Stage Three

It is time for White Nationalism to move to Stage Three: building institutions and networks in the real world.

I submit that Stage One was completed long ago. There is a broad consensus in the movement that the ultimate goal is a White ethnostate in North America. There is a broad consensus that Jews should be excluded from the White homeland.

We are divided over the particulars: the location of the White ethnostate, secession or taking everything back, the role of religion in the ethnostate, the boundaries of whiteness, the morals of the ethnostate, women’s rights, the specific type of government and economic system, the exact historical minuate of our racial decline.

These are all matters that can be fleshed out in the future. We can divide into factions and engage in politics after a White homeland is secured. In the interim, we should be able to find unity in our desire for a radically different living arrangement.

Stage Two was creating an alternative media in which this ideal could be disseminated and propagated to the masses. It has never been easier to run around the mainstream media and directly connect with our audience.

According to Leonard Zeskind, there are about 30,000 hardcore White Nationalists in America. There are hundreds of thousands of sympathizers who have been exposed to the movement. There are millions of explicit racialists who have never heard of us. There are tens of millions of Whites who wouldn’t stand in our way. There are tens of millions of implicit Whites out there who are potential converts.

Stage Two has matured to the point where we are reaching enough people to start doing things in the real world. Building the Pro-White media is a slow process that will continue long after the White ethnostate is secured.

Stage Three begins with forming state based networks of racialists. I’m referring to innocent stuff like touring historical sites, starting book clubs, holding meetings and conferences, eating dinner at a restaurant once a month, hosting a barbeque, cultural festival, or a concert, hanging out with friends, going out for drinks with a few buddies.

What does this accomplish? It gets people out from behind their computer screens. It shows people that doing stuff in real life is a lot of fun. It shows people that White Nationalists are normal. It dispels stereotypes. It raises spirits and creates real bonds between neighbors. It replaces fragile internet relationships. The enemy has worked hard to keep us anonymous, isolated, and bottled up on the internet for a reason.

Stage Four is openly engaging in political agitation for a White ethnostate. This involves attending protests, confronting the enemy, organizing protests, creating and joining organizations, leafleting, writing letters to newspapers, creating propaganda, running insurgent candidates in targeted districts, organizing boycotts, building an electoral base, etc.

Most White Nationalists are too frightened right now to forge ahead to Stage Four. They don’t have the confidence. The Libertarians have long been at Stage Four. They are moving ahead to Stage Five which is capturing political power, governing, and breaking out into the mainstream.

I’m convinced Stage Three is doable. I don’t see any necessary opposition between “theory” and “action”; we already have the goal, we’ve had it for thirty years, the problem is that no one is following up on it with action in the real world.

We’re stuck on the internet arguing and hairsplitting about the minuate of a collective fantasy! Either that or endless navel gazing. Which is why nothing ever gets done.

If White Nationalism is ever to amount to something more than a wish or a plea, it must move through Stage One, Stage Two, Stage Three, Stage Four, Stage Five and beyond.

If White Nationalists can’t find the strength to move beyond anonymous drive-by posting on the internet, then we are wasting our time and should focus instead on maximizing our own personal happiness.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Spock,

    I also know a few things about Morton Blackwell. For starters, I know he has spent over $1 million dollars creating a website (i.e., “Campus Reform”) that doesn’t get 1/100th of our traffic.

    No one denies the conservatives are good at raising money. They waste millions of dollars every year on worthless programs and politicians. They are not serious about changing things in this country.

  2. Hunter- Blackwell’s political investments are hit or miss. He is throwing money down the toilet in NOVA, especially in the Alexandria/Arlington/Fairfax areas.

    But, h has has a few hits.

    Blackwell’s deal is his institute which has produced such heavy hitters like Rove and Norquist.

    The reason why these conservative groups are a miss is because their ideas are not popular.


    Because conservative thought is anti-humanity and the trend in this country has progressed against this kind of ideology to the point where it appears stale and out of touch.

    Even the Tea Movement is on the decline as their public approval rating is hitting way below the 50% mark.

    BIG HINT: one of the reasons why the conservative movement is on the decline? Because it appears “racist” and the public doesn’t like that!

  3. Spock,

    1.) There are twice as many self identified “conservatives” as “liberals” in America.

    2.) Independents are heavily involved in the Tea Party movement.

    3.) The Tea Party is more popular than either the Democrats or the GOP. The Democrat-controlled Congress has a 20% approval rating.

    4.) Obama’s approval rating has entered negative territory. He is widely perceived as a weak leader. Twice as many Americans strongly disapprove of Obama.

    5.) The Real Clear Politics tracking polls show that Obama is being wiped out in every battleground state that he won in 2008. States like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are turning against him.

    6.) Obama’s approval rating has fallen below 50% … in California.

    7.) After the Gulf Oil Spill, Obamacare, gutting NASA, the Wall Street bailouts, all his lies about creating jobs, and amnesty for illegal aliens, Obama care write off Florida and the rest of the Gulf states.

    8.) Kosher conservatism is declining, but that is hardly a victory for the Left. It only shows that the Right is radicalizing: the Tea Party movement, Rand Paul and the libertarians, White Nationalist ideas entering the mainstream.

    9.) There is no conservative youth movement. Everyone I know on the Right who is under 35 is either a White Nationalist, a Neo-Nazi, or a Libertarian.

  4. 1.) In the nineteenth century, the White yeomanry supported Andrew Jackson who started the expulsion of the Indians from the Southeast and Midwest.

    2.) Abolitionism was a fringe movement until the Civil War. Within the anti-slavery movement, the vast majority of Whites who were opposed to slavery were against its expansion because they were White Nationalists who wanted to keep blacks out of the Western territories.

    3.) The youth vote is misleading: among young people, there are far more non-Whites than among older generations, so the “youth vote” trends Democrat.

    It also trends Democrat because among young voters who consider themselves on the Right tend to dislike the GOP and conservatism. Many of these people don’t bother to vote.

    4.) I claimed that 50% of Whites in Alabama are explicit racialists. In other words, they completely agree with us on race, affirmative action, and immigration. They are racially conscious. They think of themselves as Whites.

    Another 20% to 30% of Whites in the state are a mix of implicit and explicit whiteness. In 2008, 10% of Whites voted for Obama. That sounds about right. He will be lucky to get 5% of White voters in 2012.

    5.) We could easily build a mass movement in states like Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Louisiana. The problem is no one is even trying.

    6.) The infighting within the movement goes on almost exclusively between the first generation WNs who are in their 50s, 60s, and 70s. Everyone our age knows each other and gets along.

  5. “BIG HINT: one of the reasons why the conservative movement is on the decline? Because it appears “racist” and the public doesn’t like that!”

    It’s white. Therefore the accepted moral authority (the media) call it racist.

    If it was brown or black the accepted moral authority (the media) wouldn’t call it racist.

    The media does this because it is dominated by jewish racists pretending to be white anti-racists.

  6. The deal with getting things done in the real world is: Keep It Simple. Simple draws more people, who bring $$$. White ethnostate, a laudable long-term goal, is very complicated and repels too many people in the here and now. What’s Simple? Defining a Common ENEMY (globalistas, banksters, organized Jewry) that will unify as-many-whites-as-possible (plus whomever) on a Common GOAL: seizing power. Not running away from it via secession. That’s been tried already. Didn’t work.

  7. Hunter- Let us take a look at these 9 bullet points:

    1.)” There are twice as many self identified “conservatives” as “liberals” in America.”

    Oh really? Do you have a source for that stat?

    2.) “Independents are heavily involved in the Tea Party movement.”

    Indies make up about 30% of the American voter. Now, the T-Party stats are about 11% or under of the American voter. Even if the entire T-Party movement was made up of indies, (which be both know is far from the truth) these stats show that the T-Parties in the best hypothetical conditions attract 50% of the entire Indie voting block.

    Given the actual political make up of the T-events, and we all knows they are a Republican wonk production, let us be generous and give 40% of the T-events with an indie voter make up.
    T-Parties are only attracting about 1/4 of the entire indie voting block
    “CBS Poll- • Mostly consider themselves Republicans – not independents – and most view the Republican Party favorably (62 percent).”

    3.) “The Tea Party is more popular than either the Democrats or the GOP. The Democrat-controlled Congress has a 20% approval rating.”

    Those numbers sound a little fudgie, but let us say you are correct in these numbers. The T-Party/Campaign for Liberty/Dick Armey are not really successful at running sane candidates. They might have won noms, but can they will the generals? Sarah?
    RCP Average

    4.)” Obama’s approval rating has entered negative territory. He is widely perceived as a weak leader. Twice as many Americans strongly disapprove of Obama.”
    RCP Average
    Approve 47.2
    Disapprove 46.5
    Spread +0.7

    Besides, when the Repubs nominate Huckabee, incumbency is a shoe in.

    Also, if the Hill turns Repub it will add to Obama’s chances, as the public will usually re-elect a presidential incumbent if the Hill is in control of the opposition party. (old beltway proverb!)

    5.) “The Real Clear Politics tracking polls show that Obama is being wiped out in every battleground state that he won in 2008. States like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are turning against him.”

    Michigan will go Obama because of Repub Islamophobia, the only reason why Bush won Michigan is because of Norquist’s Muslim out reach in 2000.
    Pa is a union state and will likely go Dem in the presidential.

    6.) “Obama’s approval rating has fallen below 50% … in California.”

    Again, Ca will not go for the crazy the Repub throw on the table.

    7.) “After the Gulf Oil Spill, Obamacare, gutting NASA, the Wall Street bailouts, all his lies about creating jobs, and amnesty for illegal aliens, Obama care write off Florida and the rest of the Gulf states.”

    The fault of the gulf is the deregulation from Bush, the comments coming from the Repubs about the escrow account is going to hurt them in the long run, as was voting against the unemployment bennie extension.

    8.) “Kosher conservatism is declining, but that is hardly a victory for the Left. It only shows that the Right is radicalizing: the Tea Party movement, Rand Paul and the libertarians, White Nationalist ideas entering the mainstream.”

    Tea Party Movement- a dead fish in the sun
    Rand Paul and the Libs- Rand leads his opponent only about 6 points in a Republican leaning district. This one is not a shoe in for either side, but more of a nail biter.

    White Nationalist ideas entering the mainstream.- They always have been in the mainstream, if anything they are less in the mainstream than ever, or even exiting the mainstream at a faster rate.

    9.)”There is no conservative youth movement. Everyone I know on the Right who is under 35 is either a White Nationalist, a Neo-Nazi, or a Libertarian.”

    First of all, to the first part, false. As much as I wish Bristol, Pelican, O’Keefe, DeAnna and the rest of the LI Youth were none existent, they are around.
    Sad and pathetic, they all infest CPACs with their big boy suits and blackberries, … making believe they are on the West Wing…

    Second, social circles do not make a viable demographic make, not in the larger scheme of things.

  8. 1.) Obama: Strongly Approve (27%), Strongly Disapprove (40%)

    2.) Obama Approval Rating Tanks in Florida:

    3.) Obama Drops Under 50% in California:

    4.) Tea Party More Popular Than Democrats and Republicans

    5.) Conservatives (40%), Liberals (20%)

    6.) Tea Party (48%), Obama (40%)

    7.) Obama Tanks in Battleground States:

    Losing all Red States, all 2008 Democratic pickups, plus Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

    8.) Tea Party: 17% Democrats, 28% Independents, 57% Republicans

    9.) Rand Paul +8

    10.) Arizona: 81% of Americans oppose boycott, 57% of Americans support Arizona

    11.) 48% to 35%: Americans want to copy Arizona law in their own states.

    12.) 41% of Americans want illegal aliens deported. That’s up 15 points from 2008.

  9. Michigan will go Obama because of Repub Islamophobia, the only reason why Bush won Michigan is because of Norquist’s Muslim out reach in 2000.

    Gore won Michigan in 2000 and Kerry won Michigan in 2004.

  10. Hunter -Rasmussen polls are a joke, the always poll the least mount of people and are usually wrong. Not even the Repubs on Kst respect them, except when they are arguing with Dems.

    “8. Tea Party: 17% Democrats, 28% Independents, 57% Republicans”

    And I guesstimated the indie stat % points at 25% your really think those 3% points were worth digging for the link?

    As are the rest of the stats I stated, they are only within a few points of yours.

    Single point drops in polls in a few states does not mean anything this far from an election, especially without a nominated opponent.

    August 2012- we can take a real look and discuss the numbers.

    Why the interested in the promotion of the Repub astroturf such as the T-Party movement?

    Which is on the decline, btw, the movement shot its wad and they have made it very clear they don’t want YOU guys showing up anymore.

    Again, inner fighting over “purity”, its the Achilles heel of all movements.

    And, Michael Steele is hitting all the panic buttons.

    I see more chaos for the conservative movement than unification.

  11. MGLS- my mistake you are correct, sorry about that it was a while ago. I am just remembering when Norquist made a lot of noise about being able to bring Bush a Muslim voting block from Michigan.

    This is what I was misremembering:

    “To the extent that these surveys conducted by Islamist organizations have validity, they indicate a hemorrhaging of votes from the other candidates to Bush in the final months. Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform and the GOP’s pointman for attracting Muslims, argues that “Bush’s talk about outreach and inclusion had extraordinary results—the Muslim community went 2-1 for Bill Clinton [in 1996] and almost 8-1 for Bush.”49 “

  12. “41% of Americans want illegal aliens deported. That’s up 15 points from 2008.”

    And by the same poll the number who favor “Imposing fines of tens of thousands of dollars on employers who hire illegal immigrants” increased from 58% in 2007 to 71% in May of 2010.

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