The 2012 Election: A Verdict on White Nationalism



For over a year now, Occidental Dissent has been investigating the ethnic and cultural divisions between “White Americans.”

Just yesterday, I posed a meaningful question to OD readers: Can White Northerners Say “No” To Black Run America (BRA)?

It didn’t take long for us to find out that the answer to that question was a definitive “NO.” Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan lost Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, DC and Hawaii.

In New England, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan only won five counties. They lost every county in Vermont, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. They only won one county in Maine, one in Connecticut, and three in New Hampshire. Yes, Romney and Ryan even managed to lose Belmont and Janesville to Barack Obama.

This evening told us a lot about “White America.” It also told White Southerners a lot about the potential (or lack thereof) of “White Nationalism.”

Although Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan were unable to win Belmont, Massachusetts or Janesville, Wisconsin, they had no trouble winning far away from home in Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina. They were also able to drag North Carolina back into the Republican fold.

In Virginia, Romney and Ryan lost a narrow race in Loudoun, Fairfax, and Prince William County in the DC suburbs in Northern Virginia. In Florida, the race still hasn’t been called at this late hour, but Romney and Ryan are down by 0.05% with 100% of precincts reporting.

Isn’t it strange how it broke down that way – again? Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan lost every county in Massachusetts, even though their campaign was based in Boston, but won every county in West Virginia. They lost Massachusetts by 61% to Barack Obama, but won West Virginia by 62%.

If this election had only been held in the South, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would have won 148 electoral votes to Barack Obama’s 42. Without the huge Yankee enclaves in Northern Virginia, the I-5 corridor, and South Florida, Romney and Ryan would have easily swept Florida and Virginia too.

In the House of Representatives, Republicans picked up 1 seat in Kentucky, 1 in Oklahoma, 1 in Arkansas, 1 in South Carolina, 1 in Georgia, 3 in North Carolina, held their own in West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Missouri, and lost 1 in Texas and 2 in Florida.

Among other notable accomplishments, Republicans won the North Carolina governorship, finally succeeded in knocking off Rep. Ben Chandler in Kentucky, and won control of the Arkansas General Assembly. They won a supermajority in the Tennessee state legislature and expanded their control of the North Carolina state legislature.

White Nationalists claim that the problem is the “System.” They claim that “Jews control the media.” For some reason, White people in Massachusetts voted for Barack Obama twice while White people in Tennessee voted against Barack Obama twice. Roughly 60% of people in Massachusetts and Tennessee participated in the “System” and voted for exactly the opposite candidates for president.

Are the Jews who control the media emitting some kind of secret signal via MSNBC to vote for Barack Obama that can only be intercepted and deciphered by White Yankees? If the “System” itself is the problem, why does the very same “System” produce such strikingly different and predictable results along the same regional and cultural lines?

I’m ready to propose an alternative theory: the real problem is neither the “System” or “Jews control the media.” White Southerners ignored the Mainstream Media and were convinced that Romney would win in a landslide right up until his defeat. They also ignored the Mainstream Media, which most of them dislike anyway, and overwhelmingly voted a second time to remove Barack Obama from office.

The real problem is that there is … NO SUCH THING AS “WHITE PEOPLE!” White Southerners are culturally ready to say NO to BRA, but we were shot down yet again in another Pickett’s Charge.

The majority of White Northerners do not identify with their race. They don’t think in terms of “white interests” or “white identity.” They don’t see “the Jews” or changing racial demographics as a threat to their identity. On the contrary, these demographic changes in the South and West are exciting to them because the growth in the non-White population works to their immediate short term political advantage.

For 180 years, Yankees have thrown White Southerners under the bus for the sake of their negro allies, mostly out of lust to dominate the central government: they armed almost 200,000 negroes and marched into the South at the head of negro armies to destroy the Confederacy, they crippled our economy for nearly a century when they abolished slavery, they overthrew the Constitution at gunpoint, made blacks into U.S. citizens, and imposed negro rule on much of the South for nearly a decade, they alone passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act which destroyed the Jim Crow South, and now they have elected Barack Obama as president twice over our opposition and even in preference to one of their own kind.

That’s the latest addition to their sparkling record on race.

White Nationalists have created an mythology of whiteness and extended it to all “White people.” They seek to create a “White Republic.” Presumably, this “White Republic” (an abstract fantasy that exists only in their own minds, which has no physical correspondence to any specific geographic area or ethny in the real world) would be a homeland for the “White people” who are supposedly a “nation.”

Do these “White people” act like a nation though? That’s not what we saw in the 2008 or 2012 elections. Instead, we saw almost the whole predominantly “White” Northeast and West Coast called as a Greek phalanx within minutes of each other for Barack Obama. The “White people” who live in those areas share a mindset and a culture that is utterly alien and irreconcilably opposed to our own.

It is easier to make excuses like “the Jews are controlling our minds” or “the System is hopelessly broken” than to admit that the cold hard truth: the majority of White people in the North support Barack Obama because they approve of his policies, and they consider blacks, Jews, and Hispanics to be their political allies, and White Southerners to be their biggest political enemies.

That’s the way it always breaks down. Always.

The South is almost monolithically Republican now because Dixie is a nation that is increasingly alienated from the rest of the United States. White Southerners are a distinct ethnic group. We share a common ancestry, a common culture, a common history, and a common destiny. There are various other alien racial and ethnic groups living within our national territory. The exact borders of our ethnic group do not neatly correspond to the borders of our states.

We saw that again tonight.

Just as most of the Northeastern states were called within moments of each other, the same was true of most of the Southern states. White Southerners voted against Barack Obama virtually everywhere we are numerically predominant. There is no need to invent a fictitious “metapolitical” bond of “whiteness” because there is a natural sympathy among our co-ethnics in different states.

Moving forward we need to nurture those organic bonds of blood, culture, and interest and eschew abstract ideological bonds which are no substitute for kinship. We need to quit thinking of ourselves as “White Americans.” We need to quit believing that our ethnic group is co-extensive with “America.” We need to quit pretending that this Union is anything but a a curse and a prison for our nation.

Hopefully, the rejection of the South tonight by the rest of “White America” shattered some of these illusions, and reminded millions of people that we are the permanently degraded minority in this country. I also hope this latest display of affection and solidarity between African-Americans and Yankees comes to be seen as a verdict on the distraction that is White Nationalism.

About Hunter Wallace 12419 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “The real problem is that there is … NO SUCH THING AS “WHITE PEOPLE!””

    Bingo. Well said.

    The whole piece is on target. There is, maybe, a chance that some braindead mainstreamers may actually be willing to read and think about this sort of thing now.

  2. I think you downplay the effect of the mainstream media by some degree Hunter. Trayvon Martin anyone?

    Outside the US the media told us there was only one possible outcome. Romney barely figured. The media told us polls suggested ‘the world votes for Obama’.

    I didn’t. I vote for freedom of association for the South.

    It is now inevitable.

  3. Terrible Tommy Metzger is right… is Pastor Martin Lindsatedt. The Muds and sicko white trash liberals out number us. Hunter you are right about Northeast, Califoinia and Hawaii. Just think how bad it will be in future.

  4. Like I said, I think the north reniging is all for the best. It’s a very clear example to Southron White men that we are a separate people and secession talk will pick up. It will gain more momentum the worse the economy gets and the farther the negro in chief and yankees get

    Plus, lets face it. It puts the whole “yankee pride” bullshit in its proper place which I think is hilarious.

  5. There is obviously such as a thing as White people. These cultural and political differences don’t mean there is no such thing as White. Hispanic/Latino is an accurate umbrella term describing many sub-ethnicities and distinct cultures. It doesn’t stop them from working together.

    This outcome doesn’t show WNist claims about Jews and the System are wrong but the exact opposite. It shows WNists are right on both counts and have been years. The system prevents the emergence of candidates who are not hostile to the South and who could win white support everywhere. The system ensures Jeff Sessions is a marginal figure in the Senate and on national stage while John McCain isn’t. Jews use their media power to ensure this arrangement is never questioned, to demean and ridicule the South, and to make sure dissident ideas don’t get a hearing.

  6. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and familiarity breeds contempt. Whites in the South cannot help but hate blacks because they know them. A white man in semi-rural Massachusetts knows one older black man who delivers his mail, and he sees Morgan Freeman as God and various numinous Negroes beamed from the TV connected to a satellite dish on his roof. These white people are reflexively liberal holdovers from the New Deal and Great Society coalition. They won’t feel the effects of our demographic changes for several decades. The useful idiots are still useful, and thus will continue to read AARP to learn about all the goodies that nice black fellow Obama will be giving them (AARP will reap a 3 Billion dollar windfall from Obamacare). I grew up in Ohio, but I also spent time in the military and thus became incapable of kidding myself about blacks at any level.

    As per a article, it appears that Romney was very amenable to the idea of Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state. Forget for a moment that there is a nativist/secessionist movement on that island, and remember that if they were to be admitted to the Union today they would immediately become the most dependent state in the nation.

    17 Saudis boarded an airplane with box-cutters and crashed it into the towers, and Romney’s solution is not tighter immigration enforcement (Korans are found along the Rio Grande ranches daily), but rather he wanted to increase the military industrial complex to about 14% of GDP, and bolster naval power. Yeah, that’s the way to combat Muslim fanatics who are already inside your borders, frigates and dreadnoughts.

    There was no choice last night. Ryan’s Randian cover doesn’t stand up to closer scrutiny. Bush presided over the greatest increase in federal spending since FDR (aid packages to Africa, “No Child Left Behind,” Medicare, two wars); Ryan voted for pretty much every stimulus measure there was. It was all a sham. At least now, the beady-eyed Rove strategists are being forced to reckon with demographics rather than their own delusions.

    I was at that rally in West Chester, Ohio, four days before the election. The biggest cheers were for Marco Rubio. The people have the government they deserve (at least in the North). They’re applauding their own dispossession.

    My ultimate supposition is that while whites in the North will never be keen on CSA ephemera and history, as more and more are mugged by reality, they will view themselves as white rather than as American. It would be hard not to, after last night.

  7. I don’t think so. I’m looking at the votes right now and in some of these states you listed things are incredibly close.

    I definitely see Hispanics/Asians/ and Indians as tipping these states. I’m thinking Washington for sure was tipped by minorities.

    I think we have an Irish/Italian/miscellaneous white problem…but I don’t think we have a Yank versus Southern Problem among Germanics and Anglos.

    I think it’s more like 50 50 for Yanks…with minorities tipping them over to blue. I need statewide racial breakdowns.

  8. Whites that live in the lilly whitestest areas, that have, no exposure to diversity, are the biggest anti-Whites on the planet. No point complaining about it, it is just the way Whites are.

    As for the White Nationalist movement, it is misnamed as usual, by people that have no experience in real world politics.

    It should have been called the Pro White Movement, right from the start, so it gives people only two choices:

    Be Pro White (you are for the Whites), or be anti-White (you are against the Whites).

    With the Pro White Movement, White anti-Whites would not be welcome in any area that is Pro White. They would be seen as the worst kind of enemy. Traitors!

  9. I’ll bet big money that the north only doubles down on voting pro negro and for cultural marxism. Hell I’m fair certain they’d vote that way just to show they are better then all us racist crackers in the South. I have a180 year track record of yankee behavior and beliefs to put my money on. What do yankees have to rest their faith in?

  10. Your analysis while often very good totally misses the mark here because you have an obvious secession agenda.

    If you look at the exit polls northern males voted as if they share kinship with their southern brothers. According to the exit polls Romney carried the male vote in Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. If only males voted Romney would have cleaned the floor with the usurper. Accordingly, a more accurate picture is that northern white women have been seduced and, unlike southern white women, have rejected any allegiance to their people and have thrown their lot in with alien usurpers. White northern men have been existentially cuckolded by their women. The average northern white woman votes for anyone who promises her the most while placing the fewest reciprocal obligations and expectations on her – particularly in the area of giving birth to white children. O’s Julia (“Jewlia”) campaign obviously worked with northern white women. The average northern white woman is a parasite who empowers the federal and local government to dispossess white northern men of their natural leadership position.

    Northern white women have become characters out of a film noir movie – like Greta Scacchi from Presumed Innocent or Glenn Close from Fatal Attraction.

  11. It is certainly clear that the Northeast whites are going to vote and choose a non-white over a white man, even one of their own, every time. There seems to be no reason now to doubt that they will choose the same even if the white is an ultra-liberal seeking to run as a democrat. The Northeast is insane with its liberal fanaticism.

    It is also clear that the rest of the Northern states will choose a nigger over a white man if it comes down to money, and that is really all labor issues and every other “self-interest” boils down to. Moreover, most of the whites who voted for Romney and Ryan would have just as easily voted for Herman Cain had he been running instead of Romney on the republican ticket and had a white man been running in Obama’s place. We should not lose sight of that fact and keep it firmly in mind. The North will vote against their own race. Period.

    The same can be said about the far Western and North Western states, I think it safe to assume. And California and Oregon and Washington are evidently right at or nearing the same level of ferocity in their anti-racist liberalism.

    It is most of the South and a few rural Midwest and Western states that can be counted on to reject niggers and other non-whites and homosexuals as a matter of course and that resist descending totally into “Progressive Liberalism” and want to hold it at bay and in check.

    Race alone is not going to unite European-Americans. To continue to speak of such now would be as foolish as speaking of an advanced civilization of aliens that look like ourselves maybe living on the surface of the moon or on Mars.

    How is a “hardcore white racial approach” and a “tough leader willing to use violence against blacks, muds and Jews ” going to help me form a political coalition with the white men and women in Vermont, Massachusetts, or Rhode Island? I want Alex Linder to carefully explain that to me. I’m genuinely interested and will be receptive to any convincing line of reasoning.

  12. Lew,

    (1) Please explain how the Jews are able to control the minds of certain groups of “White people” within specific states but not “White people” in other states. How does this mechanism work?

    (2) There is nothing inherently wrong with the “System.” The problem is the existence of the Union with the Yankees. Remove them from the equation and the “System” would work without any problems. The “System” doesn’t make millions of “White people” vote for Obama.

  13. @Brutus says
    “How is a “hardcore white racial approach” and a “tough leader willing to use violence against blacks, muds and Jews ” going to help me form a political coalition with the white men and women in Vermont, Massachusetts, or Rhode Island?”

    Why would any Pro Whites want unity with anti-Whites? And if these anti-Whites will always choose a non-White over a White man, then they are clearly not anti-racist as you claim, they are anti-White.

    As usual our side always takes the anti-whites at face value. Here, I’ve got a bunch of cut price bridges to sell White people, because we are all so gullible.

  14. The majority of White Northerners do not identify with their race.

    If “identify with their race” is a proxy for voting Republican, then that’s not true. First, let’s look back at the 2008 election where Hunter claims that a solid phalanx of ‘Yankees’ (white people in the Northeast and Midwest) voted for Obama. A majority of Yankees voted for Obama in only 12 of the 21 Northern states, and I’ve calculated that a grand total of between 51% and 52% of Yankees voted for Obama overall. This is less than Obama’s national average of 52.93%, which means that Yankees were less likely than the average American to vote for Obama.

    Of course the composition of the white population of the North is quite different from that of the South. For instance, the North has a much higher percentage of Jews and other Middle Easterners in its white population. If these people are excluded from the definition of Yankee, then Yankees clearly voted against Obama in 2008. If we further narrow the definition of Yankee to exclude Catholics, then the remaining true Yankees (i.e. old-stock WASPs) did indeed vote as a solid phalanx. For John McCain.

    Fast forward to today. CNN has an incomplete list of state exit polls from yesterday’s election. Reverting to the broad definition of Yankee (all whites in the Northeast and Midwest), we find that a majority of Yankees voted for Obama in only 6 of the 21 Northern states, 5 New England states (excluding Connecticut) plus Iowa. Though there is not yet any exit poll data from Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota (which I’ve counted as Yankees voting for Romney) and Rhode Island (which I’ve counted as Yankees voting for Obama), I would estimate that only about 45% of Yankees voted for Obama, well below the roughly 50% he received nationwide.

    So the truth is that Yankees (even including Jews, Muslims and Catholics) voted against Obama by a significant margin, though not by nearly as much as Southrons did. If you want a scapegoat for Romney’s defeat, then the blame clearly belongs to non-whites, who voted 80% for Obama, not Yankees.

  15. “(1) Please explain how the Jews are able to control the minds of certain groups of “White people” within specific states but not “White people” in other states. How does this mechanism work?”

    These folks should call themselves Jewish Supremacists, instead of White Supremacists, because they keep telling us, Jews are all powerful and Whites have no control over our own destiny.

  16. jeppo,

    You know exactly what I am referring to: in 2008, that solid phalanx of Yankee states from Maine to Minnesota and from Washington to California voted for Obama. In 2012, Indiana was the only Northern state that defected from the phalanx.

  17. “Why would any Pro Whites want unity with anti-Whites? And if these anti-Whites will always choose a non-White over a White man, then they are clearly not anti-racist as you claim, they are anti-White.

    As usual our side always takes the anti-whites at face value. Here, I’ve got a bunch of cut price bridges to sell White people, because we are all so gullible.”

    We KNOW that anti-racists are actually anti-white.

    We also know now that a large part of this country is populated with anti-white white people. THAT is what we are talking about here, JamieG. We are talking about there being NO CHANCE of “uniting” in political alliance with these people. The claim by WN’s is that there is going to be one big, happy white alliance consisting of whites from all over the country. This is clearly not going to happen.

  18. lol….keep the excuses coming, Yanks. This is amusing.

    Although, I have to say I’m not too keen on this “there’s no such thing as ‘White people'” talk I’m seeing from you, Hunter. I think you should clarify what you mean by that.

  19. I mean that “White people” are divided into different ethnic groups. Yankees are a distinct ethnic group. They are allied with the Jews and the blacks. They always take the side of the blacks against us.

  20. Do ‘Yankees’ now include all the non-whites who pushed Obama over the top in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Connecticut? Because if it was up to white people alone, then Romney would have won all those states.

  21. I rebutted Jeppo in my first post, before he even posted. Most of these same whites who did not vote for Obama would have voted for a black Republican. There is no reason to seriously doubt that. And most Northern whites will vote for a nigger over a white man if the nigger is campaigning on the money issues that are paramount to Northerners.

    I answered these rejoinders in my post.

  22. @ …I think we have an Irish/Italian/miscellaneous white problem…but I don’t think we have a Yank versus Southern Problem among Germanics and Anglos….”

    No one likes to discuss that. But it will become more obvious. Less so, Italians than Irish, as the anti-angloism is not as deep.

    Still, the Northeast men responded to Romney-Ryan AS fascists—to the “Romney” who says “America is a BUSINESS.” Who wants “legal” immigration. Mega Bucks have gone into convincing Americans of the LIE that “fascism” means “white.” But that is only on t.v.. (What Hitler shows and “white nationalism” are FOR). Fascism (like, if you read Mussolini) is State Corporatism, i.e., Militarist-Corporatist-Medicalist Statism, (what Romney-Ryan represents).

    This goes with the European Catholic MYTH that they are a –this is the repeater— “bulwark against communism” in Europe. (e.g., headset of Sean Hannity)

    Back in Reality, the very farms that were overrun by the forces of catholic and orthodox-society in Europe, which is synonymous with the serfdom of euro feudalism, were later overrun BY “communists.”

    Once you conquer “A People” for a universalist ideology, (as opposed to a group sensibility)— the work is done. THEN IT IS JUST a question of WHICH “Proposition Nation” will win.

    The south will start to see its allies as other Colonial era peoples, globally, who held onto “people-ness,” as well as any stray northern and non-white who reeducates himself— or who sees what is at stake in the larger picture (for the loss of any real identity for himself, his family, his group).

    Their real focus should be how to hang onto their hat in a “diaspora.”

    (Poor West Virginia—- with not one blue county, they can now kiss their coal goodbye…I mean “welcome clean energy”). They can probably expect a lot of “organizing” there.

  23. “Right, lets attack White Nationalists as the reason for America’s decline.”

    That’s a spin. Nobody said that. What was said is that too many whites are not racial. Now is not the time to play criminal defense lawyer and obfuscate and convolute what we see before us. We need to see clearly and accept and act on reality.

  24. jeppo and Admirer are right. The picture is more complex than “Yankees voted nigger.”

    The Obama coalition was non-Whites + Jews + White libs overwhelming other White
    votes in the North.

    Romney got millions of White votes in the North, but the electoral college system nullified them.

  25. “Right, lets attack White Nationalists as the reason for America’s decline.”

    Some of you get butt-hurt so easily. HW isn’t attacking WN for America’s decline. Gosh, get some reading comprehension skills please.

    “Do ‘Yankees’ now include all the non-whites who pushed Obama over the top in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Connecticut? Because if it was up to white people alone, then Romney would have won all those states.”

    Minorities have larger populations in Southern states, and yet White Southerners were able to overcome them.

    So what I’m hearing from the Yankee excuse-makers is that we have no grounds to blame Yankees because if only White men could vote, then Romney would have won easily. Well, then all you have to do is overthrow the system and disenfranchise non-Whites and women. Sounds simple enough. Better get to work on that, and good luck.

  26. Southern separatism is a necessity now.

    The entire white male population is now a prisoner inside its own borders.
    The North is useless and the Pacific is already Asain/Hispanic.

  27. Lew says:
    November 7, 2012 at 1:32 pm

    “Quit strawmanning JamieG.”

    Not a straw man Lew. That is the message that is being sent:

    “Jews are all powerful, Whites are inferior to Jews, because Whites are controlled by Jews.”

    That message contradicts itself, just like the so called “anti-racists” contradict themselves.:
    They are not anti-racist, they are anti-white.
    They are not White Supremacists, they are Jewish Supremacists.

    Jewish Supremacists do not want to talk about what is good for Whites, they only want to talk about Jews.

  28. A drudge article says 14 million fewer votes this time versus 2008 and Romney garnerning a smaller white share than the 2010 voting breakdown.

  29. crowley,

    I didn’t say that White Nationalists are responsible for America’s decline. I said that White Nationalism is based on the delusion that “White people” are a nation. That is not the case at all.

  30. Jews say their ancestral homeland is in the Middle East and only brown people come from the Middle East, so they are not White. White means European.

    Thus endeth my interest in the Jews.

  31. “White Nationalism” is just a hair’s breadth smaller than “The Human Race.”

    But (real) fascists and (real) communists are BOTH socialized as empty enough to base their whole lives in such GIANT abstractions. Neither remains connected to their real history, real trajectory to wherever they are, real family history, culture of extended family and ancestor awareness, etc.

    Both are living as “economic units.” “Economy” is —for both— their real relation to the country, to their “leadership,” to their “fellow citizens,” and to history. Their (real) identity is “economic unit,” whether they are fascist or communist.

    “White nationalism” should not have accepted the re-definition (through film media) of “fascism” as synonymous with “white,” maybe.

  32. The most telling moment last night was when CNN called Tennessee, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Alabama as a bloc of states after calling DC, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Maine as a bloc of states.

    Less than 1% of the vote was in and everyone already knew that Yankees were in the tank for Obama. West Virginia and Kentucky were called earlier in the night. Vermont was the first state called on CNN. Those states closed earlier than the rest.

  33. sorry, but isn’t that kind of a contradictory MEME of “white nationalism?”—- MEDIA is always pure evil and jewish in their writings, RIGHT UP until a Hitler movie comes on (and the movie meme that hitler means white is totally accepted as truth— while the real definition of fascism is never explored in that movie, lol)

  34. RobRoySimmons says:
    November 7, 2012 at 1:50 pm

    “A drudge article says 14 million fewer votes this time versus 2008 and Romney garnerning a smaller white share than the 2010 voting breakdown.”

    That is a good sign. If they aren’t voting its because there isn’t any point. They know neither candidate represents their interests. They are just waiting for someone to lead them.

  35. Heil Hizzle says:
    November 7, 2012 at 12:49 pm
    “… At least now, the beady-eyed Rove strategists are being forced to reckon with demographics rather than their own delusions. ”

    Hunter’s right.

    Rove was ON Fox this AM (I cannot watch CNN anymore. I am pretty good at torturing myself – but I’ve reached my limit)

    Rove was asked, “What do Republicans need to do now?” FIRST thing out of that toad’s mouth was – Ta DAAAA! – “Reach out to Hispanics. blah blah comprehensive immigration reform”

    When I first turned on the Eye of Sauron, a young Negress, with straightened hair, was opining about how Republican lost because “The financial crises was completely fabricated. Republicans refused to create revenues” .

    She was right about the fabricated finanacial crisis, but she did not blame the source -the Judenfetzen of the Fedsky. She blamed the GOP for “not creatng revenues”.

    White People be stingy.

  36. Denise:

    Saying they are “forced to reckon with demography” is not the same as saying that they will alter course, or adapt and overcome. The point is that reality is staring them in the face, and they are paying for their delusions.

    Still, the idea that America is a “propositional nation” or a “nation of immigrants” is already deeply ingrained in many parts of flyover country. I saw it with my own eyes as the crowd hooted for Marco Rubio. A lot of this has to do with sports in my estimation, which has done much to implant in the masses the false narrative that we live in a meritocracy that has the black man as its apex.

    I suppose one could argue as Wilmot Robinson did that a man has a ‘mind race’ as well as his physical race. But people like Rubio have neither a mind nor physical race that is white; you could make a case for Jindal, but I would prefer mind and pigment to be in accord: both white in this instance.

  37. Like any corporation or institution, the only thing the Republican Party cares about preserving, is the Republican Party.

    The implicit white man’s party will keep selling white people out, right up until all of its Whites, White Flight to a Pro White Party.

  38. I’m going to put an end to this BS debate. The NYTs book review had to write about some negress’ book on hate whitey, and this book was so hateful towards whites that finally the liberal writer wrote that whites, “are a people becoming.”

    Yes this makes Harold Covington right, and it also means that our beloved HW is right.

    So may we move on and defeat the taboos of whites talking about what is good for white people, okay?

  39. “Race alone is not going to unite European-Americans. To continue to speak of such now would be as foolish as speaking of an advanced civilization of aliens that look like ourselves maybe living on the surface of the moon or on Mars.”- Brutus

    I think this one paragraph of Brutus’ is spot on. It’s GOT to be more than race. It has to be culture, religion, language, history, etc.

    “Still, the idea that America is a “propositional nation” or a “nation of immigrants” is already deeply ingrained in many parts of flyover country. I saw it with my own eyes as the crowd hooted for Marco Rubio. A lot of this has to do with sports in my estimation, which has done much to implant in the masses the false narrative that we live in a meritocracy that has the black man as its apex.”

    Perhaps that is why I became racially aware much earlier. I never liked sports (it’s stupid, why watch other men do what you can do with your kids on the front lawn- and they get PAID for doing this? No thanks, etc…..) and find Kiersey’s discursions on the ‘darkening of sports’ to be the MOST BORING thing on his blog.
    But yeah, I can grasp that rooting for an Uruk-hai in your team’s colors, might lead you to think that all of Sauron’s minions are not bestial murdering machines- until one of them turns on you.

    I think that (as a Yankee, born and bred) I have my ENTIRE LIFE completely misunderstood – until last night- my fellow whites. I thought it was a matter of education, and showing people the error of their ways (the pastoral impulse). I thought all white men as I was. I thought that they just didn’t put 2+2 together.

    But, like grasping the Gospel, if the Holy Spirit isn’t there with prevenient grace, ain’t no way you’re going to understand the Gospel, until and unless someone corrals you, does a TULIP on you, and makes you see you can, ‘in no wise’ inherit jack sh*t- at least when it comes to Eternal Salvation, no matter how ‘Minnesota nice’ you are…. and that you have to rely on God totally, completely, utterly.

    Whites in the Yankee heartland have forgotten Luther’s Bondage of the Will, and Calvin’s Institutes, and have supplanted those ego-crushers, these biblical models that humble a man to know his ‘state in life’, and have replaced it with the ‘rights of man’ of deist Paine, and the egalitarian rhetoric of Lincoln, and called it the ‘New Gospel.’ They are not only ideological heretics, they are racial heretics, as well.

    They are none of us. Just like the Idumeans who said they were of Judea’s peoples, and were not [Rev. 2:8,9] our modern White Liberal is forevermore excluded from the racial/religious covenant of the Founding Fathers.

    They have sided with the Beast, and are anathema to all future inclusion.

    Which is a very sobering thing to come to the realization of…..

  40. We have reached critical mass. Blacks, browns, and like-minded former whites are the majority. I called an Obama win around 7:00 PM Eastern. My household is deeply depressed.

  41. What is most interesting is the state Indiana it voted for the Negro lover Romney, and it really came down to two preselected puppets a mulatto and a Negro lover. Besides nothing is clear cut in these darn voting things. Yet Hunter is right whites in along the west coast and north east have problem identifying with other whites. I believe it has to do primarily in the fact that culture wise the south has a more racially aware heritage than say the north east. Could be something in the blood though. I know ole Mexicornia is basically a giant prison filling up with fools and people of color. The whites are either stubborn, don’t see the writing on the wall, refuse to act or like it here. Some whites are so badly retarded in race that it would be a miracle if they understood it independently some time in their life.

  42. A huge problem we pro whites have to face is that white anti-whites extend their “genocide is bad” narrative to all species of animals and races of men EXCEPT white Christians. They view Christians as throwbacks that DESERVE extermination for their antiquated beliefs. Taken in combination with the fact that these white anti-whites typically have the lowest reproduction rates they are our worst enemies – they are destroying white “habitat” with immigration policies thereby making it difficult for traditional whites to reproduce, and are not having many kids of their own. They live life according to an “apres moi le deluge” philosophy and have no interest in the future. They have shanghaied us into their self-genocidal plan for the future. Instead of trying to persuade these freaks we should start calling them genocidal war criminals.

  43. I think a lot of the quibbling is definitional around over-generalizing (imo) the yankee thing. (The yankee idealist type does exist but they’re a minority in most of those north-eastern states now and the closest to the original yankees are the Mormons in Utah.)

    However if you ignore all that and define yankee purely as a geographical term then you get to the crux of the underlying reality which is *for whatever reason* *enough* white people in the south vote as an ethnic bloc (like blacks, hispanics, jews and asians do) and *not enough* white people vote as an ethnic bloc elsewhere.

    So regardless of the endless arguments over the reasons *why* it is so personally i think the conclusion is correct and it makes sense to politick along southern nationalist and secessionist lines.

    “These folks should call themselves Jewish Supremacists, instead of White Supremacists, because they keep telling us, Jews are all powerful and Whites have no control over our own destiny.”

    Is television / Hollywood a factor? If yes then Jews are a factor. Obsessing about them may be counter-productive but pretending they’re not a factor is nonsensical.

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