists say Walz is moderate” is disinformation. To some voters who want “moderate,” he will be marketed as a “moderate” Democrat, while other voters respond better to advertising him as a progressive liberal who is woke. The reality is just as Nancy Pelosi said: “he is right down the middle.” Otherwise he would never be the VP candidate of the fake left side of the capitalist uni-party!

      He can also be both “staunchly pro-Israel” (which he is) and somehow a “peace candidate” (he is absolutely not). Ignore the lying propaganda of the fake “election.” There are no “better” candidates who can win in your fake “elections.” By giving it your attention and by your participation in it, you give your consent and support the system.

      • “The Khazarkrainian equivalent of “the butcher of the Confederacy” (General Lee) has insanely marched his army across the Mason-Dixon line (Russian border) to be decimated, and never be the same afterwards, while the de facto President and secretary of war Judah Benjamin, or in this case, Volodymyr Zelensky, cheers on the slaughter at a safe distance.“

        Can you enlighten me on your sources for this comment about Benjamin? I have a hard time finding much information on him. Thanks.

      • Meredith Mynyddog, I really, I mean really resent, some bloody foreign kymer rouge in WHITE skin, referencing my NOBLE commanders name in such a sorry Damm manmer, ” the butcher of the CONFEDERACY” up your ass, you IDIOTI MARXIST DEVIL …….

    • Those 15000 will get cut off and surrounded. That is unless they get smart and retreat. You expect one division to march on and capture Moscow?

  2. The most embarrassing thing is, Walz isn’t Jewish, black or anything else. He’s a white leftist. Our biggest enemies are ourselves………well, the leftist segments.
    Only our race accommodates silly agendas such as dieversity or the depraved LGBTARD cause. No other race gives a shit.

    • No other race gives a shit.

      Oh but they do.
      Many black nations in the Caribbean and Africa totally reject this queer lgbtqxyz horsesh..

      Real sad day, when 3rd world black nations have more sense than white nations.

  3. “This man is a dangerous commie”:

    He is not a communist, and therefore NOT a danger to the system. Obama was also falsely accused of being communist. Democrats are all “capitalist to the bone,” as Nancy Pelosi said. “Sorry, we are capitalists,” she said.

    Governors Tim Walz and Kay Ivey while differing in style do agree on what is essential. Both are explicitly or effectively right-wing where it counts, convinced, fully-vetted conservers of the class and usury system. The descendants of the “Red Finns” and other Scandinavians of Minnesota (who fled from brutal class exploitation, serfdom, in Sweden and Finland in the nineteenth century) still vote habitually for the party that claims to be the most left-leaning, but the Democrats are no more left than the Republicans. “Wokeness” is confusion/delusion.

    Furthermore, Walz is a rabid pro-Zionist and anti-Russian imperialist who if he became The President (puppet figurehead) would rubber stamp and cheer on every imperialist war. It is all deception. It is all about money.

  4. Democrats are lining up their voting base: Non-Whites and White shitlibs, mostly women. Meanwhile, Trump should be lining up his White and normal voting base, mostly men. Instead, he’ll brag about all he’s doing for non-Whites and ignore or take for granted the Whites supporting him. Whites supporting him out of desperation or really believing he actually cares about them.

    These are our choices. We’re never going to vote our way out of it under the current Anti-White paradigm.

  5. One VP candidate is a liberal loon.
    The other VP candidate is married to a street-shitter, had half-breeds with her, called Trump supporters(i.e. guys like Wallace) racist, and supports immigration as long as it’s done LEGALLY!
    Keep voting harder, though.

    • she’s a near-brahmin. she’s 75 percent aryan. given the problems with white women, it’s fine. I feel like he is a little disingenuine ingrate, hates his background and loves the system, because he made it, into a, granted difficult admitting law school. I’ve been in those places, to succeed you have to be a complete social zero with no dynamic personality or hobbies. You can’t have a girlfriend or watch TV. not impressed.

  6. This Waltz guy is even worse than Cackling Kamala, he is a raving lunatic. If I had been in his NG unit when it deployed to Iraq I would be glad he didn’t go. Would you want to be patrolling while he mans the M-60 MG? He might just bolt and leave your squad hanging in the wind.

    • Wolz should have been a good goyim and smothered himself in glory killing Iraqis and destroying their society so that Israel didn’t have to do their own dirty work.

      • @Ringo
        “Wolz should have been a good goyim and smothered himself in glory killing Iraqis and destroying their society so that Israel didn’t have to do their own dirty work.”

        yep; killed in action.

  7. Fuentes has now gone FULL RICHARD SPENCER and is cheerleading this MASSIVE CUCKOLD as a REAL AMERICAN lol. That little mexican papist is solely running on spite against the RW now. Pathetic.

      • Anyone advocating monarchy is a loon.
        Anyone advocating a monotheistic Catholic state is a loon.
        Fuentes is an immature larping closet queen.

        • Again, sorry, you’re wrong. There is only ONE form of divine governance in the Bible, and the annals of Christendom (including Russia) call you out as a fool.

          That men are sinners (and kings of all men, can be HUGE SINNERS) that doesn’t abrogate (nor give some supposed ‘legitimacy’ to ‘democracy.’ Indeed, the founders were Apoplectic with fear over a true Democracy; which is why they argued for a Republic. But few remember that, today.

          “In the previous post we looked at Galatians 3:28, a text leaned heavily upon by feminists and egalitarians, and why it doesn’t really support an egalitarian reading.” –

          “Even under practically absolutist monarchies, however, the Holy Fathers distinguished between real monarchy and tyranny. St. Gregory was an opponent of Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate. Gregory called Julian a “universal enemy.” Gregory explicitly denied that Julian’s power was from God and thus worthy of obedience: “What demon instilled this thought in you? If every authority were acknowledged as sacred by the very fact of its existence, Christ the Savior would not have called Herod ‘that fox’. The Church would not hitherto have denounced ungodly rulers who defended heresies and persecuted Orthodoxy. Of course, if one judges an authority on the basis of its outward power, and not on its inner, moral worthiness, one may easily bow down to the beast, i.e. the Antichrist, ‘whose coming will be with all power and lying wonders’ (II Thessalonians 2.9 ), to whom ‘power was given… over all kindred, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwelt upon the earth shall worship him, whose names were not written in the book of life of the Lamb’ (Revelation 13.7-8).”

          “Saint Gregory the Theologian [Nazianzus] stated: ‘The three most ancient opinions concerning God are Anarchia, Polyarchia, and Monarchia.’ [As] we have already encountered before,… error in the doctrine of God will have inevitable consequences in the sphere of action, of moral behavior, of the polity of the church, and of basic culture and social organization. A change in the doctrine of the Trinity in either of these directions cannot help but have political consequences…The Christian doctrine, is, of course, the Monarchy of the Father.”- Dr. Joseph Farrell, D. Phil. (Oxon.), God, History, and Dialectic, 1997, pp.155 – 56.

          “Indeed, for the First Europe, as an earlier proponent of this type of historiographical analysis put it, ‘the Pope is the First Protestant,’ because the First Europe’s Church is the Catholic Church from which the Papacy has departed and gone into schism and heresy…”. – Dr. Joseph Farrell, D. Phil. (Oxon.), God, History, and Dialectic, 1997,

  8. These people are all the same; Harris, Trump, Hillary, Newsom, Vance, RFK Jr, they are all part of the same club, they are all narcissists, opportunists, sociopathic, elitists, actors, materialists, fickle, shallow, vain, hypercompetitive, manipulative, exploitive, cunning, vampiric, all cut form the same cloth.
    Empty suits, there is no substance going on underneath, no principles, conscience, real consciousness or self-reflection, it’s all marketing, branding, image.
    It’s just showbiz, entertainment, distraction, deflection, hopium, mythologizing, ‘politics is acting for ugly people’.

  9. Walz represents the archetypal Yankee. He’s a self righteous mad man in the spirit of John Brown.

  10. O/T somewhat but Dementia Joe’s handlers and Cackling Calico Kamala are going to be pulled in opposite directions regarding Our Greatest Ally. Establishment support for Our Greatest Ally is still of course rock solid, purchased with bribes and secured with Epstein type blackmail against the paragons of democracy in Congress. Amongst the public, not so much nowadays.


    Opinion polling comes in at less than half support defending Our Greatest Ally with U.S. troops and this is before any U.S. troops have been deployed. Once casualties start coming in support drops like a stone. This has been the pattern going back to the Korean War.

    Cackling Kamala and her lunatic VP candidate are relying heavily upon the colored people including Moslems in Michigan to win, the very people who are most vociferously anti-Israel. Cackling Kamala must thread the needle by continuing to do as instructed by Our Greatest Ally while at the same time distancing herself from Our Greatest Ally to hold together her Coalition of the Fringes (H/T Steve Sailer). Good luck with that.

    • You nailed it. I always had to laugh at silly people saying they were philosemitic but antizionist. Jews are all Zionists; they just have a disagreement between each other as to how Zionism should work.

      The Likud Jews want a bug out country in Israel with Jerusalem as its capital because its Biblical and it is a great way to exact tribute painlessly from Christian countries, especially those with large sects that follow the Scofield nonsense.

      The Reform Jews don’t have a problem with ruling from London or Washington or Brussels and because of the enormous power and influence they’ve accumulated since the last century don’t feel that they need a bug out country because the world is their oyster.

      I honestly think that if the Palestinians and their sympathizers didn’t have camera phones that they’d be totally okay with Israelis genociding Palestinians and their other Arab neighbors, but for the bad optics.

  11. Give credit where credit is due. I really love the title Dr. Patrick Slattery bestowed upon Harris: Chlamydia Harris! Living proof, you can screw your way to the highest echelons of power.

  12. Bathhouse Barry nailed these “historic” picks with the gutsy call of Tampon Timmeh and the curry cackler!
    The glorious workers utopia begins next Tuesday.
    Si se Puede!

  13. Does anyone note that Walz resembles the comedian Tom Arnold, the guy who married Roseanne Barr years ago? Same moon face, voice, and kind of Rotarian features. A real pair: Harris/Walz, Arnold/Roseanne. But wouldn’t you rather have Roseanne run the country instead of Kamala?
    Then, Walz also looks like Griffin, the lead character on the cartoon The Family Guy. Again, same pudginess, voice, and kind of brainlessness. We have cartoons leading us.
    Why couldn’t it be The Incredibles?

  14. Do you still think Trump will win, Brad? I despise him but can agree that he will be marginally better than Harris.

  15. You didn’t include the disgusting news item about Walz being admitted into an Emergency Room for swallowing a gallon of horse semen. I don’t know, don’t ask….

    But there you are. From Faggot Macron, to Faggot Barry Soetoro, to Faggots in/around/infesting the Biden COUP,
    It would appear that the biblical prohibition against allowing sodomites/trannies/lesbians, etc. to LIVE, is a good one.

    “ALL such deserve DEATH.”- Rom. 1:32

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