Who Controls The Media Now?


If it is the Jews, how do you get polls which show things like 59% of Americans see the mainstream media as a major threat to democracy or trust in mainstream media being at all time lows?

The actual media landscape in 2025 looks nothing like the old three broadcast networks, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and FOX News. The rightwing media bubble is the Murdoch Empire (New York Post, Wall Street Journal, FOX News), X which is owned by Elon Musk, Rumble which is owned by Chris Pavlovski, Daily Wire and Breitbart which are run by Ben Shapiro and Larry Solov respectively who are indeed Jewish and an archipelago of independent podcasters like Joe Rogan and YouTubers. There is also traditional conservative talk radio which Boomers listen to.


  1. If you were add the shares of viewerships shown in the graphic into two columns-“Jewish/Pro-Jewish” and “Anti-Jewish” there would be no contest. To make it more fair you could substitute “zionist” for jewish but it would still be a blowout for the jews, with column B maybe gaining the Young Turks. Yes the media space has changed, but this is not evidence it has changed in a way that jews cant adapt to. As for the fact Blue-coded political entertainment is less popular than Red, that is nothing new. Redteam has long dominated talk radio and cable news. Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly were the kings. Contrary to the argument you seem to be making, the fact that the media space is now more horizontal in orientation but still operates within a pro-jewish paradigm is actually a more serious indictment of the both the pundits and their viewers than the days of the vertical media monopolies.

    • Elon Musk, Gentile, controls X

      Chris Pavlovski, Gentile as far as I know, controls Rumble

      Rupert Murdoch, Gentile, controls FOX News, Wall Street Journal, New York Post. Murdoch is the most powerful media baron on the Right. He opposed Trump in 2016, supported Ron DeSantis in 2024. Bent the knee to Trump.

      Breitbart is controlled by Jews

      Daily Wire is controlled by Ben Shapiro who is Jewish

      Alex Jones is a Gentile

      Allie Beth Stuckey is a Gentile
      Nick Freitas is a Gentile

      Jordan Peterson is a Gentile. Steven Crowder is a Gentile.

      The Federalist seems to be financed by Richard Uihlein

      Candace Owens is a Gentile. Tucker Carlson is a Gentile. Matt Walsh is a Gentile. Charlie Kirk is a Gentile. Benny Johnson is a Gentile. Steve Bannon is a Gentile

      Joe Rogan is a Gentile. Theo Von is a Gentile. Megyn Kelly is a Gentile. Steve Deace is a Gentile. Glenn Beck is a Gentile

      Michael Savage is Jewish. Mark Levin is Jewish. Sean Hannity is a Gentile. Bill O’Reilly, Gentile, is still around.

  2. “If it is the Jews, how do you get polls which show things like 59% of Americans see the mainstream media as a major threat ”

    They have exerted almost total control of the media for 80 years and still exert inordinate control. This is the first time they can’t choke off all goy media.
    Independent voices are being heard and the public likes it.

  3. The Democrats need to look in the mirror. It is people like Al Green, and embarrassment in every possible way, who are the face of the liberal establishment. The rose colored glasses that these people look through blind them when they see the angry, old, race grifting blacks who act like indignant children.
    How do they think things are going to be when every year, no matter how many programs are pushed to elevate the blacks and push down whites, they only scream louder about racism and nazis etc. James Edward’s had a commercial on his show where Biden remarks about modern day lynchings, “can you believe it, lynched for the color of their skin”. The senile old man actually believed that horsesh&$!.
    We could literally hand every black man and woman in this country a key to a Lamborghini and a million dollar home, and they’d complain we’re still too racial because we aren’t living in slave quarters and tending their fields.

    So yeah, the mainstream leftist media had only been hanging on because of that institutional government money grift that they had going (until DOGE).

    Nothing better had happened in my lifetime. These anti Trump NS types can kiss my white &$$

  4. Online media leans right because broadcast media and cable are and always have been 100% far left. It’s supply and demand. 1/2 the country is right of center but we have had zero voice. The reason that Rush Limbaugh had a huge audience is that at the time there was almost no where else to hear even watered down controlled opposition “right wing” media. Now there are other right of center news sources but they are all you tube channels or other relatively small outlets. The far left still controls huge audiences on NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and yes Fox News. Don’t get over confident that we have defeated the Leftist media. Far from it. Yes it’s a victory that we on the right have a voice at all because from 1940 – about 2022 we had no platform other than Rush Limbaugh and few other AM radio programs. Our platforms are still vastly smaller than broadcast media, cable, every major newspaper in America, every magazine, every movie, every TV show, every song, every aspect of pop culture, every Disney movie which are all Marxist feminist anti White hate 100% of the time.

  5. what we should be doing:

    always refer to any gay topics as LGBT – the point is to always attach the T, so they have to defend the wildly unpopular tranny issue

    always point out that immigration is anti-worker – their only hope is to try and go OG left on worker’s rights which they cannot do if they are pro-immigration

    always call out their anti-White agenda – this is a winner for us. if they back down they look weak, if they double down, they’re hateful hypocrites

    always call them out for the USAID theft of american money. they are the system, not renegades. call them BOOTLICKERS

  6. “Wrong. Even if Dems had the perfect message, it wouldn’t get anywhere. This isn’t messaging problem; it’s a media crisis.”
    This is so internally self-contradictory it boggles the mind.

    • I think he is right.

      The rightwing media sphere has been steadily growing. Twitter to X was a huge change in the media landscape. Late night comedy is another example. It used to reach the whole country. Now it just reaches the shrill liberal base.

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