American BNP

The creation of the American Third Position Party is creating waves across the blogosphere. We already have two posts about the matter here. Heidi Beirich has a write up over at Hatewatch. GuessedWorker is pointing fingers at the Bilderbergers of White Nationalism. David Duke’s website has picked up the story. The local press in California has three stories about the matter. See also the CoCC and TOQ Online threads.

I’m trying to catch up on all of this. I first remember hearing about the “American Third Position Party” when Kevin MacDonald mentioned it in his RFM interview. I assumed it was an already established third party based in California. I heard nothing further about it until reading the posts here. It is quickly becoming a tempest in a WN teacup.

Personally, I hope this will finally shut up the Neo-Nazi cultists who complain about “intellectual pussies” and “do nothing, contribute nothing keyboard warriors.”  In addition to everything else he does, which alone is more than sufficient, Kevin MacDonald is trying to create a viable third party for White Americans. His loudmouth critics haved only talked about it. I have read several of the various criticisms and disagree with most of them.

The American Third Position Party should be given a shot. It appears to be led by decent and reasonable men. If someone else creates something better, we should support their efforts instead, but in the meantime we need a focal point around which to rally our forces.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. 8Hunter Wallace
    It won’t take long for Linder and Giles to trash the ATP. Any minute now.

    They’re not dysfunctional and sociopathic so Linder won’t like them, and they’re educated and don’t live in a trailer so to Giles they’re part of the “white money movement.” You can’t get anywhere without funding, but this simple fact escapes his blue-tick nose.

    14Hunter Wallace
    1.) You are implicitly acknowledging that Jews wield enormous political, economic, and cultural power in the United States. Your argument is that Jews are so powerful that they must be appeased or else.

    2.) The Geert Wilders model will never work in America. The vast majority of third world immigrants to the U.S. are not Muslims. They are Catholic mestizos from Latin America.

    I don’t think it makes any real difference to include Jews. I also question the full commitment of Jews, as nearly all of them can’t take criticism.

    I’m not sure KMac is even strongly anti-Semitic, he would probably work with them if they were cooperative. He did give Nathaniel Kapner an interview. However since KMac is a strong critic of Jewish behavior and is pro-white they despise him for it.

    Ironically I think Christianity in America is more of the problem, since there are so many non-white and liberal white Christians. It’s easy to combat an enemy that has a foreign religion, but if they have your religion then the danger is more subtle and insidious with miscegenation and assimilation. Whites are great at fighting clear distinctions of good and evil, them and us, but when it’s low-level cultural and psychological warfare they fail miserably.

    We should all try to be as kind as possible to Braun this evening, his uncle passed away today.

    My condolences to Braun and his family.

    33George Witzgall
    ATP is not gonna work unless it is headed by a black jew, with a chinese lesbian as VP. How can a party that is for racial/cultural preservation be headed by whites? Ridiculous.

    Good point. If we’re still a slave to diversity quotas then why bother.

    34Hunter Wallace
    If Kevin MacDonald wasn’t involved, ATP wouldn’t have generated nearly as much publicity.

    That’s exactly right, I had the same thought when I first heard about his position. They’re interesting because KMac is a part of it. He’s an iconic figure.

    39Hunter Wallace
    For the record, William Johnson has been married for 27 years and has 5 children.

    Indeed, he’s being belittled by immature, dysfunctional, inferior semi-humans. Their behavior is akin to the degenerates in the dysgenic future America of Idiocracy.

  2. A friend just checked out the picture of “Gustavo” in that Orange County thread bashing white identity and Dr. MacDonald. I think he might be onto something ….

    ” There’s a link to a pic of Gustavo, and he’s a first cousin of US Senator Schumer from his looks. I suspected he was neither Spanish nor Mestizo, and now I’m sure of it. He’s just another example proving that being born in a chicken coop does not make a pussy cat into a rooster. He’s got that mouth (physically & noisily) on him. That solves that mystery.

  3. Gustavowitz itz. He definitely has the face and behavior of an Armenoid Semite. Some kind of Mestizo-Semite like Geraldo.

  4. Stephen, Jews only care about what is good for the Jews, so maybe you should sit down with a few local rabbis and visit some Jewish Web sites and blogs and politely explain to them how promoting a pro-White agenda helps to advance the interests of Jews. Report back when you’re finished, and let us know how many Jews are interested.

  5. Well, this kike thinks that Friedrich Braun goes too far here. As long as MacDonald doesn’t indulge in Jew removal or Jew de-citizenship fantasies, he’s ok by me. Kind of interesting, actually.

    But I really think that what the “alternative right” or “extreme right” really needs are new, charasmatic leaders, not a “virtual” party. Historically, the far right in America has ALWAYS depended on charasmatic leaders. After their demise, parties spring up to continue the vision of their founding leader, but they almost always fail and instead die slow deaths. Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul and Willis Carto are now all in their 70s or 80s. Taylor and MacDonald are both past 60. Who will replace these sort of people?

    I say the “pro-white far right” needs a bunch of indepentant candidtates and public officialswho will naturally, following the diversity of white thought, have a range of views on social, economic and even foreign policy issues. But they would unite on Jared Taylor’s two priorities, which I agree ought to be paramount and points of unity: no immigration and the right to free association.

  6. Stephen Elliot,
    Your recommendation to court the Jews would be a fantastic idea, except for the fact that it has failed miserably at least a hundred times over. Yes, there are many brilliant, capable, powerful Jews, who are very effective when they direct their efforts toward something. But what do they direct their efforts toward? Is it a coincidence that all of our 13 brilliant, capable Jewish senators are Democrats, pushing socialist, multicultural legislation? If you would read Kevin MacDonald’s works, you would have a better idea of what they most often work towards: in a nutshell its the displacement of Europeans and their culture, who Jews see as their ancient enemies. For the foreseeable future, Jewish leadership can be expected to continue along this path.

    There is an absolute need for a pro-European political party, which represents European Americans. We need a party that is honest, principled, and has integrity. A mealy-mouthed group that tries to deceive others about its true agenda, or that wants to dump controversial figures like Kevin MacDonald will fail. People will respect groups that they dislike, but have principles. But noone respects weak, deceptive groups that try to please everyone. The goal of the party is not even necessarily to win elections. A critical purpose is to make it normal and acceptable for European Americans to pursue their interests, like every other ethnic group does. A political party with enough support that allows it to engage in debates with the major parties can really help with this. Once it is acceptable for European Americans to pursue their own interests, and when we have a European Caucus in government, the game will really have changed.

    In the meantime, if another political party arises, with pro-White views and Jewish leadership, that would also be great. But thats not what we need for the American Third Position. Where do I send in my registration info?

  7. “Stephen/FB has does an excellent job of naming the Jew Scrooby and opposing Linderwitz. Job well done.”

    Does the nonsense, by the usual suspects, over Fred Scrooby’s alleged Jewish ancestry ever cease???

    C’mon gang, get a grip.

  8. Yes, like other “alleged nonsense” about Tim Wise’s and Mark Potok’s Jewish ancestry. It’s not alleged if it’s admitted, and it’s not nonsense considering it’s a significant topic of interest here and within WN. Hypocrisy and lies can’t last forever.

  9. The goal of the party is…to make it normal and acceptable for European Americans to pursue their interests, like every other ethnic group does. A political party with enough support that allows it to engage in debates with the major parties can really help with this. Once it is acceptable for European Americans to pursue their own interests…the game will really have changed

    Exactly. This is what we’ve been arguing all along. Keep posting on the internet. Sites such as OD are extremely useful. But some of us prefer real world activism.

  10. If these people are legitimate third positionists, they should be against free market capitalism and for some type of alternative – anarchism, corporatism, national Bolshevism.

    If not, they shouldn’t call themselves third positionists.

  11. A3P is not for globalized free trade, but for America-first populist mercantilism. Therefore, they are not free market capitalists. But they are as close to free market capitalism as nationalists can reasonably go.

    I think that is probably the best position for a political party in the US. We are not like the homogeneous Scandinavian countries of old, where socialism did not function as a means for racial aliens to sponge off of whites. Here in the US, the advocacy of the welfare state was rightly seen from the beginning as anti-white racial redistributionism.

    A pro-white political movement would be foolish not to cater to such a strong current of implicit white racial consciousness.

  12. Let’s divide the Jewish community rationally here into groups:
    1)People of Jewish ancestry who don’t consider it to be important.
    2)Torah Zionists
    3)ADL types
    4)”self-hating Jews”

    Group 1 you might find a few Michael Levin’s. If you wanted to recruit such people, you may still be able to be be against organized Jewry, but you’ve got to make it clear that you separate the individual from the group.

    Group 2. You need to be a total patriotard to get these people. You have to pretend you believe in creationism and all kinds of stuff. That was too much for me to sacrifice. These people do not trust right wingers who disagree with them on religion. They compare you to Nazis.

    Group 3. Fuck them.

    Group 4. Yes they exist, I’ve met and read about “Jewish nazis.” If you accept these people, you’ll piss off the other Jews.

  13. Exactly. This is what we’ve been arguing all along. Keep posting on the internet. Sites such as OD are extremely useful. But some of us prefer real world activism.

    And apparently some of us, like yourself, are degenerate adulterers and race-mixers.

  14. Does the nonsense, by the usual suspects, over Fred Scrooby’s alleged Jewish ancestry ever cease???

    C’mon gang, get a grip.

    Get a grip on what? He admits to it himself. Both of his grandmothers were Jews. He’s a living embodiment of the Jews’ own definition — Jewish by matrilineal descent.

    It hardly matters in the grand scheme of things, of course. But let’s see whether you’re able to live up to your own moniker’s admonition.


    Well, this kike thinks that Friedrich Braun goes too far here. As long as MacDonald doesn’t indulge in Jew removal or Jew de-citizenship fantasies, he’s ok by me. Kind of interesting, actually.

    You’re so incredibly obtuse one must wonder whether you do it intentionally. If it’s possible to part ways with Mexicans, blacks, Arabs, etc surely it’s possible to part ways with Jews. Why on earth not? Because you’ll put up a fight but the others will go quietly? However you cut it, in the long term, it’s either partition, rahowa or amalgamation — and maybe it’s partition in the case of rahowa anyway (in which case why not attempt to get there peacefully?). Can it really be that even this simplest of demographic logic is incapable of penetrating your skull?

  15. The goal of the party is…to make it normal and acceptable for European Americans to pursue their interests, like every other ethnic group does.

    Interesting use of European American. I prefer it (and the abbreviation EuroAm) to White.

    White is in a kind of perennial metaphysical opposition to Black. Whereas EuroAm’s are a people among peoples – with the rights of self-determination and self-preservation of all peoples. Maybe a better term for spreading the message.

  16. “The Admiral”/”William in OC”:

    You know exactly what I’m talking about. You’re a degenerate adulterer and race-mixer. You admitted it yourself over at Roissy’s blog.

    I noticed you just got rid of your avatar. I guess you’ll be posting under a different email address with a new, different avatar so that the avatar for “The Admiral” here and for “William in OC” over at Roissy’s don’t match.

  17. But silver, philosophically that argument can be taken further. You are saying that racism can be used against Jews. Why not the Irish? Why not the Italians? Why not the Greeks? Why not the Poles? If you follow that line of thought, why not give up racial viewpoints altogether, because someone might be racist against you? But it doesn’t matter. You’ve got to go with the views you believe in.

    If a real right wing dictatorship took over America, there’s no reason why Jews would necessarily be first in line. But it would depend on who was running it.

    However I think MacDonald, from what I read about him, likes to target Jews. But I don’t know if he’s just an intellectual or if he has plans of deporting them or if he just wants free association. I don’t know much about him.

    A third position party sounds interesting, but I don’t want to just jump into an affiliation cold like that. I’ll watch it.

  18. Wow, Admiral/William OC boasts of having sex with Asians and even black women. Another degenerate exposed. Anything to say for yourself?

  19. That’s him, going as “William in OC.” He used to have the avatar of some British guy with a tommy gun both here as “The Admiral” and there as “William in OC” before changing it to some guy in a black hoodie with a white Celtic Cross on his chest.

    Looks like he just ditched the avatar because it’s so conspicuous with the same unique avatar here and there. Readers who checked the Roissy link I posted before he got rid of the avatar just now would’ve seen it.

  20. Admirable detective work, guys, but no fetish here. Just a predilection for annoying negro posters and their race-mixing admirers.

  21. Notice the pattern here. The big-mouthed guys who talk and boast the most about fighting and physical toughness and who talk the most shit, are moral degenerates, race-mixers, and sociopaths (Giles, Linder, Admiral/William OC). Basically, the guys who act niggerish ARE indeed niggerish.

  22. Are you saying this is our Admiral?

    Yes. When Lincolnshire first posted the links, the avatar of “William in OC” was the same as the avatar of “The Admiral.” The avatar of “William in OC” was changed sometime today.

    “William in OC” is in Southern California. Admiral is in Southern California.

  23. Yes, we really need to be more fair to hypocritical adulterous miscegenators who boast of their interracial sexual adventures.

    As long as you don’t have mongolophilia, Hunter. You can’t control what other people do.

    I don’t see how you can describe your friend as an “extreme racialist” if he likes Asian girls so much. Do you think one can be a white nationalist and have sex with non-whites, even marry one and have mixed children like Derbyshire?

  24. Roissy blog is great. White betas could take a page or three out of his playbook. And your point is…?

  25. Admiral, you really expect us to believe it was all a ruse to provoke non-whites? You must really think we’re gullible. You went into way too many specifics and too often. Just come clean, the truth will set you free. Face it, man, you got pwned. Boom, headshot!

  26. 98Hunter Wallace
    I’m not attracted to black chicks. There are plenty of Mexican women who look Spanish/European. I think a lot of Asian girls are attractive.

    Are you attracted to them though? Have you had an interracial relationship? Say it isn’t so.

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