Official: Santorum Wins Alabama and Mississippi Primaries


If Mittster wins Alabama and Mississippi, it is game over for Santorum and Gingrich. The polls show an extremely close race with Romney ahead in Mississippi and Gingrich ahead in Alabama.

Should I vote or sit out BRA’s elections? Is casting a vote for Mitt worth contributing to the defeat of Gingrich?

Note: Ron Paul lost my vote with his stupid comments on border security in Nevada.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Newt’s position on immigration and foreign policy compared to Romney’s position and the futility of voting for Ron Paul and his willingness to insult his former supporters and pander to illegal aliens by opposing the border fence decided my vote.

  2. I have already called in my connections and guaranteed a Romney victory here.

    It grieves me to be late. Mitt Romney kept me unduly long counseling on matters of state. Only my plea that this is the time and the place of my coronation obtained for me surcease from his prayers for guidance.


  3. I’m a little skeptical if those numbers on Drudge. Nevertheless, it would be stunning. I’d love to hear that sheboon Donna Brazile try to continue on with her “Romney can’t connect with the base” song & dance, if he actually does pull off a sweep.

  4. Can we all agree that Romney is a wild card? We really have no idea what his politics are going to be. He only seems sane and balanced compared to the two kooks?

  5. Not that he isn’t sane and balanced, but that doesn’t mean we know what his politics will be. We don’t really care because he is saner than the other two.

  6. In all likelihood, the “Man of the White Horse” will pick someone like Marco Rubio or Allen West as his VP candidate, and by this summer we will all be sitting here in the comments cursing ourselves for having voted for this empty suit.

  7. Hopefully, Romney will pick Gov. Bob McDonnell as his VP candidate, or Chris Christie, instead of listening to the Tea Party morons on Free Republic who want Rubio or West.

  8. I held my nose and voted for McCain. I don’t regret it. But I don’t think it’s something I can do twice.

  9. I tell you what — there seems to be a coordinated preemptive strike going on now in the mainstream media against the emerging white consciousness. I think it’s too late though.

  10. I’ll be sitting poolside this election. If it works out with Romney, great. But anyone putting an ounce of energy into this guy strikes me immediately as having an incorrect bead on the status quo. Obama will beat him.

  11. And, in all honesty, I just don’t want a Mormon President. Love Mormons, love what they do, find them intelligent, etc.. But people who knew better what culture was (and knew better who they themselves were) before we were born kicked their asses all the way out to Utah. Why? Because that’s some seriously kooky crap. At least I understand why Christian Zionists are screwed up — it’s a mistake that’s been happening since Christ. But Mormons and their dumb ass tablets? Nope.

  12. You vote for Romney and you’re admitting the faith of your forefathers was not enough to save their land. You’re admitting you failed. You are asking to be bailed out by someone of a completely different faith paradigm. How do you know what the payment will be? How can you take that gamble?

  13. Landshark and others, we simply must, MUST get over these petty prejudices that divide the remaining Whites still living on planet Earth.

    The non Whites in places like Zimbabwe, Haiti, Algeria, st. Louis, East St. Louis, Detroit, Camden, Memphis, Birmingham, huge sections of British and European cities – these hateful non Whites have ethnically cleansed, committed genocide against our people. The non Whites didn’t care what church affiliation the Whites had, neither should we.

    Look at Mitt Romney’s beautiful, very large White family, that and passing immigration grades and a quick look at Obama’s Attorney General and Supreme Court Justices should be enough for any sane White person.

  14. @Landshark

    You “sit poolside” because you don’t like Romney, and you’ll be complicit to what Obama does to white people for the next four years. Yeah, don’t vote at all. That’ll show ’em. Pull your head out of your ass.

  15. You vote for Romney and you’re admitting the faith of your forefathers was not enough to save their land.

    It wasn’t.

    You’re admitting you failed.

    You did.

    You are asking to be bailed out by someone of a completely different faith paradigm.

    Conservatives keep fearing that Romney might be an authentic traditional Mormon. He’s not, and they’re at absolutely no risk of him engaging in the sort of sweeping metapolitical changes necessary to rescue the Constitution as it hangs by a thread.

    How do you know what the payment will be? How can you take that gamble?

    A king’s ransom would be a bargain if the payment were in exchange for delivering us from the Jewish, third world, and global capitalist hydra.

  16. “A king’s ransom would be a bargain if the payment were in exchange for delivering us from the Jewish, third world, and global capitalist hydra.”

    But what tiny iota of Romney’s background gives you the slightest belief that he will do such a thing? To be honest, I had more faith in McCain, as strange as that sounds.

  17. I know there are good conservatives buried in the Republican establishment that would have been swept into power with McCain, as much a nutter as he is.

    Romney is a wild card.

  18. Romney will have to work harder to enable my suspension of disbelief. Perhaps if he gets the nomination.

  19. But what tiny iota of Romney’s background gives you the slightest belief that he will do such a thing?

    I stated directly that he will not do such a thing. He is not a “Mormon” as anti-Mormons imagine them to be. It would be nice if he were, but he’s not.

    To be honest, I had more faith in McCain, as strange as that sounds.

    That does indeed sound strange. Mitt’s a tried and proven manager. He’s not reliable on ideology, but ideology is useless without executive talent. Of the remaining candidates, his combination of ideology and competence is the least bad option for White Americans…in my opinion. It’s still a bad option.

  20. I do think overall it’s better for whites the faster it collapses. The sooner whites are forced to grab their bootstraps, the sooner they will regain the respect they deserve. When forced, we kick all other races’ asses. But we love to coast when we can.

  21. I don’t believe that Romney will rake our coals out of the fire. I do think there is less of a chance of a war with Iran and more of a chance that the border fence will be built than if Santorum or Gingrich were to win the nomination.

  22. Misread your post, Matt.

    I see your point.

    You know, one good thing about Romney is that I don’t see him having the balls to force the union to remain intact if secession becomes an issue.

    Obama would reach for the button with relish.

    That might actually be something I can grab onto.

  23. It is increasingly obvious that gas prices are going to keep choking down the economy. We knew this would happen five or six years ago. Global aging will also choke economic growth.

  24. I heard that Mormons love the Jews as the Chosen. That’s incorrect?

    I mean if you take Mormonism as the religious wing of Freemasonry and consider that Freemasonry is the secular wing of Judaism, what “bite” do Mormons have against the Jews? The hell do Mormons care about Jews or what they believe?

  25. I understand that in spite of all the talk, another QE will be forthcoming. They are just waiting for the carnage to begin, to peal off another layer. Then boom, some special program costing trillions in QE, and Obama is in.

  26. The problem with your logic Jack is Romney will do nothing to help Whites have their own large beautiful families. Romney, and everyone else running for the gop will do nothing to help Whites and will continue the same anti-White government policies has all the other POTUS since FDR

    In my opinion, Whites would be better off limiting the time they spend on politics and ramp up the time they spend getting ready for the bad times to come. Work more, pay down debt, make friends and plans, learn to ride, shoot and scout etc etc.

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