Roid Rage: Jim Giles Chimps Out

Jim Giles, Anger Management Issues

After my brief appearance on Radio Free Mississippi, I swore that I would never have anything to do with Jim Giles ever again. In the months that followed, Giles abandoned his “journalistic approach” to doing interviews.

He became increasingly obsessed with black-on-white crime. In several memorable broadcasts, Giles launched into epic tirades against his various political enemies in Mississippi. He even shared aspects of his private life like the time he screwed a mulatto in Paris.

In December and January, Jim Giles was fond of riding another hobby horse: attacking the “white money movement.” He swore up and down, repeatedly, that he didn’t want your money. He literally screamed into the microphone, “I don’t want your ****ing money,” to emphasize the point.

Somewhere around February, Giles removed all the archives of his previous shows. He returned doing interviews with unfamiliar figures. I moved to Virginia and quit following his show.

Listening to RFM

In recent weeks, Giles has popped up on our radar screen again. He recently did several interviews with Pastor Martin Lindstedt which were posted on the forum.

H. Rock White has become a huge fan of these podcasts. There isn’t a day that goes by here in Charlottesville in which Harold Covington, Martin Lindstedt, and Jim Giles can’t be heard in the office. We listen to all three of them.

I believe we started listening to Giles again after the Richard Barrett murder. He has since moved beyond that subject. Giles is now commenting on the Edgar Steele case. His position, as I understand it, is that his “blue tick nose” has convinced him of Steele’s guilt.

The definitive proof: Giles thinks that Steele looks funny.

Epic Meltdown

So anyway, to cut a long story short, I was upstairs reading the James Edwards book when I heard screaming and laughing coming from the office. H. Rock White was laughing so hard that I thought he was about to die of a heart attack.

Jim Giles was on the air with Pastor Lindstedt, “Hadding,” and some woman named “Mona.” Giles was hollering and screaming at Lindstedt and making threats. He was ranting and raving about beating up Edgar Steele and living in a trailer. H. Rock White and Mike Capatano repeatedly tried to call in to the Skype conversation.

It was hilarious.

If for nothing else but the lulz, check this out. See especially the end.

Download: Roid Rage: Jim Giles Chimps Out

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @ Hunter

    Steele first came to my attention as a gold & silver “bug” touting those two metals as investments years ago. Personally, I don’t see gold & silver as a practical long term investments—but—that’s another story. Anyone who listened to Steele made money lots of money!

  2. “Thge hell it doesn’t. Of Idaho’s two most important federal officials—one is a Roman Catholic the other is a Mormon!”

    I see, LOL. One of Idaho’s two most important federal official’s Roman Catholicism is a factor in this case. LOL. Well, maybe, LOL. Then again, maybe not, LOL.

    Do you care to try to prove that, Old Dutch? I mean, Tom Watson, LOL? I mean, “Tom.” LOL?

    Or are we going to speculate about the Popish menace hiding in the shadows of the Steele case, LOL?

    Someone is slipping in and out of reality – that’s for sure, LOL.

  3. Yeah, Old Dutch, I didn’t think you’d answer the question, LOL.

    The question was, why is one of Idaho’s two most important federal official’s Roman Catholicism is a factor in this case, LOL? You brought it up, after all, LOL.

    Looks like the game is just about over, LOL.

  4. I am the “Helen” that Jim Giles has been apologizing to whenever he swears, lately. Right before the Lindstedt/Mona fuss, I was going to email Jim and tell him that I would be happy if he went back to swearing if only he would please, please get rid of Mona. I am not Christian Identity, but I would rather listen to Lindstedt’s mush-mouth than Mona’s lovely tones any day of the week.

  5. @ LOL

    Your reading skills are not too good. I’ve already stated the case. Idaho has a tiny Congressional Delegation of four. The two top Federal political leaders are United States Senators, one is a Roman Catholic, the other is a Mormon. Let me remind you that Steele is being prosecuted/persecuted in Federal Court. Not in a State Court.

    All of the bad press Steele has gotten is for defending a fringe religious group called the Aryan Nations. If you read any of the Idaho or Washington state newspapers/TV/radio they couple Steele’s name to this fringe religious group.

    Once again, did the FBI, as stated in the Idaho media, pay the federal informant Fairfax, who planted the pipe bombs in both of the Steele’ s cars? That’s a question someone should put to your Roman Catholic politicians in Idaho.

    Btw, I also have an another Holy Roman Catholic relic, a bone from St. Peter’s pecker that would make a good gift for a Roman Catholic priest or nun—I will sell it to you cheap. LOL.

  6. You didn’t answer the question, Old Dutch. The question was, “Why is one of Idaho’s two most important federal official’s Roman Catholicism is a factor in this case, LOL? You brought it up, after all, LOL.”

    You see, you DIDN’T answer the question, LOL. SOMEONE’s reading skills are “not too good,” for sure, LOL.

    It looks like you just went on a rant, and, as usual, you lost your temper. As if the only ones giving Steele the bad press is Roman Catholics, LOL. .

    And, as usual, anyone who doesn’t agree with your crank theories is a Roman Catholic. LOL.

    Whatever. My job is done here. You’ve outed your latest reincarnation as “Tom” with your Catholic obsession. Way to go, Old Dutch, LOL. I mean Tom Watson, LOL. I mean, “Tom,” LOL.

  7. The guy is a fed. Plain and simple. He is following the Hal Turner technique to a tee. More bullshit from a bullshitter. My advice: Ignore.

  8. Jim sez: “The guy is a fed. Plain and simple. He is following the Hal Turner technique to a tee. More bullshit from a bullshitter. My advice: Ignore.”

    Hal Turner only became an FBI informant in 2004. He started his show in 2000. There are many things that Hal Turner did that had nothing to do with being an informant.

    You are saying, “Hal Turner did this. Hal Turner was an informant. Therefore anybody who does this is an informant.” Is the retardedness of your syllogism not universally obvious?

    There hardly anything more overused than the accusation of being an FBI informant.

  9. Jim Giles himself said on his show today that he is a “federal informant.” He just lamented that he doesn’t get paid for it.

    Specifically, which show was that?

    I just listened to the most recent one, pretty sure he didnt say it there.

  10. Hunter Wallace says: “Jim Giles himself said on his show today that he is a ‘federal informant.’ He just lamented that he doesn’t get paid for it.”

    Mr. “Hunter Wallace,” you seem to be a master of small-minded misinterpretation.

    Giles was referring to the instance of Dan Jones, who involved him in a parole violation, which Giles immediately reported. Giles’ application of the term federal informant to himself was ironic.

  11. I watched the first part of your vid, Mona, part 1.
    The only thing you “prove” is that you’re nuts!
    Within the first minute, you’re making things up
    out of the blue, you’re “upset,” but cackling like a hyena on Thorazine.

    Are we supposed to believe these are your spontaneous reactions? You must think people are pretty stupid if that’s what you think people will believe.

    Good Lord, the so-called “movement” is clotted with retards. Retards, liars, and obsessive compulsives who rage about Catholics. Drama queens, backstabbers, and delusionals.

    What a fuckin’ zoo. The “movement” needs an enema.

  12. Jesus Christ! I watched the first Mona vid again. Edgar Steele tried to kill his wife “because she’s an old fat lady who’s 60 years old?”

    Get help soon, Mona.

  13. Hadding,

    Those were his exact words. Jim Giles described himself as a “federal informant.” The Dan Jones episode shows that Giles is willing to talk to the feds even without a monetary incentive to do so.

  14. @Mona

    Are you a present or former Roman Catholic, or more likely a present or former Mormon? Tell the truth. LOL.

    @ LOL.

    You don’t understand politics, or how they work. If either the Roman Catholic or Mormon Senator from Idaho wanted Steele out on bail, he would be out on bail.

    Steele’s bad press is a result of his having defended in court a religious kook group in Idaho. Yet both of Idaho’s US Senators are themselves members of religious kook groups. And the Roman Catholics and the Mormons are kookie religions bordering on cultish.

    This is politics raw.

  15. Hunter Wallace sez: “Those were his exact words. Jim Giles described himself as a “federal informant.” The Dan Jones episode shows that Giles is willing to talk to the feds even without a monetary incentive to do so.”

    Yes those were his exact words, but you are ignoring the context and distorting the meanings of words.

    I am sure that you have some inkling of what the word ironic means.

    An informant is not somebody who simply calls the authorities when he encounters a crime. An informant is a kind of secret agent. An informant does not announce that he will call the FBI if he sees anything illegal.

    George Lincoln Rockwell also would contact the FBI when faced with somebody advocating illegal activity. He stated this in a speech that he gave in Dallas in 1965, which you can find online, and he told his audience that they should do the same.

    Anybody who openly states that he does not want to hear about your ideas for illegal activity is not an informant.

  16. No Old Dutch, I understand politics. It’s you who are Catholic obsessed raw.
    You can’t even see how insane your “answer” is, LOL, and how this case has little or anything to do with Roman Catholicism, LOL.

    You’re as nutty as Mona, if not more so, but you can’t see your own insanity, LOL. it’s everybody else, LOL. Yeah, it’s all the “hidden” Roman Catholics out to “get” you. LOL.

    Just like the white men want to “get” Mona ’cause she’s old and has white hair, LOL.

    You and Mona are two peas in a pod, LOL. YOu should hook up, LOL. You can debate how many angels are dancing on the head of a pin, LOL.

  17. Giles said today that he got a donation from an anti-racist think tank. Probably because he spends all his time attacking other racialists.

    He chums around with Tim Wise and Mark Potok, but attacks David Duke, William Pierce, Louis Beam. He threatens to break Edgar Steele’s neck.

  18. Hunter Wallace sez: “Giles said today that he got a donation from an anti-racist think tank.”

    Tell me Mr. Half-Truth, what was the amount of that donation?

  19. “I think the ADL and the SPLC, they love, they love what I’m doing here. They love it. So as does the feds.”

    Jim Giles, Radio Free Mississippi, 07/06/2010, 1 hr 19 min 55 sec

  20. Giles: “Phonetically, you sound like a retard! Shut your ripping mouth, retard! ….Hey, Mad Dog, I got a question for you: in a fistfight, who do you think would win, you or me?”

    Lindstedt: “You would…”

    This is great radio.



    Robert Campbell/Tards WeeWeeSperg:

    Giles: “Phonetically, you sound like a retard! Shut your ripping mouth, retard! ….Hey, Mad Dog, I got a question for you: in a fistfight, who do you think would win, you or me?”

    Lindstedt: “You would…”

    This is great radio.


    As I remarked on other forums, jewdass ‘Triple-R’ ‘Roid-Rage-Retard’ Jiles isn’t a pimple on the faggot mangina of one Martin Burke, a 300-lb 6’5″ psychotic criminal who I fought to a standstill on Aug. 16, 2006 at the Biggs Maximum Security Unit at the Fulton State NutHouse. We exchanged bruises and lacerations, and Burke never wanted a rematch of what Burke had started. However on August 2, 2007 Burke attacked and nearly killed a security staffer and before he was pulled off inflicted 15 skull fractures and a number of broken bones, including an arm and possibly a leg.

    So, as is typpycull for you ZOGling whigger and mamzer ass-clowns who I suspect rightfully of being an informant, you like to pretend you are very tough when in fact you are a bigger pussy than Fade/Hunter, who at least last month showed in confronting this jewboy and niggers all by himself that he had grown a pair.

    The entire decision in my confronting the traitor-trio of Moaner MountCoonery, Hadding the loveless NA mattoid, and Triple-R, was to make the lot of you look like the cowardly treasonous ZOGbot pussies that you are. And so, if I got verbally pushed around by an enraged Roid-Rage-Retard screaming that he wants to snap the neck of a sick Movement Hero of the Resistance who is a lot smaller and older and sicker than he is, then that is all to the good. jewdass jiles the Roid-Rage-Retard showed that he is nothing more than a cowardly animal and bully and has nothing but hatred for Resistance Soldiers.

    So now jewdass jiles the Roid-Rage-Retard is understood to be a federal informant, rat and coward, and you and that idiotic orc sow Moaner and Hadding are the jewdass-sheep around the jewdass jiles Triple-R jewdass-goat, I think that it is quite clear as to what side you are on and everyone not wanting to look like fellow traitors and fools will give you a wide berth, for fear of ASSoCIAtion with jewr scruffy kind.

    It all depends on what side you are on. ZOG/Babylon, like all mighty Evil Empires, is falling, is falling, will fall. When ZOG/Babylon is no more, neither will jewr kind.

    I’ve been a Resistance hatchet-man for 16 years. jewdass jiles, the Roid-Rage-Retard is just another head and pelt on my belt, just like TraitorGlenn Miller. According to Triple-R, TraitorGlenn Miller has taken to calling itz rat-self TraitorGlenn Miller. Itz enough to give a ZOGbot a coonplex. From now on, Triple-R, jewdass jiles, the Roid-Rage-Retard with itz blue-tick nose stuck up itz blue-tick asshole licking itz blue-tick empty nutsack won’t be ranging as fast or as far and stay with the rest of the cut dogs on the porch, begging whiggers and jews and the petty cash drawer of the Department of ZOGland InSecurity to pay for itz water, electric and Internut bill.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  22. In addition to soliciting donations, Giles has also now started a blog:

    Anyone who has listened to RFM for any length of time can attest to the fact that it was not long ago that Giles was lashing out at bloggers, declaring them all “intellectual pussies” and saying he would never waste his time with such nonsense.

    Similarly, he repeatedly asserted that he would never ask for money, and that anyone in the “white money movement” who does ask for money cannot be trusted.

    The day after his grandfather died, Giles announced on the air that he had been living on his grandfather’s pension, so he would now have to go and get a real job to make money. I guess he decided it was easier to join the “white money movement” than it is to work for a living, hence the new position.

  23. Which one of you guys called into the “Arizona” show with the faux Southern accent and mentioned OD several times?


    The call begins at the 49:30 mark and continues for about an hour.

    The caller claims to be from Arizona. He appears to be using a fake Southwestern accent (I thought maybe it was one of the 4chan types) and he calls with the stated purpose of gauging Jim’s reaction to your entry on his meltdown.

    During the conversation, the caller mentions Occidental Dissent and/or Hunter Wallace several times. He states that the only podcasts to which he listens are RFV and RFM. He also says that he spends a great deal of time here at OD and that he began listening to RFM when you were interviewed as a guest.

    Of course, Giles is completely taken in by the call. He lauds the strength, intelligence, charisma and articulate nature of the caller and tells him that he should run for public office.

  25. Robert Campbell sez: “Of course, Giles is completely taken in by the call. He lauds the strength, intelligence, charisma and articulate nature of the caller and tells him that he should run for public office.”

    Giles tells almost everybody that.

    I thought the accent was a little corny but I don’t know how Arizonans talk. Are you sure it was fake? Why should somebody pretend to be from Arizona?

  26. Here’s an oldy moldy (12/03) where Giles the presidential candidate challenged me to a fist fight over some perceived slight. The entire thread is instructive in showing how little Giles and others have learned in 6 and 1/2 years:

    “I challenge you to a fist fight. Man to man. Toe to toe. No weapons. No gloves. Bare fists.

    I just called Mississippi’s Law Enforcement Training academy and inquired if we could fight on their property and they told me no but that we could fight at Gober’s family fitness center in Brandon.

    This will be helpful in recruiting more people to your cause. When you get to town give me a call. My telephone number is 601-936-3825.

    No more talk.”

    Sure, Jimmy. Be right down.

  27. Hadding,

    I can’t be absolutely certain that it was a fake accent, but it struck me that way.

    I know a lot of people from Arizona, and they don’t sound like him. You could also tell that he was affecting the accent more strongly in certain situations. He also kept dropping memes common to the Giles show, such as when he mentioned “knocking someone’s dick in the dirt.”

  28. Hadding says:

    An informant is a kind of secret agent.

    Oh brother.

    The three ring circus of White Nationalist forums is quickly overtaking even California for its collection of weirdos, misfits and just plain idiots. And people seriously ask questions like why WN never goes anywhere.

  29. Lindstedt has provided some of the best belly rolling bouts this year. First with Visser, then with Delaney and now Roid Rage. That’s entertainment!

  30. “I challenge you to a fist fight. Man to man. Toe to toe. No weapons. No gloves. Bare fists.”

    Giles sounds like one of these bullies from 8th grade that never grew out of that stage in life. “I’m gonna get you after school!” LOL….

  31. Brutus sez: “]Hadding says: An informant is a kind of secret agent.’ Oh brother.

    What the hell is your problem?

    The point is that an “informant” is only useful to the extent that he is not known as an informant. Are you seriously going to dispute that? I think not.

    And by the way, did you know that Brutus in Latin means stupid? Oh brother!

  32. Helen,

    No, Giles was unfamiliar with the caller.

    He just called in with no prior communication or notice of appearance and spoke with Jim for an hour.

  33. “I’m a money guy now. I’ve totally reversed my policy on that, and now I want money. I want the money, honey.” – Jim Giles in a 07-09-10 broadcast entitled “Deeds Not Words”

  34. The Church is the bride of Christ, and through this becomes one flesh with Jesus. This is why the Church is called the body of Christ. You can’t say, “we closely resemble the original church”, or “we interpret the Bible correctly, therefore we must be the true church” – that’s ignorant. You must be *the* Church founded by Jesus – acting like it isn’t good enough. Jesus said He would be with the Church until the end of the world. And Jesus isn’t a polygamist. So there’s only one true Church, and it has to be 2,000 years old. Well….there’s only one that fits the description, and it ain’t the Soul Stirring Church of Selma Alabama.

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