The SPLC and Jim Giles

I just noticed that Jim Giles used his broadcast this morning to attack David Duke. He claimed to have received an email from someone named “Larry” that made various allegations against Duke. Giles has copy and pasted this “email” on his website. I ran a Google search on this “email” that Jim Giles is relying upon. Parts of it are lifted directly from the SPLC Intelligence Report.


This is from RFM:

“David Duke has been a professional racist for his entire adult life,” wrote Tyler Bridges, author of The Rise of David Duke, a biography of Duke’s early years. “He deeply believes his anti-Semitic political philosophy, but it has also been a way for him to get money from his followers. It is how he makes a living.”

 This is from the SPLC:

 “David Duke has been a professional racist for his entire adult life,” said Tyler Bridges, author of The Rise of David Duke, the definitive biography of Duke’s early years. “He deeply believes his anti-Semitic political philosophy, but it has also been a way for him to get money from his followers. It is how he makes a living.”

This is from RFM:

Duke has spent virtually his entire career living off the kindness of strangers-people who mistakenly thought he was championing their cause for no other reason than a desire to help whites. He sold and resold supposedly secret mailing lists, raised money under false pretenses, and lived off the proceeds of fund-raising for at least 10 different political campaigns. He womanized shamelessly and spent thousands on cosmetic surgery for himself, including liposuction to his buttocks. From his formative years as a supposed National Socialist right up to the present, David Duke’s foremost concern always has been David Duke. For 30 years now, America’s best-known white supremacist has engaged in a striking pattern of financial chicanery and self-serving rip-offs.

This is from the SPLC:

As it turns out, Duke, 52, has spent virtually his entire career living off the kindness of strangers — people who mistakenly thought he was championing their cause for no other reason than a desire to help whites. He sold and resold supposedly secret mailing lists, raised money under false pretenses, and lived off the proceeds of fund-raising for at least 10 different political campaigns. He womanized shamelessly and spent thousands on cosmetic surgery for himself.

From his formative years as a university neo-Nazi right up to the present, David Duke’s foremost concern always has been David Duke. For 30 years now, America’s best-known white supremacist has engaged in a striking pattern of financial chicanery and self-serving rip-offs.

It is the same message, but it is presented in a slightly different way by two websites, one being a leading anti-racist organization, the other being a vanguardist radio show based in Mississippi. Interesting, no?

About Hunter Wallace 12392 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I haven’t staked any claim to a leadership role. In the Giles interview, I explicitly stated otherwise. Jim Giles has a YouTube video called “Follow Me.” I have never asked anyone to do that. I’m just a private citizen trying to raise awareness of racial issues.

  2. Nonplussed: I am in the uncomfortable position of being in agreement with the Captain, at least with regards to Giles. There is something likable about the guy, which is why I was rooting for his show at first. Yes, he showed bad judgment in falling under Linder’s spell. But Giles seems capable of admitting his mistakes and correcting them. So he is honest and honorable, and that makes it possible for him to correct his errors. I can’t hate someone like that.

  3. I’d like to modify my last statement slightly. I suppose that kind of stony faced leadership is not for everyone. If it is not for a particular man, it profit him not nor his people for him to try at it. A man can lead in his own way, if only by example, according to his own talents, with a mind to the benefit of the collective.

  4. I thought it was worth noting that Radio Free Mississippi has become a mouthpiece of SPLC propaganda. Several people here have floated the idea that Jim Giles might be another Hal Turner. We’ve repeatedly seen that some of the most extreme people within the WN movement are not who they claim to be.

    Personally, I’m not ready to draw that conclusion. I think someone really did send that email to Jim Giles. I think he posted it for the same reason Bill White used to attack Kevin Alfred Strom: it fit neatly into his own little anti-Duke narrative.

  5. I suspected for years that Hal Turner was an agent provocateur. That’s why I completely ignored him. It was also the primary reason I didn’t show up at the Knoxville Memorial Rally. Turner was scheduled to speak there.

  6. If in the end it turns out that Giles is a traitor then there will come the time to crush him. I for one do not believe he is, but we shall see.

  7. The agent provocateur always tries to bait you into making damaging statements or to endorse illegal activity. We’ve seen enough of that from Jim Giles to have serious concerns about him.

  8. Listen, HW. As a man of your father’s age, I am going to give you a very good advice. If you are an honest man, you have to admit that Jim is an honest and honorable man just like GJ have. He might have many shortcomings, but he is an honest and honorable man.

    Ok, let me back up a little bit, don’t listen to me, listen to your heart. What does your heart tell you about Jim’s honesty and honor? If you come to the same conclusion as GJ, the only honorable thing to do is to apologize to Jim Giles, just like Jim apologized to GJ. I have no doubt in my mind that Jim won’t fail to appreciate your good will. There is no good reason for two of you to be on hostile terms. Please don’t rush to reply to this, give it some thought.

  9. I think it is possible that Jim Giles is an honest man. He seems to say what he thinks. His radio broadcasts don’t suggest any preparation or guile on his part.

    I don’t think Jim Giles is an honorable man. He admires Alex Linder who has stated that honor, decency, and civility are characteristics of conservative losers. I brought that up several times in the interview.

    I cited Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson as honorable men. I pointed out that Jackson and Lee never contemplated genocide. Giles said he admires men like Ulysses S. Grant and General Sherman who get the job done. He admires Alex Linder precisely because he is vicious and unscrupulous.

  10. “I am in the uncomfortable position of being in agreement with the Captain”

    Well now, I do have the annoying habit of getting it right a lot more than I get it wrong. And I didn’t need to read hundreds of books to acquire the skill. That is how I came to own the Ivy League ponces Gottfried and Spencer at Takimag. Oh, and lack of humility, I suppose that could be annoying too.

  11. Hunter makes good points about how Giles admires Linder and others precisely because they are unscrupulous.

    And I do think that Giles showed a lot of preparation and guile. The whole interview with MacDonald was designed to corner him into denouncing me.

    Of course Linder may have been behind that, but Linder’s recent flailing does not indicate much guile or clear thought, just crazed, sloppy, unscrupulous malice.

    Giles began his interview with Hunter with some really repulsive gloating and lip-smacking too. So the man is capable of being malicious.

    But we all are capable of that. The question is: do we have a better side, a conscience. Giles seems like he does. Linder does not. That is why he strikes me as a sociopath.

  12. What Linder does off the playing field doesn’t mean shit to me. That’s between him and Odin. I read what he writes and listen to what he has to say when the mood strikes me, and often profit from it. Other than that…

    Keep us the great work Hunter, I profit from your writing as well. Also I’d be interested to hear you interviewed by GW at Majority Rights Radio.

  13. Well, it didn’t take long for this site to jump into the mix and become the new character in “As the White world turns”. It is a bit ironic, that the intent of this article, is absolutely what the people in question partake in.

  14. Here’s a Wolf Blitzer interview with David Gletty:

    My next guest infiltrated hate groups on behalf of the FBI acting undercover as a neo-Nazi sympathizer and white supremacist. And he even gave some fiery speeches.


    DAVID GLETTY, INFILTRATED HATE GROUPS FOR FBI: As I was coming out of the store after paying for gas (EXPLETIVE DELETED) tried robbing me with broken bottles. They couldn’t afford knives or whatever, so they had broken bottles.


    UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They stole those.

    GLETTY: So, as I was — as I’m coming out, they are like, man, give me your money, everything will be all right.

    Well, Kevin (INAUDIBLE) sees what’s going on, so he gives me the signal, like, I’m coming. Move. So, as he is running at them from behind, I kick one bottle out of the hand and move to the side. And he clotheslines these two guys. They just slammed…


    BLITZER: Let’s talk to the investigation right now, David Gletty. He’s the author of the book “Undercover Nazi: The FBI Infiltration of Extremist Groups in America.”

    David, thanks very much for coming in.

    You spent four years pretending you were a neo-Nazi; is that right?

    GLETTY: Yes, that is right.

    BLITZER: How — how worried are you about these guys? Is it just talk for the most part, or what we saw yesterday, is there action that’s being planned out there, potentially deadly action?

    GLETTY: Wolf, there’s actions planned. Like, myself and my investigative partner, Joe, we infiltrated them for many years. We were a part of meetings they had.

    Many times, they would plan terrorist acts. And a couple times, the groups that we did infiltrate did go through with some terrorist acts. One was 2006 Jacksonville, Florida. They went and shot up a building with assault rifles to close down a communist rock ‘n’ roll festival that was supposed to go on. That event was canceled. And that was a terrorist act.

    So, no matter how crazy they act, we need to take everything they say seriously, just I like did while working undercover, and do not let anything, any rock go unturned.

    BLITZER: And you have suggested that these guys, basically, the violent ones, they go out in groups of, what, two or three. They don’t really act alone; is that right?

    GLETTY: Yes. What we call them is splinter cells, where they have groups of two or three, sometimes four. And they work separate than the large group.

    Most of these people, especially the elders in the groups, they know that the movement is infiltrated by operatives like myself and criminal informants. So, they know that, any big events, to keep your mouth shut, don’t discuss any plans when you have more than four or five, six people in a room.

    Then, after these large events, say a rally, they have the little after-parties. And that’s when they are around drinking beer, cooking food, just like an all-American barbecue. And they will go into a back bedroom, sit at a table, whip out their laptop computers, bring up satellite photos of targets that they want to hit, and they will have the main guys there. And myself and my investigative, Joe — my investigative partner, Joe, were privy, because we built our characters so well to fit in with these guys. They invited us to some of these parties. And we were able to stop some of these smaller terrorist acts and prevent people from being harmed. But we would get them on recording devices.

    And there are guys in prison because of the recording devices that we wore. And you cannot beat your own voice in front of a judge talking about these terrorist acts. Then we would get them on recording device committing the acts. And then get them on recording bragging about the acts. There is nothing you can do about that. And they go to prison.


    BLITZER: That’s pretty strong, pretty strong evidence.

    The 88-year-old suspect in this case, did your paths ever cross?

    GLETTY: Yes, sir, I believe, back in 2006. I believe it was early 2006 up at a Klan rally at the Klan — the old redneck shop, the only Klan museum in the United States of America.

    And, these guys, they are proud. They are proud of having that museum. And a lot of times during these museums, they would have 400 people there. And Sonny Hodges (ph), he vouched for myself and my investigative partner, Joe. He brought us into the Klan. And that was very important, building our character.

    And Mr. Von Brunn was pointed out to myself and Joe. We were told that he was a hero in the white power movement because he served time in prison for the white power movement. And they consider him or any white person in jail for a racially — for a racial crime as a POW, a prisoner of war, held in prison by the imperialistic government.

    BLITZER: Well, you say that they usually act in groups of three. Do you believe James Von Brunn, the suspect yesterday, acted alone or had others who knew or helped him plot this?

    GLETTY: Well, I hate to go against what some of the other police officers and detectives have said.

    But, from my knowledge, working undercover, I know, pretty strongly, I guarantee there is at least two or three other people out there that knew Mr. Von Brunn, what he was up to. And they helped in some part of the planning.

    He might have been the only one that acted out in the violence. But I guarantee you, there are other people that knew exactly what was going to happen.


    BLITZER: You are a very — you’re a very courageous guy to have done for four years what you did. hand you are still courageous right now for speaking out.

    How worried are you, given the fact that there are some bad guys out there watching you?

    GLETTY: Well, I know that a group of 10 people are not going to show up here and gun me down in the streets. It’s the lone wolves I’m worried about.

    And those are the hardest ones to infiltrate. Those are the more intelligent people, intelligent as far as not sharing their ideas with — with everyone at the party. Those are the ones that are very careful. A handpicked few members of their crew are the only ones there during the meetings.

    And we need to take this serious. I am not saying this to scare people, but they are out there. And these guys are actively making plans. And they might sit down and plan out some acts. Sometimes, they back down because they get afraid of being caught.

    But I guarantee you, they are out there right now, as we speak, hailing Mr. Von Brunn as a hero. And now they want to follow up with their own type of terrorist act.

    BLITZER: David…

    GLETTY: And that’s what it is.

    Go ahead, sir.

    BLITZER: No, I was going to say — I was going to thank you. But if you had one final thought, quickly, say it.

    GLETTY: I was going to say, we, as Americans, need to stay vigilant and all keep an eye out for each other. It is common sense. When you see something wrong, like a guy with something bulky under his jacket, we need to act.

    BLITZER: David Gletty, thanks very much for joining us.

    GLETTY: And thank you, sir.

    BLITZER: Good luck.

    David Gletty infiltrated these groups for four years for the FBI.

  15. Giles strikes me as a hothead who is very easy to manipulate.

    That’s exactly right.

    The problem with Giles’ apology is that it didn’t come from him, it came from someone telling him what to think. The same reason he attacked Greg and Hunter to begin with. He’s too easily led and doesn’t think for himself. With that in mind he can’t be trusted, he could easily fall in line with our enemies. Look how fast he viciously turns on people. He says “all white nationalists are pussies, fuck all the intellectuals,” and then laughs maniacally.

  16. Unlike some other WN websites, I think the criticisms of certain WN personalities here are accurate and productive.

  17. Linder views all those who don’t approve of his talk of exterminating Jews as “career girls” or “conservatives.” Aside from the general psychosis of such chitchat, what’s the purpose of making such idle threats if you can’t possibly carry them out? We’re suppose to view him as a tough guy because he’s all talk? All signs point to him being a Bill White wannabe. Sooner or later Linder will end up behind bars.

    Linder is a giant turd on the lungs of White Nationalism.

  18. whatever happened to we weren’t going to do this?

    Thanks for that link CaptainChaos. I was surprised that the video you linked to seems not to be doctored (as 99% are) except for the salute to the city of Nuremburg, which could just be the splice in, (speeding up and slowing down the sound and video is the first sign of being reworked, the german cameras and filmstock was very precise and high quality, equal to modern cameras in optics and mechanical accuracy.)
    And the youtube page led to a very excellent repository of recordings and full length films in the Netherlands, Good stuff.

  19. The guide I’m working on, the Simple White Advocacy Guide, includes a chapter on “Safety Considerations”. Specific individuals and groups aside, what are some general rules one would share with a White Advocate who was just getting involved with the movement? Can it be boiled down to a short list of simple rules?

  20. A point from your enemy’s camp here: Have you noticed that Giles has been a raging anti-Semite and racist and not the SPLC nor the ADL has written up one word on the guy?

    Does nobody find this strange?

    The only reason why we are concerned is because he has webbed some of our anti-war leftists into doing interviews.

    I think the guy is a fed working with the SPLC and ADL to go after leftists who are anti-Israel and you guys.

    And no, our group is not with the SPLC nor the ADL.

  21. There are 24 podcasts at White Rabbit Radio to help awake WNs communicate/debate with their families, neighbors, classmates, co-workers, wives, strangers etc. These are like an audio Hasbara Handbook, a great aid in formulating talking points and winning debates with the media besotted self-genociding whites around us. Horus the Avenger elucidates Bob Whittiker’s formulas for dialoguing success. Apparently, Bob Whittiker is a former speechwriter and CIA employee.
    Go here for more info:

  22. WN if given half a chance devolve into the virtual equivalent of Merovingian blood bath. We energetically strangle our nephews while throwing our brother with wife down the well.

  23. Spock,

    There are a lot of people the SPLC and ADL overlook. It doesn’t mean anything. Cindy Sheehan is a grown woman and can look out for herself. I admire the fact that her principled stand against the war is stronger than her partisan politics. I understand that there must be some dissonance for you leftists, being that your major organizations are warmongering, too. If you stopped to do a little research on the Israel Lobby, you might realize that things are a little more complex than the “heroes vs. bigots” framework you endorse.

  24. Trying to determine if people like this are actually agents or just retards is less important than understanding that anyone who acts like that should be shunned completely by serious people. We may not know exactly what’s wrong with them, but we know SOMETHING is wrong with them.

    Yup. Don’t want to be treated like a duck? Don’t walk, quack, or dress like one.

  25. “…If you stopped to do a little research on the Israel Lobby, you might realize that things are a little more complex than the “heroes vs. bigots” framework you endorse.”

    Ah, but Leftists just go gaga over the “heroes vs. bigots” framework — it’s their whole life identity, that of the “saviour complex”, you know, saving the ‘poor’ and ‘wretched’ of the earth!

    “White anti-white racism is a broadly fashionable attitude that extends far beyond loonies like Ignatiev. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen it formally explained, although Tom Wolfe’s novels show it in action.

    “The usual explanations of what drives whites like Ignatiev are “white guilt” or “self-loathing.” But does Ignatiev appear as if he personally feels guilt or self-loathing?

    “No—he sounds like he’s having the time of his life arguing that you should feel guilt etc. He comes across as an arrogant, hostile jerk who thinks the world of himself.

    “He wants to feel that he’s better than other whites and to rub their faces in it. The bad guys in his book are Irish Catholics and Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Ignatiev himself is neither.

    “And this is typical, in my experience: whites who proclaim their anti-white feelings don’t really care much about blacks or other minorities, pro or con. What they care about is achieving social superiority over other whites by demonstrating their exquisite racial sensitivity and their aristocratic insouciance about any competitive threats posed by racial preferences.

    “To these whites, minorities are just useful pawns in the great game of clawing your way to the top of the white status heap. Which, when you come right down to it, is the only game in town.” […]

    *Just wish these types would do more to ‘save’ the Palestinians, the TRULY wretched, and not just pay a little lip service to their plight, like the ‘anti-war’ Left typically does, or individuals such as Tim ‘Wise-Ass’ occasionally chirps.

    Good luck Spock in you guys taking on the ADL — Give ’em Hell!

  26. Wiki- I understad there are a lot the SPLC overlooks, but Giles also interviewed the SPLC, so there is no way he is hiding under their radar.

    We are an anti-racist blog, but we have also seen how this provocateur crap harms everyone on all sides.

    Do we need another Turner?

  27. The only reason why we are concerned is because he has webbed some of our anti-war leftists into doing interviews.

    Spock, just a couple more years and you’ll start to see who really runs your “anti-war” “left” movement. You can be against all wars except for wars against Whites and for Israel. Otherwise you are no different than a nazi.

    It works the same for any anti-capitalist types. Start asking questions about the Federal Reserve in your “leftist” movement and see what happens.

    Reread one of your Noam Chomsky books and see if you can find him criticizing Jewish power in the media; you’d think the New York media elite was dominated by WASPS or something.

    Congrats on your wake up call. Pretty soon you’ll find out what they really mean by “left gatekeeper.”

  28. W.T.- I am not on here to discuss ideals and theories of world powers and wars, I came on because I wanted to share some observations about Giles.

    Yes, I read Chomsky and am a fan of Chomsky, but that is neither here nor there.

    But, my concern is about this agent provocateur, Giles, whom I believe can cause and will cause trouble for people on my side, and I am interested in what your side has to say on the guy.

  29. Giles didn’t announce the Cindy Sheehan interview beforehand. If he keeps this up, we will have no way to warn his guests about who they are talking to. I’m surprised the story hasn’t been picked up yet by the conservative press.

    I can see the headline now: “Sheehan Does Interview With White Supremacist Who Advocates Murdering Jews” or “Cindy Sheehan Is An Anti-Semite.” The neocons would love to run something like that.

  30. Yes, I read Chomsky and am a fan of Chomsky

    So presumably you are smart enough to figure it out. Considering your blog is full of anti-White hate speech, you obviously support genocide against Whites. Are you White or Jewish?

  31. Cindy’s already made herself a persona non grata on the institutional left. It’s pretty amusing that these people can send her son to die in the desert with lies then point and laugh at her as she desperately thrashes and struggles against a system that devoured her child.

    It gives me the creeps just thinking about it.

  32. After checking out Spock’s Lady Liberty site, let me tell all you folks that I am so certain that Spock itself and its website are FBI/ADL agent provocateur types that I’d be willing to wager some zogbux on it. The left/anti-war movement since 911 has been so heavily infiltrated by the FBI/ADL that it’s almost humorous, and these guys have all the signs.

    So Hunter, that’s twice now you’ll been noticed by the FBI. You should do a FOIA request and get your file. (You don’t have the right to see your ADL file though, tough luck whitey!)

  33. WT Mann is a nut, no we are not, in fact we have members on watch lists.

    And if you are so paranoid about us, why are you leaving us comments?

    Which brings me back to why would Giles go after having Gael Murphy from Code Pink, Ramsey Clark and Cindy on his show?

    Although Cindy has danced with some unusual types, she is a very nice and sincere lady. There is something very unsavory about Giles and it’s not just his idiotic racism.

    And why does the loon have a show almost everyday?

  34. If I were Greg Johson, I would tell Linder, when I get done fuckin’ your mother, I’ll tell you I’m not a fag. LOL. That should get through Linder’s German cranium. If not Johnson could always get into Grandmothers too. LOL.

  35. Spock, come on, it should be obvious why Giles is having Cindy on his show, if he’s an agent provocateur. So she can continue to be smeared as “anti-semetic” for opposing war for Israel. Come on even a Marxist can figure that out.

    we have members on watch lists. And if you are so paranoid about us, why are you leaving us comments?

    Oh yeah, you have members on a list, I have no doubt about that. Why would I care about commenting on your blog? I’m a law abiding American citizen, and the FBI know who I am. The ADL has a file on me since the 1990s, so what? It’s not illegal to have an opinion, yet.

  36. Have been in and out, around and about, in the fight to save our White Race, for 40 years. Punchy, yes….stupid no. Jim Giles is the real deal. The real McCoy. He calls a spade a spade. Duke cheated me out of hundreds of dollars back in the early 70s. Jim Giles should be awarded the Gerhardt/Beattie Trophy of the Golden Plunger for flushing the most crap down the crapper in 2009. Any company worth its salt fires or has crooks jailed when discovered.
    Frankly we are not worthy of men with the honesty, guts, and calibre of Jim Giles of Mississippi.

  37. Spock
    Which brings me back to why would Giles go after having Gael Murphy from Code Pink, Ramsey Clark and Cindy on his show?

    Because he’s against wars for Israel.

    Although Cindy has danced with some unusual types, she is a very nice and sincere lady. There is something very unsavory about Giles and it’s not just his idiotic racism.

    The jew media turned on her and locked her out so she uses whatever platform she can find.

    And why does the loon have a show almost everyday?

    When you live in a ten thousand dollar trailer at the end of a 1700 foot road you have a lot of time on your hands.

    By the way, I can’t help it I love this guy’s program. If MTV gave him a reality show he’d be a millionaire.

  38. I guess I really don’t know what to make of Giles. He’s interviewed some very interesting people and for being an amateur does a decent job engaging his guests with the exception of his bizarre behavior during the HW interview and then again the following day.

    Giles seems to secure interviews of some very high profile people in and out of the so called WN movement which makes me a little suspicious. I can understand Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald, Linder and others consenting to interviews since Giles is seemingly in their camp, but he also received interviews from Mark Potok and Washington Times Reporter Amanda Carpenter. It just strikes me as odd that some of these people would want to waste time with Giles given his political orientation and since his listening audience is probably small.

    I just get a little wary of movement people who receive too much cooperation from establishment types. Perhaps this amounts to nothing but it should give one pause.

  39. “I can see the headline now: “Sheehan Does Interview With White Supremacist Who Advocates Murdering Jews” or “Cindy Sheehan Is An Anti-Semite.” The neocons would love to run something like that.”

    A far-left, far-right synthesis.

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