Yesterday morning, Pastor Lindstedt informed me that Harold Covington had mentioned Occidental Dissent in the latest broadcast of Radio Free Northwest. I listened to the podcast and mulled over writing a response. Last night, I received a phone call from a friend about the issue, as Covington also slandered The Occidental Quarterly in his diatribe.
(1) Nothing in my writing indicates that I am “raging” about the Northwest. I’ve spent the last few weeks analyzing the impact of the 2010 midterm elections at the state level. I have written about Utah, Mississippi, Texas, Iowa, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Virginia, Georgia, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
(2) This website is self financed out of my own pocket. Unlike Harold Covington, I have a job which pays the bills. I don’t work for The Occidental Quarterly or solicit donations here anymore.
(3) I don’t consider Harold Covington and The Northwest Front a “threat” or a “competitor” to Occidental Dissent. Jack Ryan has been advertising Radio Free Northwest here for months. We have been sending traffic his way.
(4) I think Covington is living in a fantasy world. It is hard enough to get White Nationalists to eat breakfast with you at an IHOP restaurant. The notion that these people are going to form a vanguard and launch an IRA style insurrection against the U.S. federal government and win … well, let’s just say that a flying saucer is more likely to land on the White House lawn before something like that happens.
Yesterday, Covington spent a considerable amount of time discussing whether or not a stock exchange would exist in the Northwest Republic. I think HAC might be getting a little ahead of himself here. I don’t even think there is a restaurant or a gas station affiliated with the Northwest Front.
(5) Years ago, HAC had a video on YouTube of men in camo with rocket launchers and machine guns going wild. For some reason, I thought those were his supporters at the time. I can’t seem to find the video now.
(6) In the podcast, Covington disavowed the need to do anything practical. Instead, he reiterated his plea for White Nationalists in other parts of America to uproot themselves and move to the Pacific Northwest.
There are over 10 million Americans now living in the Northwest. 6.6. million of them live in Washington state. The vast majority of them are White. Why can’t Harold Covington recruit from this vast constituency and prove to skeptics that his plan is viable and has the support of the indigenous population?
(7) A successful insurgency is inconceivable in the absence of local support. If Covington was serious about this idea, he would focus his efforts on establishing a power base among the natives already on the ground in the region.
(8) There are 3.5 million people in the Seattle metropolitan area. The vast majority of them are liberals. In 2008, King County went 69.97 percent for Barack Obama. His margin of victory there and in neighboring counties in Western Washington ensured that Obama carried the state in a landslide.
There are about 550,000 people in Wyoming. Unlike Washington, which is politically dominated by the SWPL vote, Wyoming is the most conservative state in America. The locals are highly supportive of gun rights and have strong grievances against the federal government over public land ownership.
If there was a “Northwest Migration,” it would make a lot more sense to relocate to Wyoming or Alaska where the smaller population would allow migrant White Nationalists to have a far greater impact.
It may be true that Covington is not the most practical man….but writers rarely are. And yes, some of his public musings could be viewed as off the mark. Nevertheless Covington is not the issue here.
In a nutshell, your ideas of working with the mainstream suffer from a serious and fundamental flaw. In order to work mainstream, there must be consensus. And you have rightly focused on immigration as that WN issue that has the most crossover appeal. But where do we go from here? The system is fundamentally flawed, history is making it abundantly clear the democracy and capitalism are poison pills for racila survival. At best, your ideas would roll us back to a previous time, one more conducive to our flourishing as a people. But the disease is still there. The presence of nonwhites must be dealt with decisively. The Jewish question must needs be resolved. Multicultaralism and feminism, once let out of the bottle, are not going back in. The consensus required for these issues is not, and probably will not, appear.
I wished it were different. I wished we could mainstream our way out of this. Our best case scenario with mainstreaming is continued polarization, leading to civil war. But this outcome would be horrific, compared to the idea of a localized insurrection – which is more honorable, and humane.
Covington is the best WN wordsmith and stylist by a mile. Everything I have ever read by him has been good, though I haven’t read the books where he allegedly calls for an IRA-style insurrection in the northwest. Regarding the criticism of HAC as a liar and con artist, some of it comes from credible people, some of it not. There is an interview with HACs supposed brother on the SPLC web site that was an interesting read if the information given is true. Assuming the man is who he says he is and not lying to help the SPLC, he talks about HACs many lies and sordid family history, including HAC abadoning his children in Ireland. When reading HAC one should just take what’s of value and leave the rest. His ideas are all that really matters and some of them are good.
My view is this gets down to:
“Different strokes for different folks”.
I see no reason why Whites in North America have to go only one way, follow one plan or worse follow one leader/messiah.
And I wouldn’t worry too much about some people calling each other names or putting down each other’s plans, their blogs. Hunter Wallace is doing a great job here at Occidental Dissent and millions of regular Whites in the South and Midwest got their acts together and turned out solid victories in the recent elections – and these victories reflect Hunter’s mainstream program for success in the real world.
I also think Mr. Covington is a great writer – our best and also a damn good radio commentator. I have recommended Mr. Covington’s books and now his radio podcast to many people and in many places, including on O.D. But, I will not be promoting them/HAC any more here.
I am sorry if I am to blame here for making a few (under 5) links to Mr. Covington’s better radio podcasts here on O.D. – this doesn’t mean I was taking sides in some personal feud or even taking sides in a mainstream vs. vanguard/revolutionary divide. I just like to promote Whites who are
A) On our White side
B) Good at some thing, good at anything.
Mr. Covington is a very good writer and an excellent radio commentator.
But, Mr. Covington is not, I repeat NOT our White Messiah – don’t think there is one.
So, I just see that O.D. and the NorthWest Front/Mr. Covington are going in different ways and wish all concerned the best.
Since I was the one who made the few (under 5) links to RFNW, I guess I am the one who should take the heat for the controversy – but I don’t feel the need to
I hope most people learned from the experience and will use this knowledge to work for solid victories in whichever path they choose.
14 words
I think Hunter is absolutely brilliant and I am grateful for his (often thankless) work here.
@ Jack—I do not think there is anything to apologize for. You were doing HAC a favour really, and it appears it was not received as such, unfortunately. I enjoyed being introduced to HAC’s podcasts as I had never heard him before you posted here, so cheers.
Mary says:
November 19, 2010 at 10:19 pm
I think Hunter is absolutely brilliant and I am grateful for his (often thankless) work here.
@ Jack—I do not think there is anything to apologize for. You were doing HAC a favour really, and it appears it was not received as such, unfortunately. I enjoyed being introduced to HAC’s podcasts as I had never heard him before you posted here, so cheers.
JR responds.
Thank you very, very much for the kind words Mary. And this was my point and my only point. To introduce some new people, our people to a very good writer, radio commentator who is on our side.
We want our people to read good White authors, listen to good White musicians, support good White athletes, elect good/ok/not too bad White politicians 🙂
Thanks again Mary and don’t worry if some people call me names. As I said in one very long comment thread:
I was a 7th and 8th grade public school teacher in Red Hook Brooklyn. I have been called, lots and lots of names – it’s not big deal.
🙂 Luv ya Mary.
Hunter, don’t do this. It doesn’t help anyone, his inferences were indirect so it wasn’t personal. Stop arguing, start building. His gig offers hope, a chance, and boots on the ground. The books are great. Come on, just don’t do this. I listen to every RFNW — he actually, given his history, goes to pretty far lengths NOT to make things personal… after spending his whole adult life with poverty, as a functional outcast, for a cause. It ain’t Christian (high roading), and I don’t want to believe it is White, either, though I am reluctantly reconsidering that we cannot be brothers, unlike every other ethnic group (who awaits to place their boot on our neck).
Do this favor for me, and I think you’ll be glad later. Mike
Hugs Jack ……no matter what, regardless of wether or not I agree with your position on every issue, I always admire your perseverance 🙂
And this is not a game to me either. Thanks to many in the WN movement (and a few from the counter-jihad movement too it must be said) I know now that our very survival is at stake. I don’t want to leave my beautiful nephews vulnerable and open to a world full of dark-hurt as their inheritance.
You guys are my heroes.
The mainstream is a sinking ship – the Titanic if you like.
There are already 100 million nonwhites in the US and they continue to outpace us demographically through high reproduction rates, chain and illegal immigration. I’m sure that many of them are decent people, but they have different interests than us and politics is a zero sum game. Soon, we will never get the government we want, as we transition to minority status, no matter how united our vote.
Perhaps Covington’s northwest migration is better described as a prophesy than a plan. Things will eventually get so bad for us that white people will scramble for a safe haven. Perhaps it will be in the Northwest. Maybe it will start in Wyoming.
I can’t help but admire Covington, but I also respect Hunter. Both are putting themselves out there for us, and deserve our gratitude.
Harold Covington has talked about the need to convince White denizens of the Northwest of the merits of an independent White ethnostate to be constituted in their region. In the mean time, he desires already racially conscious Whites to migrate to the Northwest so that there will be a sufficient number of advocates for his vision to sway the White populace there.
HACs basic concept is solid: making an effort to concentrate all of the racially conscious White folks in a single geographic area that can be defended so when and if it finally hits the fan, racially conscious Whites will already have a foothold somewhere.
The concept is also pure delusion. I mean, really, I find it hard to believe HAC actually expects people to uproot their lives and relocate to the northwest — and do what exactly? Most racially conscious White folks have invested their whole lives building up careers wherever they live, often close to a network of other family members and friends, people they don’t necessarily want to leave even they could.
And I really admire and respect the guy’s work, initiative, and intelligence, but come on — who the hell appointed him general? I and most people are not going to take orders from him or anyone else. Nobody is going to defer to him when the SHTF; this will actually be one the biggest problems when it finally does hit the fan; it will be every man for himself on a very grim Hobbesian level.
HACs should be commended for at least trying to do something. His particular plan is problematic for most but might be a great choice for young racially conscious people who can up and move wherever they want, and ideal for anyone who already lives in the northwest.
In order to be a united, cohesive people, we have to live together as a united, cohesive people. The only way this can be done is to actually do it; to live it, day in and day out. We have to live and evolve together in real life; not just interact on internet while being spread all over the place.
cohesive: holding the particles of a homogeneous body together.
“making an effort to concentrate all of the racially conscious White folks in a single geographic”
“The concept is also pure delusion.”
This is hyperbole which amounts to a strawman. Covington does not say he needs or indeed expects to get “all” racially conscious Whites to come to the Northwest. As many as he can get which he hopes will be enough is the accurate assessment.
Well if you want to make your argument, perhaps you should do Oregon and Washington next as your little state by state roundup. Oregon votes 70-30 for Pinkos in virtually every election. The only Republican victories are in the sparsely populated Mormon areas on the east side of the cascades. Oregon democrats have burdened the population with all kinds of petty regulations that get annoying very quickly (not to mention the outrageous 9% state income tax.) No self serve gas, your stuck waiting twice as long to fill up than anywhere else. An idiotic 5 cent deposit on almost every beverage container, you end up with piles of empty soda cans building up in your kitchen and then get stuck wasting 20 minutes of your day waiting behind some homeless derelect who picks up cans for a living to turn them in one by one into the refund machine at the grocery store. However, I don’t really see mass migration to Wyoming as realistic. There’s a reason that only 550,000 people live there, it is a bitter cold, windswept desert that looks like the pictures from the martian rovers. It is as desolate as Nevada, and much colder. Agriculture is virtually impossible, and even ranching requires vast acrage for just a few head of cattle. If there wasn’t coal and oil there, and the need for maintenance workers for the main East West railway and Interstate corridors, the population would be virtually nill.
“Unlike Harold Covington, I have a job which pays the bills.”
Translation: Hunter’s parents have jobs which pay the bills.
Captainchaos says: This is hyperbole which amounts to a strawman. Covington does not say he needs or indeed expects to get “all” racially conscious Whites to come to the Northwest. As many as he can get which he hopes will be enough is the accurate assessment.
You’re right; I stand corrected. It was careless phrasing.
I’ve read all of HAC’s books and I listen to most of his radio broadcasts. I also check out OD daily, plus Counter-Currents (CC). It’s interesting to see the different viewpoints, assumptions and future forecasts.
I am very happy about the recent election victories over the PC/multiculti forces. I support all mainstream efforts in this direction. If they succeed, then great! If they only succeed partially and then run into the growing political power of non-whites, then the white people in this movement will probably radicalize. Most will not give up, jump ship and join the multi-cultis. They will radicalize under those conditions. But we are not there…….yet.
HAC’s dystopian novel is set 30 years in the future. Maybe his novels are a more prophetic type of fiction. Who knows, maybe his prediction will be right? His work can’t be compared to the Tea Party efforts etc because his premise is based upon a future condition; a future condition that may well come into being if current trends are not only stopped but also reversed.
The million dollar question is this: will the current anti-white trends be reversed by working through the mainstream? I hope so, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
I reserve my own personal bashing of WNs to such self-proclaimed leaders as Constantin von Hoffmeister; a true gas-bag whose lengthy poetic (?) screeds must be fueled by intense personal theatrical visions of being some kind of white messiah; a true legend in his own mind…. 🙂
He does provide a measure of comic relief…. 🙂
you people are idiots for even paying attn to this guy. you reveal the fact that you are also living half in, half out of a fantasy world by doing so. occidental dissent needs to either ditch everything associated with “the WN movement” or continue to fail at life. no one wants to be associated with the kind of people who gravitate to “the movement.” if you don’t abandon it, you will be dragged down by it. kmac succeeds, hbd succeeds, alt right succeeds. occidental dissent is in purgatory. choose to be serious or to be part of “the movement.” you gain nothing but deranged commenters and even more deranged movement figures by associating with the WN movement.
simple example. richard spencer, say, or jared taylor, are just as ethnically conscious as anyone of you. but they will not associate themselves with “the WN movement,” because it is gian fail. not the concepts, per se, but the crowd. ditch WN, dithc the baggage that comes with it.
LEW: Americans have never been more rootless. The average American moves quite a lot. Many Americans move precisely because they want to be in majority-white areas. The racially conscious white people I know, especially the young ones, move constantly. So it is not absurd to try to persuade them to check out the Pacific Northwest, which has lots of economic opportunities, a better climate than most of the country, great natural beauty, great food, a low cost of living, and the two whitest major cities in the country.
Captainchaos says:
November 19, 2010 at 11:59 pm
“Unlike Harold Covington, I have a job which pays the bills.”
Translation: Hunter’s parents have …….
Jack Ryan replies:
Hey Hunter, I know I agreed to stop deleting comments, but in instances where individuals are insulting people’s parents – your parents, can’t I just step in to clean out some trash talk?
Hunter, I know that you are a noble, Southern gentleman. I on the other hand am a city boy from the South Side of Chicago and taught public school in Red Hook Brooklyn. Where I come from, we don’t allow punks to bad mouth our mothers.
Let me know if you need my assistance in this area.
for instance, WLP was prob a genius, but he removed himself from social reality and attracted nothing but FAIL. and you guys promote HAC. wow. from time to time i wanna remove u guys from my rss, but don’t. you have nothing to lose but the losers by disassociating from “the movement.” and everything to gain. the question is do you guys belong with the losers? i haven’t decided that yet.
You have to admire Covington’s sheer guts and determination. His steadfast pursuit of noble goals is something for which he should be credited. That HACs persona is not telegenic is partly a function of his innate sincerity. He knows he is a curmugeon, but perserveres- because he must. That his particular strategy, as expressed, is single-minded is his humanity – his perception, based on HIS experience. Two Points: Why does ther need be only the Northwest Migration? Why not a Southern “colony”? Northeast?, Midwest? Also, I tend to agree with KMD that NS lacks mass appeal. Nevertheless, A3P and the NWF concept might gain significant, wonderous symbiotics.
Gee, Jack, I shouldn’t think it an insult to Hunter’s parents to say they are, you know, employed.
Btw, your less than salutary opinion of the great Italian people as relayed by Robert Campbell certainly does open up a bit of a yawning chasm betwixt that and your recent forays into Latin fetishism.
Leave the censorship, er, “moderation” of this blog to those with some semblance of an intellect.
Captainchaos says:
November 20, 2010 at 12:37 am
Btw, your less than salutary opinion of the great Italian people …
Jack Ryan replies:
Don’t know where you going there. I love most all things Italian. Italians and Italian Americans can generally be counted on to be the most RACIST, pro White, pro Western people of any Indo European White people on planet earth!
My favorite post World War II American elected official was Philly Police Chief/Mayor Frank Rizzo. During the 1960s, when so many American cities were suffering terrible Black urban riots, Frank all but dared the Black criminals of Philly to try that stuff in his town. Philly had no riots in the 1960s or 1970s. After the first bad Black Philly mayor Wilson Goode, Frank came back and cleaned house!
Frank Rizo – a truly great White American hero!
Here’s a link to some video of our Italian American Frank Rizzo in action:
Hunter Wallace asks: “There are over 10 million Americans now living in the Northwest. 6.6. million of them live in Washington state. The vast majority of them are White. Why can’t Harold Covington recruit from this vast constituency and prove to skeptics that his plan is viable and has the support of the indigenous population?”
Putting aside the fact that Covington owes me $200,000+ due to the adverse decision in Williams v. Covington libel action, and can’t come out of hiding to lead anything without my taking away his things, this indiginous lady, Miss Juie summed up some reasons for HAC’s inability to attact any locals to his PNW Internet Fantasy Republic back in March:
Julie Titone says:
March 15, 2010 at 12:27 am
Where does a man begin, with a response to this?
I guess the obvious place to begin would be by inviting you to the Pacific Northwest, please come up, you’ll learn a lot.
I spend a lot of time reading a lot of people talking about the PNW, it certainly seems to act as a holy grail for many, and always has done, but so few of those who talk about it really have the first clue of what’s up here, and who is up here, and most talk from a position of ignorance, from a far, and I’d include Covington in that, because the true beating heart of the North West is not in the liberal-Asian centers of Seattle, et al., but away from the main cities, where people like Covington are never to be found.
I’ve heard all the rumors about Covington, the same as everyone else, and when I’m asked about them my usual response is to avoid giving my personal judgement, because at the end of the day I’m talking about a person who, outside of book writing circles, is largely insignificant.
That’s right, I am from the Pacific Northwest, and I can firmly attest that Harold Covington, far from being a “leader” up here, is not even a part of any movement up here, and nor do I believe he ever will be, but I’ll get to that later.
Before I get back to why I suspect Covington will never be a part of any movement up here the first thing we need to do is establish who, and what is up here.
You state that “Covington talks of a legacy of heroes like Pastor Richard Butler or Bob Matthews, but I doubt anyone in Washington or Oregon has even heard of these people, and would probably hate them if they did.”, and yes, you are right, he talks about such people a lot, although such people had no time for him at all (Pastor Butler warned locals against Covington, and was no fan of his), but you’re wrong in your guess that no one in Washington or Oregon has even heard of these people.
Sure, go hang out in Seattle, or Portland, and those names may not be to familiar to most, but inland, it’s a different story, around these parts the names of Pastor Butler, Robert Mathews, Randy Weaver, and Gordon Kahl, amongst a host of others, remain remembered.
You have to understand the impact that these peoples stories, and others, had on this region, people of all political persuasions, were witness to a chapter in our history, of gross political persecution, and heavy handedness, that sent shock waves through the area.
Even many of the most liberal people in this area were appalled, and outraged, by what has occurred here, and the memories of that linger on.
Even from amongst those that once lined the streets of Coeur d’ Alene to jeer, and oppose Pastor Butler, you will find many who were shocked, and frightened, by the actions of our government, and so there are not many here, in eastern Washington, and North Idaho, who will forget the names of those who stood center stage in this chapter, in the history of our Nation.
You see, there is no ‘real’ Pacific Northwest, oh, it may exist in Covington’s fiction, but in reality there are two Pacific Northwests (there’s actually more), the one that Harold lives in, which is the liberal, multicultural one, where no one will ever embrace his vision, and then there is the true beating heart of the Pacific Northwest, the one that gives radicals wet dreams, and governments nightmares, and that’s one that Covington has not even tried to connect with.
This is why I say that he is not only not part of any movement, in the Pacific Northwest, but also why I suspect he never will be.
If Covington had ever wished to achieve something up here he would have come and spoken to the people, sought acceptance, and tried to create something, with those people, but instead he came up here, spoke to no one, rode on the backs of other peoples names, people who detested him, and talked about his Northwest homeland.
Well, it’s not his, nor is he a part of it, nor has anyone elected him to be a spokesman for it, and so you can imagine how that’s gone down with the real people up here, can’t you?
Think of it this way, imagine I walked into your house, and then started talking like I owned the place, I was in charge, I was the “leader”, how would you feel?
And this is Covington’s conundrum.
He can sit on the internet, open up a number of blogs, spam forums, make podcasts etc., and achieve nothing, but if he wants to get serious he needs to connect with people, and he’d have to do some major fence repairing, and eating of humble pie, if he ever wanted to do that, and I don’t even know, after the start he’s made, if he could even achieve that.
Harold Covington is the leader of a handful of people, mainly online, who has managed to alienate the majority of people offline, as you note, right across America, but with regards to his dreams of a Northwest homeland, more importantly he’s managed to alienate the very people he’d need, if he was ever serious about his plan.
Rumors are that he fled to Tacoma, to hide from Will Williams, but the funny thing is, if he set foot in public, in most of the Northwest, right now, he’d have a lot more to be afraid of, around here, than he would if he ran into Mr Williams, in a dark alley. [ 🙂 ]
This is the real world, this is the story from the real Northwest, and not the pretty fiction you read in a novel.
If Covington is genuine, and wants to be seen as anything more than an internet freak show, that occasionally makes a story in a blog, here and there, then he needs to get rid of that silly flag of his, it’s not my flag, and it’s not the flag of the Pacific Northwest, he has to stop trying to ride on the shoulders of legends, and he has to humbly reach out to the people of this region, and recognize this is their land, not his.
Alternatively, and this is where I agree with you, he’d perhaps be better off concentrating on his writing, as his books will do more to create the sort of movement, that he dreams of, than any personal attempt by him to lead it, as he doesn’t lead it, and probably never will lead it.
Now, if you want to write a blog about the true Pacific Northwest, and the real “leaders” up here, those who are actually out and about, both those who are part of secessionist movements (real ones), or revolutionary movements, then I reckon that would make a really interesting blog, but that brings me back to the beginning again.
Perhaps you should visit?
Then you might find your PLE’s, your communities, your compounds, your secessionists, your radicals, your revolutionists, et al.?
It certainly couldn’t hurt, and you’d learn a lot more by visiting, than you’ll ever learn on the internet.
—end Julie’s post—
Others in the PNW share Julie’s sentiments here: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2010/08/401529.shtmlfor
kmac succeeds
To be fair, Yes K. Macdonald writes above such a level, yet his blog seems to attract some of the looniest Vanguard types (“Apollonian”?) who proceed to span his comments with endless tin foil hat 10,000 word disertations that completely discredit everything positive about what Macdonald had previously written by guilt by association. Why Macdonald lacks the will or the technical prowess to moderate his blog is a mystery to me? Screening out those lunatics would vastly increase the respectability of his site, though the rambling essays by some “Darkmoon” and others whose boring, 50,000 word articles about “Lord of the Rings and Amsterdam” are unreadable. (seriously, I started to read that one and after five minutes I realized the author had absolutely nothing to say and I was so bored I stopped reading.)
Yeah, but look at Philly now – http://linhdinhphotos.blogspot.com/
Scroll back and look at all those photos of the city and its people…disgusting.
That would be my shot in the dark, LEW.
The people up here in the Pacific Northwest may look white, but in their heart they are proud nonWhite or antiWhite. Pride down to the core. The PNW is not a base for WN action, it is Enemy Occupied Territory.
I also don’t understand HACs logic for the northwest. I would think the Southeast is the way to go. The Southeast has many Blacks but also more racially conscious Whites than any other place in North America. The Northwest has few non-Whites but also few racially conscious Whites. It seems to me that having as much racial consciousness as possible among the existing White population should be the basic building block for this type of plan.
I’m for OD soliciting donations again, reopening the forum, and hiring back HRW as moderator. 🙂
The people up here in the Pacific Northwest may look white, but in their heart they are proud nonWhite or antiWhite. Pride down to the core. The PNW is not a base for WN action, it is Enemy Occupied Territory.
But are you judging the whole region by transplants who migrated from other parts of the country to Seattle and Portland? Or are you refering to the people whose families have had roots in the region since the Oregon Trail? Outside of Portland in the Willamette Valley is a town called Newburg that is home to mostly the native Oregonians who work in Portland, but don’t want to live in Metro Portland with all it’s zoning laws, beatniks, vehicle emission tests, etc. The place has the most churches per capita of any town in the nation, has a fundamentalist college, and a lot of the natives are pretty traditional people. Take a small population state, flood it with a million hippies, mexicans, and yuppies and that’s what happens.
Interesting facts about “pioneer stock” whites in Oregon, Nightowl. Thank you.
Covington and Williams resonate at about the same frequency. It is a frequency that Linder also vibrates at. It is the primary sin of White Nationalism, which is to say the personal attacks, vendettas, and lifelong grudges that so many are addicted to.
Just listened to most of the podcast. I definitely prefer HACs writing. His radio style strikes me as hectoring and condescending.
Hunter, please do not get drawn into HAC’s web. The man is a text book Mask Of Sanity style psychopath who is incapable of the slightest shred of sincerity or integrity. ANYTHING he is involved with will eventually suffer for it. He is in this for money and ego gratification only. Please have the common sense to do what most of the serious people involved in WN did many years and do not mention him or allow him any kind of platform.
Also, “nash2z” is probably a Covington sock puppet.
It is probably right and proper that White activists who spent their youths making enemies amongst other White activists be shunned in maturity. Maybe they can serve as object lessons to other young activists doing the same thing today. For instance, who attacks more personalities within our ranks today than Linder? He viciously attacks practically everyone. He just finished with Kevin MacDonald. I truly detest this aspect of our society. Too bad their isn’t a word for it. Like a type of sin. Once conditions have labels it is easier to get a grasp on them.
“Hey Hunter, I know I agreed to stop deleting comments….can’t I just step in to clean out some trash talk?….Let me know if you need my assistance in this area”
How predictable- just can’t wait to get that delete button back, hmm? It is quite obvious that Hunter (unlike you Jack) is man enough to look the other way when the inevitable internet insult comes along. As to your teaching in Brooklyn (how many decades ago was that, exactly?) , you could do the rest of us a favor and stop wearing it like The Red Badge of Courage. Could you handle those kids in “Red Hook Brooklyn” today?
Too bad their isn’t a word for it
Internet lexicon has provided a word for it: Troll.
Leave the gossiping to the girls; you’re supposed to be MEN.
MEN solve problems.
I swear that this Will Williams character must have a Google Alert out on Covingtons name since every time HAC’s name is mentioned here or else where, Will Williams shows up to bad mouth him and relate that long tale of woe about how HAC supposedly owes him $200,000 and how Covington is the most evil person to come into existence since the Marquis De Sade. Even if Covington owes you $200,000 who cares and how could you possibly expect him to pay it since he owns nothing? This screed is then followed up with a voluminous quote from a supposed Pacific Northwest “authority” that feels the same venom for the man that Williams does. And of course, the link that he provides to her “article” just happens to be dead.
The slander within our community goes beyond gossiping and trolling. Trolling is an anonymous activity. It is bound up in anonymity. Gossiping, although damaging, isn’t on the same level as what we see in these WN vendettas that happen amongst real people. I’m not talking about arguments either. We have not 2 groups but 3 groups in WN. We have the mainstreamers, the vanguardists, and the personality disordered.
@Soultrean Social Club
There is such a sin (in the Catholic Catechism”). It’s “calumny.”
I read hac oncet and fell sleep. I hear his detective novels are better. But seriously he is a nut. Section 8 acc To his brother. If he ain’t up to uncle schmuely’s standards he shore ain’t up to mine. Screw the Starbuck sipping Seattle too. How bout tennesee or west Virginia or missouri? Whatchasay? And don’t think will Williams wouldn’t be scary in a dark alley. He’s no spring chicken but I met him and from what i hear he prolly keeps in a lot better shape than lardass hac.
I know something bout Bridgeport too. Used to go there to visit shootin buddy after we’d take in the lake county gun show we’d come back to crook county and the old neighborhood for Italian beef sandwiches. Lake county gun show. Thats where I bought turner tagebuchen, that little red book, sold in stacks next to the how to dirty tricks manuals. what book hac has been tryin to out do for years. At least wlp knew why he wrote that fiction and didn’t live inside of it.
One thing I know from my reading of WN sites: if we all moved together someplace, we’d fight like cats and dogs.
You’re absolutely right! The American pro-White movement probably has the biggest assortment of self-serving assholes, nitwits, sociopaths, and bullshitters that the world has ever seen. There’s rarely a time when practical, real world applications are put into motion by more than a handful of people. People are too busy with their grandiose fantasies to bother themselves with actual human beings. Hell, even the mind-numbingly epic essays are a constant reminder that most people do nothing but talk and preach to the choir.
The economy is still in the toilet. There are people out there that are struggling to put food on the table, keep a roof over their heads, or clothe their children. Why is this almost never addressed in a constructive way? Is a person in need moved by a 10,000 word essay about ‘why people are having it rough,’ or would they be more receptive and appreciative if someone gave them their shirt off their back if they were cold, or put food on their table if they were hungry? The enormous gap between the logic of “saving White people” and the physical (in)action of actually putting it into practice is undeniable….embarrassingly undeniable.
Hmmmm, I can’t believe some of you people did not know that Covington is possibly the worst blackguard in the country. One of you claims to have been around for over ten years. Uh-huh. (FYI, anyone who has been around awhile swiftly perceives those who are green.)
Even more incredible, the number of people who talk favorably about the NW. They are violently hostile to us. And I am not even talking about the liberals and SWPLS.
But you will learn.
“However, I don’t really see mass migration to Wyoming as realistic. There’s a reason that only 550,000 people live there, it is a bitter cold, windswept desert that looks like the pictures from the martian rovers. It is as desolate as Nevada, and much colder. Agriculture is virtually impossible, and even ranching requires vast acrage for just a few head of cattle. If there wasn’t coal and oil there, and the need for maintenance workers for the main East West railway and Interstate corridors, the population would be virtually nill.”
Wyoming is the best choice. The bitter cold, the wind, the parch, it makes us cowboys. “Gotta be tough out here in the west.” We are Euros. We can handle the cold, and it has the advantage of keeping out the warm-climate-adapted riffraff, which evens our odds a might. And, point of fact, the summers are delightful. A/C is cheap because swamp coolers work well in the dry heat.
Ag is impossible? Then how come our legislature is overwhelmingly dominated by ranchers? WY grows winter wheat, sugar beets. Longhorn steers are *adapted* to WY. We just grow Herefords and Angus because old habits die hard.
Oil and gas? Dude, you minimize it, but oil and gas ARE our trump card. (And you forgot coal.) WE can be self-sufficient while everyone else grovels, begging us to share. With oil and gas, we heat our houses and pickup trucks. With oil and gas we farm that parched desert and build dams to store water. With oil and gas, greenhouses can grow what won’t outside in the cold. And as worldwide Peak Oil continues its relentless savaging, our power will only continue to increase.
And the sparse population? That’s a feature, not a bug. We got no Big City, so no big-city-lovin’ parasites. No Blacks, no cockroaches and no Jews. Plus, leaves plenty of open land for Affordable Family Formation. WY has not suffered a housing bubble and bust because land was not constrained, so the bubble never blew. Just steady, reasonable growth.
And as Hunter said, Wyomingites come the closest to already being WNs of anywhere in America.
Gregor is not Michael O’Meara.
Seriously. I would like to have a Washington vs. Wyoming debate on the Northwest Migration. I think this would be an excellent topic to debate.
Wyoming has a much smaller, far more conservative population. Suppose for a moment that 30,000 White Nationalists moved to Wyoming and got involved in mainstream politics. The impact upon the political spectrum would be felt immediately. This is especially true of the Wyoming state legislature.