American BNP

The creation of the American Third Position Party is creating waves across the blogosphere. We already have two posts about the matter here. Heidi Beirich has a write up over at Hatewatch. GuessedWorker is pointing fingers at the Bilderbergers of White Nationalism. David Duke’s website has picked up the story. The local press in California has three stories about the matter. See also the CoCC and TOQ Online threads.

I’m trying to catch up on all of this. I first remember hearing about the “American Third Position Party” when Kevin MacDonald mentioned it in his RFM interview. I assumed it was an already established third party based in California. I heard nothing further about it until reading the posts here. It is quickly becoming a tempest in a WN teacup.

Personally, I hope this will finally shut up the Neo-Nazi cultists who complain about “intellectual pussies” and “do nothing, contribute nothing keyboard warriors.”  In addition to everything else he does, which alone is more than sufficient, Kevin MacDonald is trying to create a viable third party for White Americans. His loudmouth critics haved only talked about it. I have read several of the various criticisms and disagree with most of them.

The American Third Position Party should be given a shot. It appears to be led by decent and reasonable men. If someone else creates something better, we should support their efforts instead, but in the meantime we need a focal point around which to rally our forces.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It is possible to be a White racialist and a man at the same time. Sometimes these two identities are in conflict. I don’t date or mate outside of my race, but I would attribute this to the strength of my ideological convictions.

  2. Mark —
    :::yawn::: I really don’t give a hearty shit what you think. This is the internet. It’s bullshit. True, I had some fun on Roissy blog earlier this year, mostly to piss off the negro libs (as I’ve mentioned), which worked. The specifics I discussed were mostly drawn from real life, details changed. Sorry, I can’t help it if I’m a WN player, but the pussy here is incredible.
    Any other questions?

  3. Christ Almighty.

    I guess the good Pastor Lindstedt was right. It really is a “bowel movement.” You can’t step 2 paces without tripping over some psychopath, race-mixer, hypocrite, sexual pervert, moral degenerate, and so on and so forth.

    It really is like a big video game to a lot of people, like a big joke. Go home after work, plug your mind into the internet, and play big tough WN online. The fantasists who used to play dress up at rallies in their silly hoods and brownshirts now play out their fantasies online with their silly avatars.

    Mark, I think it’s unfair to equate Hunter with this exposed hypocrite and degenerate. Hunter is being honest, while ‘Admiral’ doesn’t even have the balls to admit the truth, even while foolishly removing his avatar in a panicky attempt to evade suspicion.

  4. It is possible to be a White racialist and a man at the same time.

    You mean, it’s possible to talk out of both sides of your mouth, say one thing and do another.

    By “man” you mean a liar, hypocrite and miscegenator. That’s not my definition of a man. I don’t think it’s yours either.

    You’re defending him, but it’s indefensible.

  5. A few years ago, I briefly dated a girl from North Carolina who I met through my old forum. She lied to me about her real name. We ended up meeting in real life and having sex. This went on for about six months.

    She looked completely European. This girl had dark hair and eyes, but extremely fair skin. She claimed to be of French/Russian ancestry. Her story seemed plausible.

    Later, I found out that she had lied to me about her real name. It turned out that her father was either Cuban or Mexican. I never found out which. Anyway, that’s the closest I have ever come to an “interracial relationship.”

    It was my own gotcha moment. I guess I don’t have a bluetick nose!

  6. Mark, I think it’s unfair to equate Hunter with this exposed hypocrite and degenerate.

    Hey, wait a minute, I never equated Hunter with jungle fever over there. It’s just a bit odd why Hunter is defending him and speaking as if he’s guilty of something himself. I’ve always respected Hunter, even more after he had the courage to see the truth about Linder and break away from the cult.

  7. I swore I was winding down but the topics are interesting now.

    Hunter, there is no “hispanic race.” Some Mexicans legitimately mainly do descend from European Mediterranean looking Spainards. Some Cubans do. So they are like Greeks or Italians, not Mestizos.

    Others are mixed/

  8. In my defense, I didn’t know any better. You can’t always judge genotype from phenotype. I’m sure I have slept with plenty of White chicks who have some remote Indian ancestry.

  9. Christ Almighty.
    I guess the good Pastor Lindstedt was right. It really is a “bowel movement.” You can’t step 2 paces without tripping over some psychopath, race-mixer, hypocrite, sexual pervert, moral degenerate, and so on and so forth.

    That’s the God’s honest truth. There’s a lot of duplicitous people.

    When I first started getting involved in racialism, I was appalled to learn how many of the pro-white women I came into contact with had been with black men. One I even became friends with and later she revealed she had a half-black child. WTF… Yeah, it’s all fun and games until they beat her or invite their friends over to gang rape her.

    I see that the males aren’t much better. It’s a sick world, what can you do.

  10. What I do know is that you are a liar, hypocrite, and miscegenator.

    That’s all that I or anyone else for that matter needs to know about a degenerate like you.

    When Pastor Lindstedt talks about killing off “90% of the whiggurz” he’s referring to degenerates like you.

  11. I don’t consider someone like Castro non-white.

    If you screwed the female equivalent of Castro, you haven’t engaged in miscegenation in my opinion.

  12. Hunter, if they look fully white you’re not held responsible. After all probably 99% of the white guys here would do the same thing. But sleeping with obviously non-white women and boasting about it is disgusting. Seriously, that should be a bannable offense.

  13. I can sense this thread is going to get nasty. I’m about to go to sleep. Please keep the discussion civil and productive. I don’t want to have to delete 50 to 70 comments tomorrow.

  14. Iceman, apparently Admiral/William OC screwed the female equivalent of Genghis Khan and Dennis Rodman.

  15. It’s not the quantity of women, it’s the quality. You can bang a 100 non-white skanks and that doesn’t make you a better man, it makes you worse. A real alpha male is selective. It’s also empowering, try turning down a woman once, it’s fun.

  16. I’ve been turning down women my whole life.

    That’s how misogynistic I am. I’ve never engaged in any relationship with women, because it’s nothing but a giant waste of time.

    I wish there were more communities of people who bash women. But I hate Islam too.

  17. Seriously, that should be a bannable offense.


    Psychopaths, race-mixers, hypocrites, liars, sexual perverts, moral degenerates, etc., like Linder, Giles, and Admiral aka William in OC must be purged from the movement.

    Read your history. All revolutionary movements, whether Bolshevik, National, Fascist, etc. have had to purge themselves of these kinds of grotesque tumors with extreme prejudice and vigilance. During the late stages of movements these purges get very brutal, so by nipping them in the bud early on is doing a big favor.

  18. You know, when I read these posts with all these supposedly idealistic pro-whites miscegenating all over the place, the nagging question comes up in my mind as to whether whites really are just genetically defective mutants like the niggers say we are and whether we stand a chance. Whether it was India, Persia, etc….we always breed ourselves out. Between our white sluts and their black fetish and bisexual experimentation and some white guys with their latina and asian hangup…….I dunno. Disheartening.

  19. East asian women are the kryptonite of the white nationalist movement. I find it so funny how many racialist leaning white dudes want and lust for East Asian girls. I am myself not true white nationalist, but find East Asians to be unattractive and pretty much most women who are not white. I actually attend to go after nerdy and fat white girls, the ones most of you will not touch. My only interracial love interests are Jews. Yes, a dude who has a fetish for Jewish women is commenting on a white nationalist website. I am not troll, but instead one of those feared and loathed race realist libertarian types who read Guywhite and Steve Sailer as if they were new testament . I enjoy this website, and most of your comments. Being an outsider, in my opinion you are being unfair to Admiral. All that matters by white nationalist logic is that he does not have any mix raced children. Sleeping with a few women outside your race does not make you miscegenator, but actually having children with women outside your race is. You guys need to lighten up. It is better that Admiral eventually finds a white woman and has white children, than that every woman he dates should be of the same race by your logic. If he only dated white women, but had no white children than there would still be a problem in the whole preserving the white race deal that you guys love to talk about. Simple fact is that white men have been doing this for centuries. Sleeping with foreign women, but then going back home to take care of the kids and the wife, and continuing to protect the future posterity of the nation. But my opinion really does not count, because I am not white nationalist, but a race realist libertarian who wishes you guys well. Quiet your fighting, you guys were getting really interesting. I hate Gustavo Arellano, he is a politically correct prick.

    PS: Hunter Wallace do not block me, I mean no harm. Personally have a soft spot for you guys, since I find most women who are not white unattractive. My sexual proclivities give me a latent race conscious. Also your website is far more interesting than Guywhite.

  20. @Guest Lurker

    You have point Guest Lurker, and what is sadder is that beyond my lust for Jews, I am the one least likely to miscegenate than these guys. They actually find East Asian attractive, when many look very much like blacks to me. The irony is that I lust for the most evil races in their opinion, JEWS, but would not even touch any of the other races. Especially not East Asians or Blacks.

  21. Libertard with fetish for Jewish girls (speaking of kryptonite for the WN movement and white guys in general….) tells us to lighten up on an exposed liar, hypocrite, and miscegenator?

    Anybody else surprised?

    Libertard, read that thread over at Roissy’s. These weren’t some “crimes of passion” or “youthful indiscretions.” They reveal deep degeneracy, degeneracy we desperately don’t need in a movement chock full of psychos, hypocrites, perverts, degenerates, etc.

  22. I guess Michael Levin is just a liberal after all. I’m pretty surprised by those statements. I would have guessed that he would have expressed neoconservative type sentiments. Most Jews who talk about racial differences are like that. I actually agree with most of what he says though. That’s why I don’t consider myself a conservative. Race relations in NYC have improved a lot since 1990. Blacks are less hostile towards whites than they used to be. Most blacks in NYC now are Caribbean or African and are not descended from American slaves. They don’t have as much hate for the white man as “African-Americans” do.

  23. “…hypocrites, liars, sexual perverts, moral degenerates,…must be purged from the movement.”

    Whoa there chief, you make certain people nervous with talk like that.

  24. There is no instinct against miscegenation, as some holier-than-thou white nationalists like to pretend. When different races exist in proximity to one another, miscegenation is inevitable. It is particularly tempting for defective whites who seek out sexual partners from inferior races because such partners are more likely to overlook a white partner’s defects simply because he or she is white. It is precisely because miscegenation is inevitable under present conditions that we have to pursue complete racial separation.

    Take a look at the following:

  25. @Guest Lurker
    That’s why a society’s elderly need to be the elders. Young adult men of every race are crippled with lust. They’re disinterested in turning over the wealth they produce to women, children, and the elderly. Noble men are nearly always forged. Very few are born that way. My racialism is merely an extension of my traditionalism, a traditionalism in which men who engage in “Game” and other deviant behavior would be blown back by the collective force of religion, taboo, the force of law, and social pressure.

    “If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Wherever the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved and to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that one point.” ~ Martin Luther

    For me, the battle over blood is merely where the battle is raging. It’s the thing that the opponents of tradition are most strongly attacking and it’s something which can’t be recovered once it’s lost. With “Gamers”, one can clean up the mess of herpes, fatherless children, and broken dreams. With miscegenation, it strikes at the very core of the permanent identity of our people.

    It is discouraging to see the pettiness, the backstabbing, and the moral degeneracy. But please keep in mind that you’re not doing it for these people. When victory comes, the “movement” will have splintered off and spiraled into other things as the true struggle, the actual work, will require a different breed of men.

  26. I find it so funny how many racialist leaning white dudes want and lust for East Asian girls. I am myself not true white nationalist, but find East Asians to be unattractive and pretty much most women who are not white.

    I’ve never found them attractive either. I like a fully developed woman with an hourglass figure, a Northern European blonde/redhead/light brunette barbarian woman, a valkyrie. Female Asians look underdeveloped, scrawny, no muscle, no hips, no ass or chest. Then their legs are short and abdomen long. Their face is flat, low-bridged and wide nose, the epicanthic fold over the eyes and the darker pigmentation. No sir, I don’t like it.

    I don’t care for their personalities either, they’re odd to me. Some say they’re more submissive, maybe they are, but if a woman really loves you she will be submissive to you even if she has a fiery personality.

    Beta white males like Asian women because they’re easy and they actively pursue white guys, so there’s no effort involved. I’ve had to turn more than one of them away, they acted shocked.

  27. Ice,

    I was just pointing out to Crypto — who loves to imagine otherwise — that there’s nothing sacrosanct about Jews.

    Of course anyone could, in theory, be separated from anyone. But that’s somewhat beside the point. The point is to find a separation algorithm that appeals to the greatest number while pissing off fewest. For me, a basis — any basis — for racial “groupism” is better than no basis at all; purists and revulsionists (often one and the same) do not like this one bit, since it implies being forced to accept types that repulse them, and the thought they may be found repulsive throws the putative repulsers into a tizzy too, so much so they often drop ideological racialism altogether. History teaches us that the purists always lose but an imperfect racialism is surely better than no racialism.

    In your estimable opinion am I way off in speculating there is not going to be anything like a race war to settle the issue? Take Roissy’s blog for example. I’d guess at least three of four posters there is “racially aware” to a considerable degree (in the sense that racialists use the term), but the overwhelming impression I get is one of seeking a multiracial modus vivendi. I doubt most people there have the racial intensity of this blog’s Mark, Bernard or CC, which is the level of racial intensity that I suppose is required if you’re to take up arms.

  28. Regarding inter-racial sex, when I was a young man, BEFORE I was racially aware, I had relations with a Hispanic girl. I didn’t know any better at the time because I grew up like everyone else submerged in Judaic propaganda, but the lesson I take from it today is that preventing this kind of miscegentation is one of the most important reasons racial separation is necessary. White men are like any other men and many will be inclined to copulate with any woman they find attractive whether she is White or not. And all you need to do is look around — there are quite a few Asian and even Hispanic/Latina women out there who might tempt even the most committed racialist, much less men who are not yet racially aware.

  29. “I doubt most people there have the racial intensity of this blog’s Mark, Bernard or CC, which is the level of racial intensity that I suppose is required if you’re to take up arms.”

    Precisely. There’s a long distance between “race realists” like one sees at Roissy and the racialists here.

  30. “Beta white males like Asian women because they’re easy and they actively pursue white guys, so there’s no effort involved. I’ve had to turn more than one of them away, they acted shocked.”


    […] No non-fatty white girlfriend would tolerate such nauseating beta shit for long. His ass would be dumped as soon as the bartender winked at her. Is it any wonder guys like this hone in on Asian girls? I don’t blame them. With the Asian girlfriend, they get to be all the beta they can be, without fear of reprisal. And they don’t have to settle for a fat chick. […]

  31. SILVER — “You’re so incredibly obtuse one must wonder whether you do it intentionally.”

    Please don’t hurt my feelings. I prefer to think of myself as subtle and iconoclastic. And by the way, what’s with your kike name “Silver”? Are you related to my in-laws?

    “However you cut it, in the long term, it’s either partition, rahowa or amalgamation.”

    There is also the option of retaining one’s identity while living peacefully alongside other groups. Its not always easy, which is why it is necessary to fight political correctness, and establish rights of free association rights and sensible immigration and trade restrictions. But more often than not, its what groups witha sense of self-worth and self-preservation have been able to do for millenia.

    “Partition” as in the breakup of USA into sovereign states (some of them nearly all-white) may be possible. But “partition” as in removing all the blacks and Jews from Milwaukee or Indianapolis or Minneapolis or Seattle requires people to be FORCIBLY UPROOTED against their will. Unless the out-group is tiny, removing them is impossible, outside of wartime. Ask the Israelis — why do you think they haven’t found a way to removed 5 million Arabs from Jewish-held land in Palestine?

    Since the progressive wing of the White Nationalist movement has apparently embraced “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” on homosexuality, why not the same for miscegenators? Maybe they can be reminded on the importance of using condoms?

    Wish that someone would respond to my earlier point that what is needed isn’t a new political party, but instead new charismatic leadership.

  32. @Crypto-Aryan
    I don’t disagree; the two concepts aren’t mutually exclusive. When the redeemer emerges, we need to have the organizations and parties in place and ready for him. We need both political organizations AND charismatic leadership. To cease organizing until a leader emerges is to guarantee that our leader will emerge with absolutely nothing to wield in his struggle.

  33. In addition to calling Protestants insane and blaming them for all our problems, Admiral attacked Protestants as being adulterers, pedophiles, and race-mixers. It’s too funny that Admiral turns out to be a degenerate adulterer and miscegenator.

  34. Crypto-Aryan’s right about living alongside other groups, cultivating our identity, preserving our race, and fighting for free association, etc. Ethnopatriots seldom like to hear it, but this is the default fall-back plan. It’s the spine of WNism, so we should face up to it. Everything else branches off that default plan.

  35. Seriously, that should be a bannable offense.


    Psychopaths, race-mixers, hypocrites, liars, sexual perverts, moral degenerates, etc., like Linder, Giles, and Admiral aka William in OC must be purged from the movement.

    I agree as well.

    I like a fully developed woman with an hourglass figure, a Northern European blonde/redhead/light brunette barbarian woman, a valkyrie.

    As do I.

  36. The gamers are degenerates – racially and culturally.

    While I’ll excuse youths who haven’t cultivated a life philosophy for themselves and made some roots, anyone else who has failed to get out of their adolescence and find themselves a nice pretty white woman to raise children with is a degenerate and Darwinian failure.

    Now I’m not saying you should pick up the first woman you find and make her pregnant or that you shouldn’t date a few women to find the right one, but those who see sex and dating as merely entertainment are missing the point.

    As far as I am concerned the betas who can’t pick up women and the gamers / so-called “alphas” (who really aren’t, from a sociological perspective) are one and the same from this point-of-view.

    Its not really surprising that a large number of the gamer crowd have no moral objection to miscegenation and dating outside the white race.

  37. Friedrich Braun/Stephen Elliot was at one time a Nazi-fetishist and Holocaust denier. Why would decent, reasonable, peaceable, sane, normal, respectable, tolerant, hard-working, Christian White Americans want to listen to such a disreputable character?

    I can see a degree of usefulness in Braun’s new position (Ethnopatriotism could use a bit of hug-the-Jew-and-watch-him-grimace). But what gives me pause is his behavior. Even more than before, he seems to have chosen his position to give him carte blanche to go at it hammer and tongs with everyone in the movement. That is the consistency between his former and current positions, IMO: their adversarial nature.

  38. Since the progressive wing of the White Nationalist movement has apparently embraced “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” on homosexuality, why not the same for miscegenators? Maybe they can be reminded on the importance of using condoms?

    Sounds just like the Judaic sexual propaganda we’ve been subjected to for the past 50 odd years.

    Not surprising, considering the source.

    The message is that all kinds of sexual deviance and perversion is fine, that it’s just a matter of choice and recreation, that as long as “protection” i.e. condoms are used everything is ok and acceptable, that they’re merely “victimless” crimes. As if adultery is fine so long as no bastards are actually produced.

    This has been one of the primary vectors of attack against us, and it has done untold damage to us, demoralizing us, confusing us, weakening our resolve, undermining family formation, undermining fertility, and so on.

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