American BNP

The creation of the American Third Position Party is creating waves across the blogosphere. We already have two posts about the matter here. Heidi Beirich has a write up over at Hatewatch. GuessedWorker is pointing fingers at the Bilderbergers of White Nationalism. David Duke’s website has picked up the story. The local press in California has three stories about the matter. See also the CoCC and TOQ Online threads.

I’m trying to catch up on all of this. I first remember hearing about the “American Third Position Party” when Kevin MacDonald mentioned it in his RFM interview. I assumed it was an already established third party based in California. I heard nothing further about it until reading the posts here. It is quickly becoming a tempest in a WN teacup.

Personally, I hope this will finally shut up the Neo-Nazi cultists who complain about “intellectual pussies” and “do nothing, contribute nothing keyboard warriors.”  In addition to everything else he does, which alone is more than sufficient, Kevin MacDonald is trying to create a viable third party for White Americans. His loudmouth critics haved only talked about it. I have read several of the various criticisms and disagree with most of them.

The American Third Position Party should be given a shot. It appears to be led by decent and reasonable men. If someone else creates something better, we should support their efforts instead, but in the meantime we need a focal point around which to rally our forces.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Best of luck. However, this man’s prior sponsorship of the so-called Pace Amendment was not very mainstream, and it is going to hurt this current effort, just like Duke’s prior membership in the Klan hurt him. Mainstreamers need to really be mainstream.

  2. I suggest breaking out of the mainstreamer vs. vanguardist frame, Crypto-Aryan. Politics, like romance, is more of an art than a science. As we all know, young women are liable to hop on the back of a motorcycle and ride off with the rebel if she sours on the chump she’s expected to marry. There are plenty of examples in history of masses turning in an entirely different direction in a very short time-frame under the appropriate conditions.

  3. I predicted last month that the mainstreamer vs. vanguardist division would eventually fade. The people we know as “vanguardists” today (the Neo-Nazi cultists) are a “dead branch” of White Nationalism.

    OTOH, a viable social movement needs a leadership caste or “spearhead” of talented people. A “vanguard” of this sort is already emerging.

  4. Dr. Kevin MacDonald is the wrong man in the wrong place. If I were in charge, I’d make a Right-wing race realist, anti-immigrationist Jew as Director, Dr. Michael Levin or somebody like him., i.e. the exact opposite of what was done. I make a prediction here and now: this ludicrously-named party will go NOWHERE.

  5. Campaigning with an anti-Semite in tow is not smart politics. Any whiff of anti-Semitism in post-war West = death on arrival. The Jews must feel and know that the Right is safe for them. A front row center Jewish presence will at least give us a shot at access to media and financial resources. Additionally, as I’ve already said, Jews are a brilliant people, you want them – at least some of them – inside the tent. Jews can’t even agree on Israel, so we’re not aiming for 100% of even most. The objective is to get as many key players as possible. It’ll have the benefit of blunting the usual and expected Nazi name calling. Those charges won’t stick, as they haven’t stock to Geert Wilders’s Party of Freedom. Unfortunately, they’ve stuck to the BNP – and they have nobody but themselves to blame.

    At all times we should be guided by what’s best for our genetic interests and collaborate with all who can help us achieve our goals.

  6. “It won’t take long for Linder and Giles to trash the ATP. Any minute now.”

    Probably. Linder has a mean-streak and enjoys hurting people for the Hell of it. Giles is a brainless, easily manipulated puppet. Happily, both are irrelevant. Do you think KMac’s outfit will have anything to do with Linder? mmmm…nope. LOL If KMac was the wrong choice, Linder is radioactive.

    I still can’t figure out why Dr. MacDonald has agreed to be so public. Maybe he’s bored with writing and academia.

  7. 1.) You are implicitly acknowledging that Jews wield enormous political, economic, and cultural power in the United States. Your argument is that Jews are so powerful that they must be appeased or else.

    2.) The Geert Wilders model will never work in America. The vast majority of third world immigrants to the U.S. are not Muslims. They are Catholic mestizos from Latin America.

  8. Stephen Elliott
    The Jews must feel and know that the Right is safe for them.

    The right has been safe for jews since Buckley purged Revilo Oliver in the sixties. The right has been involved in an unrequited love affair with jews since the religious right became influential in 1980. Yet despite the most enthusiastic ass kissing from Reagan and his successors 75% or more of jews still vote Democrat and provide financial support for open borders and forced integration.

    The jews don’t want peace with us, they want us gone. Or worse, they want us as slaves. But don’t let me discourage you. If you want to start a pro-white jewish organization go for it. I’m sure there’s a local Dennys with enough room to accommodate your annual party congress.

  9. “1.) You are implicitly acknowledging that Jews wield enormous political, economic, and cultural power in the United States. Your argument is that Jews are so powerful that they must be appeased or else.”

    You are correct. Am I wrong in that assessment?

    “2.) The Geert Wilders model will never work in America. The vast majority of third world immigrants to the U.S. are not Muslims. They are Catholic mestizos from Latin America.”

    I was referring to his position on the J.Q.

  10. 1.) Yes.

    – Amren has already tried that approach. Sucking up to the Jews never created any waves of pro-White support in the Jewish community.

    – As OldRight points out, the mainstream right has sucked up to the Jews for decades. They have nothing to show for it.

    2.) Sarah Palin had an Israeli flag in our office.

  11. OldRight, I appreciate the commentary. However, I think the Israel and the Islamic threat has changed certain things. I also think that Jews don’t like living in corrupt Third World shitholes where nothing works any more than us. I believe that a majority non-White America is beginning to scare the bejesus out of them. They’re getting a little taste with Obama on wealth transfer, tacit (for now) hostility toward Israel, appeasement of Islamic radical, general aura of radicalism coupled with incompetence, increased racialisation and polarization. I think the time is very propitious. All I’m saying is this, race realists, anti-immigrationist, pro-occident Jews should be given a place at the table. Even a central place for tactical reasons. There will be enough people watching them.

  12. “Amren has already tried that approach. Sucking up to the Jews never created any waves of pro-White support in the Jewish communit.”

    AmRen is the most successful White outfit in the U.S. I’m waiting for you to tell me how naming the Jews has worked so far for W.N.

  13. Elliott/Braun,

    You have reiterated your position on the JQ several times.

    It is a fundamental error to compromise our core principles for political expediency, as such a slippery slope quickly leads to the abandonment of racialist principles entirely, since explicit racialism is as “DOA” as the JQ in the modern political arena. We can only change that by influencing the culture. Moreover, there is no evidence whatsoever that your tactics work in the United States, or even in Holland. When the Wilders government assumes power and expels the non-Dutch surplus population, let me know.

    If you have *productive* criticism of the A3P that you’d like to bring to bear in this thread, I’d love to hear it; however, I am growing tired of your constant philosemitic posturing. If you think your strategy holds so much promise, then take it and run with it. Why are you sitting around here wasting your time with barbaric anti-semites like us?

  14. They need to get Jared Taylor into their party. He’d be a great party spokesman if he would simply discuss Jewish influence. I’m sure there’s a few other high-profile activists who could give an enormous boost to this party.

  15. “In his latest expose, Gustavo Arellano reveals that the ATP treasurer had a DUI and failed to appear in court for driving without a license!”

    Talk about grasping at straws.

    Meanwhile millions are crossing the border every year….

  16. The only Jews who would be interested in a philosemitic far-right party would be those Jews on the fringe of politics and culture – the ones with little influence to begin with.

    Our own mischling Iceman is a testament to this by his own admission – his fellow Jews call him a Nazi and shout him down.

    I have stated previously that accepting individual Jews who are in line with a general WNist/racialist POV would be fine, but the idea that we must totally gut ourselves of the crucial analysis of how we got to where we are today is simply an unacceptable price to pay just to appease a few more of the fringe element of Jewry.

  17. Stephen Elliott
    OldRight, I appreciate the commentary. However, I think the Israel and the Islamic threat has changed certain things. I also think that Jews don’t like living in corrupt Third World shitholes where nothing works any more than us.

    When will South African jews begin calling for restoration of white rule?

    As for the Islamic threat knocking some sense into them, it’s been almost nine years since the 9-11 attack on the center of American jewry and jews gave 77% of their votes to a half negro with a Muslim name.

  18. We’ve seen from the Civil Rights movement exposes that our enemies aren’t blameless. Let’s not get bamboozled into purging people with a past. There are obviously people who should be excluded, but we shouldn’t get carried away.

    We should all try to be as kind as possible to Braun this evening, his uncle passed away today.

  19. “Amren is not an organization.”

    That’s a pretty feeble answer. You know exactly what I meant.


    I understand your frustration at my negative feelings at the inclusion of KMac in such a visible position, but I’m not posturing, it’s my honestly held belief that that will turn out to have been a mistake. I regard that as a substantive criticism. You will note that I’m pretty much the only discordant voice in this thread – I take it that you cannot bear to hear even one such voice. Let’s meet again in a year and see what your party has achieved, okay?

  20. ATP is not gonna work unless it is headed by a black jew, with a chinese lesbian as VP. How can a party that is for racial/cultural preservation be headed by whites? Ridiculous.

  21. “and collaborate with all [i.e., Jews] who can help us achieve our goals.”

    Stephen Elliott/Friedrich Braun/Judas Goat — don’t you get it? Jews have never worked with Whites for anything, ever since they settled in Europe they have always been a main antagonist of the White race and as OldRight noted they want us either extinct or at least economically and politically enslaved (as we nearly are now) since we are their main Darwinian competitors for Earthly resources and domination.

    Jews are scheming back-stabbers pure and simple, and they cannot be trusted in any way — maybe a few thoroughly vetted Jews here and there can be trusted (such as Levin or Gottfried to use a couple of examples), but en masse they cannot. If Whites allow Jews to slither their way in to a movement, a political party, a business, a nation, etc, Jews will always end up corrupting and ruining it, those are the indisputable facts of history — haven’t you learned anything from the history of the interaction between Jews and Whites?

  22. This guy could be my old math teacher or next door neighbor. As Obama might say, he is a typical white. Everything he is saying is utterly mainstream and probably half of California White people agree with him.

    Anti-white bigots who start shouting “racist anti-semite” anytime White people speak about their interests should be immediately called on it. Nobody complains when a Jew says “as a Jew” nobody complains when a Black says “as a black person” etc.

    People saying this guy is “racist” are just anti-White.

  23. N/A has already posted this here, but it bears re-posting as Braun continues to peddle the same bullshit.

    Michael Levin interview in AR:

    Cliffnotes version: He’s an anti-white leftist.

    AR: After having written one of the classic studies of race and IQ, as well as several seminal articles on the subject, you appear to have moved on to other things. In what direction are your efforts directed these days?

    Michael Levin: I’ve been spending my time on standard academic philosophy. I’ve said everything I think I have to say on race, and I see no point in repeating myself. A broad philosophical view of race is not like a scientific view, which is liable to change in significant details with new empirical research.

    More important, perhaps, the country’s reaction to 9/11 made me think that the push for racial egalitarianism was far from the worst problem the country faced, and liberal egalitarians far from the worst and most dangerous people. Liberal egalitarians began to seem to me to be sentimental fools, whereas conservatives were obviously malevolent and murderous. Liberals I saw as driven by silly ideas that led them to advocate measures that were silly (Black History Month), or annoying (speech codes) or unjust (affirmative action). Conservatives I saw as driven by rage and hate.

    The liberal mantra is “Wouldn’t it be nice if we all got along and didn’t notice each others’ colors.” The conservative mantra is “Those hippies were having fun while I was busting my balls in school and now I’m getting even. No communists any more? Fine, let’s kill some Moslems. More aircraft carriers, more bombers, we’re Number One. And guns. Everyone should have lots of guns to protect himself from the government. And we need spies everywhere because we’re at war and everyone is trying to kill us.” The belligerence and destructiveness of the right struck me as much more dangerous than the pipe dreams about integration of the left, which had already been popped.

    AR: In your view, have race relations improved, deteriorated, or stayed the same since the mid 1990s, when you were writing about race?

    ML: My sense is that race relations have improved. On a personal level, I find I can jog through Harlem without being bothered, something unthinkable fifteen years ago. At the same time, my sense is that whites are becoming more comfortable dealing with blacks on a day-to-day basis, as day-to-day interracial contact becomes more common.

    AR: What are you impressions of Barack Obama, and of the outpouring of enthusiasm that greeted his election?

    ML: He impresses me very favorably. He is obviously extremely intelligent. It is a pleasure listening to him, after his stupid, bullying predecessor. He has not gone nearly far enough in apologizing to the world for America’s wars of aggression, and indeed he seems bent on continuing them. This is understandable, perhaps. He is president of a country almost half of whose citizens seem to like the idea of endless war with some Threat to Mankind. If he announced “enough is enough” he might face rebellion. At the same time, as of this writing, he seems to understand that he must cancel Israel’s blank check. It will be interesting to see what happens when Israel attacks Iran. Will he cut off military aid, all aid, diplomatic relations? Will he be able to withstand AIPAC?

    The enthusiasm that greeted Obama was probably due to the contrast between him and Bush. He is a grown-up who speaks in complete sentences and actually seems to have given some thought to things. The sheer relief at being rid of Bush and the conservatives accounted for most of the elation.

    The wisdom of Braun: Let’s put a liberal Democrat in charge of our pro-white party. A political genius this guy is.

  24. White Preservationist
    If Whites allow Jews to slither their way in to a movement, a political party, a business, a nation, etc, Jews will always end up corrupting and ruining it

    Look no further than Jonah Goldberg, whose sole qualification for editing National Review and turning it into a neocon megaphone is his mother Lucianne Goldberg, whose sole qualification is being a jewess who worked for Nixon’s CREEP (I wonder if a jew came up with that catchy acronym?) and peripheral involvement in the sordid Monica Jewess Lewinsky scandal.

    As far as the VNN sideshow goes, just ignore him. He doesn’t even have Jimmy Blue Tick Nose in his corner anymore.

  25. HW

    <blockquote<he VNN smear machine has already kicked into action

    As an outsider to the “scene” (I learned of Linder a month ago) the whole drama with the 80s/90s people is mostly a soap opera to me, except for all the clear and direct involvement of the FBI, pseudo-foreign intelligence agencies like the ADL, and obvious clear agendas from disruptors.

    When you see a problematic leader, it’s helpful to ask three questions, in order. Does the person simply have a defective personality? Does the person have a contrary personal agenda? Does the person have a material conflict of interest (as in an FBI paycheck)? Then consider a combination of two or three.

    FBI used to spread specific rumors among pro-White and leftist groups in the 60s, to make them suspicious of everyone in their respective movement. In fact, you can usually get vain and problematic people to do it for free with some coaxing. Don’t let the trolls get you down.

  26. I admit that SE/FB/JG is correct that White Nationalists and pro-White activists ought not go around raving about “the Jews” in public because doing that will get a person or group marginalized quickly; leave that type of very controversial rhetoric for those who are in the know about the Jewish problem (intellectuals, leaders, inner cadres, etc), or to open discussion and free speech on the internet, and so on. I just discussed this in a comment on MR @

    Right now White Nationalists and pro-White activists need to present a more palatable and respectable public face if they seek to gain a wider following in the coming years, and that does not include endlessly raving and screaming about “the Jews” like a wild-eyed conspiracy theorist in public places amongst ‘normal’ and ‘respectable’ people — yes, almost everyone here and on many other websites realizes that Jews have caused and are still causing many problems in White nations that need to be confronted and dealt with, but in seeking to build support with the White masses the Jewish problem is a battle we will have to fight another day on down the road once we have at least attained a semblance of power and support.

    Right now we need a broad populist-oriented pro-White political platform focused on the basics: stuff like ending or at least severely cutting back all non-White immigration to the USA and other White nations, expelling all illegal immigrants and also repatriating many recent non-White immigrants, repairing the economies of many White countries (rescuing the sinking White middle and working classes: especially in the USA), fixing international trade policies, repealing anti-White laws in our own nations, and so on.

  27. Friedrich Braun/Stephen Elliot was at one time a Nazi-fetishist and Holocaust denier. Why would decent, reasonable, peaceable, sane, normal, respectable, tolerant, hard-working, Christian White Americans want to listen to such a disreputably character?

  28. This is a promising development but will obviously take time to gain traction with the white masses. In our celebrity worshipping culture it seems a person, a political position or party isn’t legitimate unless it has the stamp of approval from at least a few hollyweird personalities. No actor would dare support third position of anything based on white racial identity. That would be career suicide in an industry dominated by Jewish supremacists.

    As others have pointed out, placating Jews isn’t the secret ingredient to achieving political success as some have posited. I’m amazed that there’s still people who think being pro-white and and silent on the JQ (or pro-Jewish) will endear us to the them. All available evidence should lead a reasonable person to conclude that it’s utterly futile. Jared Taylor has played deaf and dumb on the JQ yet he’s still despised and distrusted by Jewish dominated organizations.

  29. Crypto-Aryan says:

    prior sponsorship of the so-called Pace Amendment was not very mainstream, Duke’s prior membership .. hurt him. Mainstreamers need to really be mainstream.

    By mainstream you mean they have to have never said a bad thing about a Jew in their entire life? By “mainstream” you mean “doesn’t exclude you” correct?

  30. Mr. Dithers I don’t know, he comes across as a Ron Paul type to me. There are probably more like him. White people like old White nerdy men telling the politically incorrect truth about the real world.

    I plead ignorance on the Third Position, but I liked this video. The guy is obviously not a TV star but I pretty much agreed with everything he said.

    Whatever you think about him, he is mainstream. He is a typical white person. Nobody would think anything he is saying is anything other than what we say. It’s so mainstream it can be considered boring. If some radical anti-white activist wants to start a campaign against this guy, they are more hateful than even I could imagine.

  31. Whites need something as it becoming obvious to me that the so called Tea Party agenda is slowly becoming co-opted by the elites. Sarah “I love Israel more than the US” Palin will be speaking at the Tea Party shindig scheduled in February. Arab Israelite Joe Farah will also be on hand to admonish the audience to do all they can for Israel.

    This means it will just become another John Birch society obsessed with free market principles when it isn’t championing the cause of Jews, Israel and pretending that there are no racial problems.

    I envision the emerging Tea Party agenda as follows:

    1) Praise the lawd (when not praising Israel)
    2) Lower our taxes
    3) Stop abortion
    4) Lower our taxes a little more
    5) Audit the Fed/End the Fed

    Of course, any talk of ending affirmative action, expelling illegal aliens, and a moratorium on legal immigration will be verboten. Can’t scare away all the lovable non-whites, ya know. Never mind that the ideals espoused by your average tea partier might attract 1.5% of non-whites on a good day.

    I just hope they hang a sign that reads “Dead End Ahead” at the convention.

  32. 1Crypto-Aryan

    Best of luck. However, this man’s prior sponsorship of the so-called Pace Amendment was not very mainstream, and it is going to hurt this current effort, just like Duke’s prior membership in the Klan hurt him. Mainstreamers need to really be mainstream.



    The Pace Amendment was well written, viable (with a viable, strong government), and has proved its veracity over the years. Right is, well, right, and words have consequences which will have to be faced in this life or the next.

    Badges of honour can be worn or cast aside; the consequences of one, should not mitigate its usefulness.

    I own an original copy…after all these years, and remember the time and the Congress who shit-canned the idea…there are no Gods…just Monsters to be dealt with.

    12Stephen Elliott

    Campaigning with an anti-Semite in tow is not smart politics. Any whiff of anti-Semitism in post-war West = death on arrival. The Jews must feel and know that the Right is safe for them. A front row center Jewish presence will at least give us a shot at access to media and financial resources. Additionally, as I’ve already said, Jews are a brilliant people, you want them – at least some of them – inside the tent. Jews can’t even agree on Israel, so we’re not aiming for 100% of even most. The objective is to get as many key players as possible. It’ll have the benefit of blunting the usual and expected Nazi name calling. Those charges won’t stick, as they haven’t stock to Geert Wilders’s Party of Freedom. Unfortunately, they’ve stuck to the BNP – and they have nobody but themselves to blame.

    At all times we should be guided by what’s best for our genetic interests and collaborate with all who can help us achieve our goals.


    The object is to win- is this By Way of Deception, or other methods not currently observed? Time will tell.

    Jewish persons can, and in some cases greatly so, show ‘genius’ of a Type; in the main, however, their genius serves themselves and their world-view…to the beasts, nothing. The only way that the West has survived, and this is not said in jest, has been with the sharp edge of cold steel, and the will-to-power to wield it. Tomorrow will be little different.

    Are WE diamonds or Coal? Whatever it is, let us be it, and not another which we are not.


    Stephen Elliott
    The Jews must feel and know that the Right is safe for them.

    The right has been safe for jews since Buckley purged Revilo Oliver in the sixties. The right has been involved in an unrequited love affair with jews since the religious right became influential in 1980. Yet despite the most enthusiastic ass kissing from Reagan and his successors 75% or more of jews still vote Democrat and provide financial support for open borders and forced integration.

    The jews don’t want peace with us, they want us gone. Or worse, they want us as slaves. But don’t let me discourage you. If you want to start a pro-white jewish organization go for it. I’m sure there’s a local Dennys with enough room to accommodate your annual party congress.


    Well said, and true, in toto.

    It has always been, and will ever be: All or Nothing.

    The War of Compromise , will gain impetus if allowed to survive; if this process takes two or three generations, will the prove the proper policy? Was that the best ways and means to achieve our ends? Perhaps.

    Let the Grass grow where it will…

  33. ending affirmative action, expelling illegal aliens, and a moratorium on legal immigration

    No no that’s exactly backwards! First stop legal immigration, then expel illegal aliens, then the affirmative action thing.

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