Poor Roach

Browsing VFR, I see that Lawrence Auster is claiming that Chris Roach is an “anti-Semite.” He is “bent out of shape,” “nuts,” “insane,” has descended to “such a depth of idiocy,” suffers from a “psychotic obsession,” writes for the “anti-Semite Taki” … all this for making a brief remark in a reply to a commentator.

Auster is capable of making some genuine insights, which is why I still browse his site on a daily basis, but his analyses are hopelessly broken when it comes to Darwinism or Jews. His loyalty to his co-ethnics warps his reasoning. It provides a neverending source of entertainment.

Does anyone remember the prude who exorciated Bristol Palin last year? Remember all his attacks on Roissy, the bio-cons, and the gamers?  Who would have guessed that Auster, who styles himself as an old fashioned “traditionalist,” would have come out for an aging child rapist like Roman Polanksi? It boggles the mind.

Well, that’s our Larry.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m finding that a lot of these HBDers are sexual deviants, whether it be miscegenation, homosexuality or pedophilia. All of which used to be categorized as mental disorders.

    To these people IQ trumps race and morality.

  2. “A Polanski threesome which included 15 year-old Nastassja Kinski…”

    She’s a real gem. She went from Jew to Egyptian to nigger.

  3. Auster is a prick. I can not believe ANYONE would defend Polanski. In a sane world the Jew rapist Polanski would have been slotted years ago by someone hired by the victim or her family.

    With Jews like Auster, their Jewishness is paramount. In the end, that’s all that matters to them. Blood will out. I hope conservatives NEVER forget it.

  4. Auster is such a prima donna. He is always having these little personal spats with everyone he comes in contact with. Is there anyone he gets along with?

  5. Typical Hollywood degenerate filth. Nothing surprises me coming from that crowd. I don’t even think they’re a step above porn-makers. I’d personally burn that fucking place down.

  6. Wow, I just read the comment thread over at VFR. Auster is really letting his mask slip. He changed his stance after his readers became angry but then made the absurd claim that it never occurred to him that Polanski is Jewish. We’re supposed to believe that Auster never thinks about Jewish concerns and his Jews-first positions are simply the result of the objective application of universal principals. It’s like he is using Culture Of Critique as a manual for how to dissimulate.

    I think also Auster may have some form of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

  7. There’s no more Jewish name than Polanski and his biography is extremely well known. Auster is a shameless dissembler.

  8. The Polanski arrest, the hysterical jewish reaction it produced, and the backlash against that reaction, has exposed a White/jew fault line.

    Auster’s very jewish irrationalizations are just one tiny crack in what is growing very quickly and very conspicuously into a yawning canyon.

  9. I am looking forward to the day that White people in America and Europe don’t have to talk about Jews anymore. They do nothing but cause trouble in our homelands, why won’t they move to Israel? The UN made a whole country for them but they refuse to go there? Why?

  10. Three years ago David Irving, who was in his late 60s, was arrested in Austria and accused of having committed a crime something like 18 years earlier. The crime was he had voiced an opinion about WW II which some interpreted as “trivializing the Holocau$t.”

    Where was the Jewish uproar in reaction to that insanity?

    Horst Mahler was in his early 70s when he was arrested, tried, and sentenced to I think six years in prison for the “crime” of greeting an interviewer with the words “Heil Hitler” and the raised arm salute.

    A dog was arrested in Germany for giving the raised arm salute and a dead man was dug out of his grave by the authorities there because he had been buried with a Nazi flag.

    The German government has now made the Celtic cross illegal (the big circle with an inscribed plus sign seen in “white nationalist” websites and paraphernalia).

    Did I miss the Jewish uproar over all that insanity? Nah — that insanity has the Jews’ full backing.

    Since the Jews are simply behaving like tribalists, if we do the same they have no moral standing to say anything, zero. Everyone can behave like a tribalist. It’s high time we followed the Jews’ example and started.

  11. It seems six months never go by but we hear of the arrest and extradition of some new 98-year-old senile Ukrainian immigrant accused by the Jews of having been a concentration camp guard in WW II. As the doddering old man is torn away from his shocked family and shipped to Germany or Russia do we hear an outcry from Michael Medved? And does Michael Medved express disapproval at Israel’s refusal to extradite that Jewish butcher of Polish Christians under the communists whom they, Israel, have protected many years now against Poland’s protests? Where’s the outcry against that bloodthirsty Christian-murdering Jewish criminal getting off scot-free?

  12. “Since the Jews are simply behaving like tribalists, if we do the same they have no moral standing to say anything, zero. Everyone can behave like a tribalist.”

    Fred, as usual, hits it on the head.

    There is NOTHING immoral about Whites behaving like pro-White tribalists. In fact it’s perfectly NATURAL and MORAL. If it’s good for the Jews–and negroes, hispanics, asians, etc.–then it’s good for Whites.

    Bringing up this essential point will do wonders when we talk to conservative Whites.

  13. I think also Auster may have some form of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

    It is histrionical hypomania in my opinion. He is always, always agitated and attention seeking.

    Ignore him.

  14. “I think also Auster may have some form of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.”

    “It is histrionical hypomania in my opinion.”

    I fear that modern society tends to breed narcissism, to reward histrionics, and to elevate sociopaths to the highest positions of social power.

    Thus it is not surprising to see narcissistic behaviors become commonplace, and of course some people stand out as particularly egregious cases.

  15. “Thus it is not surprising to see narcissistic behaviors become commonplace, and of course some people stand out as particularly egregious cases.”

    There’s a big difference with a person showing some narcissistic behaviors, due in part to culture, and someone who has a narcissistic personality disorder, which is much more severe and innate. The former can be changed, the latter cannot. Like sociopaths, their brains actually process information and emotions differently.

  16. I watched a Polanski film the other night. It is called Bitter Moon and the malevolent pedo – dwarf’s depiction of every white character in this dismal cinematic indulgence of racial hatred simply drips with poison. I hope he is given the opportunity to meet an interesting spectrum of non-Whites in a US prison.

  17. Fred, if it weren’t you who reported it, I would scarcely believe what you wrote about the German Govt’s proscription of the Celtic Cross. The circle to which you referred, represents the Sun and it was incorporated into the Christian motif in order to persuade sceptical Celts that this new imported religion appreciated multi – culturalism. The more things change the more……..

  18. In the matter of Polanski’s film, ‘Bitter Moon’, I may have judged the dissolute dwarf’s work too harshly. The script was, after all, based on a novel by Pascal Bruckner, a ‘literary’ Jew of a type well-known to us all.

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