Official: Santorum Wins Alabama and Mississippi Primaries


If Mittster wins Alabama and Mississippi, it is game over for Santorum and Gingrich. The polls show an extremely close race with Romney ahead in Mississippi and Gingrich ahead in Alabama.

Should I vote or sit out BRA’s elections? Is casting a vote for Mitt worth contributing to the defeat of Gingrich?

Note: Ron Paul lost my vote with his stupid comments on border security in Nevada.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Vote for Romney.

    Just do it. I am going to suck it down, and vote for the Plastic Man, if it’s close, instead of my beloved Paul. The Hair Style is the leastest of evil, between The Satanic Toad, and Sanitorium.


    I will still write in Paul if it’s not close. I am wallowing in malevolent glee over the fact that Little Ricky is not beloved of the Coal crackers.

  2. I’m honestly surprised by the latest poll numbers. I never imagined that the Deep South would be where Romney finally pulls away.

    There is, of course, always the chance that those numbers are being manufactured in an attempt to bolster Gingrich’s waning supporters and ensure the continuity of this primary race, further draining Romney’s resources for the general election.

    Every vote counts, Hunter. But I can’t tell you who you should for. That one is for you to grapple with. I voted for Romney because, in spite of all his flaws, he’s level-headed. He’s a not rabid pro-life lunatic, he’s not jump-for-Jeezus bible-thumper, he’s not a war monger, and he’s got the toughest stance on immigration. Yeah, he bends his knee for Israel, but you can’t everything. Still, you should go with your heart.

    And of course, the one last incentive for a Romney vote, is the spectre of the fabled ‘Great Chimpout’, ever looming if King Nigger gets the pink slip.

  3. Chris – I do think that ONegro will be pink slipped. And there will be a mass chimp out.

    I live in Pennsylvania. I live around very nice, sincere White sweet Christians. I have been lamenting their maddening cluelessness, for the past year.

    They are not my crowd. I was preaching to the wrong demographic. I have discovered a large swath of hipster Democrats. Zowie.

    You would not BELIEVE the stuff I fly out every day, and the reactions I get, these days. Trashing Niggers is absolutely A-OK. My Hubster sez I always push and push, to see where the limit is. (Which I do.)

    There is no limit.

    The Kikes and DWL’s always try to disdain Whites, with cracks about Klan robes, and burning crosses.

    Crosses used to be burnt in my area. I think it’s time for a revival of a very fun, old-timey cultural tradition. Just for fun. As a joke. All in good fun.

  4. Ron Paul is right on a lot of things, but he made the mistake of thinking libertarianism is a workable ideology. It cannot work in the long term. I see libertarianism as a means to an end, a sort of reshuffling of the cards.

    But yeah, Paul’s recent statements on race are idiotic. Once again he makes the mistake of alienating a huge core of natural supporters, implicitly pro-white voters, to make an “anti-racist” statement. A statement that is, of course, anti-white: “White people who are angry at the way their nation is turning into a third-world cess-pit are just ‘scape-goating, evil, nazi holocausters’!”

    Thanks Paul, way to shit all over your core supporters. Good thing you now have legions of adoring latino supporters now. Oh wait.

  5. As a bonus you can count on Romney not being in love with the jews. Mormons think THEY are the true Israelites. Nothing like a little competition to shake things up.

    There is a reason Adelson is spending a couple of fortunes to beat Mitt.

  6. What did Paul say this time? Any one have a link?

    libertarianism could possibly work in an all White nation, with very strict immigration laws and voting requirements, but then it wouldn’t be libertarian anymore

  7. I personally hope for a hung convention, but I think that they’ll make their deal before that. As for Paul, in the 2010 elections I think that both the relatively pro-immigrant republican candidates and Angle got the same rough percentage of the hispanic vote. He did himself absolutely no favors with them by scapegoating us.

    “But Paul’s message to Latino voters isn’t going down completely smoothly. He upset a a Latino woman with his opposition to the DREAM Act, which would grant citizenship to some illegal residents. But he registered his objections with sympathy, explaining that he simply opposes spending federal money to help one minority group over another.

    “The DREAM Act was the only place where he was absolutely wrong,” said Fernando Romero, the president of the group that hosted the morning forum. Romero is a Democrat who said he worked as a political consultant for McCain last cycle.”

    They can get their fully funded welfare state from the democrats, so why would they support Paul? They didn’t even vote for McCain, who both promised them everything AND would have eviscerated the only minimal resistance to them.

  8. Let’s also not forget Paul’s views on “the racist criminal justice system.” This is the second time he has run, the second time he has failed to win a single state, the second time he has failed to campaign on immigration.

  9. Denise,

    I don’t think you should bring back cross lighting. That’s announcing yourselves in public, and giving the mass media a golden opportunity. If someone’s trying to convince you to do this, watch out.

    Announcing yourself to the world is not proving anything. Build community; build a PLE with those Democrat hipsters, instead of drawing attention to yourselves.

    Attention whoring to the media always turns out badly for our side. They’ll gladly make you a reality show, and then make fun of you and scrutinize your life.

    Don’t invite the Devil into your house. Srsly. Don’t do any sort of public announcing. Just quietly build community, silly!

  10. Denise,

    I think they use the expression “lighting” rather than “burning.”

    You and your Democratic hipsters should look to the future, instead of rushing to make a reference to the past that scares white people. The TV and movies did a pretty thorough job of implanting a mindweapon of fear regarding that particular symbology, and the mass media is dying to make a “reality tv show” of a hapless group of folks who mistake an announcement for an action.

    Getting media attention is not accomplishment. If you build a PLE the mass media will be chasing you anyway.

    By the way, the mass media has become an arm of law enforcement in this country. It’s the very Devil itself.

    The trick is, don’t ever invite the Devil in.

  11. “He said it’s “part of human nature” for newcomers to be shunned, but that prejudice toward outsiders worsens when unemployment is high. He said that illegal immigrants were being scapegoated in a manner similar to Jews in Nazi Germany because of tough economic times.” (end quote)

    Umm, yeah. Except, in both instances, We were right! White Aryans were shystered then, in Germany, just as much as we are being skewered now, in “Los Ann-Hell-ease!”

    The bogeyman of Hitler has NO play with me, anymore. YAWN. One big gefilte fish BORE. The Deicides used up their bank account in trying to convince me and mine that they were the [sic] ‘approved sacrifice’ to YHWH God, long decades ago- I mean, we have Jesus Christ, the perfect Lamb of God as OUR sacrifice, and they have…. what? Sarah Silverman? Anne Frank? Bernie Madoff? Joan Rivers? Don Rickles? the Rothschilds? (do I need to go on??????) Ugh. As far as I am concerned (if I were God) I would take the lovely Jesus of Nazareth, over all that traif, if I were a cannibalistic fetish totem, like the Heebs believe their ‘god’ (who is no god) to be….a la Talmud.

    But I digress……

    Yeah, the Ronster is an old-time fool, taught by the Morgenthau plants in the public schools, post WWII. He doesn’t KNOW any better. But he was still a step/stop in the right direction. Let us hope the infrastructure he has built will aid his son, in four more years…. if there IS an ‘America’ in four more years.

  12. Jim said: “As a bonus you can count on Romney not being in love with the jews. Mormons think THEY are the true Israelites. Nothing like a little competition to shake things up.”

    Not only that. I and a Mormon father/husband were talking, upon one of my more and more infrequent trips to So Cal., and I brought up the subject of ‘racism’ and how it appeared that the ‘allowing of Blacks into the priesthood’ in the 1970’s, was merely a ploy by the LDS hierarchy, to simply ‘escape the EEOC dragnet’ back then. (I was feeling quite confrontational in our discussion, which had gone on for about four nights, after our seminar had ended for the day) I also noted that, even so, the ads for the Mormons seemed to be just as ‘multicultural’ as the rest of the Protestant cults- like the Baptists, the Prebyterians, the Methodists, and the Lutherans…..

    This ‘faithful son of Lemni’ agreed with me, and we both volunteered the truth almost simultaneously- ‘Adam and Christ are/were WHITE MEN, and the Gospel really only applies to us.’ And this LDS devotee offered this statement, with about as little fanfare as if we were discussing the merits of a Toyota Prius’ electric start- “push, click, go.”

    So, while the Mormons appear to be becoming ‘mainstream’ they still believe as America once believed- that our land, and our religion (Christianity, not mormonism) is a ‘White Man’s religion.’ I just wonder if Romney wins, will the National Cathedral mandate ‘holy underwear’ for its visitors, for the next four years????

  13. The wars matter more to me than it appears to matter to most Southerners. I suppose dying in a desert for Jews doesn’t seem so bad when you’re destined to die in a humid swamp controlled by Negroes anyway. I really want to vote for Ron Paul as an anti-war vote, but I’ll vote for the strongest actual candidate (Romney or Santorum) if Newt’s Intrade for the GOP nomination is above 1% by the time he makes it to Indiana. I really really hate Newt.

    And if Newt loses Mississippi, then I will take back the intemperate and insensitive things I mumbled under my breath about Southerners earlier this morning. I will not only do that, but I will eat an entire serving of these grits I’ve been hearing about.

  14. Fr. John,

    I’m glad to hear the rank and file Mormons aren’t on board with the multicult propagandization going on. it’s the ordinary people, not the leadership, that matters. What the ordinary people actually do to survive another generation, is what matters.

    I think this is an exceptionally perilous time to be White. It may get worse, but eventually it will get better again and we’ll have a conquering time again.

    So any group that actively survives this and creates another generation of Whites is doing something revolutionary. I think the biggest enemies of the multikult are time and finite resources.

  15. No surprises, Ron Paul is a wordist and that makes him anti-White.

    He is not loyal to his own flesh and blood, he is loyal to an opinion that was thought up by a man, of which, millions are created each week. If you declare your loyalty to his opinion, he will declare you a “good American” – it doesn’t matter if you just stepped off a plane or boat, from Africa or Asia.

    White folks like Paul, really are idiots.

  16. Romney has one qualification I like, he would push the NYTs editorial collective off a cliff to win the presidency (IMO) and he would do it with a nice Mormon smile.

  17. thanks for the ron paul update Fr John

    The wars don’t bother most Southrons because it’s in our blood.

  18. Hunter

    Please vote for Mitt Romney today as a good karma act supporting the Whitest candidate ( large, beautiful White family), with the best immigration record, policies and clearly the best chance to end BRA in the fall.

    It’s also very good karma to support Indo European whites who are outside your immediate geographic, church denomination.

    The whole Gingrich opposition to Romney in the South is based on White Southern prejudices against Whites from Massachusetts and Michigan and Whites affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

    Blacks of all regions, all classes, religious affiliation vote for Obama, even supposedly Conservative patriot Blacks like Colin Powell. Whites need to starting voting White.

  19. Jack Ryan: What is Romney’s immigration record? Are you aware that Massachusetts had sanctuary cities when he was governor? Do you know about the public housing rule changes that he approved which allowed illegal immigrants to live in the projects?

    How about the private funds that he matched with Massachusetts tax dollars to fund the invasion of African refugees.

    Yeah, Mitt is a real treasure when it comes to immigration.

    And do you really believe that dumbassed fence he wants to build on the border will actually keep anybody out? Rick Perry didn’t think a fence was the way to go, and he has been fighting that border war for over a decade.

    All that Romney’s weak ass is going to do is give the Republican party such a bad name that in 2016 the Dems will be able to slip a bozo into the White House who will make Obama look like Reagan. Nixon gave us Carter, Bush gave us Obama, and, if Mitt can beat the nigger, he will give us the end of civilization in the West.

  20. I will not only do that, but I will eat an entire serving of these grits I’ve been hearing about.

    Want to learn to love grits? Here are some strategies. First, if they don’t come with a healthy pat of butter (sacrilege!), drop one in. Then, pepper and salt. Grits without salt, pepper, and butter are pointless. That may be enough, but if not, try ordering them with 2 or 3 eggs over medium. Chop the eggs up and mix them with the grits. Yum! If that doesn’t work, try mixing them with scrambled eggs. If none of this works, just give up – you’re never going to like grits.

  21. Porridge is similar. Best with salt, even if you dump sugar and fruit on top. I like to pour cold milk on the boiling mass with a blend of butter salt and blackberry jam.

  22. Kievsky – I’m not relly going to light any crosses. Not at this point, at any rate. I’ll joke about with certain people, though. Just like the next time IU meet my Newly Awakened TP pal – I’ll give him the stiff-armed German victory salute.

    It’s about acclimating people to different comfort zones. Ya see.

    That German victory salute? My pals and I used to pull a trick in restaurants, whenever there was candlight on the table. We’d put our hand over the flame, and declare, “Oh! This candle is hot! The heat is rising….” and then raise our arm. In full salute. Other diners would notice us – and merriment would ensue. Some people would be horrified – others thought it was really funny.

    Everything is all in good fun, ya see….

  23. Oh – Kievsky – I only play my little fun games with the Newbies. To let them know that the Implanted MindWeapon are really…just…in… their minds. Mind control, that they don’t need, cause their Free White Minds are a lot more fun than Hostile Alien Controlled Minds That you CAN say anything, etc….de-programming, etc. My hipster pals like to laugh. Laughter and fun drains away fear.

  24. One thing I don’t understand is how Yankees eat cream of wheat, but are disgusted by grits. Yankees do eat cream of wheat, right? Grits with sugar and butter are a lot like cream of wheat with sugar and butter.

  25. John, I don’t know if I’ve ever eaten porridge. I’d always imagined it was like oatmeal. Is it more like cream of wheat? My mom is a Yankee and she raised me on it, so in hindsight I assumed it was a Yankee staple.

  26. Speaking of southern food, my closest grocery store has stopped carrying cane syrup. Cane syrup is how a real southerner eats pancakes. I prefer the syrup I can make in the microwave with grape jam and sugar over that Aunt Jemima crap.

    But we can still buy maple syrup imported from New England there. WTF?

  27. Re: grits – so, apparently the key to eating grits is to disguise the grits, as grits, using any available flavor that disguises the grittishness of the grits.


  28. Saw a funny movie the other night.

    About Vikings in North America. The Severing.

    Two Vikings get stranded in what looks like Maine. The decide to walk back to Nova Scotia. They do not get there. They come accross an Irish log church, run by two monks. They burn it down and kill the monks. Good thing they did otherwise the Indians would have had reading and metal working skills… And contact with Europe, thus extra antibodies and disease resistance.

    Thank you Odin. Thank you bezerkers.

    Thank you Odin.

  29. Hunter,

    Paul is doing that little political tactic called: Pandering.

    He says whats needed to win over certain factions (minorities), especially considering the newsletters that the MSM pushed while trying to paint him as racist. His rhetoric is just empty words. How do we know this? Because everything else he says has years of solid consistency. However when it comes to immigration he never backed any type of dream act or amnesty, he only supported eVerify measures. This is a periphery issue that is not something he champions (like sound $, military, economy, etc.). Its just a topic he is forced the entertain and tries to minimize, hence him only bringing it up in certain states when questioned or in debates.

    All politicians pander when running, its a part of the game. The point is how much the candidates pander (Romney is the #1 panderer and will promise and say anything to get a vote). If you wanted a complete non-panderer with issues such as immigration and nationalism than write in Dave Duke, otherwise learn how the game is played or keep spewing non-sense about Romney (who like his man McCain would do anything for the illegals including supporting the military section of the DREAM act and letting them ‘self deport’…………………………………).

  30. Paul pandered on the illegal immigrants issue and is not strong on that issue, generally speaking. However, they all pander to Hispanics. Romney said that he wished he could say he was Hispanic! lol And Gingrich is probably the most pro-immigration candidate of them all. So I don’t see much of a difference between them on the issue. I think Paul would be the least likely to grant an amnesty but that’s just my guess. However, when we consider the other issues from the wars to the Federal Reserve Paul is far better than the other candidates. It’s not even close.

  31. This may be the first blog I’ve seen where you can actually criticize Ron Paul’s oafish (and clearly wrong) statments on race and not be attacked by an army of the Paul termites.

    I voted for Paul in 2008 but even then I knew the good Ron Paul of the 80s and 90s was long, long, long, long gone. His anti-white statements made me sit out this primary, though Romneywould seem to be the lesser of the remaining evils.

  32. Jack and Matt,

    Everyone votes for “their guy” in the race. The only genuine surprise would be if Mississippi votes for Romney. That would break the regional pattern.

  33. I voted for Ron Paul in 2008. Then he moved to the Left on immigration. I lost interest in him. He started doing good this year and said a few things that changed my mind. Then he gave that incredibly stupid speech in Nevada about how illegal aliens are like Jews in Nazi Germany.

  34. There is no way Paul can win Alabama or the Republican nomination at this point. There is a real chance though that Newt Gingrich can lose Alabama and get knocked out of the race.

    What to do?

  35. Re: grits – so, apparently the key to eating grits is to disguise the grits, as grits, using any available flavor that disguises the grittishness of the grits.


    Well, it’s just corn. I put butter, salt, and pepper on corn on the cob, too. And corn on the cob sucks without them.

  36. Toast, too. I like toast with jam, toast with butter, toast dipped in egg and cooked in a pan, toast with cheese in the middle…

    But just toast? No.

  37. OK, Denise, glad I heard back from you. As tempting as it is to shock people, always consider who is watching. Don’t ever let a journalist, especially with a camera, catch you doing that stuff.

    also, consider that encouraging friends to do this stuff in fun might give them the idea to do it when there is a journalist with a camera present. Then it messes up their life, they lose their job, then they turn against WN.

    So when you are giddy about the White Awakening, always look over your shoulder and heed Kievsky’s words of caution, and teach others to guard themselves too. Guarding ourselves is itself is a form of Mindweaponization — namely, Taqqiyah:

    The word “al-Taqiyya” literally means: “Concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time of eminent danger, whether now or later in time, to save oneself from physical and/or mental injury.” A one-word translation would be “Dissimulation.”[1] But it may be clearer to call it lying. Taqiyyah is uttering with the tongue what one does not believe in the heart.[2] Many Sunnis deny that it is an Islamic practice, but Shi’ites dispute this by arguing that it is integral to Islam. According to one Shi’ite source:

    Nine tenths of (the Islamic) religion is taqiyyah (dissimulation), hence one who does not dissimulate has no religion. (Al-Kafi vol.9 p.110)

    And as a contributor to this site has pointed out:

    al-Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (AS) [The Sixth Imam of Ahlul-Bayt] said:

    “al-Taqiyya is my religion, and the religion of my ancestors.” He (AS)
    also said: “He who doesn’t practice al-Taqiyya, doesn’t practice his

  38. I agree with HW on scrambled eggs with grits. That’s the only way I eat grits. A little bit of butter, a little bit of black pepper and you have a fine breakfast, dinner or supper! That’s the wonder of grits – they are great with any meal.

  39. I also eat corn with butter, salt, and pepper. My best friend lived in Georgia where he picked up “hillbilly corn.” You make it by wrapping corn with thick cut bacon and putting it on the top rack of your grill. Proved to be a favorite in Virginia.

  40. None of you know a damn thing about grits. Grits, scrambled eggs and grape jam is the way to go. No salt, no pepper and no butter. (Yeah, I made that same face you’re making right now just before I tasted the first bite.)

    I had ’em like that at a grit festival in some little town in southwest GA about 20 years ago and that’s the only way I’ve had ’em ever since.

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